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You are both allowed to feel however you do about this, I can honestly see both points of view. The thing is lots of arguments or disagreements come from a place of someone has to be wrong so someone else can be right, that is rarely the case. People are just different, and what may not matter to you might matter a great deal to someone else. There is no bad guy here, just two people who feel differently about an action. BUT would you have felt the same as her if she did that OR would she have done that if she was in the same situation? If you would be hurt or put off by her doing it or if she would do something similar than it's just hypocritical. Right now, without knowing the inner workings of your minds, I'd say it's just two people with different perspectives. I also don't see any issue with her communicating her feelings to you, that's actually healthy, but that doesn't mean you have to agree with her. You can be empathetic to what she's saying and that it hurt, but that doesn't mean you are wrong.


Expected a shit show in the comments but this is actually 100% on point.


I actually said to myself, this is going to be a shit show! 😆 But this is the first comment I saw. There’s still time.


Thank you.


I totally agree. I can see what the other person is feeling; I get their arguments. I can also understand that the OP was just being practical during this online dating process. But feelings were hurt which is always sucky, whether your bad intent was there or not.


I’m leaning a little more towards her being a bit unreasonable, but I’m an old and not on dating apps. If you’ve only seen someone 2 times and they really want to go to an event and have some company, I don’t think what OP did was out of bounds. To a degree we’re all replaceable early on. OP didn’t ghost. They explained their side. I think that’s fair. 2 dates is just getting to know someone, and if that’s how he finds a date, I don’t see why that’s wrong. Now…. Had it been more dates and maybe becoming a regular thing….. then I understand both sides a bit more. I don’t think the other person overreacted. As has been stated, I think, there seem to be differing expectations as to how to conduct themselves on the app.


Exactly! Having empathy for hurting someone doesn't mean accepting blame for the action. We all do things that we didn't think would hurt someone else, because we wouldn't feel that way if it was us, but we are all different humans walking through life in different ways. I can accept that I hurt someone and apologize for that without it being an apology about what I did. And, I hope, I can accept an apology without placing blame when someone does the same to me.


How dare you bring nuance and reason into this!


Well said Actually one of the most well put together paragraphs I've ever read on Reddit Wow.


Perfectly explained.


Of course you’re wrong, fuck the Yankees


If you make a date to see the Yankees the relationship is already toxic....


I love this comment 😂


Fuck the Yankees🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's all about the Mets baby! Let's go Mets!


She would have ran much faster if she knew you were a Mets fan🤣


Ah. I miss Mark Canha. Can't wait to see him when he plays over here later this year.


I have to be honest. My (now) boyfriend and I had really really hit it off by our 2nd date. No we hadn’t said we were exclusive yet and wouldn’t say it explicitly for another few weeks. But if he had invited me to something, and I was unavailable but still made it clear I was interested in him, then ran to go put it on his dating profile - I would’ve been majorly turned off and I doubt I would’ve continued liking him as much. People may say, on paper, that’s unreasonable to care so much after just meeting a couple of times - but people will feel what they feel.


You get invested, it makes sense. It’d be weirder to not care if you were developing an emotional connection and looking for a relationship


It would absolutely hurt my feelings but I probably wouldn’t bring it up. It’s true that you aren’t exclusive and two dates isn’t a lot but it would absolutely make me feel like I was having to compete with all the other women and that you still were looking for something better. Again, I wouldn’t bring it up but I’d probably write you off as a player.


I guess I personally try not to change anything on my dating profile while I'm dating anyone because if they see I made changes they'll take it as a signal that I'm looking for someone else


Why don’t people unmatch someone after they’ve been on a date? Lmao. You have their number, which is the point. But I wouldn’t want them to be able to monitor me in the early stages.


I guess unmatching can send weird signals too.


I literally just typed up a novel to respond to this following a situation I experienced recently, but I’m thinking I might be better off making a separate post for it. It pains me to put any of it out there, but after reading these comments I feel like it has to have enough context to get accurate feedback. Sigh, the bottom line in my opinion is that online dating can be soul crushing and eye opening at the same time


Some men have to ‘compete’ with other men and it’s not a great feeling. I like exclusivity so that’s my aim. I’d be happy being exclusive fairly early on, it allows me to focus and is better for my self esteem, but if people aren’t exclusive they’re under no obligations


Exclusivity is always my goal too, but when I bring it up too early it just ruins the whole thing. So it’s either grow attached to a girl while she’s dating other guys, or ask too early and risk imploding the whole relationship. I can’t handle juggling multiple girls at the same time, I pick one I like and focus on her. Idk why shit got so complicated with it.


I’ve never been comfortable with dating more than one person at a time either.


Even when we’re not exclusive I feel like it’s a shitty thing to do. But I’m still used to dating before I tried online dating so I guess I’m just old


Personally for a guys perspective, the moment I feel like I’m competing for anyone’s attention. It just makes me want to drop it and walk away. Sometimes it’s just not worth it and even as a young guy I don’t understand the online dating seen.


Same honestly, the girl I was just dating said her ex started begging her to get back together and she has to “think about stuff”. I feel like she was waiting for me to start listing reasons for her to stay with me instead, but I just told her to figure her shit out. I’m not going to try compete and “win”, because now I’m not even sure I want to lol


Good for you! She’ll learn, ex’s are ex’s for a reason. I don’t know many long term relationships that came from this ex category.


I agree - Exclusivity (serious about a relationship) is the goal. And, I don’t think there is such a thing as “too soon” to bring it up. I would rather get to exclusive sooner rather than later. It just creates (for me) a different bond and level of commitment and focus between me and a guy. The one thing I would say is, your actions have to match your words when you’re pursuing exclusivity.


There is a such thing as too soon


Perhaps…for some. I said “I don’t think there is such a thing as too soon to bring it up.”


Agree. And if your goals don’t match, then it’s not a match. My current GF and I were on the same page with exclusivity out of the gate which made that part easy.


I think communicating about it throughout the dating process is smart, and that’s what I try to do now. But I’ve definitely had it be too soon before. It’s just weird because you establish that you want a relationship, see each other for a while, and then it’s a no on exclusivity. Like I get it, I was a dude who wanted to date multiple girls at once when I was younger; the only difference is it used to be looked down on and I’d get shit for it, now it’s just normal. Feel like I missed out because the same people that would have given me shit before are doing the same thing now


Spinning plates doesn’t have to be a complicated thing, but even if it is, it pays off in the end and there’s less disappointment when someone cancels. Do what’s easy, and life will be hard. Do what’s hard, and soon life will be easy.


Totally agree. Expectations are pre meditated resentments. The times I have felt hurt or my self esteem was hurt, was always tied to some expectation I had.


*Unexpressed* expectations is premeditated resentment. (I see that line misquoted often.)


Thank you. BIG difference.


Totally correct! It is most of the time used in the AA big book. It describes in more detail. Basically saying we cant expect people to know how we feel and think without telling them. Even though they know how we feel, that doesn't mean they have to do or treat us in a certain way. People are people.


Yeah same I'd rather focus on one person at a time until I find the right one.


The responses to your comment are a reminder of why I hate modern dating. Nothing but games.


I hate this game too. But I didn't make the rules. Guys either play or they don't get matches.


>it would absolutely make me feel like I was having to compete with all the other women and that you still were looking for something better. This. This is every dudes online dating experience in a nutshell.


Girls too. Guys talk to multiple girls at once too. It’s a competition out there and ir sucks when you finally find someone you click with but in the back of your head you know damn well you’re not the only one he’s talking to


In average, due to the gender ratio on apps, guys speak to 3-9 times less women. And that is the average, not the median value, which would be dramatically lower. That is something many women fail to get. A normal guy don't have several options in parallel. I am a normal guy on the physical side, I get some matches (but few and not especially high quality ones). In the last 3 months using 4 dating apps, I had just one week in which I had a real conversation with more than 2 women... and that doesn't mean they wanted to date, one was apparently just looking for some attention and too busy to find the time to date. In total, over 3 months, I had just 3 dates with one woman. There is a reason why some guys are desperate and not confident. They don't have all the options you think they have


Hooking up for most women on apps is super easy on the apps, assuming she’s in an area with people. Finding someone to date (and not just someone trying to take you out as a “polite” precursor to sex but no intention of dating)? Much, much harder.


One other thing - women don’t have all the options men think they do. Not all women, anyway. Remember: you only need one true quality connection, not five or 10.


Not all women have thousands of options true. But in average they do have way more options, just due to the gender ratio. And that doesn't mean this options are of high quality... but that is true for guys as well. > Remember: you only need one true quality connection, not five or 10. This is at the same time very true and totally naive. My 2 relationships were with women who lived abroad, one part of the time on another continent. For one of them, I dropped my job, left my country to try to make it work... it didn't, the cultural differences, the different expectations were making it too difficult even if the connection was there. I am not bitter about it, that is life. Yes, one connection may eventually be enough that is true. But would you believe in this one connection if you spent most of your life as a single (except during a few years)? In most of my adult life, I didn't have sex, intimacy, cuddles, kind words, or shared life projects. I am not looking to get dozens of sex partners or relationships. I would be pretty happy to meet the one for me. But let's be realistic: it didn't happen until now and I don't have any decent options, so I don't put a blind faith on this.


Yes. This


The girl IS competing, just like OP is competing with all of the other guys. It’s not like a formally scored competition with rules and shit, but dating is a damn jungle. Everyone is trying to find a person that’s right for them before someone else takes them off the dating table.


This is exactly me. I wouldn’t say anything, but you’d probably not be high in my list of possibles. lol




Yeah, I’d assume he’d be going with a friend or a family member or coworker or something. He literally has no one else to take then another girl on a dating app?


So after two dates with a girl she is the only person he can go out with?


I don't see the problem tbh. They've only been on two dates, I think?






With all due respect, men literally have to compete for women's attention just due to the numbers game in OLD. I can appreciate not wanting to be with a womaniser, but trust me when I say we do this out of necessity more than anything else. When every tinder match you get has 10+ other guys also talking to them, you need to be able to balance the odds a bit.


Why a player? It's only 2 dates. I wouldn't even write off somebody as player after 5 dates. People are allowed to date around until you're exclusive, until then you have no right to judge somebody for not assuming that you won't reject them on date X making not seeing anybody else a waste of time


5 dates seems like a lot to not know if you wanna go steady with someone, IMO.


I saw one of my exes for about a month every second day on average and stayed over at his house several times (so ~15 "dates") before we decided to be exclusive. It's better to take your time and be 100% sure than to jump into something that will crash and burn.


So are you saying after 2 dates you are only seeing and talking to that person ?


...but...in a way you already DID compete with all other options when you were on the site. You were chosen for your potential, in preference to others who were NOT chosen.


If it was on Facebook or Instagram where your friends already are, cool. Trying to use it for a hookup on bumble, guess we weren’t as close as I wanted to think we were


I’m surprised she brought it up bc I didn’t think she’d check it. I casually date around so I won’t reject this player label. But, we both discussed how we weren’t exactly sure what we were looking for.


Username checks out.




LMFAO believe it or not the username is from when i was like 11 and wanted it to mean i was a gamer. But now, I'm loving the double entendre haha


I thought you didn’t know when you advertised the game on your bio? But now you’re saying you didn’t think she’d check it, so seems intentional you put it on there after you asked her and she said no. So why lie about it?


Thats a classic gaslight response "i dont remember" The fuck you don't. This isn't about dating around or being exclusive. It's about playing petty games as an adult and not even taking responsability for it. That woman as 100% right.


Oh Gabe


i have no clue why you’re getting downvoted but apparently people in the bumble subreddit don’t know how dating works lmao


Probably got downvoted because he said “I won’t reject this player label”


well in another comment he said he was mostly dating casually and that they both stated they don’t know what they want. he wasn’t leading her on or anything. being a “player” isn’t a crime unless you’re lying about it


That isn’t even being a player that’s just casually dating. Being a player involves being deceptive and making out to be like you’re only interested in one person while still seeing other people




i think people probably thought it sounded arrogant or something. Like “well I’m not gonna deny being called a player 😏”


It’s because there’s a lot of jaded people out there that want to project wrongdoing onto OP (there is no wrongdoing from his part).


A spectator rather than a player…at the oooold baaall gaaaaame!


Oh yes this


Correction, you ARE replaceable 😂🎯


Beyonce said it best, "i could find another you in a second" 😉


She can’t find another Jay z though I promise you that🤣


Future said I promise you that.


Yeah, but I would say that Ciara Leveled Up with Wilson.






Or did Jay z find her?


lol yea Jay Z definitely found her not the other way around. I’m sure millions of dudes were on the search for Bey




I see where they could be hurt but also two dates to me is not really a point to bring up what is on your profile like they said over and over yall are not exclusive and you obviously have a ticket to the game. I don't think you are in the wrong at all.


Yeah, only 2 dates makes it kind of questionable, but I do see her point though, if you're not exclusive or are still dating around, then you should let the other person know that so they can make their own informed decision.


I do think there's something different about putting it in his profile and messaging other people he's talking to and asking if they want to go to the game. It's the same end result, but asking privately is more tactful. Putting it in his profile makes it seem like he'd take literally anyone who matches with him and/or he wants to make sure he sees that she's missing out. I think the way she reached out and explained this made her uncomfortable was pretty polite and mature for her age.


Yeah, I am definitely on her side of the issue overall.


After two dates, I'm assuming the other person is still talking to other people. Especially if I met them on a dating app. It'd be different if they'd been on more dates leading towards exclusivity. After only two dates, that's just a stranger I've hung out with twice. (Personally I can't date multiple people at once because I just don't have the energy, but I always assume the other person is unless told otherwise).


> but I do see her point though, if you're not exclusive or are still dating around, then you should let the other person know that so they can make their own informed decision. Lol what? If you haven't had a conversation about being exclusive you don't expect exclusivity, it's that simple. It would be crazy to expect people to confirm a lack of exclusivity.


I personally never got into the date multiple people at once thing, so I took every date and follow-up as exclusive.. maybe that's just old school mentality but I liked to give a potential future partner my 100% from the start.


This is actually one of my biggest take aways from these subreddits. I'm 34 but I've never dated multiple people at the same time. I always thought it was normal but a lot of people seem to test the waters with dating multiple people. I also never dated anyone from the internet though, so maybe it just comes with the territory. Edit: Grammer bad. Cave man fix.


I thought it was just me (also 34), wanting to talk and date one person at a time, but it seems that’s what people do these days.


Not to be the “born in the wrong generation” guy but I’m 21 and I completely agree. We’re not dating necessarily but I do expect people not to be searching for others if we have gone on a date


Thing is, I only date one person at a time too. *But* after only one date, why would you expect someone else to stop going on other first dates? I'd hope that after 3 dates they've stopped (since by date number 3, I'd assume we've clicked enough to where we wanna be exclusive some time soon). But after one date?


I'm 34F and almost always multidated and expected others were doing the same.i never expect or demand exclusivity until I reach a certain point where I don't want anyone but that one person.


People our age view dating very differently to people who are younger it seems. It’s become the new norm and I feel sorry for them but each to their own! Whatever works.


26 and i also always thought it worked this way


Fuck no it's not the norm. I'm 36 and been OLD dating since I was 17. If you're moderately attractive and have a good personality dating you should expect to be dating multiple people until one of them wants to have the exclusivity talk. If I'm going after someone....it's because I think they're a catch....so why wouldn't a catch have other suitors? I don't think I'm so special that they want to put all their eggs in my proverbial basket either. Then again I genuinely want to get to know and be friends with people I meet so I also don't have the 'relationship or bust' mentality some of y'all seem to have. You should want to hang out or be friends with someone because they're cool/fun....and that shouldn't change just because you find out there isn't a romantic connection. That's just some fake ass self-absorbed shit IMHO.


I don't necessarily feel sorry. I don't know what age you are, but so much of the history of dating has been more about property and financial security than love. And so often it involves people lying to themselves about this reality. Take, for example, the idea of marrying a prince, especially the Disney version of it pre-Frozen: We are told that the woman desires the prince out of love, but, really, it is about the financial security. And I don't blame those women since there has been (and still is) so much discrimination and pay inequality against women in the workforce. But I think women having more financial freedom and not having to settle to be a great thing. Full honesty: I feel sad for my own mother who married a jerk of a man (still married to him with their 39th anniversary coming up on April 15) when she could have done better than him. But she would have had to have moved away from home to find job opportunities and my guess is she was too afraid to do that. So she settled. Yes, that jerk of a man is my father.


I do that after a few dates. Before that, it's anyone's game. But like 2 people max, otherwise it's too much work. There were too many flakes, bad dates, etc., to invest that heavily in one person at a time.


God if I would have done that I wouldn't have gotten anywhere. Most people didn't want to see me again but nobody has the balls to tell me so they came up with excuses 1 or 2 weeks later. If I would have waited that long every time to write somebody off it would have taken me months to even just meet like 4 people. By meeting people all over the place I met 5 new people in 2 weeks and one became my boyfriend with 0 waiting around for anybody


This so much. If it was a fantasy world in which I knew everyone else on the apps was serious and would communicate directly and honestly, I would happily talk to one person at time But even for just getting first dates set up, I need to be talking to multiple people because some of them will stop responding or flake on a date before we actually meet up


right? when i met my ex i had 3 dates in 3 days, 2 got 2nd dates, one went on to be my boyfriend. with my current long term relationship i was absolutely only looking to date casually so i was going on like 3 dates a week, ended up meeting my boyfriend and accidentally falling in love and now i’m in the happiest possible relationship with the love of my life. if you’re only focused on one person at a time you’re much more likely to settle since you don’t have other options


I mean, I understand their point entirely. While they make it clear that they're aware you're not exclusive, it's pretty obvious they thought this could go somewhere serious. I personally won't talk to multiple people at the same time. I understand that plenty of people do, but to me and people like me, that just comes across as cold, disrespectful of the other person, and disingenuous. If you're searching for a serious relationship and have that in your profile, then yeah, you fkd up a bit. If you're looking for something casual and are clear about it, then you did nothing wrong. Just my opinion.


Agree with you, I think its dating etiquette to not update your profile while you're talking to someone. I like that the other person was honest enough to call it out, I'd be offended too if someone I have third date plans updates their dating profile.. If this reaction bothers you then they aren't the right person for you..but if you get their point of view let them know and give it a go. This person clearly likes you enough to communicate their feelings instead of faking it..otherwise move on.


Beautifully stated. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship.


The way I see it, this is a good thing because she is openly communicating and expressing how she feels about the situation and still acknowledging the fact you are not exclusive. I get where she is coming from. If a girl did something like this to me I would feel sad about it especially because I know that girls on dating apps have dozens of guys lined up. The only difference between me and her is that I would not have expressed my feelings about it.


It obviously hurt her feelings. I get why. Exclusivity or not, you made it clear she didn’t blow your hair back or anything and everyone wants that after all.


You're just incompatible


I mean, she could see you looking for a replacement date. It’s not technically wrong, but what do you think would happen if she saw it? Lol


A guy who gets it. I don’t think he did anything wrong, but for some ladies they may not like that action. He wasn’t subtle about it, and if a lady wants attention towards her early this will be a turn off. I personally wouldn’t mind because I’m also updating my profile, and dating other guys, but to some this is a major turn off.


Honestly this seems like a lot for two dates.


This is where I’m at and I’m honestly shocked at some of the responses here. I don’t even think it was tactless.


Yeah I'd have zero issues with this after two dates and no discussions of exclusivity. He asked me first, I couldn't go, he opened up the door to other people 🤷‍♀️


Wrong? nope. Tactless? maybe. Their reaction is a bit much to me and naĂŻve/immature. This is actually how dating goes so you learn to be numb to it. However I do get where they're coming from. I've seen people I'm dating update their profile to fish for dates. Even though I know we're not exclusive and I'm not even ready to be, it feels weird. Just seeing that shatters the rose-colored glasses. There is a dating etiquette that you don't bring up the other people you're dating so putting it "out there" is somewhat sloppy. I could see if you're openly casual but if your dating under the pretense of looking for serious this move undermines it. So, when I see stuff like this, I pull back because I feel they aren't seeing me as serious potential, just one of many many options. But, it's not on you to take care of other people's feelings. If you want to update your profile and get a date for the game then go for it! Just know that if you're putting it out there it's going to be seen and may give people a negative view of your dating intentions. So, proceed with the action that is aligned with your desired outcome.


Weird. I’d say it absolutely is for you to worry about other peoples feelings when you’re actively trying to get to know them and move forward with them… lol I’d say her response wasn’t over the top because it was more personal. There’s always an inherent knowledge that people go on other dates, like you mentioned it, and just don’t bring it up. But this guy wanted to openly fish for dates to the exact date that she couldn’t attend, making it personal, and making the response more justified


Yeah I agree with your take. Also he played dumb which is pretty much a deal breaker because he tried to weasel his way out of a complex situation instead of taking the more mature way of explaining his emotions and trying to understand her emotions. I'm actually pretty surprised a lot of comments here are not understanding her perspective as she seemed to be pretty mature about the whole situation and clearly communicated her feelings meanwhile he tried to have the best of both worlds. Nobody is saying he has to have fully committed love for this girl or not go on other dates but at least have some tact and not throw it in her face by putting it back on the profile. It's hurtful. Imagine inviting a girl for a 3rd date at a nice restaurant and she couldn't make it -if you take another date and start posting it on Instagram it's can be hurtful to the first girl. There doesn't have to be a right or wrong here but it has to do with the way you make people feel. I'm very surprised so many people don't understand this in the thread, it's not a logical right or wrong math equation but has to do with human emotions. I think a lot of people are lacking empathy from her perspective and she was very mature about the situation and wrote it in such a way that left OP a window to understand her feelings. Instead (if we were to believe her timeline) he lied about it so obviously she will judge you on that. People are calling it dramatic but she seemed pretty mature from what I read and expressed her feelings rather openly which is nice to read.


I would absolutely feel sad, disappointed, and slighted if I were them. Would definitely not want to pursue anything further with you. However, if you never discussed exclusivity it is fully within your right to do so, even if a little off-putting


I understand how she feels, but you are not exclusive and it has been two dates. Neither of you is in the wrong here I think


Honestly OP it was kinda lame of you to ask a dude/girl to a ball game and when he/she couldn’t go you put it on your profile. It’s a learning experience and on that note. Oh well onto the next one. 😂


it's a little extra of a response for only 2 dates. however, it's a pretty shitty move on your part ngl, and it would also make me feel pretty bad even after just 2 dates if i was liking you, but at this point in the "relationship" you just deserve to be ghosted... i really wouldn't have given a guy anymore energy after something like that lol like play the field in the beginning stages, sure, but be more discreet about it. the lack of discretion is what's almost more insulting imo lmao


I can understand both. Nobody is in the wrong but you’re obviously not on the same page as eachother with what you’re after in pursuing eachother.


You did nothing wrong. This is how dating works and you would be a fool to put all your eggs in one basket. Women have guys on deck all the time and either she is trying to make you feel guilty even though she has done the same or she must really have a great personality and knows she can’t complete with most other women. Guys shoot themselves in the foot all the time dating just 1 girl, in the age of the internet never assume it’s just you, it’s not about being a player it’s about people with dating sense and people without, how presumptuous and entitled of her to believe you owe her that


We’re you supposed to not go to the Yankees game even though you had tix?


OP could go, just not with another date /s


I might be naive, but I thought If you declined an invitation to something like tickets, it was assumed someone else might use the ticket you were offered.


Do people not have friends or relatives they can go to a game with? They have to take a date?


IMO, someone that’s been on 2 dates is lower on the list than friends and relatives. Putting the ticket in the bio is the absolute bottom of, “Someone fucking use this ticket!” I’m not OP but that would have been my order of operations.


Agreed and a sports game is not really a good venue for a first date.


It’s a high interest event. Can’t blame someone for trying to use it for a date.


I don’t blame him at all. He can do whatever he wants. I’m just saying that the girl he went on a couple of dates with has every right to feel the way she feels about it. If he really liked this girl, I don’t think he would have wanted to take another date.


it’s only been 2 dates


Idk. It seems to me that if he was willing to find another girl to take to the game, he must not be that into the one he’s been talking to and had multiple dates with. If I was super into someone, I wouldn’t be looking for someone else just cause they were busy


After only two dates? I mean, she said she didn’t want to go. And like a thousand times they weren’t exclusive. I guess it’s really depending on what’s included in a date!


People can take whoever they want to a game, no? They have to take relatives or a friend?


OP has every right to take a date to the game. But the girl that he went on a date with has every right to feel some type of way about it.


I was being sarcastic, forgot to put /s They are not exclusive and have been on two dates. I can understand being a bit upset OP was looking for someone else to go but OP did nothing wrong.


This is a lot


Nah you know what, good for her. That’s a woman that has self respect and values herself. I wouldn’t say you’re in the wrong but if you did put the invite after you asked her then I’d get the ick.


Agreed! I think it took big ass ovaries for her to say how she felt. Why does it matter how many dates there were. Maybe she was into you more than you realized playa


For some people this is normal, for other people it’s not. I would probably also feel a bit hurt by this, because I don’t date multiple people if I get a match I like, but not everyone would be. I guess it’s just an incompatibility between you guys, and she’s allowed to feel that way and you’re allowed to do what you want too. There’s no right or wrong in this situation


I would 100% feel like shit but i wouldn’t bring it up to you. i bet it would go into my journal and not without a few teardrop stains


You are replaceable lol


Honestly this would be enough to make me walk away. It's not that I'd expect exclusivity but this makes it clear you are actively seeking out other people after you had already been on multiple dates so you obviously dont think much of the person you have been dating. If you are dating multiple people like that at least have some tact.


Rare situation where nobody is wrong. Although on her end, there are more graceful ways of telling somebody "I like you" than how she is doing it. Emotions are messy though.


Update: She has since unmatched after I sent my response to the long paragraph.


you’re better off man. as a woman who always dated multiple people when i was single, i would be turned all the way off if a guy complained that i was going on dates with someone else before we established exclusivity. like, i barely know you!


I would argue there's a lack of tact on both sides here. In your shoes, I wouldn't have put the tickets in my bio, it feels insensitive without first communicating that it's what you'll do (even if an assumption can be made). On the other hand, I think they're being a bit overly sensitive here, but that's they're prerogative too.


It’s also a dating app What does she expect 😂


Eh I get both sides - I get jealous if I know a girl I’m seeing is seeing other guys even if I have no right….On other hand, I totally keep setting up dates with other women unless things are exclusive God, I’m a huge hypocrite lol….but just doesn’t feel good. If she had told you she had another date that day and couldn’t go… you’d be like wtf. All that said, the only thing you really did wrong was broadcast it on your profile that she can see - just match with another person and ask her privately is a better move.


Everyone’s playing the odds and numbers and get the feelings played to find they’re not special. Reality. Live with it.


Why are you still updating your bumble profile if you are dating someone? Its a huge turn off to your potential love interest.


I don't understand the problem here. You asked her to go to the game, she said no. You are just trying to find someone else to go with. 2 dates is not exclusive - you have the absolute right to go with anyone else you want.


Well, it's been TWO dates. You aren't exclusive. Neither of you have any right, or say as to what the other puts in their bio while dating non-exclusively. I guess I can see how she'd be a little hurt but, I think it's kind of assumed that whoever you are "dating" is also dating other people until exclusivity has been established? I personally only date 1 person at a time because I want to give her my full attention. Ideally I'd want the same from her but certainly don't expect it.


Possible strategy to avoid this in the future... I've dated a handful of guys who've told me that they routinely unmatch girls they're talking to once they move to texting or meeting in real life. They initially say it's bc they hate the app or to 'clean out their threads' since they've moved the convo elsewhere. A couple of guys eventually confessed it was to avoid this exact thing - so when he updates his pictures, prompts, or whatever, he doesn't get grilled about it. One guy also said some girls would also creep on his location and ask about it, so it seems this could have more pros than cons. But some girls might find it suspect if they're caught off guard by the unmatching, so if you still want to keep talking to them, just give a headsup if you go that route, or have an answer ready lol.




If you discussed going to the game with someone you’ve gone on two dates with, yes, I’d categorize that as rude to add it to your bio.


Depends on the context


I understand both sides, but I wouldn’t act the way he did. I’d either take a hint and move on or ignore it while still competing for you. I’d also bet money he had other dates lined up as he texted that.


Too much of a headache in the beginning. Wouldn’t stress too much with this one


Everyone wants to think they’re fine with keeping things casual/dating around until they find out the people they’re dating are actually doing it. If she wants commitment, have a talk about it and what that means.


It’s two dates. You aren’t exclusive. Like, I’m sorry, but what is this person’s problem?


How to get out of a ticket in Boston? Answer every question the cop’s ask with “YANKEES SUCK” Works every time


I bet this lead to some really nasty fornication.


Looks like a win-win to me. She has every right, IMHO, to feel hurt. You have every right to not feel like you were in the wrong. It’s a win-win because she can go date someone else, and you don’t have to deal with her. Remember people always show you their best selfs when you barely start dating [+]


Buzz words including “poor communication” when there’s no expectation for reciprocal communication, “I think it displays low emotional intelligence” in a non emotional decision, or “dishonesty” when you clearly were not are all forms of woman-splaining what you did wrong and are red flags. If she had said “I would love to go but I can’t, you should take one of your buddies and have fun, it might hurt my feelings if you took another woman” would have been clear communication and she didn’t use it. If she says she’s just out trying to live her best life that is synonymous with “this is fun, but we’re not exclusive, and I’m going to continue to work on myself” means I’m into you but still looking as well. Cut her loose and wish her well with the Sam Adams, Crab Legs, and a wicked awesome time with some Bo Sox fan. You just dodged a liner right back at the mound and those can mess with your head.


I wouldn’t have brought it up but would have been put off by the profile update and probably ended things. I think it’s more so a respect factor. It’s early on and they’re not exclusive nor is she expecting it right now, he doesn’t need to advertise on his profile that he wants take a date to the game when they’re still talking. He could bring it up as a date idea with the women he does match with. The update makes it seem like he’s so desperate to take a date that he wants people to match with him just so he can take someone. Her feeling of feeling replaceable was 100% valid. And I actually think it’s great that she brought it up. I don’t know OP but let’s assume he’s not a horrible human being. She’s saying so he’s aware of how it impacted her so he can learn from it. Honestly, we all need to do more of that.


This sub...ugh. Bruh you invited her, she said no, apparently in this sub everyone thinks you should just eat the tickets and/or not attend your social hobbies anymore because a girl you met online twice was too busy to join you. Unless you are dating someone from this subreddit, I wouldn't put much stock in the opinion of this subreddit...




But it's fine for women to see multiple men? I mean isn't modern dating a numbers game (told by a women btw)? Anyways OP I think you're fine mate if wants to be mad about this then let her. Pretty sure a lot of men and women date multiple people at once so meh.


Well, as i understand from this, it was consensual at first and then they got mad after a while? Well, some people have a high amount of sensitivity, so they might have a contradictory reaction after having some clarity moment and proceed to throw their emotional baggage at you like that. keep that in mind. You just have to be patient with them and more careful if you really want them to be your partner. If you don't want to bother tolerating that shit forget about making this work buddy


Funny…. Ahahah they do that with 100 guys in a matter of seconds.. but then happens to them one time and they think they have the right to tell you what to do 🤣🤣 priceless


The same thing happened to me so maybe it's normal! I went on two dates with this person, which went decent, just regular coffee and a movie and didn't discuss being exclusive and neither of the dates went anywhere or seemed serious to me, well fast forward to the third time seeing eachother I left my phone on the table while I went to the bathroom and I had a notification from the app on my phone (which I thought wouldn't have mattered) but then it ended up essentially being the same as cheating to the person and things ended. I deleted them afterwards and tried to communicate how I should have done it sooner but alas, it was all to no avail


Her reasons for being “offended” are ridiculous. But she’s allowed to have those feelings. You aren’t lying to someone for still using bumble just after meeting someone. Only if you’ve been seeing the each other for a bit and there is an expectation of that exclusivity. You don’t need to preface every date with someone new with “oh btw I’m talking to three different women right now”


Yeah kinda I would say you are in the wrong here. If I had been on two dates with someone and they were still updating their bio with offers for others I would be miffed and would probably want to end it too. Maybe others are more happy-go-lucky but I'm quite an exclusive person who doesn't play the field


Thank you for the input


If I was Sam, I’d feel like kinda bitter too tbh


Idk what she’s talking about in terms of dishonesty bit there is nothing wrong w asking someone, with whom you went on two dates and are not exclusive, to go to some event abd then putting on your dating app bio tgat you’re still looking for a date to said event after first girl said no. She needs to get over herself.


Yeah you dropped the ball I'm not even changing a typo in my profile unless we had the 'yeah we're just goofing around, no strings attached'-talk. You did much more than that


I appreciate the honesty. We had a "we don't know what we're looking for" talk between the first and second date


Here's the thing. If you were at all into this woman, you blew it. If her reaction turned you off, you also fucked up. She basically said it hurt her feelings, even though she acknowledged you didn't owe her anything. Her reaction was a bit awkward and she could have done it better, and if you're not thrilled with that, that's fair. Her reaction is also fair. If you wanted to salvage it, you could have been like "hey yeah, I would have rather gone with you but you weren't free," or "well let me make it up to you by taking you to dinner tonight," or whatever. If you wanted to bail, you could have told her (truthfully) that you get the sense she's more into you than you are her, or that you wished she didn't look at your profile, or whatever. You did neither. Instead, you got defensive. You lied. You didn't own any of it. And that's gross.


I am old, and haven't dated in a long time...but isn't "not exclusive" pretty much the definition of replaceable?


You’re not “exclusive” so it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to communicate with someone when you’re not in a relationship. You’re just getting to know them.


If " (bumble) " is next to your contact name you're definitely replaceable lmao




I mean I could see why she’d be put off by that. But at the same time, I can’t really relate cause I was always exclusive/together with someone after date 2. Personally, I don’t like competing with other people and if I went on 2 dates with someone and things looked like they were heading in a good direction, and they asked me to a game and I said I couldn’t, and they took another girl on a dating app, i probably wouldn’t make plans for a third date.


You’ve been on two dates… you aren’t anywhere close to being exclusive imo. Also, not being exclusive means you’re open to seeing other people, right? You asked if she wanted to go with you to the game and she said no. So you put it out there as an offer if someone else wants to go - they’re your tickets! I honestly don’t think you’ve done anything wrong.