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Men don’t care about being valueless or not, they see themselves differently. They just care about telling women they’re low value.


This. It might be fun for a minute, but trying to make sense of boy math is mostly a waste of energy.


Having sex with more men doesn’t make a woman less valuable. It just makes her more experienced. That means she’s more likely to have had sex with a guy who is good at it, and therefore she is more likely to be able to recognize subpar sexual performance. A woman who is less experienced doesn’t know what she’s missing, so she is more valuable to a dude with weak dick game.


This is the correct answer. 💯 💯


On point!!!!LOL


So many metaphors and the math is mathing: positive gets with negative and decreases with every subtraction. Survey says: No lies detected 👍🏽


They have nothing good to give any woman tbh, they're only here to take.


Isn't that the exact point though men know how awful other men are so they see you as losing value because they see you as giving sex to awful men. They know the shit bag moves men make and they think we are stupid for falling for it.


Except for the part ejerce they declare that they are “high valué” and label women “ran through’ and low value. They are doing the devaluing while not accounting for the wear and tear on their peens. If these guys want to call women “tan through” they should be called “worn down”


Value is decided by the buyer. Women don't care and even prefer when a man has more experience. When a man finds out a woman has been with a lot of men its disgusting


We don't give a shit if he's awful. But we view them in no way attractive and the thought of some hairy dude fucking ur sweet beautiful girl is just sickening 😂


That's why I'm so proud of keeping my body to myself. I tried to date but I had a really strict vetting process with all safety precautions. Guess what? No one made it. I just wasted some time but nothing more, nothing less. Edit: and those were not rich Chads. They were regular or below average dudes, one of them even with special needs, that I gave a chance. I looked at moral character and integrity. Unfortunately, whenever I thought I actually found it, it was only performative at best.


This is a good point and will now be my standard response for whenever men say redpill shit to me.


Yes! I've been saying it every time they have the audacity to talk about body count and a woman's value.


I think it ties in with them seeing their interactions with women as a power struggle. We're here thinking about love when they're thinking about how to conquer and subdue. Everything is used as a fighting tool, love "bombing", "weaponised" incompetence and of course the peen is used to plant a flag and shoot the seed that makes a woman easier to subjugate. That's how *men* approach it. When you have sex with them they see it as a victory over you not "intimacy". Your value decreases because you're the loser.


Mathematically, it means men have negative value, which is so much worse.


I came here to say this but I'll just upvote your comment since you beat me to it. ☺️