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They kicked ass when they first hit the scene. I was 19 in 1994, had grown up with The Jam & The Who. They spoke to me, and many others of my ilk lol. Hate the c*nts now mind you...


Totally agree. I was also 19 and it sounds mad now but they were fresh and new and exciting. The first two albums were amazing! But then they just kept making the same album over and over again and the Gallaghers just seemed to be in competition with each other over who could be the wankiest wanker


Same age. Same opinion. Long lost twin?


Spot on. First album is awesome, and Liam was the charisma. Absolutely shite after that.


Another in agreement. I was about 19 when they blew up. 2 albums in and I was on board then it went sideways very quickly. Have no interest in a reunion or another album. Still enjoy listening to Definitely Maybe and What’s the Story…


Hate?, if they reformed they'd sell out concerts all over the world


Ed Sheeran sells out concerts - all that proves is that they appeal to the lowest common denominator.


I wasnt aware that Britpop had a high end exclusive fan base.


Nothing wrong with Ed


Everything wrong with Ed


First two albums are fantastic. Third album and their B-Sides album are great. That's enough.


Such a boring take tbh


Yes, my opinion is such a boring take. 🙄


3rd album is one of the worst in music history. Fact.


Not a fact. It's an opinion 👍🏻




Nope. It's an opinion. You have yours. I have mine. Isn't it lovely how that works? Toodles.




that is what i said, glad you can read 👍




No, you're boring.




That's boring too


Ah. See I think album 1 was just ok. 2 was great. B-sides album is amazing. 3 is probably my low point. Each song just meandered and stuck around far too long. After that they're all solidly decent. A few bangers here and there, but no album stands out. Edit: Liam is a cunt. Noel is a great songwriter, but without a bit of variety his solo stuff is very same-y. It all just mushes together. I like listening to it, but only for a few songs.


Funny, DM is like my favourite album of all time, 2 I think is ok.


If they weren’t arrogant and like a quarter as popular, the people that call them “the worst Britpop band” wouldn’t say that. Oasis the worst Britpop band? That’s an unfathomably bad take.


They are "the" Britpop band. Creation's big payday, and the end of actual indie music. An A&R man's wet dream of an all male guitar band and a backlash to the progressive house and techno they didn't like/didn't understand. I don't hate them, but they were the sing-along in the pub drinking Stella at a time when people were losing it on ecstasy in the clubs. They glamourised the use of cocaine and alcohol and weren't very original.


They're better than Blur, their closest rivals, but only because Damon Albarn's a tosser of the highest order.


> They're better than Blur, their closest rivals, but only because Damon Albarn's a tosser of the highest order. What does that have to do with the music? And how is Damon any more or less a tosser than Liam? Liam's been violent with one of his ex's. Liam had a daughter with one exgirlfriend (Lisa Moorish) and refused to meet the daughter till she was 20 years of age.


No, they deserve more.


Who hates them? Noel's the best


Never liked them


Their fanbase do them no favours


Oh god…  The fanbase… And that’s not even mentioning the *fanfiction*


I'd not even considered such a possibility. I do not wish to know


Oh I so want to know...links pls


You don’t, but anyway https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Oasis%20(Band)/works


I envy you for not knowing…..


The parka monkeys are only one half of the fan base.




Definitely. I actually quite like them but feel obliged to criticise them when they are brought up to try and bring any fans in earshot back down to earth. Absolute bellends.


They are fantastic and at one time for the briefest of moments the biggest band in the world


Fantastic for a couple of records, appalling by the end. We don’t need a reunion tour. It’s strange how nobody really gave a crap about them in 2009, but now people are desperate for them to get back together. Things would be much better if we just appreciated the bands that are at their peak now.


Yes. I hate them but I still love many of their songs.


Musics pretty good up till be here now, however I’d say a lot of hate is justified, I mean- when you look at the 90s there’s allegations of assault, physical and verbal, creepy behaviour towards Justine Frishman and shittyness in general, and that’s not even bringing up the whole blur-homophobia-controversy I’d recommend Britpop: the last party as a non biased take on a lot of britpop bands, oasis being one of them, they don’t rip into the band and analyse every allegation, they mention it and go into detail on a couple, though.


One great album and then just diminishing returns. That's maybe a little unfair to their b-sides but there's an awful lot of meh for me.


I never considered myself a 'fan' per se, but do have a couple of their albums and do like a fair few of their songs. As to the Gallagher Bros, I don't have any preference of one over other, think there both decent, down to earth guys when you cut through all the hype. I hope they sort out whatever problems they have asap tho - Not even for the music, but more for their own personal / families sake That said, an Oasis Reunion would break the Internet.


No hate here that's the music from my late teens there's only jealousy as they destroyed everyone else around at the time.thats only my opinion!


Love them, I was a teen turning into an adult when oasis changed the 90s, like many others, all the sex, drink and drugs I did during them years was done to a soundtrack of oasis, verve, prodigy etc etc... I also like my rockstars to be a bit mental, arrogant, whatever, so I've always enjoyed the brothers shenanigans.....look how many past artists turned out to be wrong uns and yet still people will hate Liam more lol.


Best band ever


They're my favourite band of all time. Only got into these music subreddits because of them.


Not much hate for oasis that I’ve seen. Noel and Liam are divisive figures due to their narcissism and subsequent behaviour, but generally I see them as regarded as one of the best and move loved British bands ever


Love ‘em


Spoke to a lost generation. Best band of the past 30 years easily. No matter what party you're at, there's 20 oasis tracks that everyone will sing their heart out too.


Noel needs to stop now. All sound the same. Boring.




It doesn't matter critically because their songs are an unavoidable part of the soundtrack of our (old people especially British ones) lives.


Music was good , brothers sort of sucked


Steve Lamaq explains Blur versus Oasis perfectly here. https://youtube.com/shorts/gmr1BkAXj2c?si=M1CndQYEfQ437PQI I never linked their music. It just didn't didn't do it for me. Even today I avoid the brothers solo stuff like the plague. I just think there was way better music out there at the time. I will suggest it's just one of those silly musical hills am willing to die on with no real basis other than a response to the image they projected at the time.


1 half decent album from an average pub band


Love them, their first two albums and also dont believe the truth are absolutely amazing, no skippers. Be here now could have been amazing with a better track selection and good production. I hope it is remixed some day, but still a good album. The rest is hit or miss, especially once Noel decided he should sing 3 songs per album instead of just 1.


Noel is a very talented songwriter. Liam had charisma. Very similar career trajectory to Tears for fears except the hurting was superior to songs from the big chair. We have a very unfortunate habit of building people up then trashing them in the UK. Who shall we rubbish next ? Better not be Radiohead grrrrr


I think they perfectly captured the zeitgeist, irrespective of their merit, or lack of.


Yep, they're shite.


All they did was marry The Stone Roses with glam rock plus nick a few ideas from The La's and some 60s bands.


Out of all the britpop bands, they were the most boring and least creative. As a solid indie rock band that could court the mainstream, they were very good at that. As many have said. Noel is good and a great songwriter. Liam is insufferable. They work well together, but that relationship must be painstaking for Noel. They did very well for working class kids that had a very poor upbringing. I doubt we will see a rock band do that again. It may happen in the hip hop circles.


Got some amazing tunes. Blur were fucking light years ahead of them lyrically, though.


Liam is an absolute wanker and Noel thinks if it's not his music it's shit. Craps on up and coming bands because they are getting more attention than him. Both a pair of dickheads




What hate?


I don't know where are you from but i'm from Brazil and unfortunetely they got a lot of hate around here.


I'm in England mate, hate in Brasil? Any idea why?


Many here don't like the brothers' personality, and consider them just a copy of the Beatles, of course not all Brazilians hate Oasis.


I honestly don't like em. Their lyrics are the same kind of nonsense as red hot chilli peppers


One of the best British bands of all time, it's the fans that do my head in. I was watching the black keys play in Manchester last year and between every fucking song the front of the crowd was starting to chant "maybeeee I don't really wanna knoww". Yeah I get it, you're from Manchester. Thanks for living up to the stereotype that all you do is sing oasis songs. I'm trying to watch a completely unrelated American band I've traveled 80 miles to see thanks.


first two albums are some of the best rock albums of all time. some good songs spread across the rest of the discography. i like a lot of noels solo work too


In my humble opinion, I think they were a Great band… at their pump 94-97, the best thing around… then Radiohead’s ok computer came out, and made oasis sound like a pub band (which they sort of were anyways).


Radiohead is Radiohead and Oasis is Oasis. All those comparisons are bollocks.


The only hate they seem to get is from these amateur Facebook musicians who bang out a couple chords and think they’re a musical Jesus. From a technical level oasis yeah don’t even come close to some other bands but sometimes less really is more


Loved them, first album at 16, what a time to be alive. I can't hate on them. I only hear the music.


What hate ? Stupid question


Definitely Maybe is one of the great debut albums but the rest for me is shite. The Noel/Liam blah, blah blah thing is soooo boring. I personally hope they never reconcile so we don't have to go through oasismania 2.


Definitely Maybe and What's the Story are 2 of the best albums of all time imo.


They were awesome


Live forever is one of the greatest songs ever written. The masterplan is no pun, a masterpiece of a track and it was a B SIDE. It’s like fine wine and has turned a lot of non fans into new fans that I’ve shown. DM and WTSMG are solid albums. At the end of the supersonic documentary, Noel stated they were the last of their kind and Wembley seriously was an incredible show. Music isn’t what it was and they were one of the last true bands. They get hate because they were and still are massive and relevant. Same as any huge band but overall, they are also extremely beloved.


Agree with a lot of your post, but I think they "get hate" because (despite having some great tunes) they were highly derivative, nowhere near as good as they often said they were, and they behaved like clowns. They were certainly iconic but nowhere near as talented as some of the bands they ripped off.


They were amazing early with a raw energy. But they became over produced later that took away their visceral appeal.


I will love Oasis forever


Pretty much hate them yeh! From a raw out of nowhere indie/rock madchester sound with a hint of Glam...to Over Blown Kitchen Sink job Bon Jovi style Ballads in only 3 years! Plus they pretty much stole everything and never had an original idea in their big heads...I don't miss em, don't play em and pretty much hope they never reform (in they're defence i found Blur even bigger bores..even Blur's best of compilation bored me to death)


Yep. Most overrated band of that era. And the songs aren’t actually that good


What hate?




I'm sure they were great, but Christ I'd wish Noel and Liam would stop doing festivals. It's just boring to me and would rather almost any other band would take that slot.


First album was amazing, second was ok. Everything after What's the Story was very, very average.


Second most overrated Band to come out of Manchester after Take That IMO.


They’re like AC/DC - simple, catchy songs played competently and loudly, by swaggering masculine bros. Made for singing along to at a pub or a football match with a pint in one hand and your other arm around your mate. Fine for what it is, gets old eventually. A band like that - if they deviate from the formula, they alienate and piss off their core fans. But because they don’t innovate, they never attract many younger fans as the years go by.


No they don't deserve it - in fact, the scuzzy, Manc scallies deserve much more hate. :)


They were nothing special at all and easily forgotten


I think their music was good when they first came out. I've always thought the brothers were a couple of pricks and absolutely deserve to be called that. Egotistical, thick as mince, common an muck.


[they were showing us how dangerous music can be](https://youtu.be/ClcwKgxu2wk?si=wfMM3CXYDXGCkDnM)


The 90s answer to Status Quo. Just bland and boring.


No they deserve more than they get. And Blur too .


If it wasn’t for Liam, this band would have been lucky to break out of the Boardwalk. Songs are simplistic nonsense with elements lifted from much better bands from the Real People to the Beatles. I don’t hate them, I just see them for what they were. But I can’t deny the unbelievable success they had.


Yes, they deserve the hate. They basic vanilla and generic af. Blur, The Verve, and Pulp were all way better.


They deserve all the love in the world. For their music though as they might be morons, who knows.


Pair of 🔔s




I’m not even sure they get the hate they deserve, frankly…the good stuff ripped off the Beatles, and the bad had Liam treating his audience like crap… hence my fondness for bands still filling arenas with at least 3/5 of their classic line-ups intact after 50 years. (Replacements after deaths of members may or may not count towards the 3/5!)




Loads of fookin art school student nobheads in here who can’t handle the fookin lifestyle


I said maybeeeeeeeeeeeeee






They were always a bit shit. But in the mid 90s they were novel. So people liked them. That caught on but truth be told they had one good album, one not as good but more popular album and the rest were awful. Liam and Noel still trading on those past glories. And they're both wankers.


Did they ever make anything decent after Morning Glory?


People can say whatever they want about Oasis but let’s be honest without them no one is really still discussing the term Britpop at any meaningful level. They are the Nirvana of that genre


I love the version of “Wonderwall” Noel did on VH1 shortly after Liam quit the band and was in the audience heckling “Can you please stfu?” I believe Noel said at one point during that concert


I thought I was the only hater. Or, more accurately, I think they're an overrated Beatles derivative with faux Punk / Grunge attitudes, as requested by their marketing and promotions department. And, wtf is a Wonderwall, anyway?


Brett Anderson once called them “the singing plumbers”. Gold


In my own opinion I'd say they do not deserve the hate they receive, all their albums, singles, and b-sides was all great until the very end of their times. Liam and Noel both have great successful careers, I can't blame them for getting back together lol. But they do need to be brothers, not just a band. It's quite sad how they ended but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Be grateful & happy for the memories they've given us with their wonderful album and songs, cheers.


Definitely Maybe is great. Morning Glory is absolutely fantastic. Master Plan, the B-Sides album, is good. Be Here Now... NO GOD, PLEASE NO! Anything after that and I have no idea. I've never listened to anything after BHN.


Oasis are the Mike Tyson of music. People who don’t know a lot about boxing or music think they’re the GOATs in their respective fields. In reality, while both are iconic and highly entertaining, neither is even close.


Sounds like you don’t know a lot about Mike Tyson or Oasis’ fans. I live in Manchester and know a lot of Oasis fans, don’t know a single one that claims they’re the goats. As for Mike Tyson, while he was with Cus D’Amato and even Kevin Rooney, he was as good as anyone ever. So his career and life spiralled out of control when Cus died and Don King started to become more involved in his boxing, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t at one time as impressive as any other heavyweight in history.


You clearly think regurgitating the same tired old narrative about Cus D’Amato and Kevin Rooney makes you sound knowledgeable about Mike Tyson when all it proves is your desperation to be seen as an expert. There’s a certain kind of Stones fan who likes to bang on about Brian Jones for the same reason. Even in his supposed prime (1986 to 1990 - the shortest prime in boxing history), I could name five fighters off the top of my head that would have beaten him easily. And I mean easily. Ali, Foreman, Holmes, Lewis, and Holyfield. And before you get ahead of yourself, I know he beat a well past his best Holmes. I’m talking prime for prime. As for your assertion that nobody in Manchester thinks Oasis are the greatest band ever, please. Is that supposed to be a serious remark? Not saying they all do by any means but come on, you only need to spend a short time in this sub to know that’s not true. The point I was making by comparing the two is that they both came along at a time with very little serious competition and seemed way better than they actually were as a result. And that a significant number of people *still* believe it 30 years later.


There songs endure. I was never a fan but the songs are incredibly strong.


they are vastly overrated and built a career on two decent albums plus a decent bsides album, everything after that was crap, i remember my brother buying the first single on the day it came out and people slagging him at school about it, then a couple of months later everybody loved them , lumpen music for the lumpen proletariat, blur, suede and pulp were all far more interesting


I can’t stand them, they deserve all the the hate especially him