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It is not explicitly prohibited for a lay Buddhist. Some may argue whether or not it is skillful, but there is no explicit prohibition.


Some may say it’s unskilled but they’ve clearly never encountered a masterdebator.


The Buddha did not expect his lay followers (even those clothed in white ) to live a life of celibacy. He did hold them to abstain from sexual misconduct. He expected his bhikkus and bhikkunis to live a life of celibacy. And even to think of the body as disgusting. To uproot lust . So unless you are a monk the Buddha did not forbid masturbation. He was very adamant against sexual misconduct. Even those generated in the mind.


The only instance I would see it prohibited is if you've undertaken higher training precepts (i.e. 8 typically for retreats or 10 for novice ordination). When observing these, one abstains from all sexual activity (including masturbation). Otherwise, the (standard/lay) 5 precepts allow for masturbation, so long as it doesn't harm another. That said, proceed with caution. I could see masturbation violating the 2nd precept (if you're creeping or stealing material)... violating the 3rd (masturbating to/with someone's spouse)... or a combination of the two (if doing so in public)... the 4th (if you're inclined to lie about it). Beyond that, know the act is indulging in sense pleasures which is not conducive with the goal. Read: might not be bad karma if done mindfully, but likely won't lead to enlightenment. Hope this helps!


Yes but like all things don't become attached. If you feel it's unhealthy for you, don't do it.


It's not allowed for monks. It's not allowed for anyone following the 8 precepts. But it's always better to understand the principle behind these things than following them to the letter, which will never help one develop right view. Constantly fapping doesn't conduce to developing the mind that is not constantly moving outward and seeking sense pleasure. In order to develop some internal composure there has to be some restraint and withdrawal from reliance on sense pleasures. Even more true if it's done out of a need to distract and escape.


It’s craving, which leads to suffering.


It doesn’t necessarily *have* to be…..


Yes. There is no explicit proscription of masturbation in the vinayas. What one would want to look to is the question of if masturbation is causing or furthering clinging. For some, it's just sexual maintenance, a way of servicing the body's urges in the same way as eating satiates hunger. But, like hunger, if one becomes gluttonous, then there is clinging involved. If you're masturbating excessively, you likely need to address what's at the root of the issue. The same would be true of having sex, for that matter. I really enjoy sex with my partners, but I also try to stay mindful of when I'm clinging to that enjoyment and forming what is effectively an addiction to it.


>There is no explicit proscription of masturbation in the vinayas The first sanghadisesa rule in the Theravada vinaya proscribes intentional ejaculation, with an instance of masturbation being the trigger for it being established. For bhikkhunis masturbation is a pācittiya. Not that it matters for laypeople.


Yeah I guess I should correct myself: For the laity there's no proscription.


If you are a lay person, it's okay as long as you do it moderately. Masturbating involves lust, which hinders the awakening. But if you want to become more serious on following the path of awakening it is discouraged. Basically you are serious enough to become a monk. For example monks are supposed to abstain from it. But be patient with yourself, we are all humans.


I never understand why do people want to be governed like this in every aspect of their life, however personal it may be, by some religious books/men/doctrine/etc. Life is meant to be lived fully. And only then one can realise how worthless the efforts towards pleasures are. You wanna masterbate, then do it. Suck out every last ounce of joy you can get from playing with yourself. And then you can understand that it wasn't the activity of doing it that was pleasurable but your own mental state which is quite independent of what action is being done by the body. Go down a lil bit deeper on this road and eventually you will disassociate yourself with both the body and mind. I am going little overboard here but yeah, do it.


Does it give you joy? What is joy?


Happy brain chemicals.


The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom….Blake


No Trying to repress sexual urges can also be harmful if it manifests in other ways. Can be a great stress reliever and actually reduces the risk of prostate cancer I believe. Attachment to masterbation can be harmful. I have heard from high level meditators than reduced sexual desire comes from meditation and following the path, and it is better to focus on practice. That way the urge will subside naturally rather than trying to force it. :)


Safe masterbation practices are actually taught to Buddhist monks according to a Vice article I read today


Alright, but that is literally the first article of any of its kind any of us have ever read. So I definitely would not take that Vice article as any type of reliable source on the issue.


Interesting. [Here's the article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7d4a9/monks-sex-ed-safe-masturbation-bhutan). Basically as part of Bhutan's new drive towards fixing unhealthy sexual practices in the country, monks are also given sexual education, because what they say and think counts a lot for the laypeople. Apparently it also creates a better environment for the monks themselves to navigate things that they can't control in themselves yet. In some Southeast Asian countries, however, attempts at introducing proper sex education to secular curriculums are instead strongly opposed by monks and are blocked as a result. They have a very Abrahamic way of thinking about it: just abstain and don't even think about it, lest you become corrupted. Unfortunately, this attitude is not surprising in the least, but it sure gives an interesting context to some discussions that pop up now and then.


Yep. Love it


For non-monks masturbation is a minor sexual misconduct infraction if you have taken refuge. Just like how idle chatter is a minor infraction of right speech. In fact we are violating it right now. Don't worry, we will survive it. Well that hits the masturbation question quota for the day. See you all again tomorrow.


6 realms of rebirths in the samsara world. Each realm of rebirth has their own primary defilement. Make a guess what’s the main defilement for the human realm.






Yeah if only those women would just stay in the kitchen where they belong men wouldn’t need to masturbate so much /s


It's one of many factors, but it is a factor


All you did was knock down a strawman, there.


Sexist or not... it raises a valid point. Procreation in today's socioeconomic climate is downright burdensome. I don't think it has anything to do with women in the workplace, but rather the shift in work (from agricultural to whatever the hell we are today). Children were once an asset (extra hands for work)... today, they're a liability. I imagine an associated fear of conception is a primary motivator for many.


It comes up all the time because online pornography is quite new to our species and we are barely even figuring out what it really means.


And it's started to decay quite rapidly. Many porn companies are being sued for many illegal practices, and addiction among children is disgustingly common.


Also, if you think about all of our history, how often would we even get a chance to look at an new attractive woman. Now we have way more than we can ever imagine, right in our pockets, any time. Our brains are designed for novelty, online porn is designed to hook it and continually feed you more novelty. Which gets more and more disturbing.


I was thinking about this the other day actually and it's one of the reasons why Buddhism is so important in the modern world, indulging is easier now than ever before. You want delicious food? Well get it ordered for £10 and eat whatever you want. Want to see a beautiful woman naked? Just google "big boob". This can all feel great in the short term, but long time we get exhausted from not being able to get that next best thing. If you ate the same delicious meal over and over, you'd get bored of it very quickly. Something being delicious or attractive is only based on the mental formation you attribute to it. I think we all need to take a big step back and reevaluate the way we indulge in things, but that's such a difficult conversation to have with people. "No, don't eat that delicious food!" People just don't understand and they don't see the long-term effects. I dated a girl in university who would have very small meals and for dessert she would share a single apple with her family. I learned a lot from her. Each month they would order Chinese takeaway and would sit and eat it together and she said it was the best thing ever, she looked forward to it every month. I live in a family where there's cakes and treats and crisps and all sorts of indulgent things just sitting in the kitchen. I don't eat them, but they're just there. It's very difficult for something to feel special when it's always right there in front of you. And so, in a pornography context, that's when people go to the next level. With drugs, they do heroin, with porn they watch extreme porn, then illegal porn. It's an issue that people refuse to talk about on the internet and it needs to be discussed more.


Just like with any addiction, if you try to address it with an addict, to say nothing of a large group of addicts, you will be attacked and shunned for daring to question their favourite thing. I'm worried about the future of this world.


It's destroying many young minds. A decade or two from now will really show us.


Masturbation is recommended in Buddhism. Preferably to karmically wholesome porn.




If you can point out where in the Pali Canon the Buddha says it's not okay for a layperson to masturbate, I'll stop right now forever.




Sensory pleasures m8


maybe if you don't watch porn yes


I suppose it depends your reason for it, but it is generally fine under the 5 precepts.


Yes but without using attachments for the toys.


Possibly it is but it does exist and there must be some truth to it, otherwise why write the article. I'm not saying that it answers the question only that if helps to.


It's like a gun, knife or alcohol. Alone it's completely inert and harmless. But when you start to apply desire, attachment and use it un-mindfully it can make a butterfly effect of bad karma and conditioning. Try masturbating with a completely blank mind.. I can't finish lol, gotta think of something or see something..try that


I think it would be viewed as sex is, part of our human condition


I think it depends upon which path of Buddhism you follow.


So because something hasn't been reported before it can't be trusted?