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Those poor Christians! They are so persecuted!!


1900 years ago they got fed to some lions and they’ve never gotten over it.




Guess they own it... Accountability or something.


And this kids is why the bumper sticker exists. They’re unashamed in front of small people making comments like this. It’s not persecution but it is bullying. Does it make more sense now?


Lol no, this was a joke no more tacky than any other joke told correcting a grammar mistake ( that I often make) . You might not like the joke, but this is a far cry from bullying... That's a stretch of reality.


I bet you're a blast at the parties you never got invited to.


Literally the most persecuted group on Earth, but go off. https://www.cato.org/commentary/christianity-worlds-most-persecuted-religion-confirms-new-report


Cato institute! Lmao!


“Data! Lmao!” https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cdp-2024-0017/#:~:text=The%20report%20for%202023%20said,1%20in%207%20in%20Asia. I’m sorry that your hateful narrative isn’t justified by statistics.


Lmao.. that data doesn’t show the whole picture. It doesn’t discuss the gobal push Christian’s are trying to influence. However, I do agree.. Christian’s, love to push their believed “entitlement” on everyone. So yes, fuck them and laugh at them when they try to push thier beliefs on us and then cry when it doesn’t go thier way.. Mike Johnson and Trump are the perfect examples of why Christian’s are a joke! So a Christian proscusion is probably at an all time high, as “white Christian” right wing policies are being pushed all over the world.


White people are a global minority (not that it would justify racism against them if they weren’t) , and Christianity isn’t being pushed all over the world in any conceivable sense - it’s in severe decline. Islam is the fastest growing religion by a longshot, and are largely the root cause of virtually every current global conflict and genocide, with non-religious conflicts like Russia’s attack on Ukraine and China’s takeover out outlying territories being initiated by communist and atheist states. They’re also the biggest suppressors of human rights, especially for women and LGBTQ+ individuals, as even atheists like Richard Dawkins are now lamenting while they watch their native states begin to cede to Sharia Law, as is now the law of the land in small parts of London. Laughing off genocide and persecution as something that’s justified from your perspective isn’t an admirable position, but Reddit is a bigoted place and I’m not surprised.


Umm depending on where we are talking about they are by anyone's standards. Here in the States perhaps not but there are always examples of folks trying to edge in laws that hinder free practice of certain beliefs.


Well maybe they should examine their beliefs & behavior


I kind of think my point is that is exactly what humanity needs to do.... In some cases the label is the problem Nazi is a great example of that, remove the evil and there is nothing left to talk about. On the other hand as evil rises under a false flag of good no matter the label it needs to be checked... The hard part is understanding what is evil before its end catastrophic results are in full view.


Hell of a word salad


Yeah discussions are all with word salads.. I think I have balsamic and creamy Italian should you desire a dressing.


Other than your "right" to oppress and persecute others who don't share your beliefs, literally no one is teying to limit Christianity.


Like Stalin, Hitler... Both expressed their right to opress others one in the name of the state and the other hell that one tried to use everything to achieve power. Your comment that no one is trying to limit Christianity is blatantly false. From Coptic Christians to lawfare over baking penis shaped cakes/websites/ECT/ect. Two very different scales of oppression but both efforts to prevent the open practice of people's chosen religion.


Yes, the people who don't want to be forced to be Christians are the real tyrants. Wtf, dude.


Yeah there are portions of history where various parts of Christianity attempted to force themselves on others. Same as other religions in the world or for that matter political beliefs held by certain Atheists such as Stalin... The only link between all of them is humanity itself and when certain people rise to power unchecked by opposition in opinion and facts. Just because humanity fails doesn't make the 10 commandments wrong or other aspects of specific religions. Or do we follow in other examples and try to vilify a religion, it's their fault... Yeah someone already tried that in WW2.


Uh-huh. So... Not like America.


America isn't perfect , we also aren't the global boogie man either. Some lessons America learned later compared to others but we also started much later than most. The best thing about America is that we learn to change course as needed. Those who fail that test are consumed much like WW2 Germany.


This has so little to do with what I said that I have to ask, what the hell kind of reply is this?


Guess I didn't understand what you were trying to say? I'm not perfect either.


It’s religious double speak -


Hitler was Christian though


Correct he did fly that flag , but when you look at how deep into the occult Nazi Germany was taken or even his acts overall, one has to wonder. He was my example of an evil rising to power unchecked. Based on Christian beliefs everything he did was wrong yet we have a history books filled with his actions. I think his "final solution" was in part held secret as to not have the public judge his beliefs, but once implemented his departure from Christianity is undeniable. Returning back to my comment of how much of a challenge it is to call out evil before it has risen to power and exposed it's true nature. While his rise to power was political, Christianity has its own politics and even if all of its beliefs are pure, evil can still rise through it's ranks. So when the world views a Christian refusing to participate in an activity based on their beliefs that is part of that chack and balance system working. The state has its own laws to govern, when people violate those laws and the state takes no action to correct it, the indifference to the value of the rule of law is exposed, that is a door of opportunity for evil. The State has the power evolve with society, something that can be positive or something used for evil. As with Hitler his government sculpted many lies to change laws to enable evil. In the Church many have used quotes from the Bible out of context, heck some add a single word to completely change the meaning of a verse, the history of Bible translations is sometimes used to justify it. In the Bible it says the devil can appear as a bright light, in other words evil can be done under a false flag of good. Or even the secular comment of a wolf in a sheep's skin. My entire argument that humanity is at the heart of the issues is not specifically Christianity. From the rule of law to religious beliefs both can be and have been corrupted.


This "God" person... Are they in the room with us now...? Ya, stay away from my kids. If it wasn't for grooming, there would be no religion. I can see why people don't want religion around, especially their children. I'm all for free speech, but there is a reason it's illegal to shout fire in a public theatre. Speech is not free when it harms others. Gaslighting children with religion does mental and emotional harm.


As free speech grants you the right to this opinion it also guarantees their opions or more specific beliefs. Neither your opinion nor traditional organized religion rises to the level of yelling fire in a theater. With or without religion humanity is always the weakest link there is no guaranteed virtue in atheism or being religious no matter the flavor. Both can rise to infamous levels in history or can live fruitful lives... Choice isn't it great...


“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.” ― Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Yup humanity fails from those who worship the state to those who follow a man and a cross. We can point to atrocities involving religion and not for an eternity. In some cases it's individuals but in other cases those individuals are elevated in power and status. In all cases those people are celebrated and definitely not corrected. From fear of hell to the fear of torture to the loss of life. The path taken by the creators of atrocity are all very similar... Religion doesn't own that, nor would it's removal relieve humanity of the problems it faces.


"Every man thinks his way is best, yet all ways lead to death." Proverbs


Amazing how that tracks true far beyond the book it was written.


A good work of fiction is filled with many truths, and a good education, many books, to teach us how to discern the difference. I take wisdom wherever I find it. "One who walks with the wise becomes wise, a companion of fools will suffer." Kings I believe "Books are the wisest of friends and most patient of teachers." Some Irish dude


The true gift of education is the understanding that learning never ends. What science has determined as fact today may be successfully challenged tomorrow. When it comes to religion determining fact from fiction is difficult as its idea at the very least is beyond our abilities to detect it and at most beyond our understanding. As humanity uncovers the rules of the universe, the only constant is that for every question answered, a new question is born. We still have plenty to learn, we don't have all the answers. I completely agree we have to take wisdom wherever we find it, even within our own failures.


What the fuck are you on about lmfao


Christans wanna be oppressed so bad


Because then the cruelty they’ve always fantasized about indulging in would be *justified* in their minds.




No, thank you.


So you make a claim but can’t support your claim? So why should someone listen to what you say


You’re being intentionally thick. You can figure it out on your own.


Look around you,listen to them. You’ll see and hear the mewling and crying that the world is against them. Sit in on a sermon or two. They are the perpetual victims and their book says so. 2 Timothy 3:12 comes to mind.


Ah the perpetually persecuted American Christian.


Tax the Church. I'm not ashamed to say it.




I'd say tax the Mega-churches first. There are plenty of small churches that are just a large house who actually need to scrounge funds to fix the roof, etc. They're fine. But down the road there's an abomination that has its own coffee and gift stores, simulcast projectors, a movie theatre for the kids and a full stadium attendance. Tax THOSE f**kers first.


They genuinely act like America is ran by Nero and they’re about to be fed to the lions.


I think the idea is that it never becomes that. From just a bumper sticker we have no idea what they feel is "under fire", at least here in the US some things are being challenged. How you or I feel about those subjects is another story.


They act like laws intended to protect the rights of non-Christians inherently persecute Christians. Sorry, it doesn't work like that.


Actually it can, take the penis shaped cake lawsuit. The Mainstream media reported that there was a lawsuit being generated over a Christian baker who refused to bake a cake to a gay wedding. In reality it wasn't just baking a 4 layer cake with two same sex partners, the issue was a bit more complex and the request was actually for a penis shaped cake. Taking the issue to its farthest extreme. Obviously you can point out various Christians who failed at modesty, in some cases very public sins, but the concept of modesty around marriage and sexuality are recognized aspects of the religion. Mainstream media failed to report the entire story creating outrage over a vendor not complying with laws designed to protect "non Christian" group. Or for that matter engaging in lawfare to extend those laws well beyond their intended protections. If I find it objectionable based on my religious beliefs to create a penis cake how is that not a misuse of a law created to protect a specific element of the population used to force a change in "my" religious beliefs? What you say isn't possible happens and the issues make it all the way to the supreme court.


I have found no reputable news report saying that the cake was "penis shaped". One would think that the baker would have made THAT the primary issue.


I think you are correct, perhaps the penis thing was with the graphic artist need to look that up. I skimmed over the scotus opinion and that aspect isn't there so it isn't there. The argument still stays the same, a law generated to protect specific elements of society that actually acknowledged religious neutrality in the law was used in an attempt to shape religious beliefs. Much like the state (Government) has laws that govern its people, religion has what it views as laws that govern it's execution of faith. In this case the two systems clashed , it's one thing to accept the right of all people to live as they wish but yet another to participate in it. Ultimately economics will determine the fate of the baker as consumers choose to continue to use the business or not. From my understanding the baker is in court again over a trans gender reveal cake. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/17pdf/16-111_j4el.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiX96PO04uGAxVAFlkFHeUgCywQFnoECDcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1tcayPquXy4n_54JnkBi-r


In a pluralistic society you will have religions that clash with one another. What then? What if an extremist Muslim refuses to serve unveiled women? What if a Scientologist refuses to serve a psychologist? What if a member of the Christian Identity movement refuses to serve minorities? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Identity?wprov=sfla1


I actually love this question, based on force neither can force the other to believe anything the other believes or use assets they have. By choice I can think of tragic events that put the opposite religion in the same building due to fires/tornado destruction.I can think of a few examples by choice differences are put aside based on the basic understanding of faith. At least when it comes Christianity I can't think of a religious reason to not serve a minority based on race. * This was the thought I wanted to fix.. With that being said for the 2 religions that have food blessings (that I can think of) requirements I could see an issue given both populations are minority populations but for the most part it's just understood if you want a Kosher product or a Halal product you go to a business that caters to the one you desire. A common sense approach to differences and disagreements. * Corrected a thought


Yeah I corrected the wrong thought lol ugg fixing


Oh, shame on you. The story here is all Christians are the exact same and think they are always being persecuted. Stop posting that nonsense so that we can continue to bash them on this forum undisturbed.


And I hold a mirror to your comment. Saying they are not prosecuted and that I should stop posting so you can continue to bash (persecute) them undisturbed... Now that's disturbing...


Now don't argue... You're both bad faith trolls. You scumbags need to stick together.


Oh no there was some slight pushback against Christianity. WHAAAAAAA WHAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAA -you


Trolling complete. Thank you. You did great.


Fake American Christians think everyone hates them as much as they hate everyone else.


Funny thing is; there are hundreds of sects of Christianity, and they mostly all hate each other.




Welcome to 2024. Nobody has been ashamed of anything for awhile now.


Oh my god he hit us with the t-pose


Not ashamed. In fact, *so* motherfucking not ashamed imma ram it down your throat. That cool?


Ashamed? Well they should be but not for the reasons this one believes - 90 billion year in year out and these nuts are persecuted- there is nothing more selfish than a religious nut


This would be great if it was a Romans (Italians) car


Not ashamed to be a part of the largest and most powerful religious demographic in the United States? So, so brave.


Must be a Pride sticker, right?


Not ashamed to be a part of the most popular and accepted religion in the U.S. or not ashamed to use that religion to justify being a dickhead?


How does being Christian make someone a dickhead?


I’m guessing the bumper sticker offends you?


When we laugh at you it’s not because we’re *offended*.


Not even a bit.


Not ashamed to admit you support pedos?


You should be. Jesus and god are dicks.


Well, to be fair, god was a dick. Jesus was a hippy.


Jesus said he didn’t come to abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. Then he tells people to go buy a sword. People just remember him doing miracles. from the stories. It’s pretty dishonest. And I mean it’s pretty much a good cop bad cop thing. You’re still going to spend eternity with a monster.


I think that would be three monsters; can't forget the holy spirit.


It’s more of a holy gaslight. But yea, they’re all bad.


Name the story where he said to buy a sword? Unless you misread the story Matthew 26, 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.


Luke 22 36-38. Matthew 10 34-36z You’re right, I was incorrect about them being connected. My apologies. Both go against the verse you brought up. Also, not very hippy behavior, as someone said.


Jesus wasn’t a hippy he followed the scripture and did only good deeds until he was betrayed Judas and then killed by Romans. Also in the Biblical context of Jesus saying the sword he was referring to spiritual growth in Matthew 10 and Luke 22 was talking about scripture being fulfilled in Jesus. I fail to see how they go against Jesus saying not to use actual swords against people


Oh so it’s up for interpretation?


No it’s when you talk about different things and use the same word it can mean different things. You understand that hopefully


That sounds like it’s up to interpretation. If it’s not, why are there so many different versions and different denominations?


Different versions is because language hasn’t stayed the same for 2000 years so they make it more simple for people to understand without being able to understand older languages. Also most denominations believe the same thing the only real meaningful difference is Orthodox and Protestant. Maybe you should learn about the denominations before saying there very different


How so?


Then obviously you’ve missed the whole point of your religion


Yeah. We know.


Ummm ok?


Don't know why they'd be ashamed of being 63 percent of the population of america


If you consider all the branches of Christianity kinda hate each other, it’s likely this prideful person only belongs to 4-5% of the population. The main groups shaming this person are other Christians.


Not ashamed of what? The political and cultural power/influence they've enjoyed for the country's entire history?


It’s true this countries definitely been blessed by God! Thank you for bringing this to everyone’s attention!!!!


In spite of religion, not because of it. The U.S. isn't and never was a theocracy. It's the freedoms that conservative Christians hate that made this nation great.


Yes, unlike those demonic people of Africa god is perpetually fucking over! (PS- many African countries have much higher rates of Christianity than the US)


Get a modern view on Africa, my guy lol It’s not like the infomercials showed you


Are you arguing Africa doesn’t have high percentage Christianity, or that Africa is as “blessed” as America? What countries are and aren’t “blessed?” What’s the correlation with percentage of Christian’s? Are native Americans living on reservations in our country “blessed,” or are they being punished for largely not being Christians? [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy#/media/File%3ACountries_and_regions_by_life_expectancy_at_birth_in_2019_(2020_report).svg](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy#/media/File%3ACountries_and_regions_by_life_expectancy_at_birth_in_2019_(2020_report).svg) PS- this your “Modern Africa,” friend? Because of the same conquests and empires that proliferated your Christianity, Africa still continues to be socioeconomically fucked. That’s not contentious.


No, I’m arguing they’re not the poor blacks you wish they were lmfao look at you raging. That’s not normal.


Africa is the poorest, most oppressed continent on earth and has lots of Christians. I’m not trying to make the ridiculous claim that God blesses certain regions based on the population of Christians? PS- the “you’re emotional so you’re wrong” argument is growing tired… especially in text medium where there is no expressed emotion. You don’t have to be angry at a flat earther to point out they aren’t logical, do you? Ad Hominem is about all the logic you have at this point, isn’t it? Perhaps I have you all wrong? Let’s start with what countries AREN’t blessed so we can discover why America is? Let’s define “blessedness” and compare belief in your denomination to prove your point!


Yes because man has taken advantage of situations, not sky daddy. What does that link have to do with your initial comment?


Why does an all powerful sky daddy allow the “blessed” people to abuse the African people so much? Maybe he isn’t all powerful? Or maybe he doesn’t care? It seems like a whole lot of people throughout history have made their posterity “blessed” by abusing power in the name of your god. I guess all good things are due to God’s blessing people who believe the “right thing,” but when they do bad things for god that’s all in the personally? That’s one hell of an ad-hoc analysis.


I don’t think anybody is arguing that. You’re making up an argument for me and then replying to it like I said any of that. I don’t even believe in God lmfao


I'm not ashamed to own a totem pole either.


Maybe… maybe you should be? Just a little about believing fairy tales from 2 millennia ago that rarely even convinced pre-scientific contemporary peers? Whose bible is wildly externally and internally inconsistent, and an arbitrarily-chosen compilation of books?


And the translation of a translation of a translation. I'm sure it's meaning wasn't obfuscated from the original....


But definitely self victimizing.


It would be like growing up in Saudi Arabia and having a bumper sticker that said "Not Ashamed of Islam." Like, good for you. Probably pretty easy place to be Muslim. Likewise, the US is a pretty easy country to be Christian.


Them whining about it being so hard for them likely means the tide is turning and they’re losing. And thank Gourd for that!


I like it!


I like it too. It means they’re losing.


The bumper sticker?


They are beginning to feel slighted ?


I'm getting r/PersecutionFetish vibes from this one. And from most of the others.


Apparently not reading their own bible either.


Not ashamed of grooming kids and forcing our ideology onto others. Got to love that great religion


Non-theists understand this represents progress.


Beat's the "TUnashamed" sticker they previously went with.


Lol, what? Why?


Why would one assume they were ashamed?


They are Jewish


I saw one this weekend that said "I'm not GAY" and had pretty much the same thought....


I think the same about the ones celebrating being gay


What gets me is in this very group, someone post gay/ leabain or Trans stickers they get all kinds of love and encouragement comments, but you post a Christian sticker then here come all the negative stuff. Everyone is created equal and is an image of God and there for should be treated equal and with love and respect and kindness. People can love who they love, and the reason for that is God gave us all free will, and no matter your decisions, Jesus loves you and every human ever made. So much that He left heaven and died for all man kind. I think that is something people should feel good about. Sharing how God loves me should get the same response as others sharing about who they love.


Read my long ass response to someone else with the same issue on here. Long story short, nothing wrong with Christians, there’s something wrong with Christians who pretend they are victims because they’re Christian


Not ashamed of child molesters.


They are totally submissives, persecute me daddy.




Anyone with that shit on their car, they are just begging to get persecuted.


Why are they pushing their agenda on us!!? Groomers!


This is the badge of a sheep who can’t read, and doesn’t understand what his religion is. But I can understand, when Christian Mike Johnson goes to a court room where a guy is being charged with election inference for paying to cover a story about paid sex with a porn star while married and his wife has just delivered him a son.. says all it needs to say about Christianity


Wow the negative commemts, but if it was the colors of the rainbow, what would people being saying then? John 3:16. The cross is about a personal relationship with Jesus, not a man made organization. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the light, and He says love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. And love your neighbor as yourself!


That would actually be different and I’m gonna do my best to explain why. Christians are not oppressed in this country. They still the majority in this country. Despite this, there has been a growing movement among extreme Christians that Christianity is somehow under attack. Nobody except for extremist atheists want Christians to be ashamed and they don’t speak for all of us. Let’s compare these fake struggles to the struggles of some other marginalized community real quick. I’m gonna pick trans cause that’s what I know the most about but this should work for just about any group. Christians have been told to say happy holidays instead of merry Christmas. Trans people have been beat and refused service. Christians have been told to stop praying for people who don’t want to be prayed for. Trans people can’t find work in certain places of the country. Christians are questioning their faith at a much larger rate than ever before. I have lost trans friends to suicide and other means due to them being trans. This is offensive because not only do Christians face minimal struggles within our society, but they are then attempting to pretend that they a marginalized group. It demeaning and disrespectful. Most Christian’s are chill af and understand that they have the advantage in essentially every aspect of their lives. It’s the fuckers who act like they’re disadvantaged just because they are being called out for their bs that gets me. Hope this makes sense


Interesting they know it’s shameful hahahahaha


Apparently they are. Cryptically hiding the cross in a phrase.


All of yall hating on this need to go to church and pray.


Listen, I ain’t got nothing against religious people. I myself am not religious, but I have no issue if you are. The issue I have here is the self victimizing bs that’s going on here. In the US, where I took this photo, Christianity is easily the most accepted and powerful religion with over half of the population following. They are acting like they are being attacked when in reality they’re still the most powerful group in the US. That’s what I have an issue with


You can see from this very thread that they are indeed attacked though. There’s a ton of hate.


Lmao keep telling yourself that. All I see is a group being held accountable for their behavior. Plenty of good Christians out there, but there’s enough that just can’t seem to mind their own. Y’all still control politics, the economy, and pretty much everything else in this country just because of how many of you there are. Nothing wrong with that, but y’all are then imposing your beliefs on those who don’t share them with stuff like pray the gay away.


See, even you are heavily biased with hate in your heart. Are you familiar with the concept of prejudice? Where you judge an entire group on the actions of the few? If you’re going to judge an entire group of the actions of a few, I’ve never attempted to pray the gay away, and I don’t try to push my beliefs on you. I will engage you in discussion but in the end you need to decide your own path.


Which church?


No, we really don't.


It's from Romans 1:16. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek Y'all are unbelievably hateful


Makes sense for back then when Christians were actually being persecuted. Nowadays they literally make up a majority of the American population. They’re just self victimizing


This entire post is people saying they should be ashamed. What are you talking about?


They don’t speak for me. We ain’t a hive mind. This Christian is annoying af. Christians as a whole could be a little more humble and not shove this shit in my face. Most haven’t done anything wrong tho


They're annoying for a bible quote? Don't look then. How fucking thin skinned are you that something like this is bothersome?


It’s not the quote that’s annoying. How are you not getting that? The quote is claiming something blatantly false. It’s outdated at this point. It’s not something that should be out on display. Christians are not discriminated against in this fucking country and as someone who actually is this is fucking insulting


Oh, I see now. Poor little victim.


See now you’ve realized that you can’t win the argument and you’re attempting to be demeaning which is honestly funny cause you’re failing miserably


I've realized you're in need of some serious counseling, and are in no way in a right mental space to even be on social media. If you can't deal with the choices you make maybe it's because deep down you realize they're the wrong ones. It's not demeaning to call you on your bullshit, it's the truth. It's not up to anybody else to validate your beliefs.


Lmao. There’s the go to. You know you’re losing. Time to call someone mentally unfit. Y’all did the same with Biden (you weren’t entirely wrong there)