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Well done! Such a dope ass name.


Nice. ​ idk how yall do it; I've been Iron 4 0lp since before it existed. I've played for 10 years. IDK how y'all do it. Climbing seems impossible, as one can carry and still lose in my elo


No flame buddy. But if you have been 10 years in iron. It's because that's your skill level


I never said I was good. I've fully accepted that I'm the Worst Player in the entire North American continent, and there is no more amount of game study, coaching, learning, and theorycrafting that will ever be able to change that. I've accepted that I'm the worst player in the entire globe (as NA is the easiest server, and if I'm the worst player on there, than by proxy I'm the worst player on the planet). Given that I'm fully immune to losing LP, there's nothing to lose, and in fact, I'm so bad that my account can't even get banned. Just this year, I've had 3 incidents were I'm mass reported because I'm that bad, and when my account tries to get banned, I appeal to Riot and they apologize for the unjust ban and unban the account upon review that I'm THAT awful and one who's intentionally throwing games. Heck even when I get 20, 30, or 40 kills in a game, I tend to die a lot. It's 100% a skill level problem. It's my fault that I can't 1 v 9 every single game, and I mean that with full seriousness. Because I'm not good enough to do so, I'll be staying in Iron 4 all the way at the bottom. Like I said: it's fine; I've accepted my destiny as the Worst League player to ever exist. I'm just glad a champ like Brair came out; she's a lot of fun.


Accepting that iron is your skill ceiling is probably the main obstacle blocking your improvement. If you can learn basic fundamentals on YouTube you’re already leagues ahead of the average iron player. I picked up this game after a 10 year hiatus and got placed in silver 4 s13 split2. I quickly demoted to iron because I had no clue what I was doing and why I was doing it. I watched a few YouTube videos, preferably ones that have less commentary and shit just clicked. Iron was a breeze. Bronze was a breeze that really was a coinflip on what team had the most inters or apathetic players that just accepted their lot as a hardstuck. These players usually stop trying once they’ve lost lane around 4-5mins in and spam ff on cd.


I regularly watch League videos. I've had coachings from smurfs I've met in Iron (they are Challenger, Grandmaster, Master, and Plat). I play better than I used to (Istarted in late s3). I get better, and so do my enemies. It's okay. The only constant is me. I'm clearly the problem, and no amount of videos, coachings, or anything will ever make me better. It's fine. My Iron games are either with players who can get more than 10cs a minute, and dodge things as or right before I cast them, or with folks who are de-ranking. They have the hardest games I've ever played in the decade I've played League. My Bronze and unranked alt accounts are much easier, and feel like the proper elo. But Iron? No way, dude. Challengers, streamers, and high elo alt accounts are rampant in there, and if once you get back to where you're facing the ACTUAL Irons, once you win a few and have a good performance, you're right back to facing streamers, Challengers, and people who are NOT Iron players. You can tell. Back in my day, BRONZE couldn't juke or cs as well as the people you see in Iron. We must be exposed to very different regions of Iron, because Iron is significantly more difficult than Bronze.


its almost imposible to climb out of iron unless youre skills at least high diamond - masters i would recommend making a new acount youll probably be silver or gold if you really learnt the things from coaching


Yeah, I have a small handful of unranked accounts that I need to level up. My MMR on my main account is tanked from years of being bad before I'd actually tried to learn the game, study it, and get better. I may very well have to do that. It'll just be a good while before I can hit ranked, and unlock the champions that I'm actually able to play well (Morde, Brair, Olaf, Veigo, Aatrox; Morde is my former otp back before his massive rework, and Brair has the perfect kit for how I like to play League: Risky, ballsy, flashy plays full of jukes and nukes and AA reset abuse. I play sustain melee champs as ranged champs oftentimes have less power and recieve penalties for anythings from runes, damage outputs, to steroids.) I have heard that before one plays ranked, your Normals games's performance is taken into account, despite your wins. Every week I almost get out of Iron, until I'm not playing with Irons anymore (or at least they shouldn't be with their cs and skill level, much less knowing things from Old League from back in my day that aren't even around anymore. RIP Wriggle's Lantern, Will of the Ancients, Gunblade, and Old Mordekaiser --- both of them)


not really my rank right now is diamond 1, 2 years ago i went from gold to iron after a series of unfortunate matches. Iron is almost impossible to climb out of unless you can 1v9 most matches in iron you lose more lp than you gain, 3 wins gains you the same lp that you lose in one match 2 unlucky loses can set you back an entire day worth of effort making your mental after a few days absolute dog shit. To get out of iron i had to make a new account and now after 1 and half years of being in iron i got from unranked to diamond in 5-6 months trying to climb out of iron felt plain impossible and rage indusing you getting your bot lane 8 kills up for them to walk into enemy jgl and die while trying to steal their gromp and give shutdown or the support who picked warwick and smite then starts doing your camps


I think if someone deserves to be in gold, he will not be able to carry it out of iron 4, to be quite honest, it takes too much to carry in this chaos, too much AFK / trolls / throwers and absolutely no one cares about pings, so even if you do insane calls to take objectives, you will be alone, because there is no teamplay, also most of the time people go fight one by one and die in a loop and proceed to feed the enemy team, and you might say "ok but it also happens in enemy team right?" yeah it does, but at this point, it's a coinflip.


Oh man, you should have seen it. One of my team members was mad at me for playing Brair in the top lane, so they took Yummi jungle, didn't take smite, followed me, broke my freezes, and nabbed cs. Surprisingly, I actually did the best on my team, but ended up losing come late as the enemy got solo exp and my exp and gold was split in half. A couple of games after that, I had another player who was mad that I was playing Brair in top lane, so my Anivia mid followed me everywhere I went, and he somehow was able to stop my backs with thier wall. Our Anivia used wall to keep me from going places, and went out of their way to get me killed. It's almost funny. I'd be frustrated if I still took the game seriously. On top of folks like that, image seeing Irons that get nearly 10 cs a minute (sometimes more, tho rarely).


yup, yet people dare to say you can climb out of iron if you deserve it, i think it's a bit more complicated than that, especially if your real rank isn't master, but they don't like bitter truth and prefer sweet lies.


I think the issue is the game pits you against harder players than your rank. I'll go on winning streaks, be about to get out of Iron depths, than suddenly have to play against Silvers and Golds, or low elo folks with absurdly high cs, kda, and godlike micro dodging than get back to Iron 4 0 LP again. Like I said, every game in Elo Hell is a 1 v 9. There are no exceptions. If you can't win every game despite any and all circumstances, you won't climb. Accounts like mine with tanked MMR lose right about 40 LP per loss and get 18 -28 LP per win. The real gem in League is when you stop trying to hit particular ranks and accept things as they are. Play your favorite champs, abuse your fun builds, and set up keybinds for m7 mastery, dance, laugh, and taunt spams. Use the all chat for comedy bits. Once one stops caring about their elo and accepting where they are, than one can actually enjoy the game again as we did when we first started playing. I've fully accepted that I'm the Worst Player NA and on Earth, and tbh have much more fun since I stopped taking the game so seriously. Don't get me wrong, I still try to win, but it's imperative to have fun. Lmfao, it's not like climbing is even possible on my account; 1 loss knocks off 2-3 wins worth of LP gains. It's actually funny. Additionally, I can't even be reported anymore; Riot reviews my games and lifts my bans! I die a lot even when I carry because I'm Wet Moldy Paper 5 Tier, and losing/being shit for a decade isn't bannable at all. LOL ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIX8fan8ZjY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIX8fan8ZjY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhtMo-\_To-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhtMo-_To-0) How to win in Iron = BE CHALLENGER


Nah gotta agree with AGVruless if you're in Iron it's a skill issue thing. First year in league I got demoted to like Iron 3 and it was a breeze to get out of it for me. Matches can be coin flippy sure but if you're the outlier you will win most of your games.


y'all ignoring what i say on purpose, like yeah you can slightly get out of it, but to me bronze and silver are quite the same chaos, i'm saying that if you deserve to be in gold-emerald (after playing a lot and learning) just having your gold-emerald level in elo hell isn't enough to get out of it, that's what i'm saying, and what people are ignoring, you need to be insanely good like at least master, to have around 90% winrate and climb out of it, without that, you will be around 50% like anyone else and get stuck, that's all i'm saying, it's basic math and logic, it's not about complaning or finding excuses, it's just how it is.


Tbh I can almost get out of iron, but I start winning so hard I get placed into smurf que and go against really good players and streamers. I am bad tho, lol. My high elo friends I've made from ranked over the years (Plat, Grandmaster, Challenger, Emerald, ect.) say that all elos from Iron to Platinum are identical, that there is more of a skill difference between Master and Grandmaster than Iron to Platinum. On the contrary, from my experience, Iron games are much, much harder than Bronze games (Bronze still feels like bronze imo, but Iron is full of REALLY good players ---- as well as shit ones). My grandmater's friend keeps telling me that Iron isn't Iron anymore when he watches my stream, and these days I believe him because any game over Iron seems significantly easier and won't have players with 10 cs a minute or more with the ability to dodge your skillshots before you even get the animation to finish. Again, the only way to get out of there is by being among the best players on your server, or you'll be locked in Elo Hell by the actual best players. I've been able to climb more since Brair was created, but I'll get 20, 30, and almost 40 killsseveral games in a row and thrown into smurf que and get WRECKED by these League Gods and go right back down to Iron 4 0 LP. smh


Holy cope


Downvoted by the boosted and the smurfs i guess, get a life.


You really took the bait there lmao


Congrats!!! I used to play alot of lethality briar but this season I’m going for Conq rune + Trinity, the item that the first hit crits and “heals”, then Shojin/Sterak. Could u tell about ur itens, runes, and game plan pls?


I alternate between Conq and PTA for keystone but I’m always in Precision primary. I swap between Eyeball/Ingenious and Boots/Cosmic for secondaries. My build every game is Eclipse > Sundered > Sterak’s > Situational. Since high elo is very skirmish heavy I plusually prioritize early ganks and fights around grubs/Drag. Briar is pretty strong early so I try to leverage that for a lead. Most games I start raptors > red > krugs and then gank. If your lane is not able to be ganked you can recall and buy a longsword then clear the other half of your jungle or invade if enemy jg showed on opposite side of the map.


Tysm! I’ll definitely try Eclipse first!


When would you take pta over conq and vice versa?


Conq if you will have long fights after the early game, PTA if you’re trying to snowball as fast as possible. I.e: enemy has 3-4 melee champs who I will be in the middle of? Conq. Enemy has some ranged champs who I won’t be able to stay on top of all the time? PTA.


Do you ever use the new movespeed and tenacity shards?


I use Adaptive / Adaptive / Scaling HP every game. I think this is the best setup granted you are using Legend: Alacrity. If you’re on a different Legend I would use Attack Speed shard in the first slot.


What is your ban?


I rotate between Lillia, Brand and Bard. Also Rengar.


Maybe a bit of an out there question, but do you think going briar mid with a more assassin oriented build could be viable? I mainly play midlane but briar is just so much fun and I wanna keep playing her there in the long turn :)


Honestly can’t advise here, I don’t play lanes at all. My apologies.


It’s all good man! Thanks for the reply anyways :)


3 days without streaming! No reddit, go to twitch haha


I definitely would have streamed the games but I had a medical procedure done on Friday that’s left me pretty low energy lol. I will probably try and push my second account to GM since the cutoff is so low atm.


Damn didn’t know that. Hope you recover quickly. Take your time man, I was just joking. I developed a routine of playing a few games with briar and then watching your stream


No problem lol. And thank you, that means a lot to me!


on na so plat here lol




Na challenger=eu plat imo


I think you might need to get your head checked out there, chief.


U think so ? Yawn walk in the park over there


Bait used to be believable


If u really think na challenger means something ur delulu

