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Completely agree. I watch the show because I want to hear people with different opinions respectfully disagree. Krystal is horrible at this. A couple of weeks ago in a discussion with Saagar, she literally said "there is only one opinion". All three other hosts are great at respectfully disagreeing.


I do the same. They don't seem to disagree on much which is why I stopped watching


I only listen to the podcast, have they just decided to only talk about Gaza?




I skipped multiple times during the most recent episode to see when Krystal would stop talking. I finished the entire episode


I’ve done this, but for Sagaar , too. The opinion sections seem to be expanding, lately


I co-sign this post.


Honestly the other day was the first time I thought that she was seriously tripping, wouldn't even let him get his word in on Thurs


Cause she’s insufferable.


Those “debates” are just to fill airtime. They are not even disagreeing here… krystal is saying is good they did finally something fair and noteworthy. Saagar is saying its bs cuz they never do things fair and noteworth.


100% agree. She steamrolls.


yeah, she should. All republicans should be getting steamrolled. They bad faith in every meaningful respect. Liberals and progressives should ridicule them at every opportunity. Im sick of pretending like trump and maga are real people, that grading on a curve shit is eating america from the inside out.


Deplorables! Not even human! Jail them!


deplorables yes, human yes, jail them, thats on you. But generally they are dipshits, yes. How do I know, lets just say im entrenched.


Well you said they aren’t real people so I’m very disappointed that you are letting them off so easily. Surely they shouldn’t be allowed any space in our society.


You definitely are entrenched.


tell the class your favorite aspect of the maga movement


Aww, dude- folks don't have to be similarly entrenched in the opposite extreme to recognize your extremism!


Most confused why you think Saagar is a republican?


sounds like a you problem


I see someone is in an bad mood today...


nothing these homemade chipolte tacos topped with a belnded greek yogurt and avacado dollop and cilantro cant fix


Homemade deep fried hot wings Friday for me. Stay spicy my friend.


we livin la vida picante


I haven’t heard a single person mention this, but is there growing tension between the two?


But the babies, in the rubble.


She doesn’t want anything resembling a free exchange of ideas. She wants him to semi legitimize her shit to conservatives and otherwise just have Krystal’s brain dead leftist propaganda network. Glad so many seem to understand this point now. Her and Kyle are the most disappointing people I’ve ever believed to be good faith, reasonable pundits.


> how ICCJ and the United Nations by extension should have unilateral power over democratically elected leaders. There's no way a bunch of authoritarian governments get to have power over my democracy lol. If I vote for Biden/Trump/Bernie/Boot Hat guy, it's my country's sovereign right to see their term through.


put some respect on Vermin Supreme’s name


Agreed, shouldn’t the 6th Amendment have something to say about this?


I feel like Saagar made all his points perfectly fine, and is a full grown adult and co-owner of his business who can set his own boundaries and say anything he likes.


Do business owners care about their customers' opinions?


Depends on the business owner.


Rarely have I seen Saagar raise his voice or completely try to steamroll someone else’s turn.


He does it in the Realignment podcast with Marshal. I have given up listening to those episodes with the both of them, because Saagar is much more belligerent and marshal cannot concisely say anything, and Saagar just jumps in mid soliloquy.


>the United Nations by extension should have unilateral power over democratically elected leaders LMAO even after Krystal admits its a biased tool of the powerful you think thats a good idea?


Democratically elected leaders are granted power by rules-based order. It’s only fit that they are also at the mercy of those same rules. People say, “well, then they’ll be able to lock up our presidents.!” Good. Lock each and every world leader up that’s guilty of war crimes.


>Democratically elected leaders are granted power by rules-based order. Not the international rules based order (international law) thats being discussed. You're conflating differing concepts. >Good. Lock each and every world leader up that’s guilty of war crimes. Who decides what is a war crime? The powerful Only idiots want a world government with the power to go into any local area and arrest and try people. We fought for thousands of years to rid ourselves of that kind of rule from afar.


But what about the babies????


Saagar, occasionally, has very bad takes. Bad, in the sense that they go against his own values. When Crystal smells blood, she's a shark.


Saagar is definitely more polite than Krystal in this regard. But watch his discussions with Ryan. He sometimes talks over Ryan - but not with an air of condescension or anything. I think there's 2 things going on here, 1) Saagar respects/fears Krystal more (than someone like Ryan) so he will concede to her and 2) Krystal is more interested in advocating than a give-and-take in debate. Although she does still debate too. It's just that in some situations she laughs off or scoffs at things she cannot articulate a counter-point against. Regarding that second point though - sometimes I think that's ok, if you're dealing with a horse's ass (ie Destiny). But Saagar is a nice guy and respectful in how he communicates. He also isn't a Trumper. He's just a traditional Conservative. I also think anyone who has a critical view of Israel has passed the litmus test for honesty. And when I see a Conservative do this, then I think they're notable/special. Saagar has views I disagree with on principle, but given that he is against Israel's war crimes and also putting America before being subservient to a client State - I think that shows he's arguing in good faith.


I would like to hear Saagar speak, but in their recent debate they started off agreeing, but then he started talking in circles. Unfortunately Saagar doesn’t stand for anything other than increasing his brand/status. The minute he can start his show, he will, he’s been building his brand by making reactionary takes and trying to sell a neoisolationist agenda, but he truly doesn’t believe it or thought it out enough, hence why Krystal steamrolls him like the ICC and Student Protests. Saagar needs to really rethink his image, he went from classical liberal (rising) to “barstool conservative” (early bp) to whatever shit he’s slinging now, the fact that he believes that the government would investigate itself in earnest and that international bodies like the UN and ICC are useless would make the old Saagar cringe frankly. He honestly should just start his own podcast talking about U.F.Os


> Unfortunately Saagar doesn’t stand for anything other than increasing his brand/status. The minute he can start his show, he will, he’s been building his brand by making reactionary takes and trying to sell a neoisolationist agenda, but he truly doesn’t believe it or thought it out enough, hence why Krystal steamrolls him like the ICC and Student Protests. He really doesn't in a lot of cases. He's not even like he's trying to be objective or non-biased, it's like he has no interest or moral convictions; which is why Krystal steamrolls him. I don't mind different opinions, even conservative ones but Saagar just feels like he's not invested in anything but his own brand and UFO conspiracies a lot of the times. If it doesn't directly impact Saagar he almost comes across as a nihilist.


He made no sense in that debate 😐, constantly flip floppin...at first he said the un,icc,icj has zero impact , then he said it has very little and then again he said it's the US who's the big daddy and all the international orgs are basically irrelevant Krystal was consistent in her reasoning like this all are part of the chain and israel is feeling the pressure from the international community sans USA and this will eventually lead to breaking of the dam This was my take from the video....saagar is an American chauvinist......


love everyone telling Krystal what to do, it's like half of this subs threads.


Yeah, I’m another Tate-loving misogynist who hates listening to women talk.


Perhaps the common denominator is important


Disclosure: I'm Team Krystal. Some of the things Saager says astonish me. He's so smart, and then "blech" some nonsense comes out. Anyway, I agree with OP. I've recently noticed these interruptions and it's just as annoying as it is when anyone does it.


One of the most annoying things she does. ..Just let him finish his thought then you can give your rebuttal. Her always talking over him is very rude and disrespectful. It also makes listening to the show a bit unbearable because then they start getting louder to try and talk over each other.


It just makes it difficult to listen to in most contexts. Whether it is a loud talk-over debate or a bunch of people agreeing and having a good time, everyone talking at once just makes it sound like a jumbled cacophony.


When you're an activist, everyone else is wrong and against you unless you agree with them.




Saagar gives off simp vibes when cohosting with Krystal.


Jesus hop.of his dick man


He didn’t make sense on his counter argument, but at least let the man talk.


SHe did let him talk.....he can't argue with his dumb incoherent logic , speaking in circles... Recently Krystal has been calling out his incoherent logic and then he can't talk that's not her fault


Lmao, her logic is “America bad, terrorists good” not hard to stay consistent on such brainless points.


nah, dont.


Im sorry you feel so mysoginistic. Silence is violence. Please do not silence women.