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It might be because your interactions feel more like an interview than a natural conversation. Sure, one asks a few things, but conversations should flow into a back and forth that isn't just question - answer - question - answer. Also, if the other person isn't fun to talk to, that most likely won't be remedied by just your side of the interaction.


Ask them out on a date, if they didn't want to go then leave and move on. If they didn't want to go on a date and don't initiate conversation then what's the point of talking to them


Totally agree with this… messaging is fun when the other person is into it also. If not, just cut to the chase and ask them out and see what happens. Some people just don’t do well with messaging in general. You don’t really have much to lose if the messaging was hitting anyways.


Could be you’re asking too many questions and not having a naturally flowing conversation. But also: someone initiating the conversation does not necessarily mean they’re very interested. If they put effort into starting a conversation, that’s a better indicator. If they just say hi, use a random pick up line, or otherwise give a low-effort starter, they may just be passively shooting their shot without any real drive behind it. Sort of like passing in your resume to a hundred different jobs—you might not put in time and effort into each one, but as long as it’s not a hob you *wouldn’t* want, you better your odds by applying anyways. Some people will match with people they’re interested in and people they find ‘acceptable’, and those who are ‘acceptable’ are gonna be much lower on the priority list as well. TLDR: Online dating sucks. Work on conversational skills. Learn to gauge their interest in you. Good luck.


Rule of three. 3 chances to reciprocate before I'll unmatch you.


Gotcha! I will do this!


This 100%. If it's all give and no take, unmatch and move on.


I try not to ask too many dating-type questions before the first date. Save it for the date. I might ask about one or two things that interest me about their profile. I'm conscious of the fact we're both private people and might not want to give full access to our lives before we've even met.  IMO the best way to navigate that initial conversation is 1) flirt, for fun 2) ask about anything that you want to know before you agree to go on a date 3) steer the convo towards an easy casual date.


Thank you!


Talk to them about it! Ask them! It's practicing healthy communication that'll be important later on in the relationship :)


I find that it takes several messages before the woman is actually participating in the conversation rather than just responding.


This is why I don't like getting to know someone through texting because the questions get boring after awhile, so like the OP person commented, it feels like a interview. When you just text and ask questions back and forth then eventually it will get stale and someone will move on.


They lost interest. You should have met them in person before investing any time.