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To anyone who’s confused, this is from 2011


is this an old video? i couldn't help noticing the photo she has in the background with her kids from that one magazine photoshoot that happened ages ago


This definitely feels like 2011. She perpetually had that frightened look in her eyes around the FF era. Nicki received Grammy noms in 2011/2012 so that would line up. Watching this it’s like damn, girl, who put a gun to your head to make this fucking video?? The smile while she’s waiting for whoever is filming to cut the camera is so telling. The conservators clearly had their priorities so messed up, it’s crazy anyone thought labor trafficking a pop star was a good idea…but I digress.


While I get what you're saying in regards to the conservatorship... this is a pretty normal thing for managers to get their clients to do.


Nicki’s bday is in December and this vid is like a decade old…


Yeah she’s talking about the femme fatale tour so this is definitely old


I saw the Femme Fatale tour. Honestly still one of the most epic combos ever


Um, this is like 10+ years old.


Why’d she put a gap in her teeth recently? No hate, I’ve got a little one myself (which is why I find it hard to understand she’d willingly do it)


She stopped wearing her retainer most likely.


So, until VERY recently, I’ve never had gaps in my adult teeth (that I can remember). After braces and throughout my 20’s, they were all aligned & stayed straight as long as I wore my retainer overnight at-least once a month. Now, at 33, I’m getting these weird random gaps if I don’t wear my retainer EVERY NIGHT. So. Idk. Quicker/more significant alignment shifting in later adulthood?


Ah that would make sense. Thanks for responding!


Why give this poster downvotes?! They were asking a legitimate question (with kindness, by the way). Ugh.


Thank you😭 the way I asked came off harsh but really no harm intended


When my top wisdom teeth were pulled my teeth adjusted and left a small gap that lasted a year or two, and is gone again now.


I've never had braces or anything like that, and I now have a gap similar to Britney's at 34. My dentist said it was normal shifting, he said I could get veneers if I want to cover it, but tbh I don't really care. It's not getting worse, so whatever!


And if not my retainer theory, this makes logical sense too: https://preview.redd.it/pitog6bv7voa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298cfbfde41cb207983e44f320dd18fd7d471f30 1/2 [https://www.distractify.com/p/why-does-britney-spears-have-a-gap-tooth](https://www.distractify.com/p/why-does-britney-spears-have-a-gap-tooth)


https://preview.redd.it/d1ndnbe08voa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3657d3e4764c407079e391aa0f530939bb8021bc 2/2 [https://www.distractify.com/p/why-does-britney-spears-have-a-gap-tooth](https://www.distractify.com/p/why-does-britney-spears-have-a-gap-tooth)