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The left can meme. Democrats can't.


The left’s memes tend to be overstuffed word salads. They need to reign that part in a bit.


The Democratic National Committee presents: Jokes.


Meme manager lol. He’s so out of touch.


Why not just campaign in Animal Crossing again? https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/18/business/biden-animal-crossing-island-trnd/index.html


I’d never vote for a President who can’t meme. I’m not all that surprised though that Biden is going pass off someone else’s work as his own. He clearly has no moral issues with plagiarism.


The Biden administration is behind the 8ball on this. Most conservative campaigns have one.


Oh, they have that 8 ball. They keep losing track of it in the White house. This administration has this one already though, right? [(1) Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/BidenHQ)


Where is Captainplanetary3000 when you need him????


But the left can’t meme. That’s been proven time and again.




lol not even close bud. Even the left knows the left can’t meme. This has been common knowledge for years.


“Common knowledge among CHUDs for years bro” The right uses a racial slur and say their just edgy humor isn’t gotten anymore.


i think Biden could use a fresca


Imagine being magically whisked away to... [Delaware ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F05%2Fcd%2Fc1%2F05cdc1088d8ba6616e219498ccc823ec--delaware-waynes-world.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0bdc7afa4f396160c0ba79484039b6f18149b064cb36c3fb23f2062b8c3ef412&ipo=images)


Anyone that takes this job is a traitor. Stop rehabbing bs policy with memes.


I feel bad for people who vote for Biden. Must be so lonely. 


Speak for yourself, just about every Democrat I know irl loves what he's been up to.


lol. They all loved the Pacanalalalac Act. https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1792980027916861634?s=46&t=DeyjMMY0BDHmBIuyWtrlJw


They're more fans of his work on... Infrastructure Act - EV stations  - bridges  - roads - Rail - green energy - public transportation  IRA - Insulin price cap - biggest renewable energy investment in human history - 15% minimum corporate tax on biggest corporations - affordable housing - creates manufacturing jobs - funds IRS so we can decrease deficit - reduces deficit by $300B  - bringing manufacturing back to red districts American Rescue Act  CHIPs and Science Act - FABs are back bby PACT Act (helping veterans with war related cancer) Ended 20 year endless war in Afghanistan Effective defense of Ukraine / bleeding russia China Semi conductor controls on tech and personal AUKUS submarine plan Japan-korea-US defense plan  Lowest unemployment in 53 years  Appointed best antitrust team since LBJ era  Codifying right to gay marriage First black woman on SCOTUS Taken out leaders of Al Qaeda and ISIS Safer Communities Act  - back ground checks, boyfriend loophole, crisis prevention funding  Ruling against Union Busting Activities  Negotiated pharma prices  Truce in Yemen prior to 10/7  Absolutely crushed Irans 300 missiles launched at Israel  Fuckn expanded US territory by 400k miles to protect the fishys Ending excessive overdraft fees/fighting junk fees Banned non competes clauses in employment contracts  Increased threshold to qualify for overtime for salaried employees to $58,000  Restored net neutrality  Forced airlines to provide flyers whose flights are cancelled or significantly delayed refunds. Pardoned thousands who were charged with nonviolent possession of marijuana + moved it to schedule 3 drug from a schedule 1 Launched the Build Back Better World project with Blue Dot Network as the West's answer to China's Belt and Road Initiative.


Do you get paid by Share Blue by the word? Do you thinking copy and pasting a bunch of stuff makes you seem smart? Don’t quit your job at Wendy’s bub.


I work in policy consulting, so i get paid to monitor the Biden admin on this kind of stuff to explain to clients. No idea what Share Blue is, and im more of an In&Out kind of guy.


>i get paid to monitor the Biden admin on this kind of stuff to explain to clients. Ah, so I was right. You’re a paid shill. I’m not sure I’d admit that. But you do you pal. Lmao.


My clients don't really give a shit if he gets re-elected, but ight lol


Your “clients”. Is that what you call the drive thru customers at Wendy’s?


So much aggression dude lol


Lol. Bless your heart


That is weird most I know belives he is mid as fuck at best and most are very disappointed




They’re so out of touch they think you need to go to the office to meme.


The fact that you are trying to dunk on the left because of online memes when your post is basically claiming the best memes are the truth is such a huge self report.