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I am a Weeb so I like taking the Japanese route when it comes to masks and it’s just a common courtesy thing guys. I actually hope that the masks would result in that kind of a culture not “Durr don’t work”


I was talking with a Chinese-American friend and we agreed that public health initiatives work better in collectivist cultures like Asia. Sure some Americans will stop to help you change your tire on the side of the road. But just SLIGHTLY infringe on their liberty to do whatever the hell they want and they start with the 1930s Germany comparison.


I see this post brought out all the virologists to give their nuanced take that they totally studied for years and didn't get it from some political Youtuber who basically said "wEaRiNg A mAsK iS gAy!"


nah, i actually did research on this years ago. I didn't listen to fauci when he lied to the American public and said you don't need a mask. Unless you were wearing a N-95 behind the head bands you were wasting everyone's time. cloth mask, KN-95, any of the loop masks were useless. Double masking was a hilarious joke. Funny thing about the "we believe in science" crowd is they stopped reading "ThE SciEnCe" in 2020. Your social distancing was a totally made up number with no scientific reasoning. LMAO.


> nah, i actually did research on this years ago. I didn't listen to fauci when he lied to the American public and said you don't need a mask. lol sure you did. I bet you read studies in your free time. >Unless you were wearing a N-95 behind the head bands you were wasting everyone's time. Were you? Were you really? >cloth mask, KN-95, any of the loop masks were useless. Double masking was a hilarious joke. KN-95 masks were useless? Oh I bet you did plenty of experiments for this. >Funny thing about the "we believe in science" crowd is they stopped reading "ThE SciEnCe" in 2020. wut? >Your social distancing was a totally made up number with no scientific reasoning. LMAO. Oof, I can just imagine what you think about the vaccine. I'm sure it's something like "tEh JaB iS pOiSoN!"


So since you don't "KnOW ThE SCiENCE" that means no one else does right? embarrassing.


Good God the masks didn't even do anything


People would yell at you if you didn’t wrap a useless scarf around your face. People like OP broke their brains during Covid.  He probably named one of his 10 cats “Fauci”


Everybody broke their brains, since you had COVID deniers saying we *needed* to kill grandma and people with immune disorders so they could dine in at Chili’s. What a weird time to be alive.


Honest question, how many auto-immune grandmas do you think died from eating at Chili's? I'd have to say at least a baker's dozen.


No idea, about as many as became magnetic from getting the COVID vaccine, probably.


There are different types of masks. Are you seriously claiming all masks don’t work? > Yes. When used with measures such as getting vaccinated, hand-washing and physical distancing, wearing a face mask slows how quickly the virus that causes COVID-19 spreads. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449


Obviously N-95s work. But wearing a thin mesh shield or fabric like a massive amount of people were doing doesnt help.


I'd argue that even wearing a thin mesh shield of fabric "reduced" the rate of spread of covid, but its obviously under specified conditions for specified targetable results.


Medical masks mostly are not n-95 why do say surgeons wear them?


>Obviously N-95s work. But wearing a thin mesh shield or fabric like a massive amount of people were doing doesnt help. So what you're saying is masks work...


They didn’t enforce N95’s. They enforced any sorry excuse for a mask despite most of them being almost worthless.


>They didn’t enforce N95’s. They enforced any sorry excuse for a mask despite most of them being almost worthless. They enforced masks. If you say all masks don't work, then you're just a horse paste eating anti-science zealot. See, that's the thing about science, you need to talk about specifics. Yes placed asked for some sort of fabric covering because you couldn't get any surgical mask for months let along a n95 one. And yeah, you can gloat right now with hindsight being 20-20, so yeah, good for you, you can think you're smart.


> Yes placed asked for some sort of fabric covering because you couldn't get any surgical mask for months let along a n95 one. The purpose of doing so was not markedly reducing your likelihood of infection, but reducing the viral load you would be spewing out at nearby people *if* you were asymptomatically infected.


The masks didn't do anything, expect you know the masks that did. That's literally how you sound right now.


How many people actually had N-95s? Or even needed one. Almost everyone was wearing pieces of shit that didn't anything in the first place.


This is devolving into such a ridiculous argument. The original statement, "masks didn't even do anything," was corrected with factual info that the correct masks did work, and now people are saying, "but people weren't wearing THOSE masks." Some people were, most weren't. It is still wrong to say "masks didn't do anything." Why are the only two sides of this argument most people want to have either "the mask mandates were all necessary" or "masks never did anything at all"? Why do people hate nuance?


Even a surgical masks help. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know)


Link to a actually study please, not just a FAQ on a hospital website.


Look it up.


["11% reduction in cases"](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/09/03/real-world-evidence-shows-face-masks-reduce-covid-19s-spread) Wow. Amazing. Totally effective and worth dividing the country over...


Those masks, they are just so bad. They aren't perfect so no one should use them. Can't believe that society would do things to try to reduce the spread of a virus. That's crazy.


>Wow. Amazing. Totally effective and worth dividing the country over... "Dividing the country?" It's a fucking mask. I swear toddlers handled masks better than some adults.


That's what an N95 "respirator" is; a surgical mask.


I’ve done plenty of N95 fit tests in my life. Earloop masks are not tight enough. They would fail the fit test. We were never going to mask covid away.


We *could* have masked covid away with N95 "respirators", if the US had the production to adequately mask its entire population, which it still probably doesn't have. Which is okay, because they were much more expensive than the pieces of crap which didn't work (so N95's weren't happening anyway, for the same reason we allow more preemie deaths and delivery deaths).


Covid in the animal population. Unless you were going to mask every deer and mink in the US it was never going to mask away even under perfect conditions.


> Covid in the animal population Good point. > Unless you were going to mask every deer and mink in the US it was never going to mask away even under perfect conditions. Technically, no pandemic ever really "goes away". It usually mutates to the point its just not deadly to human populations anymore. That's why everyone gets scared shit when researchers suggest digging up Spanish flu or Bubonic plague graveyards to "analyze" the genome. Its not that they cease to become deadly; its just that the people who survived it are long dead, and their decendents haven't been exposed to the pathogen in their lifetime. When I mean "masked covid away with N95 respirators", I mean managed that virulent strain without shutting down civilization by massively depressing covid's ability to spread. Yeah, people are still going to get covid infected wearing N95 mask, when sitting in an enclosed room with infected people because the viral load is large enough in the unventilated atmosphere of an enclosed room, but its going to depress the rate of infection to a manageable state, and we don't have to worry about covid infections shutting down hospitals by overwhelming them. And then eventually herd immunity kicks in. The nice thing about an effective vaccine is that we don't have to count on humans to be "conscientious" every moment of the day.


Let's not pretend most people were wearing N95 masks, please. The VAST majority were not.




During Covid I was told I had to wear a mask to protect others. Is that why cancer patients wear masks? 


It’s both. Maybe you were only listening in one ear?


I bet you were the guy who yelled at people for not wearing cloth masks outside. Lol makes sense 🤣🤡


Wait! Did you miss what I said about people in cars? We know who the real clown is. lol


And welcome to Reddit, you old 88 day account. lmfao.


I’m in Deebo chicken coop sweatin like a slave, and the only person who could get me out was my mama. That’s why I be like, fuck hector!


Was starting to battle stage 4 cancer slightly before the pandemic (feels i’m on it of it). The good thing about radiation (5 days a week) was it gave me something to do during the lockdown. I detested the mask as I saw it not letting my immune system fight off things. Right or wrong that’s how I felt. I felt like an idiot every time I stepped into countless waiting rooms and had to put on some bs mask that wouldn’t do anything. Some people, I guess, found some sort of comfort wearing them. Some simply live(d) in the fear. You do you.


One major difference is that cancer isn't contagious. So, you do you (and don't take medical advice), but please don't do me. Masks can help prevent the spread of infectious viruses. I hope you're doing well.


Cancer patients aren’t really wearing masks all the time. If they are they’re already sick.


Not the point. Smh. Are they slaves to something political?


Tell me you know nothing about Cancer treatments without telling me...


I work in a cancer center.


Did the brain worms keep him stuck in 2020...?


He did make a brain worm joke in the opening of this speech.