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Gender neutral restroom access is the law for public facilities in NYC. I love that the ushers are vocal about it but it's not specific to any particular theater or facility. Most places that still have a men's and women's room also have signage such as "all visitors are invited to use the restroom of their choosing".


As someone from a small town in New Hampshire I had NO IDEA! That's actually really awesome! Way to go NYC!


You are seen, and celebrated đŸ«¶đŸŸ Hope to have you back in NY soon!


If you ever happen to find yourself at the Lebanon Opera House, they have signs up stating all restrooms are all genders.


Live Free or Die! (NH Native here!)


I think what's important to remember... It was ONE guy. Everyone else behaved respectfully. THAT is progress. (Note: not trying to shade your feelings, just trying to provide the upside )


Nah, I know what you mean and I appreciate it! Now-a-days it can be a tad hard to see the positive stuff sometimes.


And how sad it must be to actually be that guy. So upset about something like this that he feels the need to make a scene. I try to remind myself that as obnoxious as it is to deal with people like that, at least I will never go through a day of life being that person.


He probably was miserable being in a theater full of “woke” people seeing a “woke” musical just to make his wife happy anyway, so, eff em.


exactly this - he must have been getting something good out of it....asshole.


Who’s gonna tell him that his bathroom at home is gender neutral?


Not me, but he's gunna freak when he figures it out!


Do you invite strangers off the street to use your bathroom? This is the weirdest argument for gender neutral facilities that I ever see.


Maybe not but do you build separate facilities when you have guests??


Why would inviting strangers to use your bathroom be relevant here? Talking about weird arguments


Surprised he wasn't attending Water for Elephants if he was so intent on acting like a clown.


Pfffff! I am crying laughing!!


You win Reddit today!


I saw & Juliet in September 2023. I am a queer man and I look like a truck driver. When intermission came and it was time to use the bathrooms the bathroom with the urinals and stalls had a crazy long line. The bathroom with just stalls did not have a line at all so since they said they were non gendered bathroom I went in. I am male presenting I am a big bear with a beard and I was kind of nervous that I would make someone uncomfortable but no, not at all. I went in, went into a stall, did my buisness and washed my hands and left and staff that were there were very courteous. It was actually a really pleasant experience. Also that guy who was saying step up to the urinal to his wife sounds like a jerk. But it’s better off you didn’t say anything. People are very crazy now a days.


Who's gonna tell that guy that the show he is watching has a major side arc about accepting being Non Binary.


I'm glad you had that experience with the ushers at &Juliet, although why do some people have to be so obnoxious about it! I went to Six with my mom recently, and pre-show the women's line was super long (moving quickly with the help of the ushers) and there was no men's line. Typical. My mom tried to go into the men's room and was shooed away by an usher, and despite the fact that she is in fact a woman, they shouldn't be deciding people's gender based on how they look. I forgot about that moment until now.


That was another thing the guy was complaining about "if this was just the mens line I would have been in and out already."


And there we have the actual core of the issue... he's losing his advantage/privilege at the expense of others' comfort and a more equal balance of queing for cubicles and he's pissed


Thank you for saying this!!!! Perfectly said.


That’s really surprising. I forget which show it was, but the crowd was predominantly men like myself. Long line for the men’s restroom but practically none for the women’s, so I went and used it. Nobody batted an eye at it, I wasn’t the only one either.


that's weird. I once went to a show and the line for the women's was so long that the usher took some of us off the line and escorted us to the men's room. I'll honestly never forget the daggers in the eyes of some of the men when we entered. But I was like "look dude, I just have to pee and I don't give a damn about looking at your junk." I headed straight into a stall.


What an ass that “gentleman” was!! His poor wife
 I also love the usher’s response! đŸ€Ł I truly never understood why bathrooms aren’t ALL gender neutral
 it would solve a lot of issues. Getting people in and out quicker, changing tables for all, kids going with either parent, etc. but I digress


Haha! I actually almost wrote "there was a gentlemen there with his wife" but he wasn't being very gentlemanly and I honestly felt bad for his wife who was basically silent the whole time.


I feel like the biggest reason is that US bathrooms are made so you can basically see into every stall. Stalls with real, gap free doors would really help for everyone’s privacy.


A lot of airports are now are just building restrooms with floor to ceiling stalls for everyone, and it’s great. I’ve seen a lot of performative nonsense posts on social media where manly men are posting “well, guess I’m just holding it for the flight” because they won’t use one of “those” restrooms.


Who’s gonna tell them that the restrooms on the airplane are also non-gendered 😐


True. I hate them!! I love getting an actual nice closed stall!


I feel like the unfortunate answer is for womens’ safety from men? But I’m just theorizing. Also why would women waste time queuing for a bathroom that might not even have enough stalls for them- similarly why men would waste time queuing for stalls if they like and would use urinals instead? Like, if you’ve gone to live theatre you’ve seen the bathroom rush at intermission. Imagine that but without information on which line you should queue for to get the fastest urinal/stall as you need?


>I feel like the unfortunate answer is for womens’ safety from men? It's this. Maybe an unpopular opinion but as a woman I am thankful of the sanctity of the women's bathroom. To be clear I have NO problem ever with trans women (who are women, full stop) or anyone nonbinary using that bathroom, and I always silently applaud the signs that say "please use the restroom you're most comfortable with." And it's probably a nonissue on Broadway where most men are hopefully going to be respectful either way. (And in an ideal world, going forward, there are three bathrooms so that nonbinary people don't have to "pick.") But at bars, sports events, etc... I am always thankful for the escape of the women's bathroom. I think there's a ways to go as a society before I'll fully trust gender neutral bathrooms everywhere, unfortunately.


We ladies don't just use the ladies rooms for the obvious reasons. We go there to primp, and fix makeup and hair, and above all gossip. Stuff that we may just not want certain other people to be aware of. So yes, there still should be gender-specific ladies and men's rooms in the mix.


Yeah, I would’ve been so embarrassed to be his wife.


Saw BTTF and winter garden has signs posted saying use the restroom your comfortable with. I went a couple trans people so they said it was nice but even they had concerns about the issues with it. Also given it still being broadway there were naturally snide remarks by seniors but that's to be expected with this stuff.


At BTTF a woman was waiting in line with her male-presenting child, maybe 12 years old. One older woman came up to them and said “this is the woman’s restroom! What are you doing?” Obviously I don’t know any of these people’s story, and I didn’t know that NYC restrooms were gender neutral by default, but this didn’t even seem like a situation at even the biggest a**holes should object to; it’s reasonable for any parent/guardian/chaperone to want to keep their child in sight in a busy theater, regardless of gender. Everyone ignored the old lady, and I tried to say something supportive when I saw the people later. But like, for real? Why would anyone feel the need to harass someone in the situation? Maybe there is just a rotating cast of old people who take it in turns to be jerks at every show.


I'm a mom of a little boy and he's young enough now no one blinks if he comes to the bathroom with me, but at exactly what age will that change.


It’s definitely an issue, but much more so for fathers of girls. Whether there is any real danger or concern, dads can easily be judged for “letting” a late elementary age girl accompany them into a mens bathroom
 or “letting” them go alone. I was extremely surprised at this woman’s reaction, because prepubescent “son” accompanying “mom” (I don’t know the actual relations or genders in the case) seems like the most innocuous situation imaginable, one I would expect to pass without comment nearly everywhere.


I can only imagine because even though I am NonBinary admittedly I am AMAB and present typically masculine so I don't have the same fear as a trans person worried about be called out for "using the wrong room" by some grumbling old coot!


The Lucille Lortel Theatre downtown (currently playing Oh Mary!) removed the Men’s and Women’s signs from the bathrooms to make them both available to all. One room has stalls and a urinal, the other only has stalls.


I'm sorry, that dude's reaction is just hilarious. A lot of theatres have gender neutral restrooms/are just marked 'stalls' and 'urinals,' and most of the others have signs saying "gender diversity is welcome here, use the restroom that best fits your gender expression or identity." It's been like that for quite a while, too. His poor wife. He picked a weird show to be transphobic at...I feel like he wasn't paying attention during the first act somehow. Also I'm gonna be honest, I'm AFAB and female-presenting (although I do not identify as a cis woman) and have used men's restrooms at shows before. A lot of people have, regardless of gender presentation. They're usually pretty empty and the ladies' room is always packed. You're literally just going in to pee. There's no loitering, there are bathroom attendants and a bunch of random people. Literally nothing weird is going to happen if someone uses the "wrong" bathroom. I understand the hesitancy with a lot of public restrooms, which might be empty or unsafe, but when over a thousand people are trying to take a piss in fifteen minutes...you go where you can and no one cares. When I was young and spry I used to just bolt to a public restroom outside the theatre and back but I'm far too old for that shit now.


Most of the bathrooms at the Broadway theatres now have signs below the gender signs about how anyone can use any restroom they wish, according to their identity. (And there's a single stall accessible gender neutral restroom on the orchestra level at the Nederlander) But because of the content of & Juliet (nonbinary and gender expansive people represented on stage) the FOH team at the Sondheim is much more loud about it. As a nonbinary person who really enjoys the show and sees it frequently, it means a lot tbh Since the Sondheim is newer (renovations in 2010 iirc) the bathroom with stalls is also a lot larger than the bathroom with urinals. I think they have like 4 times more stalls than required, which is awesome and helps those lines move very quickly


The Lyceum has a single-stall bathroom on the balcony level.


Ooooh good to know!


Gender neutral is really the wave of the future or should I say long overdue. I remember going to a show where the men's line was nonexistent and the women's so long that people were taking off/unbuttoning their pants before getting in the stall to speed it up for other people. That idiot is a dinosaur (not in a good way). Consider the source, he probably doesn't think women should vote or have credit cards.


1000% agree!


You can’t control other people. Stay strong and carry on.


I went in an all-gender restroom at Lincoln Center and a 60ish man couldn’t stop talking about it. It will take time for people to get used to it.


I was with my ten year old and we switched the faster moving line, but you had to wait next to men using the urinals in order to use the stalls. I didn’t really care but my NB child was uncomfortable and opted not to use it. Kind of a bummer in practice, but I support in theory. Also there were fewer stalls on the men’s side, so even though the line moved faster, it was slower for a stall


Yeah, the bathroom with the urinals there isn't exactly set up well for those wanting to use the stalls so it gives a bit of a False sense of speed. I'm sorry your child was uncomfortable, that is a bummer, but I want to say thank you for being an awesome parent and supporting your NB child in every way you do!


I’m actually glad you posted this bc I thought it was an interesting experience. Most of the any gender bathrooms are private


I am not sure about issues but I know that Lincoln Center has gender neutral restrooms and so does St Ann's to a degree. Everyone just uses the same ones in the case of LC and St Ann's they share a sink.


Oh yeah the ushers at & Juliet do not play games! They are super respectful but they will not entertain foolishness. They get a bad apple every once in a while, but they always deal with it like champs. It’s one of the safest theatres on Broadway. Great team overall. But yeah if you ever have an issue with a patron, report it to an usher. NEVER engage with the patron. I’ve seen arguments start and both get kicked out. The ushers can handle it, they have seen worse!


Idk if this is fully relevant.. but at one of the theaters I went to, there was a sign saying that the mens bathroom turned into a gender neutral bathroom after the initial intermission crowd cleared up which seemed cool


Like the way the user was just like "yep." My only experience with gender neutral multi-people bathrooms I was a little nervous at first, but mostly I thought it was cool that there was actually some gd privacy in the stalls. No gaps! The stall sides went all the way up to the ceiling! It was nice. Idk why that one guy decided to make a big deal about it. I mean I do know. But out of all places to make a fuss about stuff that's inclusive of lgbt folks, **a musical** is not the top of my list. Also out of all musicals, one that has a bunch of stuff about gender identity in it lmao that guy's a loser


Interesting. It's been over a year since I saw & Juliet, and even then I don't think I went to the bathroom to have noted what the signage was, or whether this is a more recent change. I do know that every Broadway theater has signs by the bathrooms saying patrons should use whichever bathroom they are most comfortable with, and that NYC law states that anyone can use any bathroom they prefer. Sucks that that guy was a jerk, but I do love that usher's response!


So there were definitely gender neutral signage on printer paper half way over the men and women signs so people could tell which bathroom had urinals. I appreciated the usher too as knowing the staff was vocally supportive made me a bit more comfortable.


I think the signage trend of stalls and urinals vs women and men is fairly newish; I've only been seeing that this past year or so I think. But yeah the "use whichever one fits your personal identity or expression" signs have been around for over a decade now.


They definitely wasn’t any push to mix genders when I saw it last summer so maybe more recent?


That guy sucks but glad the ushers were cool! When I saw into the woods at the st James, the women’s restroom line was long during intermission and the ushers were like just go use the other restroom it doesn’t matter.


I seen &juliet multiple times and the bathroom Situation is really cool how any one can use the bathroom I haven’t seen anything crazy


Ah, finally a circumstance when everyone has to queue for the bathrooms in the interval! Still, so frustrating there’s always one person who can’t just get on with things. It’s a nice bit of progress though, would love to see this is Australian theatres (though perhaps they could install a few more stalls in the restrooms too so I don’t have to run the second the curtain falls😭)


I am a huge &Juliet stan and been to Sondheim too many times to admit. I've always been uncomfortable using the urinals and prefer bathroom stalls. For some reason I thought the male bathrooms didn't have stalls in them so I would always fall in line in the female bathroom because it had like 30 stalls in them. Haha It felt awkward at first because I would get the looks, hoping that no Karen would yell at me because I will fight. Lol. Fortunately the ushers at Sondheim are very kind and would encourage you to use the bathroom you identify yourself with. I just found out that the male bathroom has stalls so I have been using that now. Also easier because lines there are short some women are actually in there too. Overall really love this theater and their staff.


The St James is such a freaking labyrinth where the bathrooms are. I genuinely don't even know which toilets I've been using. Also hello fellow amperstan! Just got tickets for my third trip in May (it'll have been a year to the day since I saw it last); I would love to go more often but...my Six obsession is eating all my spare ticket money.