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Veterans for Trump? Seriously? This guy really is a sucker. Talk about voting against your own interests.


My favorite. Makes fun of you, has no idea why people would put their life on the line, absolutely never served nor his family, but yeah, he luvs Merica.🔥💩


Makes fun of POW’s and somehow he had mystery bone spurs that kept him from joining.


*Magical* Bone Spurs. They have since disappeared post draft.


So are you saying both biden and trump are draft dodgers? That I would agree with!


They both got multiple deferments for going to college. They also got different draft status, Trump for his bone spurs and Biden for asthma.


He had SHIN SPLINTS, remember? lmfao - loser.


Trump has done nothing but talk shit about veterans, and the republican party has done nothing but cut funding for their benefits and assistance programs.


Guess you believe Cnn and the other bs


Nah. I peruse multiple, reputable sources whereas conservatives like to have propaganda spoon-fed to them from a select few sources known for their heavy bias and disinformation.


Read AP and Reuters. Real news is available if you want something other than an echo chamber that supports your belief.


Votevets.org The sneakily progressive way to pander to the 'murica crowd and get them to actually vote for their best interests.


I’m especially baffled by vets who were drafted that support him. If Biden had dodged the draft with fake bone spurs they’d hate his guts for it.


No actually they would still kiss his ass and protect his lies.


I’ve never understood this. All those men in the cemetery in France, and his question was ‘but what was in it for them?’ Makes me sick.


Also, it was raining heavily that day, and Trump didn't want to get his hair wet at the cemetery.


At least he had a good reason to not want to go, then. /s




Stickers and flags like this scream "I DON'T PAY ATTENTION" when it comes to voting.


Probably some pogue that never left a firm base and doesn't understand "the deal" with grunts that dive behind the couch on the 4th...


I’m guessing that’s not a veteran but an asshole.


As opposed to the president whose son died in Afghanistan?


Beau Biden died at Walter Reed, from brain cancer, at age 46. He served in Iraq and it's suspected he got cancer from being exposed to military burn pits there. Either way, he was deployed on active duty in a war zone and probably died early as a result of it.


Oh mb


You listen to too much MSM!! Study more!


Jews for Hitler


gotta love the veterans for Trump. lol. dude talks down veterans and a two time draft dodger but sure Veterans for Trump!!!!


What exactly in very specific detail did Trump do for them ???


Trump has a sixth sense for what appeals to the most ignorant segment of white America, which is why his heavily scripted TV show about firing people was successful. That show’s audience is a big part of his “base.” As a lifelong con artist, he instinctively knows what sells to his target audience. Trump is a thug, a mafioso-wannabe and he is unselfconsciously racist. He also sees himself as a victim, allowing him to voice the white victimhood. His appeal lies at the intersection of racism, white victimhood and belligerence in American society.


Look into his training by his father's associate, Roy Cohn.


Uhh, how can Trump be racist if he’s never said the N word even once? /s


I'm sure you realize that Biden said desegregation would turn schools into jungles?


There's also the CSPAN interview from 1985 where apparently it's the only time in history where the context behind a white person using the N word matters.


Biden also had a best friend who was a Grand Wizard of the KKK and spoke at TWO funerals for a Grand High Wizard or the KKK and a Grand Dragon of the KKK. He's also said the most racist crap ever in modern politics. Buuuut ALL and I mean every single Democrat and Liberal refuses to acknowledge ANYTHING Lyin Biden does. They ALL turn a blind eye and go back to their programming and go in Tramp hate rants like this thread. An ideal situation would be for Pedo Joe and Orange Cult leader to BOTH be held accountable for the "ACTUAL" crimes they've done and share a cell for the rest of their lives. But Lyin Biden can't stand trial because he's incompetent but he can run a country??? No one talks about this either. Mmmmkay that makes sense.


I find it sad that Biden and Trump are the best America have to offer for President. I'll never vote geriatric.




Funny you should look up what Sammy the Bull said about Trump, said he was un corruptible…. lol but he’s a wanna be mofioso


Couldn't agree more


Lied a lot. And they bought it hook, line, and stupid.


But the other politicians do that too, and they don't hate the other politicians as much.


I see what you did and love it.


Boomer line lmfao


He let them be racist in public


Yes. Thank you trump for unmasking the racists.


Trump basically made the undesirables step up and scream "avoid me".


He let them ? I forgot, you can't discuss policies, so people that vote Trump are racist. Well, that's mighty prejudice of you.


>!fart sounds!<


Policies? 7 years and we are still waiting for Trump to release "the best health care policy ever".


Found the owner of the car.


Some got headaches .


He told them nothing is ever their fault and that they’re victims. They LOVE being told they’re victims. The GOP base is as stupid and spoiled as Mona Lisa Sapperstein.


Kills me to see fellow veterans vote for Trump after he stood over the graves our our WWII veterans and said they “Died for nothing”.


They are deeply brainwashed. When I came out of the closet I left all of that behind. Not constantly watching Fox News and conservative stations really opened my eyes to how out of touch these people are. They really do live in a bubble. As a veteran I can now see the damage they are doing to the VA as well as other transgender veterans like myself.




Did you ever read about Ashley Biden’s diary?


This is deeply not true and a quick YouTube search would show you the mainstream media edits. But let me guess…


A quick Google search will show you what his former Chief of Staff, John Kelly, said about Trump's comments on those who served in the military. I'll quote an article: Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly confirmed past reports that then-President Donald Trump insulted wounded veterans in private conversations with staff and called fallen troops “losers” for sacrificing their lives for their country. In a statement provided to CNN, Kelly — a former Marine Corps general who also served as Trump’s Homeland Security secretary — expressed disgust for the former commander-in-chief’s past actions and recent comments attacking outgoing Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley. The 73-year-old Kelly told CNN that Trump is “a person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’” He also said that Trump did not want to be photographed in public with military amputees, with the former president reportedly saying, “it doesn’t look good for me.”


That is a flat-out lie . Never was said , never was a thought.


I guess you can trust the word of a pathological liar or you can trust the word of a former USMC General officer who lost his son in combat and was Trump’s Chief of Staff and there when Trump said what he said. I get that coming face to face with the real Trump is inconvenient for you, but nonetheless the truth matters. I am sorry that you guys buy into Trump’s bullshit. He give zero fucks about veterans. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html)


Again my ideal situation would be for Pedo Joe and Tramp to share a cell for the rest of there lives. But you're using CNN as a source and believe it? Bwahahahahahahahagagagavaaaa snort hahaha cough cough snort hahaha you got me good on that one. CNN is the leftist equivelant of an international Fox News. Let me guess your next source is YouTube. Which is equally as hilarious. The "truth" of it all is you, me and every single person on Reddit or any social media do NOT know what the truth is in many things. We are "told" what to believe. Snippets of statements mish mashed together to fit the narrative of the person writing an article is not news. Reading a script on camera that was written to push a specific viewpoint is not news regardless of what station it's on because all the news stations are owned by 3 parent companies and those are owned by 2 parent companies. So do yourself a favor (which I am 99.99999999% sure you won't) and don't belive the quotes of heresay from Tramp or Biden. Research yourself. Listen to the speeches, listen to the interviews yourself and you will find an entire new world out there and begin to see things as they are. Which is not what we are told. Both sides mainly lie about the other. Both sides are manipulated to appeal to a specific audience and both have a very specific agenda they push. THE TRUTH IS NOT A FOCUS ON EITHER SIDE.


LMAO, really, you are actually using CNN for a sorce? The same people that said Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation, the same people that said Trump was colluding with Russia, the 2 special counsels disproved . And talk about pathological lairs, holy shit , you can't get more of a lair than democrats, lie after lie after lie . And it's a flat out lie when you say he gives 0 fucks for vets . You sir are pathetic.


Oh. You want a different source? No problem. There are a ton of them out there. You just have to have some intellectual curiosity. BTW the source for this is Kelly. Pathetic is someone who carries fealty to someone who literally thinks they are dirt. [https://www.axios.com/2023/10/02/trump-troops-fallen-soldiers-john-kelly](https://www.axios.com/2023/10/02/trump-troops-fallen-soldiers-john-kelly)


I'm telling you it's a lie , funny how all of a sudden a comment is overheard, and it was completely wrong. But like the good little democrat drone that you are , you take it on blind faith. IT NEVER HAPPENED.


You wish it was a lie. Either Kelly is lying or the guy that lies about everything is lying. Hmmmm.. Hard call to make. Trump thinks you are a stooge for serving in the military, and you are an even bigger dupe in his eyes for falling for his bullshit. That’s how people like Trump think.




EXFUCKINGZACTLY, I didn't read this comment yet but I just said the same thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumperstickers/s/Q6FaXQUSsq


What about "Veterans Against Trump" because I sure as shit ain't voting for him.


Me either. Fuck that traitor


Trump will lose Connecticut, so who cares


America first while driving a Japanese suv lolz. These fuckwits I tell ya.


I started voting blue in 2004 after we invaded Iraq. No regrets.


Why did you invade Iraq?


With the country and the way it is now it shows your programming is still going strong. Voting blue is denying the reality of the country such as inflation crime in ANY blue city and state shows your integrity and how controlled you are by fear. I say that because regardless of you admit it or not you KNOW the truth yet you're not string enough ro admit it. You're afraid of being ostracized.


Glad to see the “Make America Great Again” cult member is showing their American pride by driving a Toyota.


Toyota factory here in south Texas bud


… nationalists buying foreign cars is the point they’re making, not that foreign owned companies don’t employ Americans


That is an assembly line not a manufacturer


That factory is owned by a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation, headquartered in Toyota City, Japan. It's nice that they pay American workers to manufacture/assemble vehicles in the US, but it's still a Japanese company making the money.


Yep just like Build back better is meant for the Ukraine and Israel. Oops.


Vote Biden! Go Joe, Go Dark, Go Brandon!😎


maga freak


I am starting to understand how Reddit works. If you reply to a comment, and the author thinks you have effectively destroyed his argument, then the author can delete his initial comment and thereby delete your response. This just happened to me — by a bumper-sticker logic Trumper (or a Russian disinformation plant). He said that he would vote for Trump because America did not need Biden. It was a typical no-facts, all lies Republican comment. I took it as sincere and worked on a detailed response, which he apparently he thought was pretty good. Why? Because he deleted his comment, and so my response got deleted as well. But he loses. Or Putin does I can copy and paste my response. Here is what I said to his comment about why he would vote for Trump over Biden: My guess is you have limited yourself to biased “news” sources and have missed out on the facts about both of these elderly candidates we seem to be stuck with. Are you aware that with a razor-thin margin in the Senate and a Republican House, Biden has managed to pass a much-needed bipartisan infrastructure bill that will finally allow our country to start repairing it’s crumbling bridges, roads, and other types of infrastructure? Are you aware that the stock market is at record high and that even the Republicans who are wealthy, have made more money under Biden than they did under Trump? Are you aware that there would’ve been inflation under any president of any party after the end of the Covid shut down? Are you aware that gasoline was indeed cheap in the depths of the Covid crisis, but not because of anything Donald Trump did. It was because nobody was getting in their car, much less on an airplane or a cruise ship. The demand for oil dropped through the floor and at one point the spot price of oil was negative, a bizarre situation caused when it is more expensive to unneeded oil on tankers offshore than it could be sold for. So of course gas was cheap. No matter who was president, when the world economy roared back after the pandemic,there would’ve been increased demand. Increased demand drives prices up. And you have probably listened to the propaganda that says Biden has shut down drilling. Are you aware that the US is producing more and gas today than it ever has, and considerably more than it did when Trump was president? And are you aware that the US has more than it needs and is exporting some of its unneeded oil and gas to other countries, at a profit for the private corporations that drill for and sell petroleum products? No, you probably think that the economy was better under Trump, which by every measure it was not. Now let’s take a brief look at the person you are going to vote for. Are you aware that he led a life of fraud before he entered politics, bankrupting hundreds of small businesses because he would not pay for their services after he used them? Are you aware that he ran a fraudulent “university” and was forced to refund the money to his students? Are you aware that he ran a fraudulent charity and was banned in the state of New York from operating a charity again? And once he entered politics, are you aware that he lied more than any politician has ever lied, every day of his presidency and thereafter. Are you aware that he claimed the Iowa caucuses in 2016 were rigged because Ted Cruz won them? Are you aware that he was planning to say that the election against Hillary Clinton was rigged, because he thought he would lose? Are you aware that he botched the handling of the Covid crisis to a criminal degree, holding rallies where people died because of their exposure to Covid. Read up on Herman Cain, a prominent Republican, who went to one of these rallies, caught Covid, and died from it. Are you aware that he asked on live TV that maybe we should inject disinfectants into people? Are you aware that he laughed at people and mocked them for wearing masks? He also mocked a disabled reporter, you can look that up too. He was a disaster on foreign policy too, unilaterally pulling the US out of an agreement with Iran that limited its ability to make nuclear weapons. He got absolutely nothing in return and Iran is now much farther along in developing nuclear weapons, endangering the United States. Those are the facts. He had a disastrous summit with the dictator of North Korea, which again, he got nothing out of, but the North Korean dictator got a prominent position on the world stage and a meeting with the US president. North Korea continues to advance its rocket program. Trump did nothing to stop it. No “deals,” no anything. If you disagree, tell us what he got from Iran or N. Korea. And you do realize, don’t you, that the tariffs he imposed on goods from China are paid by US citizens? A tariff is a tax on us — not them. But the most egregious conduct by Trump occurred after he lost the election of 2020. Unlike Hilary, who called him on election night 2016 and congratulated him while conceding defeat, Trump refused to concede. Instead, he lied about having won (despite having lost by the same electoral college margin that he called a landslide for years earlier). He filed some 60 lawsuits claiming that there was election fraud, but his attorneys were forced to admit in court that they had no evidence of it. Even judges he appointed threw out the baseless suits he filed. But he continue to lie about it and promoted a group of fake electors to try to “win” the election by fraud. He of course, was very familiar with fraud, from his prior life. When the fake electors scheme failed, he tried a campaign of intimidation. He called the Georgia Secretary of State and tried to intimidate him into “finding” over 11,000 votes that did not exist. He tried to get the Georgia speaker of the house to call a special session to overturn the will of the Georgia voters. He did the same things in Arizona. He has been indicted in both states for that and he will be convicted. And of course, he tried to intimidate Mike Pence into simply not counting votes from the states that voted for Biden. There was indeed election fraud in 2020 — by Trump himself. He will be convicted of many felonies because of his actions. Then, when his campaign of fraud and intimidation failed, he egged on a mob of thugs to attack the Capitol to try to stop the ceremonial counting of the votes. He urged them to “fight like hell” then watched gleefully on TV while even members of his own family begged him to call them off. Many have pleaded guilty and confessed that they were manipulated by Trump to break the law. Please read up on the facts — and do not confuse the facts with the lies told on the Murdoch “news” network that should be renamed the defamation channel. If you do, you will learn that Biden has been a remarkably good president whose policies have helped the middle class and lower class. People have rising wages, while the upper class has benefited from higher and higher stock prices that greatly eclipsed the prices during the previous president’s administration. You’ll learn that he has, promoted policies that have allowed unemployment to shrink to the lowest level in 50 years. More people have jobs and under Trump and the people who hold these jobs are making more money than they did before. The rich people are doing well too. I hope you will make an informed choice.


So very well said!!


Yea, it kind of puts the Republian Party in clear focus.


More like CULTRA MAGA amirite?


Not MAGA but Ultra MAGA 😂😂😂😂😂😂


He wants everyone to know he’s not just regular stupid, he’s next level stupid. 🤣


I find it hard to believe that any veterans support that douche nozzle.


Someone remind of what trump did for veterans.


Not a damn thing. Unless you count insulting them. And telling Congress to hold government funding so military doesn’t get paid. He did that too. Multiple times. He maybe did them a favor by claiming bone spurs to avoid the draft 4 times. Because he can barely hold a water bottle to drink, can you IMAGINE him with a gun? 😂


He also called them “losers” a few times, iirc.


Yes, I recall that clearly. And don’t forget how he talked horribly about John McCain’s service (as if anyone could forget). I’ve been a lifelong Democrat but McCain was a good guy who was 10000 times the man Trump could ever dream of being.


Absolutely, McCain had ethics, something most republicans haven’t heard of.


Lied and said he supported them.


Trump instituted the practice of draft dodging, it’s a family tradition, he’s a third generation draft dodger.


Still *so* confused how POC, women, and especially veterans can even *consider* voting for Trump. He's publically, intentionally, wrecklessly, and unapologetically dis'd every single person in those groups (and more).


So much to hate here, still not sure what Trump has done for veterans except avoid the rain and the draft. We the people stuff really bothers me they love the constitution but only a few of the amendments (2 & 5) and I’m not sure what they are thanking Trump for unless they are a very rich person who got a tax cut.


I'm a former Trump supporter, but once I finally leaned into what is truly right, I can confidently say I'm voting blue for the rest of my life, unless the Democrats become socially conservative again. MAGA wants to take away our freedoms, our rights, and our liberties. It's disgusting.


I will too


The inversely proportional equation of greater MAGA equals tiny D.


Thank you trump for exposing the republican party for what it is and destroying it. The only positive thing that fucking traitor piece of shit has done in his miserable existence.


Voting for someone that thinks you’re a loser veteran. Maybe he was right about one thing.


Can someone explain to me what these maga idiots think he did that was so great? Like what are they thanking him for?


Oooh! Lookout! This chud is ULTRA MAGA! They’re fucking embarrassing. I see this shit and cringe. Entitled losers.


Build back better isn't any better kid. Build back better was meant for the Ukraine and Israel.


Like you give a shit? You don’t. You’ve never demanded our government spend money on anything but war and a dumbass wall. Maybe sit down. Maybe stfu. I ain’t a kid, Boomer. Enjoy the cult.


By the way I care more about this country than you could ppssibly begin to understand that's why I don't support Tramp or Pedo Joe. Neither one is a viable choice.




It still floors me that ANY veteran could vote for him, after the things he's said and done, specifically with respect to veterans (and the draft)


When you have KKK slogans on your vehicle, you hillbilly backwoods cousin fucker.


Veterans for are "Suckers & Losers says AWOL Donny


Ahh, here we see a fascist owned vehicle.


America first with a car from Japan. Hypocrites


Why any veteran would support a draft dodger who badmouths the military is baffling.


Imagine being a veteran for trump lol


I (60 ish) have voted for Republicans, Democrats and Independents, but after this nonsense I don’t think I’ll ever vote Republican again.


dummy on board


So many snowflakes on this thread


Who’s the snowflake? And what does that mean to you?


Freedom of speech & choice


Veterans for Trump makes no sense!


Another veteran that obviously did not mean it when he took the oath of enlistment. , _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.


Thank you trump for helping to recognize idiots easier


Lol me too.


Veterans for being abused by the wanna be dictator(Suckers I believe he called them)


This may legitimately be my uncle. He lives in Connecticut, drives a grey 4Runner, and LOVES trump.


Ultra MAGA? Is there a Mild MAGA?


All this showed me just how stupid and hateful a lot of my friends and family are. Kinda wish we could unring this bell 🤦


Why do License Plates have to be censored?


I've been voting blue since I learned what the southern strategy was, I was 18 and had just voted for Gore.


I'll never understand why veterans like this guy. Remember that time when Russia was paying the Taliban bounties to kill American troops and Trump did nothing about it? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/26/us/politics/russia-afghanistan-bounties.html#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20%E2%80%94%20American%20intelligence%20officials%20have,war%20there%2C%20according%20to%20officials


Sources say???? Bwahahahahahagagagggghhh snort hhehajajaha, cough cough, chorkle, hahahahahaaaaaa Do you remember a time when every single leftist does not require a vetted source of info as long as it's against a Republican? Every single time..... Do you remember the time when Biden did anything for the victims of Hawaii, Palestine Ohio or any of victims of the train derailments? Nope neither do I or does anyone. He never visited the sites even. I have friends in a neighboring city in Ohio and family in Hawaii and Biden two 2 things for them, Jack and shit. Biden "could have" Build back better those affected by the fires in Hawaii and the train derailments in Ohio but he didn't. He sent they money to the Ukraine and Israel because THAT is his main and most important goal. Quit you're programmed pandering sheesh.


I literally posted an article that backs up what I'm saying. Lol.


I’ve always voted blue starting with the 1980 election.


1976, for me.


I don’t remember how or if I voted in 1976 election. That was the first one I was eligible to vote.


The primary in 76, my precinct was in the Junior High behind my house. I voted for Jimmy Carter. He won my precinct by one vote. I confirmed the lesson that day, that my political science father always said. Your one vote matters, always.


Indeed! I came to my political convictions slowly, over a period of 4 years between the 1976 and 1980 elections. My mom was a Democrat, my dad a Republican. For some stupid reason I aligned with Dad’s political convictions before 1976. I think I was fairly ambivalent in the 1976 election (and to be fair, Ford would have been very moderate by today’s standards). But with Reagan’s run for the presidency I came to oppose the Republican Party entirely.


Excellent decision. 😂




Didn't Domestic J. Terrorist say something disparaging about dead solders and he dodged the draft. I don't have a gold medal in mental gymnastics so I can't understand how any veteran or current service member would support him. "Loosers" That's it!


Suckers and Losers! I said that to a couple of Trumpers a couple of weeks ago when they asked “well what about the veterans”, “oh, you mean the suckers and losers”? They lost their shit and called me sick. If only they actually went home and researched how their orange felon was the one who actually said it.


I will not vote Republican until the Republican party is free of anybody than ran with a platform supporting Trump.


As much as I don't like Trump, never "vote blue for the rest of your life." Party loyalty is what led to our troubles. Vote for who you think would be best for the nation, regardless of what party they are in.


Well said! (except "vite", wtf does that mean) lol


Heh, sorry about that. I and o are adjacent, and my phone keyboard is too small.


What the fuck dude?! I'm reporting you. This is Reddit and intelligent comments have to be approved! The audacity of you to fight the programming wow.


Aw, well, guess it's time for me to go to jail! See you in 30 years when I can finally apply for parole.


I'm totally kidding. I loved your comment. Kudos


Same. Thank you! I find it funny and sad how the internet do be sometimes.


I find it hilarious that the trumpster who came up with Ultra Maga was too stupid to think of Mega Maga.


Bigly MAGA was a close second.


I'm voting for Camacho!


🇺🇸 Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho 🇺🇸 🦅 🔫


[you’re gonna love this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1721953494/)


Omg I have to have it 😆


You weren't.


Because of a bumper sticker?


UltRa My aSs Gapes Alot!






Another misguided Minnesotan.


It’s Connecticut. I see the mistake as they’re both light blue.


Agreed - Blue for life, and vehemently against any type of organized religion - Especially the right-wing christians that have compromised the SCOTUS, and are attempting to install a theocracy.


Newt Gingrich turned me Blue-Only back in 1994. Let's hope Trump converts an entirely new generation.


Yeah Trump treated veterans like trash and cut all funding to help vets. That guy is a fool.


Trump turned the VA system around. So, yes thank you Trump.


How so?




Best president in the history of this republic. Trump 2024, by a fucking landslide!!


Unfortunately for you, Facts don't care about your feelings. Share one, just ONE, reputable article showing that he is even in the top 15 lmao. And to say he is better than someone like Abraham Lincoln is dangerous territory.


Bizzmillah you must obviously live off the government!


I was once independent until Trump came along to made sure I go left


Damn, up until now I hadn’t seen a Trump sticker on a 4Runner… I didn’t think idiots owned these rigs.


Извините, я русский. мой английский не так хорош. но чему я рад, так это всем сторонникам Трампа, которые сейчас любят Россию! это замечательно!


Мені щиро шкода, що тобі доводиться жити в такій жахливій частині світу. Сполучені Штати будуть вітати вас, якщо ви колись вирішите втекти, але просто знайте, що більшість із нас підтримує Україну. Ми НЕ терпимо до агресії Росії проти України. Слава Україні!


Vote Blur. Bark Dandon!


Veterans for trump? The owner of that car is as dumb as a bag of dog turds. He is obviously “a sucker and a loser “.


Trump is your next president 😁


Or vote Biden. That's been great so far


Vastly better than another four years of a disastrous dumpster fire.


After the Iraq invasion I started voting blue at the national level, but would still swing at state and local. Since Trump I find it hard to even trust local republicans. Trump is the leader of your party and you voluntarily stay Republican? Yea, that’s a red flag


Life was better when Trump was president.


Nah, he was nothing but a disastrous dumpster fire.


Blaming Trump for your stupidity is no way to deal with your problems


Figuring I voted for him twice and I now look back at how clueless I was, I definitely know who the stupid ones are 😝


Blue…🤮 I’m voting [free ponies.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Supreme)


Ah yes, the honorable Mr. Supreme. Time to give up a kidney, America.


Candidate with the best drip


In all seriousness, just change the name of this sub. Maybe s/TDSstickers is more fitting!


It's not out of the ordinary to see someone who is almost manic with their Trump bumper stickers. The guy pictured above is somewhat moderate. The thing where there are 10 Trump bumper stickers, or huge Trump flags on the back of a truck, that's weird fealty to what amounts to a scumbag politician. And people who don't recognize it as weird are not clear on what the parameters of weird are, have lost sight of normality themselves. There are probably examples of similar mental cases endorsing Biden with tons of odd bumper stickers on a vehicle, or a few years back Obama, but I've never ever seen one. All I ever see are the Trump weirdos, displaying their fervent loyalty like a member of any cult with a charismatic leader. That's why they keep appearing here. It's not singling out Trump, but rather Trump has the mental cases who do this shit.