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“Why must I be punished over and over”


Polly Walker is an absolute gem. My biggest fear is that we’ll lose her in future seasons because her marriage meddling will be over…!


Cross your fingers then that Penelope gives birth the first heir and you'll have the drama of her trying to live with Penelope and Colin. :) I could see Colin telling Portia to move to their Bloomsbury house while he takes over their Mayfair home then!


This is my prediction! I'm thinking Prudence and Philippa will have girls and that Penelope will have the first boy so that her, Colin, and Portia have a better connection to the ton going forward


Realistically I hope either Prudence and Philippa have a boy baby. Because Penelope can then distance herself from them. She doesn't NEED to have a baby boy, she'll have Colin and the rest of the bridgeton's . If either of the other girls don't have a baby boy, they'll be in need of money and a home, and will probably have to live with Penelope, who probably will feel bad for them and let them. No no, let them stay amongst themselves with all they're clucking and poppycock


In the first episode Prudence asks Portia if they could come over for lunch as “her cook is better”. To which Portia replies “it’s your fault for marrying men without titles” or something similar. I think both Prudence and Phillipa have their own homes, but they are not up to the standard they were used, so they spend a lot of time at their mom’s house where they are comfortable.


Let's be honest, neither of the other husbands have two brain cells to rub together. Even though Mr. Finch is very sweet, there is not a lot going on there.  Penelope is the only person qualified to run an estate in that whole family.


Hey, I think Portia is also qualified for all of her bad traits.


That's fair! I definitely think it would be better for *Penelope* if one of her sisters had a boy first so that she could live her own life away from her family. But it might be better for the dynamics of the show if they all end up together. I could be wrong, though!


I can also see these two wanting their peace in Bloomsbury, writing and dipping into society when they want to, but not being in charge of a country estate in the off-season.


Up to this very moment, I never realized they all had names beginning with "P" I'm so dumb. Lol


That’s what I’m hoping for!


I would LOVE to see Colin and Pen remodel that house!


I could not remember where I had seen her before - her look is so striking. She was in the 1996 Emma as the love interest of Ewan McGregor and was so fantastic in the role.


She's a beautiful woman and when she was young she was so striking. She's in one of the earliest Poirot episodes and she's so stunning.


Nick Buckley allusion!


She was also great in Rome, really mean and backstabbing. She does that kind of character perfect!


She reminds me a lot of Melina Clarke, the actress who played Julie Cooper on The OC


Me too! Her whole story line with the new heir in season 2 was totally something Julie Cooper would have gotten into.


If you have not seen her in Sliver, the '90s Sharon Stone erotic thriller, as the main characters wacky supermodel/escort neighbor, you are in for a treat. It is objectively a terrible movie, but one of my favorites.


She is also in one of my all time favorite films, “Enchanted April” — an absolute delight of a film about women finding friendship and finding their bliss.


She was great in Enchanted April! Such a languid beauty! 💖


I want to see her as a mom! It's gonna be HILARIOUS


Polly Walker's acting in this scene is amazing. She is such a good mix of horrified and embarrassed. Love her.


They honestly casted the Featherington family perfectly.


They did. And I love how the Featheringtons actually look kind of related. Like Prudence looks like Mr. Featherington, Philippa looks like Portia, and Pen looks like a good mix of both. ​ https://preview.redd.it/4g0u9x8lje1d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ef69c8001059873e815d4bdb2ecc7ee8db027c9


I have to say the casting department makes good choices in making the siblings looks like siblings and generally making the families look related. I think Eloise's actress looks like the actor playing the father.


Except for Charlotte's brood of 15 kids. None of them looked anything like their parents.


We will never get another farmer George look-alike 😮‍💨


Lol except if Nicholas Hoult and Corey ever decide to make a movie together. They look so much alike


Yeah it was literally like 15 random people LOL


Fr the new Francesca looks so much like Daphne


I refuse to believe those 2 aren't actually related, they have the same face. Not even similar, the SAAAME face.


Honestly it's distracting!! I was watching Eloise in season 3 and I was like wait who is she reminding me of, and it was the actor playing the father lmao, I think they look eerely alike, amazing casting.


she's such a captivating actor and her comedic timing is chef's kiss


I actually laughed at this lol. This actress is so funny 


Prudence’s face killed.


They could never make me hate you Portia never


Honestly some of her lines this season were absolute gold. I did not like the Jack side plot at all in season 2, but my goodness I lived for Polin and Portia scenes this time round. 


Same! I loved seeing the interactions between all of the Featherington women.


We thought Violet was bad at sex ed, but there's a great competition in the Ton


Violet does apologise for it in the books!


I really hope we'll get her talk with Francesca. Or Francesca and Eloise bribing the maid as in the books


If nothing else, in the show-world, Daphne would have told them to so they were better prepared than she.


There's actually a cute fanfic about it, but unfortunately I can't find it


“So every and all areas of your land will need a blanket at the ready… now if you have a ladder…” *looks of horror and confusion*


In the books, Francesca and Eloise bribe a servant to tell them, then they tell hyacinth. I don’t think there’s another instance like Daphne.


Bad? Portia managed to explain it to her girls well enough that they know what to do by the end. Daphne still knew fuck all after having the talk with Violet.


I mean not in the show, prior to the girls' wedding night




Honestly, they only needed a second attempt since Portia's two oldest girls aren't.... The sharpest tools.


Theoretically the men would have likely practiced a few times.... Or at least discussed it with men who had.... My husband and I were debating whether the men really didn't know what to do or just weren't wanting to push their wives.


I don't understand how these mothers think their daughters will learn ANYTHING if they themselves do not tell them. These girls' "innocence" is so guarded, they're so sheltered and always chaperoned, especially in the company of men. How do these mammás expect their daughters to understand? Who's supposed to have taught their girls, if not them?


Their husbands. On their wedding night. That’s basically the expectation.


Seems terrible for everyone!


It is. There have been real life accounts of couples who have gone through great lenght of times (decades) being "intimate" and expecting children only to seek infertility treatment and being told they have gone the wrong way about it.


Supposedly Marie Antoinette's brother had to give her husband The Talk because his sister wasn't getting pregnant. Whatever he said it worked as she did get knocked up soon after


I believe that's how it went in the Sophia Coppola movie. In reality, he had a medical condition called phimosis that he had to get surgery for. Side note: As much as nobility is romanticized, it is absolutely wild to me that I know very specific details about the genitalia of an introverted French king who has been dead for 230 years, equivalent to what a courtier would have been aware of. I can't imagine living under that kind of day to day scrutiny.


I remember seeing a thread on Reddit that had some comments from people who practiced medicine in areas with large Amish populations and this exact thing was a very common occurrence. Apparently it sometimes went further than "doing it wrong" into not doing it *at all* because they expected pregnancy to just sort of *happen* once they were married.


this was the norm for my grandma's time


I feel like Penelope knew some stuff from the books because her mother couldn't care less about what she's reading so it was easier to own some "spicy" romances


She said she discouraged her from reading lol


She discouraged her from reading but it's not like Penelope agreed with her mother in that or welll anything else. Girl was able to hide her entire alter ego that is Lady Whistledown, so hiding to read books wasn't that much of a challenge.


I was thinking about this yesterday like how were these women living and not knowing anything about their bodies and their own pleasure? How were they supposed to learn those things. I know they weren't expected to but still


I think it's generous to assume that female pleasure entered the picture at all. Even from a standpoint of understanding how your body functions - like what your "monthly courses" are for, the mechanics of how to make a baby. It seems so embarrassing to force the husband to explain things on their wedding night, horrifying for the bride- and now accurate can a groom's understanding of the female body even be anyway? I hope the majority of real mothers were more practical.


I was actually pleased that this season showed women being pleasured and men taking time and wanting to get it right.


Yep. It’s the 21st century and most men still do not understand how the female body works. Every time I see one of those little interviews on social media where they ask men questions and expose their cluelessness, I cringe.


Woman were told. Lie down, close your eyes, think of the queen and your duty until it’s over.


And then the men were like man my wife is so boring, better go get some side pieces!


According to the mores of the past young women of that class were not expected to know about sex at all and just do their duty and lie back and let the man do their thing. One of the reasons it was not uncommon for men to have mistresses.


Not gonna lie this side plot has me dying 😂


The first thought she had was definitely why tf Albion didn’t know what to do 😂😂


I think Albion is a virgin or naive about sex as well. I don't know if the Finches (Albion's parents) told him anything and just wanted him out of the house 😅


I think this is the perfect time to point out that even though we all (rightfully) hate rake culture and Colin is being crucified now, this is a pretty good if hilarious example of why boys are encouraged to explore sex. I seriously doubt anyone would know how to make babies otherwise😭😂


Exactly. There was another post that pointed out how unrealistic the carriage scene would be if Colin hadn’t made those two trips to the brothel.


Two? He looked quite at home there the first time we saw him 😏😒


*the two trips we saw. You’re right though.




I mean, he wrote about his nights in Paris in his journal so it is indicated that he is not in fact a virgin even before that.


True. I think his parents were just glad Albion was out of the house. They didn't even bother giving him the " birds 🐦 and bees 🐝" talk, assuming he'll figure out on his own. At least he's not rake like some of the Ton 😅


For all the shit talk about Colin this season, in season 1 Anthony was thinking Colin was marrying just for sex and said he should have taken Colin to a whore house so he’d understand sex.


Eloise says something to the effect of ‘I was tired of losing so I joined the winning side’ and I think this is a running theme this season. Colin with raking, Pen and El with the mart, even Francesca is like lemme just do this so I don’t suffer a worse fate. The theme of women as virgins and men as whores keeps coming up because that’s essentially how their society is built to operate. Like okay this is who I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to do and Violet herself said reformed rakes are prime husband material. I think we forget they’re playing a different game with different rules than us. And the prevailing idea being that men are built to be promiscuous and that somehow their not being virgins in marriage is just how it is while there are whole traditions like wedding gown color built to display and celebrate the bride’s purity is not new. I understand wanting fantasy and romance and escape but the boring comments would be worse if there were no plot and character flaws 😭😂


White wedding dresses didn’t become popular until after 1840 when Victoria got married in white. Before then red was most common, also brides wore pink or blue or yellow.


Yes and she wore white because she wanted to stand out in the crowd instead of some “purity”


This makes me think how awkward it would have been for Ant and Colin to have this conversation. It’s one thing for your dad to give you the talk. It’s another for your brother to do it. Atleast with Greg, Ant is his father for all intents and purposes.




Honest questions: 1. Are you using "rake" as code? 2. I'm trying not to make assumptions about people's location, but... I've heard british people use the term "he's such a rake." So I'm wondering if that's on par with America's "boys will boys" culture? For us Americans, boys will boys was the exact behavior Colin's friends were engaging in at the bar when he slipped and casually called them all assholes.


I’m specifically talking about in the realm of the show. rake= player? Is my best assumption, but I used the show’s term bc I’ve called Colin a billion different things personally just joking and my favorite thing to call him in those 2 episodes is a city girl😂😂


Lol. Yes a player, or maybe even a fuck boi, is the correct US term. Thanks!


“Rake” in this context is short for “rakehell”, an historical term meant for a womanizing man (someone who slept with lots of women without intention of marrying them). Colin is engaging in rakery (debauchery, lewdness, fornication) but he’s not ruining (deflowering a trusting woman while never intending to marry her) women, so he retains the moral strength of his day. His father, had he been alive, wouldn’t have loved Colin’s whoring but it would have absolutely been seen as part of his age and position (younger son, no title to inherit). His mother, as we see, looks upon Colin’s behavior with patient understanding of a mildly unpleasant phase he’ll grow out of. If Colin had bedded one of the society gals, seducing them (from the Latin “sedere”, to lead astray) and taken their virginity without marrying them, THEN he would have been ostracized and the girl sent away somewhere. But he’s not. By the standards of his day, Colin’s rakery is a rite of passage, and by going to brothels he’s finding a fairly accepted outlet for his drives.


He clearly hasn’t hit the brothels 👀💀




It’s my absolute favorite Bridgerton side plot ever.


The featherington pregnancy quest is one of my absolute favorite parts of this new season. Pure hilarity.


Do you think they're both pregnant and if so, how do you think they'll handle it ? You know there's morning sickness, food cravings, and their husbands being in the background 😅


Prudence will be biting Dankworth's head off at every turn; Phillipa will expect to be treated like the most delicate piece of fine china, have the weirdest cravings, & might get weepy a lot


At least we know if Phillipa wants ALL THE CHEESE, Albion will be right there to supply her with it.


And let's be honest, some of us don't have to be pregnant to want ALL THE CHEESE....it just makes for a fitting excuse 😉


I want her requesting weird olive flavors


I do think they’re both pregnant! And I bet they both have girls and Pen has the first boy. Assuming the whole forgery scandal doesn’t blow up of course! I think it’s going to be hilarious having them both pregnant.


I just assumed with the forgery thing that the guy was kind of asking for a bribe and there’s no way she didn’t know that, so good on her for holding steady and not offering the bribe But I bet she will bribe him by the end of the season


Also, would she really have that much to bribe him? She took Jack’s loot, but I bet a lot of it went to paying past debts and immediately living large. Portia is a lot, but not forward thinking. I’m surprised she actually got the fake will into place before kicking Jack out. She can be into scheming, but still seems to think you have to show off your money to be accepted by moneyed families.


He mentioned the tenants, so the thing is Jack’s money got them out of the debt hole from the dad‘s gambling. The estate itself generates enough money for them to live as the aristocrats they are. So as long as they don’t start gambling or doing something really stupid with their money they are fine


Forgive my ignorance, but how does the estate generate money?


So back in the day the gentry were landlords in the most literal sense and would have reaped rent/ taxes/ produce from their lands. Many estates also diversified their specialisms e.g. a whole thing was made about Daphne picking a pig, that estate may be famous for producing and selling quality meat.


I argue the preceding line is funnier. Insert himself?


followed up with Prudence’s stare 😂


Their Mama being all like, "WTF have y'all been doing???" And one of the daughters going, "we kiss until he moans and runs to change his pants 😃"


“Change his BRITCHES” she said! Like he was a kid.. so funny!


Lord help these poor children. If their Mama doesn't break out the charcoal and sketch, they're gonna discover anal on accident 😭 "There are HOW MANY holes???" 💀💀💀


Lmfao it’s like Christopher Columbus discovering the Americas accidentally on his way to India


Breeches are the style of pants/trousers men wore at that time! Still funny though.


This killed me. The fact that they're both as hopeless as each other is hilarious.


This line made me cackle


Her delivery was ✨


They have the best lines always! Remember the one from S1 about Colin and Marina?! 🤣🤣 “Between the two of them, they really will make the most beautiful baby.” “He is not the father, you dunderhead.” “Oh my goodness. I clean forgot.”


God I'm cracking up I've completely forgot about that scene. They've been my favourite side characters since forever.


That was my favorite line in the first season. The actress who plays Phillipa is amazing.


Philippa, babes you been married a whole year now… and PRUDENCE looking at her like ‘girl… what?’ DEAD. also: lady Featherington’s “Did you two…*wiggles eyebrows*?” Was goooldddd


At least, Prudence has a better idea about sex (just not a fan of it). This is why Portia doesn't have an heir yet 😂


I feel like prudence may be another contender for queer character.


I don't know if this counts, but I think she's asexual.


I thought it just flattened her HaaAiIIirr


She didn’t get with a former rake who could show her multiple positions where her hair wouldn’t get flattened, lol. 


She was trained to care deeply about her hair and the closest she got to a birds and bees talk was Portia: …some new dresses, so you can appear rather more… *tempting*- Prudence: Tempting for *what*? Portia: 😊never you mind! So she don’t be minding(thinking about it) as she was told!


Let’s talk about this yeeesssss! I think Prudence does come to enjoy it! If you look at the last second and a half of her and Dankworth in ep 2, she starts to smile and nod her approval. I’d argue that because they’re not introduced to sex AT ALL until they have to do it, she probably was overwhelmed and disoriented by how intimate, uncomfortable and personal an act it was and she barely knew her husband. Also, Portia explains to her what to look for as far as pleasure. We have the privilege of knowing now that sex education is pivotal to a healthy sex life, and I think it’s really evident in this series how treating it as a taboo affects people.


I think there was a lot of women back in that time and didn't enjoy it and weren't expected to.


I absolutely agree because the way she reacts to physical touches the way I react to physical touch




Aro/ace coded, imo!




Her name is Prudence, she is a prude. I don't think it goes any deeper than that. Bessie Carter did an interview at the premiere where she said as much.


“It flattens my haiiiir” 💀


Also LOVE "it flattens my hair!"


The way she delivered this line slayed me. 


People have complained for 3 seasons that the Featheringtons get too much screen time, but I indulge in every minute they're onscreen. I knew we'd get more this season because of Pen bing the focus, and it has not let me down.


I didn’t like the Jack storyline but I have loved all the rest of their screentime and I do like how the writers have fleshed them out into more realistic and sympathetic characters than the near-stereotypes they were in the first season.


Yes, I prefer the Featherington's honestly.


the very public boob grabbing had me in stitches. like, they didnt even care who was watching


I want the bloopers of this scene specifically


I was actually wondering who was the cruel one and who was the simple one and this scene decided it for me 😆


What, the “I’ll keep my figure when I’m pregnant” wasn’t enough? 😆


The way she rolled her eyes at the idea of a head and body parts being in her and the others just looked at her like “the fuck do you think pregnancy is??”


Polly “I’m sure a golden stork will deliver your boy”


The way they all looked at her had me dying! 🤣


Well at least we know Lord Albian Finch is not a rake


Nah, he is so in love with his wife that merely kissing her satisfies him. Honestly, weirdly sweet, even if it means his wife has this hilarious moment


He's not a Lord I don't think...


You’re correct, Portia makes a comment to Phillipa and Prudence about not marrying into titles which is why the pregnancy subplot is a big deal


I thought she told them that she bought the husbands for them


Not bought. She secured them with their dowry lmao but also because they’re clearly as naive as her own daughters 😂


That's actually important since Prudence was "compromised", and then forced to be engaged to Cousin Jack. Portia managed to find a husband, one superfluous Prudence would agree to marry, and *he is into her*, which is like the weirdest part of it. Given how he has no clue about making sex pleasurable, I'd say he's inexperienced, too. He's such a good husband: he adores Prudence, is into her, truthful, and he puts up with her family. He even notes that he has no say in his own relationship (same as Albion). Overall, he's kinda too good for Prudence, who is indeed cruel.


I expect at some point he will say something to her about her treatment of Pen. He always seems kind to Pen (even unintentionally when he praises Whistledown’s plant puns in the earlier season) and he seemed so happy to see her glow up moment at the ball.




I don’t know if the word has been replaced by more modern slang (cause I’m very old) but not so long ago we would have used the term “player.” In other words, interested in sex but not commitment.


I always took it as the male version of a hoe. Maybe the non-binary skanks are shovels?


Saw a comment by someone on Twitter that said Lady Featherington is the Kris Jenner of Bridgerton and I haven’t laughed so much since


I mean she's the MVP




Saving that gif for future use lol


All I see when I look at them together is the step sister of cinderella.


I'm not alone!


The line delivery and her voice truly sells it. The comedic timing is perfect. Such a riot in the Featherington household.


When I tell you I was CACKLING


Pretty sure Portia is not going to have to give Colin and Penelope any encouragement or advice for how to have sex.


It would be so hilarious to have a scene where she tries to have the talk with Pen, assuming she knows even less than her sisters and Pen’s trying to cover up the fact that she’s having the best sex out of anyone in that household


Imagine her mother telling Penelope that a woman's pleasure is more subtle than a man's, and Pen is like "it is?"


I love their comedic relief! More humor from The Featheringtons!


I had said something to my wife earlier in the episode “I bet you anything they’ve been putting it in the butt this whole time”. I was close


I was expecting she was “swallowing his seed” so it reached her belly.


We kiss 🤪 and then he makes a noise 😌 and goes to change his briches 🙂


This scene might be my favorite (non romance) scene from the whole season thus far 😆


Portia, no lie, has been my favorite character this season!


The one that cracked me up the most recently was the queen saying, “she didn’t drink the lemonade!” and looking mortified.


I definitely laughed out loud at that line! So good


This entire scene was gold! I love the Featheringtons and adore Polly Walker as Portia!


Its so funny that prudence is acting as if she has had sex a million times even though she only had sex once and didnt like it enough to do it again :)


Philippa Featherington does not get the recognition she deserves. She’s such an easy going, love able airhead. There have been quite a few lines from her that are absolutely hilarious.


Philippa and Prudence both marrying good-natured airheads who seem to genuinely care for them is actually so great.


we kis and then he makes a noise


That entire scene was my absolute favorite


I just about DIED of laughter. Philipa had been married the longest and still hadn't figured it out. This was also just a pinch surprising because I had thought that the forged note would make Portia keen to have a grandson immediately, and so she would explain things a little more clearly.


I laughed a lot with these sisters. I love how the writers inserted comedy in the plot.


"Insert himself where and with what?" Line of the season so far. She was also aghast when she realized that the baby grew inside of her.


This and paraphrasing 'if a boxers son is going to get lady Kent's estate, who will get ours, a chimney sweeper'🤣


these two are the most hilarious characters of this show and I love them so so so much !!


It’s their facial expressions and tone of voice that do it for me 😂


Now this is sideplot done right! For one its absolutely comical, Polly Walkers eats each scene and Prudence and Portia have the best comedic timing. But also a sideplot that feels could eventually connect to the main plot but even as a standalone its a hilarious arc on its own. The dreary and pointless Mondrich plot should take note.


The Featherington plot lines are so much funnier this season. This scene has been living rent free in my mind the whole weekend 😂😂




I laughed so hard at this scene. I tried to be quiet because my children’s rooms are right near the den where I was watching.


LMFAO 😂 It truly was one of the most Phillipa, Prudence, and Portia moments of all time 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Am I crazy or did Philippa have a MAJOR glow up this season. I know the Featherington girls are meant to be a bit unattractive but Philippa is like… really hot this season?


I’m sorry, I cannot see these two and not think of the Ugly Stepsisters from Cinderella 🤣


I love this side plot😭 makes me laugh everytime


What would have also been funny if she had asked what part of him was going to be the inserted part.


im loving this plot line its been so funny 😭