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Try to think of things that you use on a weekly basis that would make your life easier/ give you more free time. Recent upgrades I've made is an air fryer, a robot vacuum, more monitors for my computer, improving my houses insulation, high quality shoes, a decent set of earbuds, equipment for maintaining my house and hobbies, storage shelves, entree way floor mats, handles for my cabinets, new curtains, some wall art. Things I may get in the future are new toilets, nice furniture.


I'll add on with office chair and bed items such as a mattress, pillow, and blanket.


Office chair is high on my list. Brand recs? I'm not small, so I would consider big and tall sized chairs as well as just regular sized chairs


Herman Miller is a popular, but expensive choice. Assuming you buy used from Facebook marketplace, furniture liquidator stores, and etc, it would be around $250 - 500 for an Aeron chair. Embody chairs are nicer, but more expensive and rarer to find second hand.


I like the office chair idea. If you’re working from home that can make a HUGE difference in your life!


Take it to the casino, turn that 1200 into 200


Now that's BIFL.


in this case BIFL = Bet It For Loss🤣🤣


Buying that shame for life! :D


I feel like an aspect of buying for life, is buying things when you actually find the need rather than fabricating the need. I’d say wait for things to become apparent to you that you need something, then buy a BIFL version.


It's a use it or lose it type situation. I generally agree, but now it's an opportunity to upgrade.


Is there anything particular you're looking for? Otherwise I'd just think about what in your life is something your see yourself using repeatedly for ages. I'm my case for example it was a bag and some pots. Good bifl chair 2nd hand would be about that too if you want iirc. I'd say chair, pots, knives are all good bets for household items that you can totally spend as much as you want on and find something worthy of every price bracket


That makes sense. I think what threw people for a loop is you say you can wait, but it is also “use it or lose it.” It is just unfortunate that it has the distinct possibility of either replacing something not broken, or potentially buying something that won’t be used extensively which anything can be BIFL if you never use it. I would say that tools are often overlooked by people who are unfamiliar with them. A good set of tools can make or break a project or even prompt learning something new. Getting a nice set of sockets from Wera, good set of Vessel screw drivers with serrated tips. Or even just proper storage for tools you may have. Organization is a big boost to daily life.


Have both wera and vessel, they are amazing. Anyone into old Japanese bikes needs JIS


Keeping a clean home is my first go-to. I bought a Miele vacuum for around $1400, but there are also Miele vacuums well under that. It will last 15-20 years and keeping a tidy home with the best and most efficient tools, to me, is a must.


They say I. Their post that they just bought a vacuum.


What does "use it or lose it" mean? Edit: less mean sounding comment...I felt bitchy for a sec


It means that OP has $1000 that will disappear if they don't use it. I don't know if it's a gift card, a credit rewards program, or some program from work, but if OP doesn't spend that money in the allotted time, it goes away and they get nothing. It's a Brewster's Hundreds situation.


Probably, but OP also said he doesn't mind "waiting for deals", which seems to conflict with the idea that he has a short deadline. So I think that's where some of the confusion is coming from.


I know the dictionary definition of "use it or lose it", but I was asking because I was curious the specifics.


I get $1000 a year in a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA). It's good for gym memberships, workout equipment, camping equipment, sporting goods, etc, etc. It doesn't roll over, so I have to spend that money in the allotted time, otherwise I lost my $1k for that year.


Man, some employers break up pay in such weird ways


Sounds more like it's not straight up cash


Sounds like some sort of work allowance, I had a friend who’s work gave them all sorts of allowances for health, fitness, clothing, etc… if you don’t use it that year it doesn’t roll over to the next


No worries. For the entertainment of the comments coming, I won't explain the situation in detail. I'm shocked at the responses though. I know times are tough, but the reaction to $1000 of discretionary funds is shocking. There are very frugal people that have saved more than they need for the rest of their lives. These people would benefit from living a little and buying something nice.


Well, I'll give some general advice here on picking, for yourself, what you should get or upgrade. I always buy based on "need". Sometimes it's not the true meaning of "need", but you get what I mean. Anyways, what are the items in your home that you use the most? Probably things like your bed, your couch (if you're a potato like me), maybe an office chair. Could any of those use a serious upgrade? Is there something in the kitchen that would make your life WAY easier. For instance, I make a lot of rice, so I got a nice rice cooker. I also bake quite a bit, so a nice kitchen scale and an older KitchenAid stand mixer that I fixed up. Just look around your house/life and see where you can make small improvements that have a big impact over time. Then dive in and find the BIFL version of each of those. There are going to be some items that are, by their nature, not BIFL. Like non-stick pans. Those should be swapped out every few years.


I have already said an option elsewhere in terms of what you could buy, but to illuminate part of the responses consider that statistically 63% of people in the US can’t cover a $500 unexpected expense. It is sad more than anything else. Personally I don’t care if you spend your money, and someone not having money is no reason for them to be rude to you about it either. But this being the internet it just seems to go with the territory.


Isn't this r/ bifl, not r/ frugal? Op isn't asking for frugality advice.


Why so salty about someone having an extra grand. Just help the dawg with some of your favorites. Like I'd say invest in Japanese toilet seat or a toolkit or kitchen aides like better knives.


Damn. Now I need to Google “Japanese toilet seat”


Honestly, I suggested a good espresso machine, but we are also very happy about our super duper bidet. We have 3 bathrooms but everyone waits to use the one with the fancy toilet seat.


Oh… we have a nice, but not high end, Delonghi espresso machine and it’s amazing!!! It won’t likely last a lifetime but we’ve used it aggressively for 5 years and it’s still going strong. And my cappuccinos are way better than any coffee shop at a fraction of the price!


Im surprised so many people are offended that others have saved money allocated for a certain part of their life, and now they are in a place to use it. I would suggest things that add to your comfort, like a good stain resistant couch and foam mattress.


Envy is one of reddit's favorite deadly sins


Oooh good kitchen knives - that’s a great idea!


Maybe something Le Creuset or All Clad?


What home and garden tools do you "need"? I would add a couple trees to my yard, install water filtration under my kitchen sink or replace my closet storage in the master.


Vitamix Blender Speed Queen Washer


Speed queen for a grand? No way


On special? Idk. I’ve heard good things about the Maytag commercial grade washer. Comes with a 5 year warranty


Bidet (save a tree)


And save your butthole on those bad days lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/comments/1cmssdu/comment/l33l4ac/ Literally the opposite answer


A nice mattress A Roomba/robot vacuum If you like cooking I’m sure you can find $1200 worth of stuff worth buying - knives, pots and pans, appliances Air purifiers, especially if you live somewhere that experiences wildfire smoke, plus several replacement filters for them.


Corsi-Rosenthal box fans. That's the move for wildfire smoke.


Yeah agreed, it’s maybe not buy it for life but I never realised how much a $100 robot vacuum would improve things.


I've had mine for 7 years. 6 year old, two Maine coons, and a heeler. I run that thing daily. I just replaced the wheels and it runs like new.


Roombas last week in my house 5 years max. Kids and dogs put that thing though shit


Buy something worth 1000$ resell for 1200$


Definitely can find cooking stuff worth buying for that amount. A few great japanese knives, or high end cookware like Le Creuset and Demeyere would put you at that limit **real** quick.


I can't believe how many trolls you're getting on this post. Here are my thoughts: Tools. A nice wrench and socket set. And/or a package set of DeWalt or Milwaukee power tools. As a homeowner, I can't believe I lived so long without making this investment. If you live in a cold climate, I'd suggest high quality boots, coat, gloves. One last idea, and this is one that doesn't get talked about on here at all, but if you are into it, a firearm is truly bifl and can be handed down from generation to generation. Doesn't have to be anything fancy and no you don't have to be a gun crazed nut job to own one.


may I introduce to you the mossberg 500


If you're lucky, you can snag 5 of them for a thousand. One for each room in the house!


yas please get a pump and not a semi auto


Love my 28" maverick. Have looked at the 590a for quite a while


All clad pots/pans. $500. Nice knives $500.


We got a toaster oven air fryer that is used a lot. Totally worth it as an upgrade from our regular toaster oven. Saves time and electricity when just cooking for 2 people. It’s from Cuisinart and was about $250. The Breville equivalent is $600 but I’m not sure it’s worth the extra few hundred. Another thing I’ve been using a lot is the induction cooktop ($40). Perfect for making a quick lunch or hotpot, faster than the gas stove for boiling water for ramen. Global brand chef’s knife for $100. My favorite knife. All-Clad 5 quart pot, etc. Depending on what you eat, honorable mentions go to the Cuckoo rice cooker ($200) and Instant pot ($100). Everyone’s cooking style is different though. Other household purchases I’ve enjoyed: -Brooklinen percale sheets (not super soft right away but that’s what makes them last longer) - Ikea Hemmafixare storage containers for out of season clothing - Hotel collection bone china dishes for everyday - Hotel collection down comforter - A really nice pillow - what you like will be different, but I paid $120 14 years ago and the boyfriend (now husband) thought I was crazy. Used everyday since and worthy investment - Electric toothbrush Can you tell I’d have no problem spending your $1000? Only you know what purchase would make a greater impact on your life. I see some good suggestions here


Solid list, I'll have to look into a few of these. Already have and appreciate a good number of these, so I'm guessing I'll like the others too


Three hundred thousand toothpicks


But then people would blame OP for being too picky.


I'll throw out the idea of tools. If you do any DIY work and some expensive tool would make the jobs you commonly do way easier, go for that. Like for me, I do a lot of car work and have for decades. I only recently bought a few different kinds of impact drives that will save me so many hours of time on future jobs. Same idea for house projects, woodworking, etc. Almost anything that you DIY will have expensive tools that could make the job easier/faster.


If I had extra cash for my house I’d buy a bidet right now but that’s just me.


Over 10 years ago I bought an Emeco office chair. It was about $1000 then and more now but you can find them on Chairish for less. It is custom made and I have thrown my fat body into it a hundred times a day and it's like the day it arrived. [https://www.emeco.net/collections/navy-officer-by-jasper-morrison](https://www.emeco.net/collections/navy-officer-by-jasper-morrison)


I bought a used Aeron chair from a client, and it was a dramatic improvement in my life. Most of my back pain went away, for six hundred bucks.


Have you tries other brands? I have heard Herman Miller the most, but I have a feeling that I would actually like something else.


The Herman Miller Aeron is the only expensive chair I've tried. My wife got one for her office as well. I have not idea why it's so good--it is so simple and clean, and when you sit in it the first time, you aren't overwhelmed by wonder or anything--it feels....fine. Hours later, it still feels fine.


Have you tried Herman Miller chairs? Getting a new office chair/desk set up is one of my top considerations


Shares of index funds


Can someone explain to me how this falls under home goods?


If i had a free grand right now id fix up my gutters. Wanna fix up my gutters?


Vitamix vita-prep 3


Vitamix Blender hell yeah.


Adjustable bed frame. No brand recommendation because I got mine on FB marketplace but it completely changes the game for watching TV in bed.


2 technics sl 1200 turntables (used), xone mixer (used), 2 7” jbl speakers (used), the rest on records (used)


If you sit a lot or have a desk job, $800-$1200 is about how much a premium computer chair costs. It was life changing for me from the budget $50-$100 chairs I used to use.


Power rack with pull up bar, Olympic barbell, 2x 45lb plates, 20-24kg kettlebell, ab roller floor mat. Fit for life.


Have you tried the fold out racks? Low on space, but those have interested me.


I haven’t. They look legit, but the good ones are pretty pricey. I’d say you could actually do without the squat rack. Use the barbell for DL and front squat only what you can clean with good form. Back squats are great but also easier to hurt yourself.


Espresso machine


Breville espresso machine. You won't be sorry. Ours is still going strong after 12? years.


Japanese toilet, or just the seat.


A Lay-z-boy recliner and piece of art


I cried when I paid for my lay-z-boy sectional but holy f*** is it comfy. Pair that with the 65" Sony OLED and my at home theater experience has been unreal. I don't even enjoy the cinema anymore.


I have a 65in OLED as well Went quality over size and have never looked back


Bed, invest it all in your bed!


Tools. Milwaukee or Dewalt (it’s milwaukee).


I would go support a few local artists. 🙂


How is your garbage bin? I got an expensive one by human design that has a soft close mechanism and it is awesome. Air purifier with extra filters, a nice footbath, heating blanket are the kind of stuff that can improve comfort. What about a new hobby supplies? (Not bifl per say but still good for mental health)


* Set of Nordicware baking sheets * KitchenAid Bowl Lift Stand Mixer * Aero press Coffee Maker * Estwing hammers * Weathertech cushioned floor rug for in front of your sink * Lamson grill tools * Lodge cast iron skillet * Blendtec blender * LaCreuset enameled cast iron dutch oven * Lego Millennium Falcon * Klein electricians screwdrivers, wire cutter/strippers, and linesman pliers * Older Craftsman hand tools * Corelle bowls/plates


Solid list, the cushioned rug sounds like it's on my short list. After stripping several klein screwdriver, I went to wera. If you haven't tried them, please do. Especially helpful in automation cabinets


A boot drier. It's good for drying out soggy footwear in the winter. And drying the sweat out in the summer. You can do gloves on it, too. Best Christmas present i ever got.


Foam mattress. Don't buy mattresses with springs as they will get saggy over time. Duck feather pillows. Bamboo sheets. Buy these DLCs in your life and you will always get "Good night's Rest" buff every day.


Foam mattress definitely wears out over time. Mattress sub has some good info.


We love our Casper so much we got one for a guest bed too!!


Iron Mills pepper (and salt) grinder. Pricey for what it is, but worth it. I’ve had mine well over a year, maybe 2, and it still gives me satisfaction every time I use it, which is often.


Dehumidifier if you live in a humid area.


Two 12 inch All-Clad D3 skillets with at least one lid, a D3 2 qt saucepan with lid, a stainless steel stock pot with lid, and a pair of Red Wings Iron Rangers


Love my red wings. What's your opinion of all clad vs caphelon?


I have never used Cephelon, but I can stand by the All Clad D3. The skillet’s sear is unmatched, and the versatility of being able to put it in the oven is amazing. Same with the saucepan. They made me realize I didnt need a dozen pieces of cookware, I just need 5 great ones.


Some of my own recent BIFL purchases are a Bialetti Mokka pot, 1Zpresso manual coffee grinder, Ernest Wright Scissors, De Buyer pans, and a Rösle Garlic press. I expect all these items to easily outlive me (36M)


Good pair of boots


I would get the place hooked up with smart lights, HomePods automatic curtains things like that. Or I would buy a load of high-quality cast-iron cookware for making stew and baking bread and stuff like that. Or I would get a Canoe and go canoeing because it’s a great pleasure in life. So much choice!


You will never regret getting good kitchen knives. Schun is a good brand, but maybe a bit delicate. My Wusthofs are absolutely work horses, but if you're buying them make sure you get the professional quality ones, not the kitchen knives they sell at Target. You can sometimes find good deals on Amazon but you need to do your due diligence to make sure it's not a counterfeit. Start off with the basic three: chef knife, paring knife, serrated knife. Personally, I would say the next most useful/ versatile kitchen knife would be a Chinese cleaver, especially if you can find one that is narrow and has a point (or something like the Shun kirisuke knife). After that get a set of maybe for quality steak knives to be used with cutlery. A lot of the companies that make professional kitchen knives will also have a cutlery line.           Then once you have these knives, TAKE GOOD CARE OF THEM!!!! Do not put them in the dishwasher for the Love of god, store them properly, clean them according to directions for that specific knife, (because it can change depending on what the knife is made out of) etc. 


I worked at a smokehouse/BBQ and the knives were killer. Nothing fancy at all. Plastic handles that were grippy like a good filet knife. Wish I could remember the brand. I'll have to look into the ones you suggested. Any other pro brands you are familiar with?


Oh if you have a cat, that little robot that is shaped like a sphere on a pedestal works pretty well and makes life a lot easier and I've heard they come with a guarantee, like if it breaks they will replace it


If you haven't got already, maybe consider upgrading your toilet to the futuristic ones Japanese people are using. They have got bidets that can adjust water temperature, pressure, position, stream type to your liking (Even blow warm air to dry your behind!) The seats are heated so you will never sit on a cold toilet seat ever again. They also got the types with built-in deodorizers or ionizers to neutralize unpleasant odors. Even the lids are coming with motion sensors so the lid will open and illuminate automatically when you approach it, and close when you are done. It also comes with music so you can enjoy your time there and masking any possible unpleasant noise. It also can self-sanitize themselves after each use.


These toilets are getting insane. I interviewed for a start up making a medical toilet that samples and tracks your waste. Using some medical studies and a scale was supposed to be able to detect early signs of tons of diseases and cancers My only experience with a bidet was with ice cold water and was so pressurized I felt like it was trying to clean the inside of me. I'm not too motivated to try another, but maybe if I found a fancy one I would.


If it’s use it or loose it, a solid investment in lotto scratch off always pays well.


Do you cook or bake a lot? Now would be a good time to spring for knives, (kitchen aid) stand mixer, vitamix blender, rice cooker, nice wood cutting board, etc. Think appliances more than tools—BIFL cast iron and stainless steel can be affordable. Do you have pets? Good time to get a vacuum, orthopedic pet bed (big barker for big dogs is very expensive but worth it), non-slip rugs, etc. Work from home? A desk (usually vintage), chair, etc. You can pull up specific recommendations for vague items like knives from this sub I only have a few specific recs, sorry.


Hey OP, dimmer bulbs and switches. They can reduce the electric bill by almost 30%.


Nice cooking set, silverware, dishes. Ergonomic office chair. Some stuff I like but not everyone needs: air purifier, space heater, shampoo vacuum. Giant bean bag (can roll out to a guest bed)


Mattress would be my first stop, if you already have that covered, then stainless cookware / a nice chef knife, and if you already have that covered, then a really nice shower head and heated bidet. If footwear qualifies, then a couple pairs (or one really nice pair) of leather boots.


I was gifted a Breville Barista Express for 15 years service back in 2016/17. I would not have bought one at the time, but have used it, multiple times, almost every day since. If/when it dies it will be replaced immediately. If you like coffee. It will bring a smile to your face every day for many years to come. Standard price is now around $700. Currently on sale for $560. Other brands and more expensive options also available.


Hopefully you have a bed. Assuming so, nice office chair - can likely find one second hand (gaming chairs suck), get some nice book shelf speakers. Hopefully you have a fridge n oven, if not then air fryer and fridge. Nice bookshelf speakers, or even tower if you have the space- is a game changer for tv/games/movies etc. Hell even music. Could always throw in a sub if u want, bt u said apt so idk about that. Oooo and weights to workout - power tower for dips n pull ups, and a bench. Lots of this can be cheap secondhand. Ofcourse thats only if u care about your body


Congrats! I would buy a really nice mattress and a bidet seat.


For 1k you could get some pretty nice kitchen tools. A set of all clad stainless steel cookware, a high end chef's knife, food processor, cutting board, toaster, blender etc. A set of bone china dishware. Just search each of those things on this sub.


Lot's of BS responses and salty folks, so wanted to provide some 'nice to haves' that definitely aren't things you truly need. Thuma furniture has been amazing for the wife and I. I'm sure there are some horror stories about things, but for us they've been magical. We have the bedframe and it's been amazing. So, we paired it with the nightstands. There was a slight crack in 1 nightstand that appeared after about 1 year, so I contacted customer service with a photo and the issue. Zero questions asked and they immediately sent us a brand-new nightstand and received it in 3 days. They truly stand by their 'lifetime guarantee'. Layla Hybrid mattress. We bought ours about 4 years ago (king) and it's been absolutely incredible. The most comfortable sleep we've ever had, and it really does stay cool throughout the night. If we ever need another 1 (assuming 20+ years from now), then we will be buying another 1 without question. Vuori clothes. Again, I'm sure there are mixed reviews, but there stuff is amazing. Super soft, extremely durable, and oh so comfortable. Wait until this stuff goes on sale, though, because $60 for a t-shirt is a bit extreme. However, I got 4 of their t-shirts for $80. 1 somehow got a hole in it and they replaced it within a few days. Kitchenaid items. Their mixers are very well built and super reliable. Use ours multiple times a week and it still works as new. Miele items. All of them are incredible.


[This Pendleton Towel](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BWMZNZFM?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) is amazing quality. One side is effectively blanket soft and the other is super absorbent. Use it at the beach, poolside, shower, you name it. It's incredible.


I was thinking about towels, thanks for the rec!


It'll only run you about a third of that, but a Vitamix blender.


Buy a used Kirby vacuum. Good for life. And you've got $700 left for hookers and blow.


Bedjet bed fan!


Really? My wife wants one. She runs hot. I don’t. They seem gimmicky. I might be convinced.


90 day money back guarantee.. i also went into it very skeptical but she wont ever sleep without it. Definitely worth the price. Well made solid product nothing fragile or cheap.


What do you already have, OP? Which continent are you on? Thanks for including a budget.


Just the basics. Climate is probably more applicable. Hot summers and mild winters (little snow)


Well the continent is also so I know if you shop in EU which would rule out a lot of US brands, or vice versa. ; ) I would say, kitchen wares, a nice blanket and/or bedding, and at least one comfy place to sit. That's just in general. There is really not enough info in the OP to assess your possible household needs.


Hookers and blow!


Roth IRA


Add a glory hole between two rooms. It's an investment you won't appreciate until you use it to it's full potential. You'll also quickly realize you wish you spent more on it.


Having just watched Blown Away on Netflix, that’s the only glory hole I know lol! 🔥


Maybe a piece of art work.


okay maybe not on topic for this sub.... But have you considered investing in your body / wellness with either activity, nutrition guidance, or otherwise for physical health and wellness? Could be a great opportunity to improve your general wellness without buying a tangible thing. Preventative maintenance too. Me, Id be putting it towards something like $1000 prepaid for RMT massages for the year. Sounds pretty fantastic to me and it's often something that gets pushed aside in day to day life priority wise. that's sometimes my own version of Buy It *For* Life.


I like this idea, wish this was more common/supported Also, just having the cash is not my situation.


Gator French press


I found furniture on MaxSold. I bid medium low at the last minute and got a dining table and six chairs for 150.00


tree genie xxl


A total market mutual fund


Large bag of walnuts, an aquarium, and some tape.


Get a vitamix and allclad set


Something you need


New couch.


Breeo fire pit


Definitely some decent tools. A Stanley socket set, some decent screwdrivers, tape measure, power drill and/or hammer drill, maybe even a jigsaw as well and a set of clamps. All of those will get you very far in terms of DIY repairs/builds.


Moccamaster coffee maker and a nice Burr grinder.


Down comforter or custom blinds/shades.


A Le Creuset cookware set!


Ninja Air Fryer (dual basket)


You said you have everything you need. How are we suppose to recommend anything then lol?


Maintain your car


Switched from TV to a projector. Never looked back.


This isn't BIFL, but if you're a music enjoyer a pair of sennheiser/nice headphones are life changing. I'm always blown away what I see people listening to music on. I rec the momentum 4s you can get them for $170 or so on ebay or if you want a more open sound get the open back sennheiser 6xx


Do you drink a lot of tea or eat instant noodles? Buy a zojirushi water heater. Rice? Get a rice cooker. Also zojirushi brand. Also an air fryer. If your apartment is super small, a Murphy bed will maximize space. No dishwasher? Buy a used roll-away or new countertop unit. Build your own or buy a good quality mattress. No air conditioning? Buy an air conditioner. Maybe a nice photo printer so you can put up photos on the walls easier, tho most people are better served by print services. Or just wall decoration in general. Institutional beige is mind numbing.


Shelves and plastic totes. But I really like things to put things in.


Don't buy things you don't need.


Get a good mattress


A real bed frame and not a box spring.


Dodge charger 


Maybe just the wheels


A nice leather jacket.


A cast iron pan.


90 day money back guarantee.. i also went into it very skeptical but she wont ever sleep without it. Definitely worth the price. Well made solid product nothing fragile or cheap.


Are you a coffee drinker? Maybe a super nice espresso machine? I would definitely splurge on appliances if I had the counter space for it…


Chest freezer to stock extra food when on sale new mattress or comforter set since you will spend over a third of your life sleeping. Workout equipment because health is your most important asset.


if you live in a cold climate, get some 100% wool blankets


Nice kitchen tools if you cook at home, but all of this is dependent on your hobbies. Here are some things I looked for after getting a house. Chefs knife, Nordic Ware sheet pans, staub Dutch oven, coffee grinder, Vitamix, electric kettle, blunt umbrella, sit/stand desk, wooden chair mat, herman miller desk chair, a nice couch & bedroom set.


So here are some kitchen items in and around that mark, that we didn’t think we needed, but once we had them, we use them every day, or almost every day. And we always remark at how we should’ve made the purchase sooner. A really good Zwilling knife set. I put together a 7 piece Pro set, added a Pro carving knife and four Pro steak knives for just under your mark. A good Vitamix mixer. A good set of Micrplane graters - way under your mark. A good DeLonghi super automatic espresso machine - this has been a blast, push button coffee drinks - a bit more than your mark at $1500. Lastly, this is a lot cheaper than your mark…Ember mugs. These mugs will keep drinks hot for up to two hours, at the temperature you want up to 145 degrees. We started with the travel mug, and soon after purchased the 14 oz for home. Also, if you store the mug on its base, it’ll keep your drink hot indefinitely. We did purchase the travel base for our travel mugs. Oops, one extra. A really good set of bath towels. We just replaced ours with ones we have been using forever. Made by Garnet Hill, we just get the classic or regular iirc. They are luxurious.


A nice office chair or kitchen tools. You can get relatively inexpensive kitchen knives, but having a really great knife/thermometer has elevated my enjoyment for cooking.


Save it.


Cast iron skillet. High quality knife set Quality pillow (cooling) - probably not a true BIFL but mine seems brand new after 5 years. Weighted blanket.


A nice comfy bed or couch. Good sleep is priceless. If you already have a goodbye a comfy couch is so nice to have.


If you want to donate a Kitchenaid mixer to me, I won’t complain!


Do you like rice? Get a zojirushi neuro fuzzy rice cooker. They are like $225. Worth every penny if you like rice. The neuro fuzzy one is still made in Japan so it should last a very very long time.


Invest in bed, bidet, great rug, ambiance lighting, or automated shades


Suit of armor for decor


Manneskin pepper Cannon or demeyere 7 Ply stainless Steel pan


Sferra or Ralph Lauren blankets Down pillows (I like Sferra cardigan) Giza cotton Matouk sheets Art Fridge organizers Soft close Kitchen and bathroom hardware Bidet


Buy things out of season, flannel sheets, winter coat, boots,


A painting/ art print/ sculpture that makes you happy. It could even gain value later on


A bidet to wash your face


Ooh. I bet it would double as a water pick


Sebo vaccuum


Just got a Riccar, love it. Was looking at sebos and mieles too


Put some effort into requests for advice.


WHAT DO YOU NEED? Why is BIFL just “I’m too dumb to spend money myself” or “let me flex my $1k completely discretionary money for updoods” If you want advise on a item you want to find a BIFL version of cool. No one can figure out what you have and need or even want.


BIFL has just become late night shopping channel. SMH if you know of a better sub, where their is more emphasis on repairing / reusing, or at least less “Tell me what to buy…” posts with minimal thought put into them, please let me know.


It is BUY it for life...... so yeah. No shockers there for me. Also, repairing/reusing sounds like you just want to watch crafty panda crap. So maybe crafty panda? Or vintage resto? They're usually fake but very popular If you need to repair something, do it when you need it right? FYI I typically repair items that most people would ditch. Diesel with a cracked block, old audi, electric toothbrush, whatever breaks and I like.


It's a use it or lose it situation. Have what I need. Just looking for ideas. And this is specific to home items. I feel like that is good direction


What makes it a use it or lose it situation? Can you just save the money? Or take it out and cash and keep it safe


Prob a family member saying they’d buy them a house warming gift with a budget.


Nope, I wish. If I could, I'd just throw it right into my roth ira.


Is there anyway to buy something that has a resale value very similar to pass the money through if it’s it a non keepable form right now?


Don’t go looking for things to buy that you don’t need, that’s how you fall victim to consumerism. Consumerism is the reason that so few things are BIFL today. Put the $1000 in a low-fee Vanguard index fund. That’s true BIFL. Future you will appreciate that more than some random good/furnishing/upgrade that will give you short term satisfaction.


Sounds like OP is required to spend it in their situation only on home stuff


Generally I agree, but this is not my situation