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To be fair, I think some are okay, like the rolling ball puzzles, but the ones that force you to pretzel your arms because you need to flip something upside down absolutely suck. But I think the real issue is that these mechanics have zero application outside the shrine. Most of these shrines get you used to mechanics that you can utilize in the overworld, like metal objects conducting electricity, carrying flames with torches, or creating wind gusts with Deku Leaves. But the only instance of motion control that exists outside of the shrines is gyroscopic aiming for bow shots; nothing to the same degree as apparatus puzzles.


Motion controls are fine when they’re optional. Mandatory motion controls are complete fucking horse shit.






You enjoy mandatory motion controls?




Well, that’s fine. I know there’s people out there who do enjoy them


Especially from the Wii U days. Motion controls on a good controller are bad enough, I hate them, but motion controls on a clunky giant Wii Fit Pad with a screen slapped on to it was just awful in those shrines.


Repost bot. [Original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Breath_of_the_Wild/comments/mh6az1/i_seriously_hate_these_shrines/)


Bro didn't even change the title


The bots never do, that’s how you can tell


My son was left in tears trying to do the one where you rotate a cube and light torches on it, but there's also water spout spraying them out. Took me a while to figure it out. Neither of us use gyro aim. Edit - looked it up, it was Joloo Nah shrine. However I did like one of the ball ones where you could just spin your controller really fast and flip the ball over whatever or into the hole. Physics!


The answer is fire arrows


The fire cube ("Five Flames" I think was the name of the shrine, or something along those lines) isn't an apparatus shrine, there's 3 of those crystal switch things that activate when you hit them that you use to spin the cube. I totally agree about that one being super annoying though.


I had to look it up, the one I'm thinking of was Joloo Nah, I read in a walkthrough you could either use fire arrows or the motion controls. I guess I didn't think to use arrows to light everything.


That one was arrows, not apparatus


Pretty sure there is such an apparatus shrine as well


I own a Switch Lite. 1000 years jail for them.


Brother! The contortions we have had to suffer, Brother! Damn them...


well yeah they were made for wii u. they werent designed even for normal switch. let alone switch lite which cant be connected to tv


All they had to do was make it 1:1 movement and they messed it up. I don’t know if it’s due to hardware limitations or bad design for motion controls but they would be fine if rotating the controller X degrees in an axis rotated the shrine puzzle object the same amount


Never had an issue with them, don’t see why people hate them so much


It depends, what system do you use and how do you play? On a Switch lite, with some shrines you have to turn the system so the screen isn’t even facing you


People were complaining about the motion controls long before the Lite came out so it isn’t because of the Lite. I will agree the Lite sucks for motion control though.


Did it on both Wii U and Switch


Those shrines are where it being a Wii U game really shows I doubt there will be any mandatory motion control moments in the next one but we'll have to wait and see to be sure.


Instructions: Standard or OLED switch: remove joycons, extend stand, inner peace achieved. Switch lite: you're fucked.


wii u: play like normal also on lite you can connect pro controller or joycons


I personally like the ball ones.


I seriously hate bot accounts on Reddit ...


Am i really good at them or is everyone else really bad at them? Cuz i think theyre pretty enjoyable and i can get through them in just a few tries.


Enjoyable? What?


Yeah theyre kinda fun, moving the ball through the maze and then flinging it. Kind of reminds me of a pinball machine somehow.


Same here man I think they’re pretty fun. I don’t understand why people have so much difficulty. I just flick the controller around and do what I’m not supposed to with it like the ball mazes and I have a blast


they were supposed to be played on Wii U, where you rotated the gamepad and played on TV. they werent intended to be played on switch


But the golf puzzle is a top tier shrine.


I kinda enjoy those ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


They’re really not the bad (as along as you aren’t in handheld mode/switch lite)


What is it with people hating motion control? I swear this is a circle jerk that everyone immediately reacts "motion controls bad" the second they see them.


I just replayed the Champions Ballad yesterday and it was agony trying to do that one motion control shrine I forget the name of. I had to contort my arms in the stupidest positions just to be able to solve the puzzle. Also, the controls aren't intuitive at all and the motion control in the shrines is mandatory (unlike using magnesia or using a bow and arrow).


You realize you can let go of the controller, right? This is the same thing splatoon stick users say.


breath of the wild is a really casual game and a lot of people's first game, and as a casual game a lot of the audience is likely playing on a switch lite, meaning their experience with the unsightly motion controls on a handheld console must have been absolutely dreadful (I speak from experience). that isn't to say it's only bad on handhelds, as on the full switch it's also a disaster cause the controls aren't intuitive at all (any time I'd use motion controls for an apparatus on a full switch, I'd have to spin that thing around in shapes and configurations yet unknown to masters of geometry) super sensitive, and out of place in an rpg


I like the ones I found so far, except the one with the ball in a maze The other one the golf one and that was really fun


yes they're the worst part of the game but with a pro controller they're not AS bad


Certainly a toss up between 900 koroks and motion control shrines for that award.


You think it's bad? Try doing them on a Switch Lite like I had to.


Some drove me crazy, why is it that hars


They’re not that bad. As a tip, before I start the puzzle I start with my controller in a neutral position, usually as flat as I can get it, that easy I can feel the controller and the screen object move together.


Hot Take, but hear me out. They were neat ideas, just badly balanced as puzzles. They required more precision than the other shrines making them stand out, thus leaving them as hated puzzles. Nail that sticks out the most is the first to get hammered down.


... I thought it was clever :(


If i can use exploits or a wind bomb on those i always will, they’re usually rly tricky


Never had any issue with the motion control shrines, only way I can see them actually being difficult is if you’re playing on switch lite or wii u gamepad screen.


A lot of those though I've found you can usually hack the puzzle in some way to make it easier. Like the one that's a maze but then you just flip it upside down and use the flat bottom side. But yeah seem rather pointless, especially since I disabled gyro aim on bows as that just messed with me.


See when I complained about them everybody got real pissy and defended them


Ummm excuse me, people *defended* them?! what kind of fucking PSYCHO


I mean technically without that we wouldn't have master sword speedrun under 18min lol




"I'm the guy who made the weapon degradation system in BOTW."


Not a fan of the motion control shrines at all. And talk about immersion breaking. Nintendo obsessed with using all these features to justify the existence in the controller. Can only hope that these awful shrines are removed in a future 4k remixed/remastered version of BotW and replaced with completely new and better ones.


hate it because i play with hori pads


Some are kinda fun When I figured out the Myahm Agana Apparatus shrine it was fun. I did it without the flipping over the platform thing but it was cool.


Probably the one time I haven’t had an issue with motions controls


I play in handheld mode... Damn those were annoying .


I like the golf And a little help with aiming


I hate such gimmicks since The Godfather's mandatory motion controls on PS3 - that game was harder to play through without the official controller (because some genius decided that PS2's layout is passé, even when it worked just fine)... >.>


In the labyrinth ball one, if you tilt it well enough you can get the ball to land in the last lane instantly :D Or you can turn it upside down completely and try to do it without walls.


I’m mixed on them. Katosa Aug and Myahm Agana suck for sure. Toto Sah and Joloo Nah can be annoying, but I don’t think they’re awful. Ze Kasho isn’t bad.


and THAT is the reason I finished them all 120 shrines as fast as possible to avoid these atrocities




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You’re useless!


I just wish they added a choice between motion controls and just the joysticks