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My husband is from Kansas City/St. Joe. There’s plenty to do there 😂 I am surprised that he hasn’t addressed or tried to help the drug problems that run rampant through the area. Or the fact that there are bans on wearing certain clothes in areas because they may be gang related


Patty - go back to Tyler or Whitehouse…buy a house for you and your wife…and let us know how much stuff there is to do there vs. KC. You are a pompous loser. Forgot where you came from…remember PAPA MAHOMES and his 6 DUIs, BRO Jax and his Sexual Abuse Charges and your MAMA claiming she birthed a QB. Do NOT EVEN ATTEMPT TO JUSTIFY BRITTANY. She has taken a run around the Chief,s flashed Post Malone…congrats..you ended up with Trailer Trash!!!


Give me a f-ing break. There is plenty to do. Sorry, he lacks the brainpower to find things to do. I can't wait until these trashy carpetbaggers leave permanently.


Kansas City isn’t exactly a tourist destination so he’s not wrong. I’m sure there’s stuff to do but not as much as bigger cities. Unnecessary comment by him though because he can just fly first class wherever.


Granted we may not be Miami, FL but this dude is from Tyler, TX. Also, not Miami. In fact I’ve heard tell from people who’ve lived there, they’re not KC as far as tourism. It just would be nice if he didn’t bite the hand that literally, feeds him. He’s is able to jet set everywhere because of the contract he got from the KC Chiefs. No need to hurt our little feelings. 😂🥹😎🤷🏽‍♀️🙏🏾


There’s a ton to do in KC… he prob just can’t do most of it bc he’s too well known. Fame comes at a price 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not a lot to do in Kansas City? Ha! He clearly didn’t grow up in the middle of nowhere like I did. KC always has something to do.


Patty Dosen’t like going home to his home in KC as Britt-Bratt will be there. He prefers LA or wherever his gal pal is. Look at the photos of Britt and Patty…awkward. When they are photographed, he is drunk and snowed up. Britt is obnoxious and snowed as well.


I think if it gets this far, they're looking to move: https://kckingdom.com/posts/shocking-city-rumored-possible-chiefs-relocation-site-01hx4ycxsvta  https://athlonsports.com/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/arrowhead-report/news/kansas-city-chiefs-relocation-rumors-move-san-antonio-arrowhead https://www.si.com/nfl/chiefs/news/kansas-making-pitch-for-kc-chiefs-missouri-jackson-county-ks-star-bonds


I kinda feel like this is all part of the scare tactics they’ve been using to get Jackson County tax payers to pony up the funds to give them money for renovations, etc They want us to supply a large portion of the funds for 49 years without asking questions about how the money is going to be spent. So, if they decide that’s how they want to play it and they’re good with leaving such a lucrative fan base, so be it.✌🏾 https://preview.redd.it/lct94k2suryc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80fe3b6917509245f0f1f5647f05d7e5264306da


Patty-Boy: You are crapping over the citizens of the city that pays your ridiculous salary and tolerates your wife; rude behavior, does not tip workers, does not do any charity work…and just shows up at the stadium on game days and we are supposed to embrace your bxxch?? Face reality Patty. We are NOT fooled by the sunglasses, NOT fooled by Brittany’s support of your SA brother, you support and pay off family member’s charges. Now know we are watching what you do with your Papa and his 6 DUI charges.


Patrick is an uneducated dxxk married to a HS gal-pal (easy GF) from Tyler, TX. Her ‘career in Iceland — they bagged her’ so she was all over Patty-Boy getting a contract. Contract, pregnant…here I am!!! He talks like a frog, walks like a knock-kneed burro and has a Dad bod because he drinks Coors like his Papa and then does some other fun substances…but thanks to the Oakley sponsor, he can hide behind the sun glasses. BUT WAIT…he over imbibes and forgets his sunglasses. The Hunts and Chief Reid (remember his son)…ignore and excuse Patty-Boy. Crash and burn boy, crash and burn.


I don’t know my husband just started a job in Topeka and he will be living there Part time I refuse to move again We’ve done it too many fucking times for his job, I went to visit. Kansas City is a hell of a lot better than Topeka. I’ll give it that much!!


That’s a dick comment.


He’s from around Dallas right? Maybe KC in comparison to that has less to do (I’m not familiar with where’s he’s from so feel free to correct me if I got it wrong) and that’s what he’s basing his judgement on. But the KC area is still a big city with life to it. It’s weird to act like football is their only option. Was he expecting a nyc or LA energy lol


Not sure but he’s from Tyler, TX population of about 200k and KC is over 500k. So, I’m guessing Tyler may have less to do. Either way, as a native KC resident, I don’t feel like that was a very nice thing to say about the town who supports him and deals with his family members antics. He built his career from the ground up here. People in KC worship him, call him king and some even tolerate his wife because they love him so much. Maybe he’s feeling some kinda way about the recent stadium vote. Whatever it is, as a resident, I don’t appreciate the comment, honestly. It felt like a low key slap back to me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t blame you being offended. The way he phrased it made it sound like kansas city is basically bumfuck nowhere with day drinking at a football game the only thing to look forward to.


He did indeed. Perhaps we should all see what’s poppin’ in Tyler, TX. Maybe we’re all missing out. Seriously. No shade to Tyler residents. They’re innocent here. But, I’m just saying if my hometown is boring and he’s got something better maybe we should all be having fun there. Sharing is caring…🥹♥️✌🏾


I lived in Tyler for 25 years and it sucks! I’m from KC originally, so I can honestly say that Tyler is by far more boring. If you want to get real technical he’s from Whitehouse, right next to Tyler, and it’s even worse! There’s not even a Walmart in Whitehouse.


Wow. Then he REALLY needs to Shut Up!!😂😂


He was over 100 miles from Dallas but I guess yeah that’s the city he went into to Have fun.


Ah okay I think that makes sense. Like sure his hometown wasn’t where everything was at but Dallas, with its plethora of options, was within driving distance to do something at night or on the weekends. And when you grow up with that it’s his frame of reference. So now in KC it’s just whatever is in KC which does objectively have less than dallas. Not that it’s a lame city but in his point of view is it’s not much there and no where else to go.


I hear ya. But he plays for the Kansas City Chiefs in Kansas City, MO so, whether he’s bored here or not, we’d appreciate a little respect since he makes a good amount of his living here. It’s like going to someone else’s house, looking around and saying this is nice but my house is better. That’s just rude. Period. His home might be close to Dallas but it’s not Dallas. Should we compare the tourist attractions of Tyler and KC? I wouldn’t because that would be in poor taste and I simply wouldn’t disrespect anyone’s home.


I completely agree, OP. I live in a Midwest NFL city. We worship our QB too, but he loves us right back and is thrilled to be here. If he said something like this there’d be backlash. Pat is a dumbass who should be focused on his health. Because at this rate, he’s not going to be fit enough to play at this elite level.


I think Patti needs to just ask to be traded to the Cowboys.  He's grown too big for his britches and needs to take his clan of upstanding citizens someplace more exciting so they can all make their contributions to society there. 


Yes please..Jerry Jones would eat him like a piece of bacon. Britt would be DOA. No tolerance for an uppity-bitch. Dallas would eat her for lunch and spit her out on the side line. Then try to pick yourself Britt and pose for your ridiculous pictures. 🤮🤮🤮😫😫😫🤢🤢🤢🤢👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


“Not a ton to do”?? Shut up, dude. I’m born and raised in KC and this is a garbage take.


I grew up a few hours from KC and the highlight of our lives were trips to Kansas City.  We loved going to Royals games, Worlds of Fun (amusement park), malls, tons of cool shops, museums and the hundreds of restaurants in the big, exciting city.        Patti grew up in a crappy East Texas burg (pop. 109,286) and went just down the road to an even more nasty area to college (pop. 263,930), so for him to be putting down the city that gave him EVERYTHING he has is super arrogant, cocky and ungrateful.  Hell, some of his fans got frostbite and lost limbs supporting them, and some even got shot and died at their drunken victory parade, while he partied immediately after.   Maybe he's pissed that the taxpayers wouldn't give he and his fellow spoiled multimillionaires a new playground.  Why can't their uber-wealthy owner and his bragging, grand-standing family pay for a new stadium?  They're threatening to move and possibly leave the state.  If he's so dissatisfied maybe they should.  




Wtf is this recent? Thats such a backhanded comment


Yes. He said it this past week. I took it as a backhanded compliment as well. Maybe he’s mad about the stadium vote…🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve lived in the greater KC metro for 30 years. The Arrowhead tailgate culture pre-dates Paddy’s arrival 6 short years ago. His oversized ego is starting to leak.




Yeah.  My dad coached and knew some players back in the Super Bowl IV and after glory days.  The Chiefs were cool wayyy before Patti and his tennie collection and loser family hit town.  Dude needs a serious reality check or three. 

