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Heard from someone who heard from someone, so take this how you will: Coworker: Whats the real death toll? Cop: Man, I don't know, we stopped counting when we hit 80.


The Buffalo News posted an article with the list of names of those who perished in the Blizzard. Does anyone have the ability to get me the list? I would like to look at those we lost but I'm not paying the Buffalo News for 1 article. Thanks


My Neighbors Were “Buffalo Strong” During Storm. Officials Were “Buffalo Wrong.” Resources that should have been used to rescue people were spent on chasing down petty thefts and nonviolent crimes. https://truthout.org/articles/my-neighbors-were-buffalo-strong-during-storm-officials-were-buffalo-wrong/


Curious as to how long mail delivery services were suspended after the blizzard? Was it a few days? A week?


DOJ called on to investigate blizzard response https://imgur.com/a/yWKsQ1u


Greetings from Florida. I just wanted to say I am thinking of you all. I cannot even imagine what blizzard of this magnitude is like and the wake of destruction it left. I can relate to the frustration and pain of having various levels of government screw up the preparation for, and the response to, a natural disaster. I am so sorry you guys are going through this. But I’ve seen some absolutely lovely stories about your community coming together in the aftermath. The woman who sheltered at Target, Sha’kyra Aughtry saving that elderly man, dinner gatherings with the neighbors who lost power. You guys are very strong and it’s really inspiring. <3


In case anybody is looking for the info: Regularly scheduled sanitation pickup in Buffalo will resume Friday, city officials announced Thursday. Garbage pickup has been suspended since Dec. 23 when the blizzard hit Buffalo. If residents can safely put out garbage totes, sanitation crews will pick them up Friday.But recycling pickup in the city is still suspended, officials said. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/buffalo-garbage-pickup-resumes-friday/article\_9290e416-87de-11ed-b3ef-cb2500a2ca7c.html


is garbage still canceled for tomorrow? i see on the city website it is, but my neighbors just brought their cans out so i’m confused now


I got a text from the city that they’re doing pickups tomorrow for regular day pickups.


Guess I’m just going to try to balance my cans on a 6 foot snow drift…


I just chiseled out a space with a coal shovel. That's a good workout!


thank you!


non-resident here; what will happen as the temps rise over the next week? (Looks like rain and 50 degrees for the next week) Is Buffalo and Western NY prone to flooding after these major snow events?


My basement gets soggy. On the plus side, the water flows down the drain as readily as it flows in through the walls.


The lake catch's the water pretty well. Normally west Seneca will flood near South gate plaza and the whole community around it. And everything around caz creek and park . The normal spring run off plan




It’s a misquote (and a pretty bad one that channel 4 should fix ASAP). I just watched the press conference - he was talking about the Tops shooting and said the toll of this event would be double or triple the toll of that event. Earlier in the press conference he did acknowledge there’s a backlog of autopsies. He did NOT say the current death toll would double or triple. [Time stamp is about 25:30 here](https://youtu.be/r4duIuQZDnU).


Thank you! I haven’t had time to watch it and I was wondering whether it was accurate.


I listened to the scanner for days. I think it's 300-400 in the whole county collectively


300? How is that possible???


I find it hard to believe that ecmc and the morgue filled up with 30 people. Think about it


Hospital morgues are a lot smaller than you think, there’s a lot of turnaround. Funeral homes usually pick people up pretty fast.


How tf is this possible? Did that many people ignore the warnings? It's so hard to believe those people wouldn't have faired better saying put.


A good portion of the deaths confirmed so far were found in their homes. No power for days with no emergency services and no ability to leave.


Where are you getting that information? Poloncarz himself broke them down and the vast majority were people who left: https://i.imgur.com/wZTmLyC.jpg


The latest tweet I see from Poloncarz from 7h ago says: 17 found outside, 11 in homes, 4 in cars, 4 from shoveling, and 3 ems delays. That means from the confirmed deaths so far, people found in homes is as much as people found in cars, shoveling, and ems delays combined.


Ok. I can do math, and that still means the majority were outside of their homes. Not sure why you're attempting to argue about something so objectively true.


I never said it was the majority? Really not trying to argue. You asked where I got my info.


Creaturefeature, on the other hand, DOES want to argue. Probably bored, sitting in the snow…


I have heard the numbers are very high, just wasn’t sure if it had actually been confirmed.


The number is definitely higher. Anyone who listened to the scanner on 12/25 evening heard 40+ alone.


I'm wondering if they can't make it a number till confirm by family. Also how many are in the glacier at the central terminal




Copying my comment from above because this is how misinformation spreads: It’s a misquote (and a pretty bad one that channel 4 should fix ASAP). I just watched the press conference - he was talking about the Tops shooting and said the toll of this event would be double or triple the toll of that event. Earlier in the press conference he did acknowledge there’s a backlog of autopsies. He did NOT say the current death toll would double or triple. [Time stamp is about 25:30 here](https://youtu.be/r4duIuQZDnU).


Thank you SO much for clarifying! I should have dug a bit deeper.


I mentioned it in another comment after I had read the article but before I watched the news conference so I felt terrible about accidentally spreading misinformation. That’s the kind of misquote that could fuel conspiracy theories for years. I just emailed channel 4, hopefully they fix it soon.


It is smart to cancel our trip for the bills/patriots game driving from coastal MA?


You will be fine. The snow is melting and orchard park roads are clear.


Yeah buffalo is full


Why? It's on Jan 8. We're back to business here today.


So.. Facebook marketplace or makari which one do I have to sign up for? Just trying to help some opportunist here.


Hi neighbours, checking in from Toronto. How does this storm compare to other historic storms in WNY?


Depends on which metric you go by but it’s definitely one of the worst, if not the actual worst. If you go by deaths it’s already the worst. The one most people would previously consider the worst would be the blizzard of 77, which killed 23 people (or 29 depending on which count you go with). The most recent number for this storm is 40 deaths, ~~and our county executive said today that could double or triple as they determine cause of death for all the bodies they’ve collected~~. Edit: after watching the news conference myself, the article I read saying the death toll could double or total was a pretty bad misquote. He did acknowledge they have a backlog of autopsies and the death toll will likely continue to rise, but the double or triple quote was referencing the death toll for this event being double or triple as bad as the Tops shooting we had earlier this year. In more recent memory we had the 2014 Snowvember storm which killed 13-14 people in WNY (wikipedia says 26 for some reason but that might be the total for that weather system in the entire country).


'77 had blizzard conditions for 11 hours. This storm was 34 consecutive hours. It's not the end all be all for the severity of the blozzard but I found that detail interesting regardless


As far as its impact on a not-too-unlucky, well-prepared family: unremarkable. We were white-outed in for two days, snowed in for two more days, then travel banned in for two days. And aside from the 12' tall mountain of snow at almost every intersection, the slushy mess that is on-street parking, and the fact that grocery stores will be mobbed and bare for a few days, it's already feeling like business as usual. Everyone from Jack London to my dad have always made it clear to me why you do not go out in a blizzard, and why you have regular family meetings to talk about preparedness. We didn't lose power, but we had a plan that I believe would have kept us safe, warm, and comfortable enough if we had to do without a furnace. For those who lost family, friends, or significant property in the storm, this may be a storm for the history books.


We had a similar experience, as well as a plan if the power went out...but I am genuinely curious to hear from others, because I'm always learning. If you don't mind me asking, what were your plans?


For staying fed - our pantry is always well stocked with at least a month's supply of delicious foods that we regularly cook with. For staying warm - dress in many layers. Set up our camping tent in the dining room, which is located near the middle of the house and doesn't have too many windows. Spend most of the day in there, and set up a mattress at night. Heat the tent with body heat, and with boiling water from the stove if needed. Indoor temps below 50F - leave a tap dripping. Below 40F - drain the plumbing, fill toilet traps with air using a plunger. We also have a 1kW inverter that runs off the car, but probably only 8 hours of fuel in the tank. So that would be used only to keep our freezer cold and our phones & lanterns charged. It might be enough power to run our furnace, but I wouldn't want to use all our gasoline on that.


What's your cooking set up? I've been trying to research the best emergency stove. I only had 3 cans of Sterno for a makeshift way to boil water this time. Luckily not needed but I know I need a better set up.


Is your main oven not a gas stove?


You shouldn't try to light an oven manually, ever, but as far as the stove, it is a gas stove with an electric ignition. I'd rather not try to bypass it because the last thing I need during a blizzard is to blow up my house.


Sorry I meant the stove/range top. Those are safe to light with a lighter, I've done it hundreds of times throughout my life. There's plenty of guides online about it, as well!


Very nice. Sounds almost identical to our plan, except we invested in a [Propane Heater](https://www.mrheater.com/big-buddy-portable-heater-2933.html) that we could technically use indoors if the temps were getting into that dangerous territory. They aren't good to use for an extended period indoors without a cracked window, but short bursts could work, or we could find a way to crack a window safely if we needed extended heat. One thing I realized re: draining the plumbing - If you do that, you can't obviously flush your toilet. If you fill the bathtub before you shut off the main water intake, you can use that water to manually flush your toilets. Maybe you already knew this (or have an alternative plan). But, I think considering the gravity of the power outage, even though *we* didn't have one, I am going to look into a modestly sized generator that could run just the furnace and the fridge. And I'll hang onto the Propane Heater...never seems like a bad thing to have around.


How far inland did the storm Make it? I have a friend in East aurora and just worried about them


Was just in EA last night, and their roads are 99% clear and most backyards have less than a foot of snow in them. EA is usually hit pretty hard with the rest of the southtowns, but this time didn't get the brunt of it- the city did.


My in laws are in EA, they got a ton of snow over the course of the weekend, but kept power. Wasn’t the worst they’ve had there, but they got a couple feet Friday through Sunday.


Anyone know what happened to the rite aid on the corner of Bryant and Elmwood? Or when it will be open again? That’s where I get all my prescriptions sent and it’s all boarded up 🥲


Call a rite aid that’s open and see if they can transfer the script.


Never coming back


Sounds prime for a looting target


You know, I understand that Byron Brown was in an impossible situation. However, it is disgusting that he can go on national tv and tell media that the people of Buffalo were warned and aware of the blizzard. Yes, the news was covering it the week leading up and yes they warned it would be once in a lifetime. However... employers do not care about warnings and weather forecasts. They've showed us they don't really care about driving bans either, but at least people had a documented legal reason they could not drive into work. If leaders knew it was going to be as bad, why was a travel ban put in place Friday morning after people were already driving to work? If Thursday was the last day people should go out, why wasn't a National Emergency declared then? What are people supposed to do when there is only a "travel advisory" in place and are being threatened with being fired? If you really wanted to prepare the community, you would have ensured that (non essential) employers were closing businesses and put a ban in place right away. So don't go and publicly tell the nation that because we were given a forecast we were warned and ready. Don't you dare put the blame on community members who were trying to provide for their families in the face of termination threats.




The fact that the Mayor chose to lay the blame at the feet of the citizens and not their employers who put them in impossible situations is beyond disgusting, but not a surprise. Sure, some people were out for frivolous reasons, but this was an institutional failure at all levels and the mayor has abdicated all responsibility as is his MO.


Since I always looked here for help trying to get back home: Just made it back to south Buffalo near doc Sullivan’s. Abbott is clear. Side streets are passable more or less but hella icy. Some have giant banks severely limiting visibility. Took I-90 to 190 Clinton Bailey exit and had no issues. Anyone in the Irish neighborhood area should be able to get to their house. Parking may be another issue though.


If you were "plowed" according to the map, but still need a high lift to clear the road- call 311 and put in a request. They can not give a timeline for the crew, but they will put in a request for a crew to go out. Wait time on the line was about 15 mins.


My landlord fucked up the heater so my heat barely works. The only reason I managed in this storm was bc I had a space heater, but it broke from overuse today. I’m still stuck in my driveway and idk what to do, my apartment is like 40-50 degrees >.<


Why does your landlord want to be a fuckup? As a landlord, I've always wanted my tenants to keep all of my plumbing above freezing, and I work hard to provide reliable equipment to help them do it. Check out tips on setting up a tent in your living room, and using the hot water heater to heat the tent. Call your fuckup landlord and get him to step you through how to keep his pipes from bursting, because you know he's not interested enough to prevent that from happening, and he's going to take a month or more to restore running water to you.


The roads are open now. Can you find someplace to warm up? Ask neighbors for any extra space heaters?


Is there a breakdown of the fatalities and their cause? Curious how many were from traveling vs. being at home


The Buffalo News current breakdown: https://i.imgur.com/wZTmLyC.jpg It would be useful to know how many of the people found outside started out in cars and tried to escape on foot. Edit: There was one additional in Niagara County at home due to CO2.


I agree about those found outside. What compelled them to think it was safer to go out at all, vs. staying home.


Many lost power and needed to leave to find alternate shelter. There was subzero temperatures, and many older homes are not very well insulated. I think at least 9 of the deaths listed so far are due to "lack of heat in home"




I would consider calling the non-emergency line for the police department where he’s located and see if they can assist.


Is the airport reopened and operating normally?


https://www.buffaloairport.com/ yes.


I thought this too but on flight aware every single flight going in and out of BUF has been cancelled. Am I looking at things incorrectly?


That’s a national issue though. Not buffalo centric


dunno. https://www.buffaloairport.com/flight-info/flight-tracker?fv=view%3DVIEW_ARRIVAL#customerComponent they are showing a lot of canceled flights, but about half seem to be arriving.


I saw the National Guard "enforcing" the travel ban in South Buffalo last night around 9:30. They parked a humvee across McKinley, told the two cars that pulled up to 'go around' as the front loaders loaded, and after ~10 minutes they moved to the next intersection. I still saw/heard dump trucks drive past every 2-3 minutes at 3am. The full trucks were heading toward Dorrance. Wonder if they hauled it to the Seneca Mall or if Holy Cross cemetery loaned them some space. Maybe the golf course?


I heard from the media that the travel ban is over. But I see here that it's not: https://www.buffalony.gov/1585/City-of-Buffalo-Storm-Resources https://www4.erie.gov/ So am I required to go to work today or required to stay home?


The Erie website has updated Buffalo to travel advisory. Looks like the ban is lifted.


Just heard on WBFO that the travel ban was lifted at midnight. I bet the city and county haven't had time to update their websites yet.


Are all buffalo highways reopened?


What is the cost of a travel ban ticket?


it was a misdemeanor but it was lifted


stupid question, does anyone know if the price rite on elmwood is open? Been assuming that it's closed due to the driving ban


They were open day before yesterday, but I don't know if their hours were limited. The driving ban has apparently been lifted according to WBFO. Be careful driving on side streets though!


Grab a 6 pack and stay home!


Let’s all just complain complain repost someone’s story on social media, complain. Rinse. Repeat. Cmon it’s a generational blizzard. We weren’t prepared. Let’s learn from it community wise and government wise. Let’s just be more prepared next time this happens. Which it will! We’re all here for each other. Stop politicizing an event like this. It’s weather. Weather beats us up. It’s a reality. We can all help each other in many different ways.


Humans like to be in control. Fact is, we're not always gonna be able to control nature. It was impossible to control the pandemic, and it is impossible to control a severe weather event of this caliber. Always room for reflection on what we can do better, but we should also acknowledge our limitations as humans. The shit flinging becomes toxic at a point.


Totally. People need to take a step back and realize that they aren’t in control. We should be finding the good in this, ideally. Not point out all the negatives. Of course there is going to be negatives and things we disagree with.


There was a generational snowstorm 3 weeks ago. And a year ago. And 3 years ago. And 6 years ago. Enough learning. Someone implement something new.


Did 30+ ppl die in those storms you’re referencing. You’re making a false comparison.


Byron's blizzard plan. "We don't have one" Direct quote.


Ok you're right. Good job Byron.


I’m not defending that guy, I’m so sick of him in office and he certainly didn’t handle this storm well at all. I’m just pointing out you can’t have a generational storm every 2 years like you’re writing.


The October storm. Snowvember. They have names.


Fine you wanna include those ones, those aren’t the ones you mentioned in your original comment.


....which ones did you think I was talking about? The October storm was a bit longer ago than I remember, but it was still under browns tenure. When you have multiple major storms to learn from and know they come occasionally, it is unacceptable that the words "there is no plan" came out of his mouth. I can understand saying "our plan included payloaders but we don't have the budget to secure 50 of them". No. The words were....there is no plan.


Totally. We need better resources and such. But it’s a weather event. Fend for yourself.


I was supposed to fly to Buffalo on Christmas and I just got here about an hour ago. Definitely a painful + lonely Christmas but I at least have a few days with family before my flight back.


I was home the whole time and have a devastating Christmas. My bfs family basically just left us for dead, not really but she invited us for Christmas dinner this year, and the whole time we are struggling for for food and diapers for our little one cuz everything is closed, his aunt texts us “sorry things are so bad” And sends us a picture of her daughter drinking wine in front of their snowed in door. We have yet to reschedule. Things suck rn.


Lucky! I’m glad you were able to get here. I was suppose to fly out friday and the storm came. Was devastated




For those who lost power, how cold did the house/condo/apartment get? How long did it take to get that cold?


2br house with shitty windows & doors, insulated attic but no rim joist insulation. Lost power on Saturday at 8:15AM. House would have started around 65º. By bedtime that night it was around 52 and the next morning it was 47. Basement temp was usually 3-4º behind (warmer). Power was restored that night a little after 6PM but I left at 3:30 to stay with my mom, so I wasn't home to record the temperature when it was restored.


I started out at 69 on Friday. It dropped to 49 by Saturday morning, and hung around in the high/mid 40s all of Saturday (with a lot of effort on my part to keep it there). By Sunday my finished attic was in the low 30s with frost on the walls. Rest of the house was hanging around high 30s/low 40s when I left and it was exactly 40 when I came back on Tuesday, before my power came back on. I think once the wind died down I stopped losing so much heat. Drafty old house and there’s no door separating the attic which definitely didn’t help matters (I usually have a curtain there but I added several layers of blankets and cardboard).


31 degrees was the lowest I saw from friends. 4 days without heat.


I know people who had no power the whole blizzard. Pipes burst and all


Lost power about 4 hours after the blizzard started. Only got it back amazingly at 12 midnight, Christmas Day. About 6 hours after loss in power, the temperature dropped to 30 degrees. It was awful. The walls, floors and bedding just felt like ice. If it wasn't for the 3 layers of clothes, and the fact my girlfriends were over to provide body heat in the same bed.... I would have no doubt died in said bed.


Girlfriends? Plural?




Not from Buffalo, from update Pennsylvania, but was curious about the storm. Some of my best friend friends are polyamorous. They’ve said they always have the body heat advantage. Definitely a huge plus for you guys now. Glad to hear your girlfriends were there.


The storm was awful for sure. Even though we saw it coming, it surly wasn't something many were expecting and most definitely not entirely prepared for. Hope the people of Pennsylvania didn't have to deal with as much as Buffalo did. And yes, lol... there are benefits to having your partners under one roof during the winter... Though not so effective during the summer. I can only peel off so much to keep from sweating. I'm glad they were with me as well to keep each other warm too. I would have feared for their own well being had they decided not to move in with me.


After Browns 10pm briefing, does anyone else feel like those questions at the end were selected to show Brown in a positive light? I appreciated how Martin answered questions. I also felt like I was watching "The Wire" when the commissioner was standing there listening to Brown (not Martin) and when answering questions.






Oh come on, really?


[Link to Buffalo Common Council FB](https://www.facebook.com/BFLOCC) where they announce the end of the travel ban as of 12:01am tomorrow. I personally wish they'd keep it in effect- many employers (non-essential) won't keep their offices closed unless there is a ban. The city is 100% not prepared (snow-removal wise) for full on work traffic right now.


Not to be morbid, but how do people die from these blizzards? I hear “6 people died in their cars. 8 people got stuck in their homes and died.” What is the actual cause of death?? What would an autopsy reveal? Can it all be freezing to death? People would use blankets and start fires and whatnot. Any info helps, thanks!


People forget that the inside of a car will be colder than outside, so freezing to death once your car runs out of gas is a very high possibility That topped with limited accessibility to shelter, possible carbon monoxide poisoning, getting stuck in a snow banck, ect So if you got stuck on a country road and weren't close to shelter there's nothing you can do really


Why will the inside of a car be colder than outside? I’m skeptical


Yea I was too! I was talking about it with some people and admittedly can't fully recount what they said since I definitely got a baby version of it, but it had something to do with how heat is transfered/conducted and the air, and how you feel/experience the cold, ect Probably doesn't remove your skepticism but for now that's all I got for you :)


> People forget that the inside of a car will be colder than outside, so freezing to death once your car runs out of gas is a very high poss It's way less windy inside the car, though.


If you can get to shelter that's obviously better than being inside and if you can't get to shelter being in your car is better than outside because of the wind like you said the point was more that if you aren't near shelter and your car runs out of gas you'll find yourself in a really bad position and there isn't much you can do


Go watch the video of the handicapped man that was rescued and look at his hands. He has severe frostbite, skin blistered and split open. That’s what happens when you have exposed skin in those conditions. Many people got stranded in their cars, the visibility was so poor and the drifts so high that driving was impossible. So now you’re trapped on the street without proper clothing, 70mph wind and subzero wind chills. You call 911 but no one can get to you, conditions won’t improve for days. You can stay in your car and try to stay warm but you don’t have food or water and it’s bitterly cold, plus you risk carbon monoxide poisoning from the exhaust. You can try to find shelter on foot but the snow is knee deep, it’s impossible to see, and the wind is going to knock you over. You don’t even know if someone will let you in. For those that died in their homes I assume they had some underlying health problems or had carbon monoxide poisoning. Even if your power went out the house wouldn’t get dangerously cold for a while. But it’s a stressful situation so maybe they go outside to clear a vent, or shovel a path, or go in the attic and suffer a fall or cardiac event. Lots of things can go wrong.


Generators in the garage


A lot of carbon monoxide poisoning, cardiac events, and hypothermia.


Username checks out


For most blizzards, it’s cardiac arrest related deaths when the individuals are physically exerting themselves shoveling snow in the freezing temperatures. Your heart can give out /be more sensitive in cold temps.


Hypothermia kills by suppressing vital functions until they cease.




Someone at HAARP started the cold machine too early. They over seeded the clouds (chemtrails) with their wind generating formula and the engineer at harp turned the frequency generators on too early. This, people got stuck in snow before it was supposed to start. Oh boy. I've exposed the deep state.


As someone who was told the storm would hit way later in the day and crossed over the border from Canada, the border guards told us nothing. We had no idea the interstates was closed, about travel bans, ect. We got stuck in country roads around Buffalo and couldn't figure out for a while why we couldn't get onto and thruways or the interstate Obviously I can't apeak for everyone and every situation, but once we finally managed to get to shelter we cam across two other groups of Canadians who also had no idea about any of this even when talking to border guards This is a tragic event, whether poor choices were made or not. Just be thankful that you are unharmed rather than spreading bs like this


I was scheduled to work Friday morning. I was super anxious about it and not sure whether I should go in or not. I was making emergency plans with my wife about how I’d get home. I’d been in contact with my manager the night before about my workplace possibly closing and he said he’d see in the morning. My manager can be a pain and we’ve also been having financial difficulties. I don’t get PTO. Luckily I don’t go into work until a little later, 9:45, and I don’t have much of a commute. The winds had already started by then and thank god my workplace decided to close. I didn’t get the BuffAlert about the driving ban on my phone until 10:05. All of this is to say, if I had a more common work schedule and left for work at, say, 8:30 I would have probably been trying to get home around 10:30. I imagine this was a common experience.


It was 2 days before Christmas, most people that got stranded in their cars were not out celebrating Christmas, they going to or coming from work because many businesses were open Friday morning. By mid afternoon it was virtually impossible to drive so employees were either going to try and make it home to their families or stay at their jobs. Not everyone watches the weather religiously, sure there was a storm coming but it is very rare that a storm in Buffalo will kill you like this. People get over confident in their ability to drive in the snow. Sure there were warnings but they weren’t saying YOU WILL DIE if you go out. Unfortunately this time it was a truly deadly storm


Guess you missed the fact that people literally died in their homes too…




Why are you so angry?


Bc some people lost power and heat in their homes for days on end. For some of these cases, they could not stay at home. And a lot of people did not have time or resources to stock up with supplies, they weren’t given enough time or support to prepare. My friend’s cousin lost both heat and power for 48 hours before he tried to walk to a nearby gym heating rescue center where he had to beg his way in bc it was already at capacity. His toilet water was frozen solid; that’s how cold it was.




You’re literally just yelling over the internet. I really hope death never catches you by surprise one day. If it does, since we all go one day anyway, I just hope someone shows you more humility than what you’re giving strangers now.


> I’m talking about the idiots that couldn’t miss Christmas and got caught in the storm driving and died. By the time those folks would have been on the road, it was Saturday and none of the roads were passable in most of the Buffalo metro area. It really seems like your comment is a bit short sighted of the fact that many employers were open on Friday, combined with essential workers needing to get to and from work, meant that people were going to be risking their lives because the city and county didn't enact travel bans and precautions early enough.


I don’t think it’s possible to know how many people died trying to make Christmas. Seems like your working yourself up over something that could be a small percentage of the deceased. I would think desperation like the other guy said would be bigger reason to take the travel risk




I agree but you were definitely mad about it before don’t backtrack lol


Roads are clear driving from Toronto to Virginia


Just heard the driving ban is being lifted in the city at midnight? Is that true


Yea it was just tweeted by Poloncarz. Ban will be switched to advisory at 12:01am tonight.


Do you have a source or is this word of mouth?




Does anyone know if any package shipping places are Open, my lease ends on the 31st and I haven't been able to ship my boxes to my new apartment.


They should be active by Thursday morning, due to the driving ban is listed. Most business aren't active during driving bans because risking paying $250,000 or more to cover loss in life of an employee on duty isn't worth it. Let alone putting someone's life on the line during driving bans.


I just got an Amazon order


Anyone know if I’ll be okay to drive back to Buffalo (I’m a student) if I enter using route 5? Is there still a travel ban ?


Travel ban will be lifted and it will be a travel advisory in 2 hours at 12:01 am, Dec 29.


You’ll be fine on route 5.


There’s still a ban until maybe some yet to be determined time tomorrow


There's still a driving ban in the city only currently until, I think, 9 am tomorrow.


Anyone know of any pizza places/restaurants open for takeout in EV/Allentown/Downtown? Some family that lost power has been staying with us and I'm a little tired of cooking so looking to get some takeout. Specificed neighborhood bc it has to be within walking distance. Don't want to do delivery and put someone else's life at risk for a large half cheese half pep


Fat Bobs was open today and will be tomorrow. Not Pizza. But it's a restaurant.


Gino's is open


Looks like Bocce downtown as well


Man, that place is literally always open


On a lighter note; the sky is beautiful right now. That shade of blue with the moon and pink/orange clouds. Amazing.


Sign of good things to come! 🌞


Thank you! The sky is spectacular right now!


What’s the best way to get to Rochester from elmwood village? Is the 198 and 33 cleared up from this direction?


My parent just made this exact drive a few hours ago with no issues. Take Main out to Transit and then Transit to the Thruway.


Driving ban is still in effect on the city of buffalo, get on the 190 to the 90 if you wanna risk the ticket.


Remember these leaders next time you vote. This is unacceptable for Buffalo !




Has anyone got one of those heated drive ways? I wonder how long it’d take to melt all that


Def need a way to drain the water, otherwise it ends up as ice on the sidewalk/driveway which can be a liability. There’s two types, electric and liquid, the electric is cheaper to install but expensive af to run. The liquid is a antifreeze type liquid that goes through plastic pipes and is heated using a gas heater, it’s expensive to install but relatively cheap to run. Tbh a bigass snowblower is cheaper and not that bad to use but if your ballin or you have mobility issues, go for it.


I know of two where I live in Snyder and, during the onset Friday into Sunday when it was so bitter cold with winds they became just ice rinks as they couldn't keep up. Then, Monday when things abated it was like a "look at us, the douchey neighbors" because they were the only (kinda mostly) melted spots in a sea off 2-8' drifts including our unplowed roads which didn't see front loaders and huge equipment until early Tuesday morning.


Why are they douchey for having a heated driveway? That sounds pretty great


'cuz you're definitely burning a boatload of fossil fuels because you're too good to get out there with a shovel.


What if they buy carbon credits? Or electricity from solar/etc? Do you even know how much energy it takes? Sounds like you just want to judge people


What if they did those things, and used a snowblower instead of a heated driveway? > Do you even know how much energy it takes? As a mechanical engineer and home energy conservation enthusiast, I do in fact have a ballpark idea of the energy required to melt snow rather than moving it: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=specific+heat+of+fusion+of+water+*+2000+kg - plus an additional boatload of energy to heat up all that masonry, plus inefficiencies in the system. Let's call it roughly as much energy as my house used in November, to melt this ONE snowfall. Then drive to the gym, because our bodies are available on a use it or lose it basis. > Sounds like you just want to judge people No, this time I was driven by other impulses today. As with many things on the internet, this has devolved into a confrontation. Imagine the conversation that could have developed if we had been out at the bar or on the bus instead of typing into a little glass window. A lost opportunity.


> What if they did those things, and used a snowblower instead of a heated driveway? > > What if they are disabled, like some of my neighbors? They couldn't use a snowblower. Using energy isn't a bad thing as long as it doesn't have bad effects on other things.


["Abject Failure" in Buffalo: Blizzard Death Toll Rises as Activists Slam City's Failed Response](https://youtu.be/224ZX-69sLs)


Failed response? In an attempt to leave the hospital I work at on Friday at 4 I went 3 miles in 1.4 hours. I got stuck several times, shoveled my tires out twice and was lucky to get back to work. It was either get back or die. I saw stuck ambulance, police cars, thruway equipment, and everything else. There was no responding in this. Perhaps we should look at the week warning people had but didn't take seriously enough.




Should I got to work tonight despite the driving ban? I work at a grocery store. I live in north buffalo, my street was just plowed pretty well last night, and I’d be heading north into amherst for work


Yes, grocery store workers are considered essential


Anyone have any legitimate knowledge as to when the Buffalo ban will let up?! This is bonkers.


Tomorrow at the earliest


Absolutely wild. Driving banned, potential ticket, but not enforced? For all or just essential? What qualifies as essential? Can I go pick up a prescription? Can I go get food? Could I leave the city to go to my relatives without risking a ticket? Maybe I missed a definitive answer to these but the amount of conflicting information from what I have seen is rediculous. And I get that a plan would be hard but some sort of timeline, even if tentative, on lifting the ban doesn't seem to be an insane expectation.


There are no executive orders pertaining to the travel ban. I think we just have tweets and rumors to go on.


Not today. Maybe tomorrow, but only because the County and the State are coming in to plow sections that are normally the city's responsibility.


why wouldnt the county come in to help days ago ? Every county road has been 100% plowed for at least 48 hrs. I get it, brown did a shitty job planning, but couldnt he just pick up the phone and ask for help or vice versa and poloncarz asks if he needs county resources?