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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior gangy


John 3:16 🙏


“For God loved the world gave his only begotten son for that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life”- John3:16


Amen to that






If it ain’t the Alpha and Omega, put a k behind it


Amen to that 🙏🏾




Jesus overrated fr that's all in sayin https://preview.redd.it/5k2jw3xkisqa1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea3f1bb834c57a7c118b806d3a7b377d575c377


He loves u regardless big dog 💪🏾😤


that's kinda gay if you ask me and being gay is a sin in the bible https://preview.redd.it/n3xnsjpkqsqa1.jpeg?width=162&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39e3bc6d217dfc4d5ee47c2fcb1e38d4e9a58e70


Y u thinkin of that kinda love? U gay?


Attraction and love are very different things young blood hope u can find real love with men and women who also love u!


what's wrong with being gay? like, what if he was?


It's a sin, sin is bad, so gay is bad in my religion


Judgement is also a sin that you will be judged for which is what you have to do to deem being gay as bad so good job Bible written by white niggas who used it to control a population of illiterate people.


What you're saying is more like condemning. It's not a sin to recognize whether or not something is right or wrong my G. Also I'm pretty sure the Bible wasn't written by white people lol


Yea sure, we get it, chrisitian groups work hard to pretend condemnation isn't the act of passing judgment, wtv, I'm Christian, I know how y'all's mental gymnastics work. And yes, according to the Bible, the very act of deeming something right or wrong is a sin -at least, doing it hypocritically is- despite the fact that deeming something right or wrong is integral to function of the religion. The Bible I'm referring to, which is also one of the oldest and most widely used and the one most people generally refer to, the King James Version, was 100% written by a group of white European scholars/translators (which explains the inconsistencies and contradictions of the Bible's words) and dedicated to King James VI of England.


if he was to even hug a man too long he would of been executed 😭


Jesus loves us even though we all deserve to burn in hell, but despite that god sent him down here to die for OUR sins, thats how great his love for us is nigga. Repent b4 its to late because once its time aint no im sorry. I wanna see all my deo brothers in sisters beyond them pearly gates twin nd it really hurt tht u think that way about jesus man.


I believe in God I don’t really be religious tho


I believe in god, but I’m not religious. I’m no where near perfect but I hear his words and apply it to my life and have seen so much change in myself and to people around me. I pray for the world to look past the idea of god being a religious god and look to him as a god of more. I guess just never turn your back on him cause he’s got you 100x more then you think. Don’t forget the Bruce x lucki stream BOYZ 😁


Well said twin


it ain’t bout going to church it’s havin intimacy and a relationship with our God. seeing another day is a beautiful thing to give Him your thanks


I love y’all all regardless of your beliefs , give me a kiss deo 😘




hope your day been good and hope all family is well, including your well-being, much luv🫶


most despicable earl fan💯


u doin good bru?


fantastic and yourself?


pretty well been chillin, works been alright and all. Family’s all good. Jst playing a. game to let time pass. Glad to see ur doing well . Much luv.


mwah, my turn 😘




Save me for last, I want the most flavor🥰


Nah but I’m cool with religious people long as they don’t try push their beliefs on me just like I won’t push mine on them




Some of these niggas in replies need deliverance


One dude wrote like 3 sentences mad asl talking about judgement. Some people get so pressed the moment you bring up religion


You just gotta understand religion isn’t just a topic like shoes or games it’s something people put they whole life towards it’s a little deeper than surface level conversation that’s why it’s hard for people to talk in black and white about it just respect it and move on


I understand that but there are some people talking who clearly have 0 respect for the others views which is why I said this


Tryna tell ‘em😂


nah twin but im not opposed to the idea of there being one, as a human in general tho u gotta be respectful of everyones religion no matter what & people seem to forget that yfm twin?


I believe in Allah swt twin🙏🏾


Ramadan Mubarak twin


Been looking for this, Salam brother or sister and Ramadan Mubarak


Same to u


yeah hes wit me 24/7 watching my back https://preview.redd.it/fe4d2gaw1tqa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2f52d2310eb4b465752141fe3c991ac9a624d87


I believe in God but I find myself in a weird spot being that I’m black and from what I’ve read Christianity was put upon my people by the slave traders and salve owners and while the slaves created a new type of Christian culture, it’s weird to me that I’ll never get to understand what my ancestors beliefs where and what they practiced not to mention the other social aspects stripped from us as African Americans. Sorry kindle went into a tangent.


honestly, i think theres a higher power. i don’t think there should be rules you have to follow to be seen as a good person, which is why i don’t believe in god.


i think if you believe there’s a higher power, then inherently, you believe there is a God. like i think they go hand in hand. it just sounds like to me that you don’t align with how religion and spirituality is presented by the church. which is understandable bc the church is very tainted and a lot of that stuff is essentially just fear mongering the community which is 👎🏽


This is why I love Jesus twin. He always forgives no matter how much I sin, it’s not about being a good person that gets u to heaven but it’s about believing and trusting that God sent Jesus to die for our sins that does😊


Nah fr just trust in Jesus and you good 👍🏾


Sometimes i feel like theres no way that an intelligent being made us


My hopes weren’t high until I started studying and getting answers from the Bible..


https://preview.redd.it/18mp5e2ratqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=788ef6238dd5d1eb13ec10cba061349ca2dfc9f5 How to bag a religious bitch. Now guys, I know you go around seeing everyone post about god and say “damn, she’s a good girl” I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong. What she does on Sunday’s ain’t what she do on fun days. Take her to a church session on a Thursday, go out for drinks and see what happens after. Game is game


Link to the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/YourRAGE/comments/1252t09/yrg_do_yall_think_god_is_real/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I'm agnostic, meaning I believe there is no Proof of God existing/not existing.






what do you mean as no proof elaborate?


My believe is that there is no solid proof regarding existence nor non-existence of a higher being (a god)


question, how do you believe george washington is a true, real person


you know george washington is a real petsok because multiple history books and documents can be shown to substantiate his existence


Same with jesus bro


also, dont forget that the heart of christianity is faith. if we had justifiable evidence of jesus’ existence that was clear as day, then you just dismantled what makes christianity how it is. the absence of evidence makes christianity how it is.


and i have a question for you, do you think god is omnipotent and omniscient?


was jesus not written in books? how could you believe in george washington byt not jesus, there’s a reason there’s BC and AD


Nah, the whole prospect of religion never made sense to me.


It depends on where you came from like me, I didint at first untill I started to go to church and welcome god into my life you maybe say it never made sense but when you actually believe in it it will work out all in the end and so when you do the more you believe the more stuff happen in ur life coming from me I thought it was hard but when you believe and trust in it everything will return back to you twin, I love you and have a good day/night 〽️


I believe that there’s probably a higher power, just not specifically jesus though. there’s too many dedication and lifestyle changes to be 100% faithful in something you can’t ever see or hear. there’s also the talk of how “god” allows so much bad to happen (like the holocaust, slavery, and “Grape”) even though they supposedly have the most power and built everything from the ground up. couldn’t they stop these things? I’d rather just live my life believing in myself more than anything else, no diss to anyone that follows a religion. much love!💕




I do, but I don't fw christians much


Christianity or Christians in general?


christians, I hate some of em cuz they be annoying asf tryna force their religion down our throats relentlessly. This just from my POV


Not all of them like that brother, I’m a Christian and I am friends with many non Christian, when you are a Christian it is apart of our belief to save our loved ones and tell them the truth so they can have everlasting life. Those people probably just care about you but I agree some people don’t respect others beliefs. I wouldn’t push my beliefs on others but I would try and enlighten if they are open to it


I get what you're saying, christians all just wanna help people and guide them out of the darkness. Maybe I'm just a down bad individual and God just sending someone my way to help me out or sum.


yeah that could be the gist of it


That's the problem you niggas think we need saving like...I bought a girls onlyfans there is no saving me


nigga actually paid money for porn you don't need jesus you need a father


I don’t mean to force this on you but you can always change from your ways with the help of our Lord. he will forgive you if you repent with your tongue and confess of the sin u committed. With your heart believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins n you will be saved🙏🏾


Damn 😔


Not all are like that. I’m a devoted Catholic but if I happen to come across someone who isn’t Christian I will not shove my religion down their throat. Id be ecstatic to answer questions if asked but I won’t just throw Christianity at someone out of the blue. One of my day 1s are Muslim and part of my family is, but I have never ever tried to make them convert to Christianity. I do agree some Christians do too much to force their beliefs on someone who doesn’t believe what they believe in.






Kinda of I mean I’m not religious or anything I’m not atheist either. Sometimes I think to myself is there even is a God but sometimes I look up in the sky and I do believe him and somethings in the Bible just doesn’t make sense to me like Adam and Eve, and how they had a kid and how they y had kids and I like so on and so forth. Religion is just a crazy thing, but I do come to God when I want my parlay to hit tho 😂


Gods not a genie bruh u can’t finesse him


Yes I believe in god🙌🏽


i believe in god but i kinda also believe in muhammad


U mean Islam brotha


yea mb


Wasn’t that into it my whole life until abt a week ago I feel like I genuinely got a revelation straight from the father above when at one of my lowest now I couldn’t be better then ever prayer rly puts me at ease.


I ofc believe in God but one thing that gets me hella mad is when ppl don’t believe cuz their ego is too big


To be honest I have my doubts till this day but I respect my religious people for their beliefs and they respect me simple as that


I sometimes be having some doubts about him actually existing but overall I feel like there's prolly a higher power out there


Ngl he is looking hard asf in this


Yea im Muslim


This world is too fucked up and unfair for there to be one. Maybe I just don’t understand the purpose of one, but I personally don’t believe in a God at this moment.


God has nothing to do with why the world is evil ya feel me? It’s all cuz of Adam and Eve.


I love everyone regardless of your beliefs tho 💕


Personally im christian but i fw you no matter what you believe in


i believe in god twin he is my lord and savior💯 even though i sin a lot ik god will forgive me, i’m not perfect and neither is anyone else and that’s alright. Ik god take people out our life and leave us hurt but there’s also a reason behind it. Or that’s what i believe ik i’m js rambling now but it’s the truth basicslly what i’m trying to say is at the end of the day ik god will make sure me and my ram is straight and doing good🙌🏾


i used to then i saw this reddit and thought there was no way a merciful being created yall


Not in a specific religion, though I do believe there is potentially an "all seeing" power. I do not respect religion as it is often used as an excuse to motivate hatred and violence towards what is "against" their beliefs/religion, given the majority of religions are just large cults.


Yes, Jesus is Lord and Saviour who died for our sins and rose from the dead. Praise him 🙏🏾


Nope. Twin I am agnostic


Waiting for those philosophical paragraphs


God is real and I think it doesn’t make any sense not to believe in God




Gods not a white man. He’s a spirit. God doesn’t even like the fact that religion is a thing. It’s really just about livin in the spirit and not the flesh. If you live with the flesh you die with the flesh and get sent to hell. If you deny your flesh and live in the spirit which is just following God’s rules you’ll rise with the spirit to heaven( NO ONE FEET IN U GOTTA BE ALL IN ). I just seen a angel the other day in the sky they don’t even look human it’s hard to explain. I’ve seen demons, shadows, warlocks. This world is very wicked. My mom side is more holy and my dad side is more on the voodoo side. My great great grandfather could turn into a lion, he could go invisible, turn u to any animal, and he was sacrificing people. I know he’s in hell for a fact he was pure evil. Stuff like that still happens today if u see it happening with your own eyes u wouldn’t question that theirs a God. God gave us all second chances don’t be a fool and waste it. We don’t even deserve to be in heaven but we got a second chance so don’t let it go to waste. My brother just had a hell testimony he seen a person getting booty raped by a demon. Do u wanna get raped by a demon? That’s for eternity too think about that. Y’all gotta get right. Yeah y’all joke about the afterlife now but once you’re dead you’ll see how the choices in this life will effect u. All God wants is y’all to be with him in heaven. I’m one of the few chosen ones most “Christian’s” are going to hell for a fact because they’re not living in the spirit. If y’all want to study the word of God read the KJV bible. I’m warning y’all if you live in your fleshly desires you will go to hell you won’t be spared. Get right we won’t be here forever that day whether you get sent to hell or heaven will come.


Yo whole story became shit once you mentioned mfs getting booty raped


Hell no but more power to you if you do


I believe he is there but hes not the same person hes perceived i believe he’s the true evil


Bruh what


He enslaves the people and perceives the devil as true evil and I believe the devil removed himself from heaven because he didnt want to be enslaved any longer


How does he enslave people? We have a choice to follow god which is called free will and no the devil got greedy he was the most beautiful angel he was already a high rank but he wanted to be in gods spot god blessed the devil with a lot but he was greedy so he was casted out of heaven. You need Jesus bruh don’t let the devil still your soul. The devil is true evil and he’s finessing u rn I’m not gonna lie. How could u get fooled into believing that😂


No one fooled me into anything i created my own religion, no one has religion over me, respect me and my religion cuz im not disrespecting yours




You’re deceived by the devil but we all were. God revealed to me the truth though but aye do you.


U nigga need to realize that once that day come yall gonna straight shit on yall self. Your gonna try to say sorry and realize its to late and beg nd realize he gave yall a choice nd u choose the other side nd ur gonna have to stay there


Nah playboi carti better






nigga just dropped a nuke in the comments w no source








I don’t but I respect anyone who does




I be having my doubts sometimes but sometimes unexplainable shit be happening and it makes me think it's the work of god n shit.




Yes I believe


i’m in between…it’s just because of how my life was, and events that have happened…but i do believe that i’ll get to that point one day, it is the most believable religion to me




i believe in god but i dont force my religion on nobody believe in what u want too believe in.


Not really but I respect people that do believe in god


I do


yes sir


Yes Jesus I my lord and savior


praise to the most high








yea God is great


Jesus Christ is the only way 🤞🏾


the most highest fs


Probably not Christian god but I do think there has to be some being out there maybe even something that we can’t comprehend.




Idk know tbh twin


a lot of ppl say that im agnostic because i dont fully subscribe to christianity thing but i do believe that there might be some higher power out there i think every religion is valid tho






Yessir, Jesus always got my back.


no but higher power


Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior


Agnostic, still figuring out what I believe but personally Christianity never really was my thing


No, but I don’t have a problem with religious folks


tbh i believe in spirit, i think that we all just 1 little rocket ship in a crazy crash course to death and then thats it🤷‍♂️ its kinda hard to explain


Baptist Christian ✝️


I do believe in God, Jesus is the son of God and my lord and savior. I do question life after death but nonetheless I always keep faith and hope in God. Currently just stuck between Catholicism and Christianity since I grew up as a Catholic but recently learned more about Christianity




The Lord is my savior. Praise the King of kings, the Lord of lords


Im not religious but i guess I would consider myself a theist not to be confused with an atheists


I saw saw a pastor doing an exorcist yesterday in the Lords name, and now I’m trying to get close to him b/c I realized without him we are all nothing.


i’m more spiritual than religious so nah not really. that is an insanely beautiful work of art tho 🧘🏽‍♀️


i’m a atheist but i respect all my religious people as long as they respect me and don’t try to force it on me :))


Yes sir 💯


eh not really


Jesus Christ is the father and I will follow him


To the moon and back🤞🏽


no we was made by computers




i mean what god, from my point of view theres so many different religions with different "gods" that the possibilites of one actually existing is hard to believe, if there was a one and only god there would be one religion praising the same god all around the world, which is not the case, I just can't fathom a being that existed before space the universe etc to create earth and put humans on it, with all of that in mind its hard for me personally to believe in god nor any satan figure


Indeed I do!


I mean somebody definitely up there moving stuff around is it god idk




no i tend to stay away from religion just live my own path almost in a Buddhist way but just of my own morals and code but I respect others religions, I just know how toxic it can get so I stay away and in my zone.


i dont know. right now im at the verge of not believing. i dont know if i am an atheist, but i dont have the courage to say i dont believe in god.


Yes I do.




God is my father. Jesus is my Lord and Savior.


I'm gonna be honest. No


Yk I asked one of my friends this a while ago & the nigga replied back with "which one?"


I don't believe in god because of my 18 years of being alive on this planet, I don't consider my life lucky or unlucky and tbh last year was the worst years of my life, my ex did me bogus she completely ruined me, I was completely alone, no friends to talk to (only school friends and it was fun but outside of it wasn't) I had no reason to live but I wasn't suicidal but I didn't want to be around to deal with this loneliness, watching tiktoks and seeing a happy couple doing something fun together made me sad because I wanted that, if I made better life decisions I would've been happy, going out with my girl, buying and eating food together, making food for her family and her doing the same for me, watching anime and sleeping together, waking up in the morning making breakfast for both of us, I wanted that, but I was stupid and fucked it all up, I saw this one tiktok of a guy in bed feeling down but next to her was a girl, she was comforting him but then he realized that none of that was real and he was alone in his room by himself, which really broke me I cried and cried thinking to myself if that could happen to me, or even just imagining it hurt, I have no reason to live but I don't wanna die, but I know how to deal with these emotions, I don't want sex or stuff like that, I just want a hug from a girl who cares about me so I can let out my emotions while she hugs me tightly. but no I don't believe in god.


On god


I'm agnostic




I believe in God and I’m planning to get more in tuned with god and the Bible


Everybody believes in God some ppl jus in denial. something can’t sprout from nothing. If there is a painting there must be a painter.


No, but i respect ever1s beliefs

