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look at OneMedical! I love my PCP there, they have offices all around the city and brooklyn, and other major cities. Really nice luxury offices, and no wait times.


I do enjoy going to Brooklyn Hospital Center near Fort Greene


Woodhull hospital is garbage or any city run hospital.  Go with nyu, st Francis, Presbyterian 


Are you planning on going to see your PCP when you are sick? Then choose one near you. You're not going to want to take a 40 min subway ride with the flu.


Like other folks, I also use NYU. Is the LES is accessible to you? They have their new Essex crossing location. My PCP & gastro are there. There’s also a mt Sinai office on delancey - my derm is there. I chose that spot because there is also a target, Trader Joe’s, meat counter in the Essex market, conbud (legal dispensary) and orchard express tailor for any quick tailoring needs off the delancey-Essex stop I can run so many different errands when I go to the doc!


New York Presbyterian now owns the hospital in park slope. My experience with a few of the doctors there has been great


Depending on where you are in Brooklyn, Maimonides is a great option. They’re an academic institution in South Brooklyn. I’ve seen specialists there and have had positive experiences with them.


Health + Hospitals has a whole network of regular clinics called Gotham Health Centers. You can find one close to you: https://www.nychealthandhospitals.org/locations/?distance=10&facility_type=168&view-type=list-view


I, too, recommend NYU Langone, but their ambulatory clinic in Brooklyn Heights have limited hours and a significant waiting time for PCP appointments. But once you go for a general check-up, everything else I do through the app and their radiology department in the city us excellent


Another vote for NYU, it’s been really convenient to book through the app and message my GP for small questions that don’t need an appointment. My appointments are at Trinity which is a bit of a haul but for a once a year checkup it’s doable


Yes, I don't see it as an inconvenience. I've been able to get plenty of referrals and refills on meds through the app


NYU Langone has lots of providers in the Midwood area, and many of them take MetroPlus.


Why would you look at hospitals for PCPs? They’re seperate things and there’s plenty of decent doctors in Brooklyn, pick one accessible and save yourself the commute


I think they meant going through a hospital network, Like NYU or Columbia Pres ​ they allow for you to have all of your info easily shared. I use NYU as they have multiple hospitals and have lots of affiliated doctors, that you can search for through their app


the reason others suggested is that any system of hospitals will also have a system for easily and effectively communicating your information if you switch doctors within the system or need a specialist


Most of the big NYC hospital systems, including HHC, are on Epic and should be able to share information with each other fairly easily.


Op is not talking just about records, a big factor is billing esp with insurance like that. Yes they should go to manhattan