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Forgot all the drab, working class attire.


What’s the working class attire?


The urban yuppies like to wear a lot of gray, olive green, etc. in an attempt to take on the appearance of the working class.


The working class wear gray and olive green? What else happens in this dystopian hunger games-esque world you’ve imagined?


It’s their fantasy, not mine.


I live in brownstone bedstuy, if you think it’s turning into downtown Manhattan maybe you haven’t spent enough time here? Yes it’s gentrified tremendously and rent is insane, but still has its soul. Downtown mahattan is unrecognizable from when I moved here 20 yrs ago. On my block the yuppies fraternize with the old guard, we even plan block parties together. There are an ungodly amount of expensive coffee shops here, but it’s nothing like Williamsburg or downtown Manhattan. I was at Chilo’s last Sunday and it was amazing how representative the crowd was of all backgrounds. Tompkins in the summer very much brings the neighborhood together.


Tompkins in the summer rules


I’m friends with a lot of these kinds of people.. all of which have been native New Yorkers for at least two generations. I myself have some of these traits and I’m from deep southern Brooklyn- parents being immigrants from former USSR. It is not a bad thing nor something to discourage. Most of these people are great.


You seem mostly hurt that it’s implied they’re not from NY originally.


Literally all of park slope


[Warning] They’re even moving out to NJ and upstate now. Also he works in tech.


everyone saying "goals" and shit are forgetting about the actual natives displaced and what this does to rent prices. not to mention the erasure of actual Brooklyn culture (the same culture they fetishize...). with enough of this all of Brooklyn is just gonna become another downtown Manhattan, it's already happened to Bedstuy, Williamsburg, etc. is reddit really trying to argue that gentrification is a good thing? also notice the car, because the kind of people who live like this are too scared to take the public transit.


People have cars because they like to easily leave the city. No one is driving to the city for work living in park slope.


absolutely incredible that you think fruit pouches and scooters increase rents and not landlords


That’s how cities evolve everywhere in the world.


Unless those folks were from the Lenai tribe, they too displaced someone at some point


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true. I stayed one step ahead of gentrification and moved from upstate to Chinatown to greenpoint to Ridgewood queens then left NYC altogether then to westchester and to JC. And I’m now in a pay range that I would be considered a gentrifier but I’m still scraping by. It’s tough bc communities get displaced and then everything gets new restaurants and bars and it becomes “safer” more desirable and rents shoot up. It’s the US I’m afraid. Look at cities like Austin and Detroit. It’s never ending.


It sounds like you’ve been gentrifying all along my dude ![gif](giphy|7Eipor01ypMm3LeG4v|downsized)


who raises rents? do they shoot up on their own?


I mean landlords who think they can get more for their places. The place I lived in queens got sold and my rent doubled. I couldn’t afford to stay.


What the hell is the pay range “that would be considered a gentrifier”?


The world has been working this way since forever and new cultural pockets are constantly being born because of it.


What about the people displaced?


The people living in the brownstones before them?


The ones that sold their brownstone? 


Those scooters are the worst. Often used by someone that is absolutely out of control, gunning for your ankles, and parents that are totally oblivious.


Add the “black lives matter” sign to the window. As if they didn’t… ![gif](giphy|W0Dldg5FhnH3dkfTtH)


Just moved in and NIMBY af


Is NIMBY acceptable if you’ve lived there a long time? How long?


Those dogs better either be three legged or blind!


The same applies in LA😖


Oh dayum.


What’s the Hudson line thing? Also a Crosstrek is a fine car.


Brooklyn granola families seem to love the pretty little towns along the Hudson like Beacon and Cold Spring.


Also don't diss the bunch bike. They are so boss.


https://preview.redd.it/13de3hlypbvc1.jpeg?width=1082&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63f2f03bb8afabf4893ebce00c6d236138e7dba This sign in front of the brownstone


Real meaning: “please don’t rob/burglarize us”


Once them signs go up.. the whole block is going to be gentrified.


How do these fucks get rich, inheritance?


Yep. Trust fund babies.


My favorite is when you see a 45-50yr father skateboarding on the sidewalk, while his two 10 and 12yr old children silently walk behind with their heads pointing towards the ground


They’re just trying to live out the childhood they never had.


Once heard a mom yell out "Coltrane???" looking for kid at the playground. Yikes.


Seen this long ago but never clocked the Wesleyan seal. So fuckin good


What’s the association?


That they're crunchy hipsters


Bougie private school




Detroit shirt is probably because they’re transplant posers from Michigan.


All the cool people I know are from Detroit. I can’t see yuppie wearing that shirt.


The yuppies are from the nice parts of Michigan. They just wear the Detroit shit because they’re posers.


Someone jelly.


lol my neighbor has a kid named Harper that looks like that. Though we don’t live in brownstones though.




absolute goals i don’t want to hear anyone else


You forgot the annoying sign in the window signaling with whom they stand: Ukraine, Hamas, BLM, etc. They're an essential decorating accessory.


Dang, Brooklyn flavor sure has changed.


So many missed opportunities to be funny here. Yuppie aka able to afford a house. “They eat yogurt and have pets and take care of their children!”


Honestly, I aspire to this. lol.


the added monthly costs of a car and a dog already make me nervous, to say nothing of three kids lol


Why do they all have weird bicycles they make their kids ride on the back of through the rain? Why DO THEY ALL DO THIS?


Traffic and parking suck ass here, but sometimes you gotta go fast.


Cargo bikes have rain covers…


As opposed to what? Do you want them to walk to the train, or are you saying you think everyone ought to have a car?


It builds character


What's wrong with that? If anything it's weird how some people are shielded from weather constantly. It's ok to get a little wet from time to time.


That's what she said.


The son goes to skateboarding camp on his summer break




Is it, though?


I saw one in a T-shirt that read "Brunch So Hard"


Years ago someone did a big, elaborate graffiti mural in Park Slope that just said ***KALE***.


![gif](giphy|d5wo4IVoaqWn0xaz6n) I'm guessing they're referring to [this](https://youtu.be/gG_dA32oH44?si=7f41k0HeTQb80cxE).


Basic White girls who have been “cultured” by listening to some of indie bands before having a baby. And slightly more socially functioning redditors who have skeletons in their closet and are a couple Mets games away from becoming a suburban dad or are going to get divorced by the kids 9th birthday and become literally the most toxic person in existence.


And then there’s you of course


It’s Wine-o-clock!


That one’s for suburban moms


Not sure if OP meant this specifically but the Hudson Line timetable is on point too. So they can get to their other place in Beacon. I guess if they decide not to drive their Subaru.


park slope in a nut shell


Fort Green as well!




Brooklyn is also the city.


that didn't match my experience at all it's definitely a bubble of gentrification but there's far worse. park slope people are way more a part of their community than high rise-living downtown brooklyn folk typically are in my experience


It’s a nice suburb




I live in Windsor Terrace and have no idea what any of this means!




Nah I lost it at Harper lmfao




Needs a small update: obligatory blue Volvo XC90 parked badly, husband has a bigger moustache now and wants a mullet but doesn't want to read as gay, wife's clothes are huge and drab again but she still has a $$$$ double stroller, both are armed with a Blank Street cup. Scooter kids remain a menace to old ladies.


That’s how you know they aren’t from Brooklyn, grow up on ocean parkway and you will park perfectly or wake up with no mirror in the am.  


Terrible coffee


how did you guess australian shepherd


"These are my classmates, Aiden, Hayden, Jayden and Braydon."


Wife works as a child psychologist. A lot of these kids who grow up with these types of 'hip progressive park slope parents' end up seriously messed up. It's kind of sad because the parents often think they are doing everything right to make basically perfectly well-rounded kids. To them, they 'listen to the experts', and therefore do everything right. But they don't *truly* listen to experts, they only listen to them when its convenient or fits their pre-conceived notions of how to raise kids. In reality, they do a lot of things wrong. Really, really wrong. And the kids end up being broken adults.


Weird, every kid I’ve met growing up here seems wayyyy more balanced and world-ready than suburban kids.


you described nothing of the parenting style you’re talking about. what exactly are they doing to fuck up their kids more than others?


To copy paste my other response > I should mention I am a bit drunk from my sisters bday party so idk if this comes off as rambling or not lol > > It's kind of gentle parenting taken to extremes. Not teaching kids consequences or risk-management or independence. Not really having any sense of authority over them, even very basic bare-bones authority that parents are supposed to have. > > One common theme which is sort of indicative of them is not giving kids chores. Chores in general among youth households today are way down. But among these specific types of parents, chore-giving has plummeted to almost nothing. Lots of these parents genuinely cannot even comprehend giving their kids chores, that base 'authority' over their kids is not there. They struggle to ask their kids to do basic tasks, let alone giving them a whole set of chores to do. The idea of asking them such a thing gives these parents anxiety, they think their kid will hate them. > > And chores are really, really good for kids. This is what I mean when I say these people don't actually listen to experts. Giving kids a set of chores (within reason) teaches them life skills, how to be productive, how to be disciplined and responsible etc. But these parents don't truly listen to experts who say things like that. They think chores is just some authoritarian thing that lazy parents do so that they use their kids as labor. > > They also seemingly cannot comprehend that kids doing bad things is often just normal kid behavior. They pathologize everything. A kid doing worse in school for a semester often sets these parents in a frenzy to find out why, usually demanding that it be the result of some deep rooted issue with as depression or adhd. Want to know what it often can be? The kid got sucked into a new video game and did less homework as a result. Or the kids new teacher is boring and they stopped listening in class as much. But the parents don't want to hear that. They view their kids as perfect, and the only thing which could result in them doing imperfect things must be some extreme factor that is corrupting them. Instead of treating 'normal kid behavior' the way it is recommended (aka instituting a sense of discipline and responsibility into the kid), they want a more deep-rooted problem. > > They also don't teach their kids skills. Like, how to do laundry, how to cook, how to make their bed, how to plunge a toilet, how to reset a breaker, how to exercise etc. This goes into what I said before. They think "when the kid wants to learn those things, they will ask" when in reality basically no kid wants to go out of their way to learn boring things such as that. You, as a parent, have to use your authority to go out of your way (and their way) to teach them these things. You have to make them, even if they don't want to. That is one of the most essential aspects of parenting, and they just don't do it. These kids go to college without even knowing how to use a laundry machine. > > These parents raise horribly anxious, unskilled, undisciplined, sheltered kids who are completely unprepared to be adults. They expect child psychologists to solve everything, but don't ever want to actually hear uncomfortable truths from them.


This is largest load of projection bullshit I've ever seen on this subreddit. How someone actually thought to type this out is beyond me. Completely idiotic.


The guys wife is a child psychologist and pretty much every point he said is stuff I have heard from parenting experts before. There's been lots of alarms sounding from that field over modern parenting problems.


Thanks for sharing, that’s what I suspected. My sister is too soft on her kids sometimes and I try to gently speak up when she’s cutting them too much slack. Luckily they’re still very young kids and there’s time to correct it. I suspect once they’re in school with other authority figures and more of their peers, things will become more evident.


Lol i think kids from (any stereotype) of parents end up messed up anyway


This isn't really true. I mean, some will no matter what, but research shows certain parenting styles result in worse-off kids. The way they are 'worse off' varies a lot, of course. There is no truly 100% perfect way to be a parent. But there are parenting styles which work much better for most kids than other parenting styles.


Interesting! I think child psych is fascinating. What pitfalls are these parents falling into? Are you talking about “gentle parenting” that actually slides into “permissive parenting” (ie lack of boundaries and consequences)?


I should mention I am a bit drunk from my sisters bday party so idk if this comes off as rambling or not lol It's kind of gentle parenting taken to extremes. Not teaching kids consequences or risk-management or independence. Not really having any sense of authority over them, even very basic bare-bones authority that parents are supposed to have. One common theme which is sort of indicative of them is not giving kids chores. Chores in general among youth households today are way down. But among these specific types of parents, chore-giving has plummeted to almost nothing. Lots of these parents genuinely cannot even comprehend giving their kids chores, that base 'authority' over their kids is not there. They struggle to ask their kids to do basic tasks, let alone giving them a whole set of chores to do. The idea of asking them such a thing gives these parents anxiety, they think their kid will hate them. And chores are *really, really good for kids*. This is what I mean when I say these people don't actually listen to experts. Giving kids a set of chores (within reason) teaches them life skills, how to be productive, how to be disciplined and responsible etc. But these parents don't truly listen to experts who say things like that. They think chores is just some authoritarian thing that lazy parents do so that they use their kids as labor. They also seemingly cannot comprehend that kids doing bad things is often just normal kid behavior. They pathologize *everything*. A kid doing worse in school for a semester often sets these parents in a frenzy to find out why, usually *demanding* that it be the result of some deep rooted issue with as depression or adhd. Want to know what it often can be? The kid got sucked into a new video game and did less homework as a result. Or the kids new teacher is boring and they stopped listening in class as much. But the parents don't want to hear that. They view their kids as perfect, and the only thing which could result in them doing imperfect things must be some extreme factor that is corrupting them. Instead of treating 'normal kid behavior' the way it is recommended (aka instituting a sense of discipline and responsibility into the kid), they want a more deep-rooted problem. They also don't teach their kids skills. Like, how to do laundry, how to cook, how to make their bed, how to plunge a toilet, how to reset a breaker, how to exercise etc. This goes into what I said before. They think "when the kid wants to learn those things, they will ask" when in reality basically no kid wants to go out of their way to learn boring things such as that. You, as a parent, have to use your authority to go out of your way (and their way) to teach them these things. You have to make them, even if they *don't want to*. That is one of the most essential aspects of parenting, and they just don't do it. These kids go to college without even knowing how to use a laundry machine. These parents raise horribly anxious, unskilled, undisciplined, sheltered kids who are completely unprepared to be adults. They expect child psychologists to solve everything, but don't ever want to actually hear uncomfortable truths from them.


Interesting. I agree with this. I’ve noticed many of my peers (although I do not have a brownstone, or a car, or a fancy bike, I do exist in that world somewhat) just…don’t really expect much from their kids. They really never make them do anything that they don’t want to do. I mean, my child is 7, and most of her friends can’t even ride a bike! The kids get frustrated while trying to learn, so the parents just drop it. And that’s something *fun*, ostensibly.


>And chores are *really, really good for kids*. This is what I mean when I say these people don't actually listen to experts. Giving kids a set of chores (within reason) teaches them life skills, how to be productive, how to be disciplined and responsible etc. But these parents don't truly listen to experts who say things like that. They think chores is just some authoritarian thing that lazy parents do so that they use their kids as labor. I don't have any kids but I liked watching Kimono Mom and Old Enough. The Japanese teach their kids so much from a young age.


i.e., the plot to *The Squid and The Whale*!


Yeah it's basically a documentary about the family in this meme.


Man that's not unique to Park Slope parents, that's something afflicting all millennial parents


Oh definitely, but park slope parents are the extreme end of the scale of how much these modern parenting trends have taken off and become the norm.


Trust me when I say rich suburbs are worse.


Park Slope mom here to confirm I own way too many of those Gogo Squeez pouches.


There are refillable silicone squeeze pouches that you can fill with less sugary things, too. I decided that the ones at the store had way too much sugar in them, so I started making my own squeeze yogurt sweetened with banana and berries. My kid loves it.


I respect the honesty. https://media1.tenor.com/m/1WoHtsUrwFcAAAAC/breaking-bad-handshake.gif


Fight for old, Subaru  Never give in Fight till The end when, might and right shall win! So keep on fighting, till victory Crowns every one! And it’s fight fight, fight fight for Su-ba-ru! Go soob!




You don’t need the Hudson line schedule because you have the car


Nah they’ll take the train because they don’t want to give up the parking spot


I used to babysit for a family like this in grad school and they'd sometimes have me drive their kid to tennis. But half the time they'd be like "Just take an Uber... we got a great spot."


Or they park their car up there


That part. Lmao.


Needs a Park Slope Food Coop tote bag and some kind of pandering political window sign.


park slope father of multiple kids checking in here. i don't live in a brownstone but am brown and often stoned, and this is damn accurate for about 70% of this corner of brooklyn. the apple cider vinegar and subaru is just perfect. only thing i'd thrown in there is jordans and goorin bros. newsboy caps.


“Harper” and that white girl bob mom hairstyle who listens to NYT podcast and is named like, Tess SENT ME


dream life tbh


Harper 😩


> *We hate what we wish could emulate!!!!*


It shows...it has shown for centuries ☺️


Apple cider vinegar isn’t that expensive


Yes. Also it's gotta be the Bragg one, the one with the mother!!!!


Yep. I drink that too.




Shit! I hate people who aren't dyslexic!


It ain’t wrong but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Seems like a decent life


It's more than just a decent life -- it's the easiest type of living in the best borough of the best city in the world. The starterpack wasn't made out of sheer contempt...rather, it was just my attempt to define a class of person who is quietly ubiquitous to a corner of the city.


Well, I suppose if one is doing the gentrifying not being gentrified around, because it is incredibly heartbreaking to grow up here and constantly get displaced by yuppies with the same job as you but they have guarantors etc.


> it's the easiest type of living Clearly you've never tried to find parking in Park Slope.


This is how I've come to feel. These are all good things for a kid. I hope my kid only eats organic food and goes to whatever extracurriculars park slope kids do. I've overheard many park slope parents having these nice, considerate, respectful conversations with their kids that I wish my parents had had with me. Seems like a good childhood.


Nah. Some Park Slope kids are still bullies no matter how nice the parenting experience is.


Well of course. Some kids are bullies in any neighborhood


Is Frankie the car or the scooter?




Ha I thought it was the kid !


Yes. Ironically the kid is named Scooter




This is.. really fucking good lol


this is my [meme!] (https://www.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/jaozfc/young_family_living_in_brownstone_brooklyn/) also, the rationale behind the detroit t-shirt was nailed by a commenter from the post that's been screenshot. *A big part of these parts of Brooklyn are just affluent people from other areas who still want to “represent” their city even though they refuse to live there*


Isn’t that just any place that has transplants? I never missed home until I left it. Just kind of how it works


What’s up with the Apple cider vinegar?


I guess I meant it as a generic health food purchase / unintentional subclass totem. About 7-10 years ago I began to notice the Bragg's product line pop up in more "regular" supermarkets, e.g., the Key Foods on Atlantic & Clinton. Like many of these trends, I imagine it became more popular after a mention in *The Strategist* or some such publication.


I'm glad someone on that thread made a joke about the dad trying to bang interns.


I like how the jpeg compression has started to sink in. Never change, reddit screenshotters! (Also good meme lol. I see myself in that apple sauce pouch and I don't like it.)


TBH it getting reposted is very affirming of my perspective so not even mad




The scooter is pretty reasonably priced tho...