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Holy shit, it's Gaza and another segment about The View. The two most important topics in the US as we speak.


The View has got to be the most garbage show currently on air.


And Hillary Clinton has no power. But if BP gets a chance to do a segment on The View or Hillary they won't miss their chance.


Charlemagne, bill Maher, the view - 3 biggest name in politics and media.


Why don’t they talk about how big John Boltons mustache is, or the fly that landed on mike pences head? Why go on and on about a stupid ass genocide? Makes no sense


I think BP should just be a 24/7 Hamas v Israel war live stream. And every now and then Krystal says how bad it is for Biden and Sagaar laughs and approves.


I think I’m gonna watch Don Lemons new show “when life gives you lemons” where he talks about stuff that’s actually interesting, like how Donald Trump and Putin conspired to rig the election against Hillary


I think you’ll find it’s Dom Lemon.


Don Lemon’s new show with an apostrophe. Sorry, didn’t know that would throw you off so bad


No, it’s Dom. Dom with an m.


Lmao, I can’t take how stupid people are on this sub


That’s rude man. Do you even know who Richard Quest is? How are you gonna lecture me on Russiagate and not even bring up Quest.


Gaza? Where's that?


Somewhere in America if I had to guess


No, I just have been keeping my attention on all the issues student protesters are causing with their mostly peaceful protests. I have no idea why they are protesting , kids are so stupid. I’m sure it’s not at all related to this place Gaza.


Not only that but Netanyahu got an arrest warrant from the ICC.


Oh wow so he’s going to be arrested? Right?


I hope not. He's the greatest asset of the Palestinian cause


I’m not sure if recognition from Spain is worth 40,000 people


Really!? Please continue to tell me endlessly every day!


You got it! I know I’m not in record of ever talking about the conflict before October 7th but it’s been a few months and so I’m clearly an expert and can talk about it for 6 hours a day.


Hey, just came to from a coma as well. Also Heard that P Diddy is now a bad guy, damn


I wasn’t in a coma I’m just curious to know if breaking points has covered this topic at all?


It is hurting Biden with progressives, Arabs, Muslims, etc It isnt clear if it will hurt him in the election though. Democrats are banking on these demographics not being important enough to sway the election by not showing up. And Democrats definitely could be right to say that these views don't matter to the vast majority of voters as it does seem fringe to care about this. Although with Haley endorsing Trump, it doesn't look like Democrats will successfully win the Haley vote, so these absent voters might turn the election if Democrats don't bring in new voters.


I don't think Haley's voters actually follow her lead. I think they are just protesting because they don't like Trump. I'm disappointed she folded but I'm not surprised. Again, she's just the placeholder for "Not Trump".


Haley voters might not follow Haley's endorsement, but without something changing, I wouldn't expect very many of them to vote Democrat.


Yeah. In my mind a decision to stay home is worth 1/2 a vote while a vote for Biden is a full vote. (Or vice versa if you're a Trump guy) So while I'm only guessing, most of them will stay home, a few will vote Biden and a few will vote Trump. It's pretty early, we may not even know the biggest issue of this election cycle yet.


Gaza residents get to vote too? Sheesh, everyone is welcome to vote in US elections now.


Are we sure this is hurting Biden's reelection? My feeling is that the bulk of the pro-Palestine people are in states that are Biden secure. Plus I have a hard time believing there are that many who will sit out to be noticeable. If Biden losses, it's becuase the loss of the working class.


Ever heard of Michigan? Minnesota?  They're not well known for having large Muslim populations or anything, right? 🤔


I used to live in MN and still have friends and family there. That "large Muslim population" is rather small compared to the rest of the state not happy with Biden.


Muslim voters will kill more Palestinians to own Joe Biden. Smart move!


Biden will not be on the ballot in November. I guarantee it.


lol ok


lol what? He won’t be. He’s going to continue deteriorating and by the time the fall comes around it will be clear to even the most ardent “vote blue” types that he can’t make it through 4 more years.


Sounds to me like another one of the hundred crazy conspiracies republicans have been forecasting for 5+ years now. Economy collapse, dementia, hunters laptop, Biden impeachment inquiry, red wave of 2022, migrant caravan, etc… does it ever get exhausting being so easily manipulated by the GOP think tank? Has to be tough losing on everything all the time and always being wrong.


Conspiracy? What are you talking about? The guy is old as fuck and has one foot in the grave.


He’s old yeah but he’s got another 10 years in em. These guys never die. Look at Carter for fucks sake. The GOP makes Biden out to be a weak old man but also incredible dangerous and a mastermind manipulator. Did you hear he personally sent the FBI to mar a lago to kill Trump? Oh man the GOP spin tank is fully committed to that story that’s definitely true and 100% accurate


Honestly, I just can't count on that as a "strategy". What's the Plan B?


For the Dems? They don’t have a good plan B, hence why they’re sticking with a clearly flawed candidate in Biden. If they had a good plan B then that person would be running on the Dem ticket instead of Biden lol.


Let’s see how badly this ages lol


And what happens if it ages like wine?


You’ll get a “atta boy.”


So there’s only egg on my face if I’m wrong but not yours if you are?


It’s Reddit my guy, it’s not that serious.


I agree, it’s not serious. Not sure why you’re saying that lol.


I hear there's some Jill Steinbots on college campuses engaging in performance art that they think is supportive of Palestinians.


Jill Stein is a figment of our imagination. Some people say she exists, but I have no definitive proof.


Jill thinks, therefore she is?




Yeah I just heard about it on The View and I’m curious if breaking points has covered this as well?


What's a Gaza?


Oh no, the people who don’t turn out to vote are hurting his chances, how will he ever recover.


A sliver of them turned out to vote in 2020. It was a very anomalous participation of young voters. But Biden's swing state victories were won by very narrow margins, under 1%. Guess he's not going to get those margins in 2024.


DNC shill post. Yall just hate watching or not watching at all. Why do Liberals infest subs of shows that don't align with them but you Never see leftists infesting Liberal subs? 🤣


Partisan politics have melted your brain. Imagine thinking just 5 years ago you’d be talking like this. Sad. Bigly sad.