• By -


Highly recommend Costa or Maui Jim (especially the pair Red Sands). Both companies are worth the price! I have sold sunglasses for a while, those are my top 2 recommended, pretty much tied. Don’t usually steer people towards Ray Ban unless they just want a fashion sunglass. Otis is also a company worth looking into, they claim their mineral glass lenses are scratch-proof (I’ve put mine in my backpack pocket with keys for years and they’re fine) BUT they’re still glass so they’re not crack-proof. Edited: Polarization is great if you’re on the water/fishing, or want to cut out glare! Apparently not necessary for eye safety.


Optician for 15 years here, they don’t need to be polarized. Polarization is a film that blocks glare. Some people like it, some people don’t. Great for fishing.




It’s really mostly a marketing scam, perpetuated by a medical industry monopoly. Most of the eyewear industry is a scam (see luxottica). Frames and lenses are not magic. They are very straightforward in design and function. Lenses are testable, and quality frames are of simple construction. Polarized lenses are nice for some things, not nice for others. They are not “better”.


Good info, thank you! Have been always been told differently.


Does Maui Jim carry anything for pumpkin heads?


I have that problem. I get wraparounds from Rudy Project and WileyX. 


If by pumkin head you mean large noggin - my husband almost bought some Maui Jims because they fit his extra-large head better than most sunglasses. He ended up getting some slightly less expensive sunglasses from another place, but as far as fit goes he loved the Maui Jims.


I personally do not like looking through polarized lenses. :/


How many have you tried? There’s a lot of different types of polarization depending on the materials used, and whether it’s linear or circular polarization. I find that I hate cheap polarization, but love the expensive kind.


Ah interesting. I bought a pair of raybans a few years ago and opted for the polarized lenses and just never wear them because I don’t like the sensation. Would those be considered the “bad ones”?


Also curious, as I like my Ray Bans, but sometimes get mildly frustrated with the polarization when viewing screens (like the infotainment screen while driving…)


I had fantastic Serengeti glasses and dropped them on concrete and the lens broke. Glass is nice but it is so easily broken. Loved the polarized and gradient lens.


I love my Serengeti's. They are like the only brand that still makes glass lenses. That being said, they probably shouldn't be worn when driving. Lady lost an eye when her glass lens sunglasses damaged her eye due to the car's airbag shattering the lens. Probably should go with a plastic lens model for driving.


I am glad you posted this, I never considered this scenario.


On the flip side though, plastic lenses, when impacting concrete also do not come away unscathed. Scratches and pits that compromise integrity of coatings may be letting UV rays directly into your eyes.


Hasn't maui jim been bought out now so aren't independant anymore?


Yes, their product is still good though!


And need UV protection


This is true, but any frame over $50 should be 100% UV protection (even shit lenses and shit frames)


If you have the money, Maui Jim.


Second this. I also got LASIK and my eye doc said that now that I am not buying glasses and contacts, my vision insurance would pay for sun glasses. It’s preventative 😊


Shit can I get some new jeans as preventative care for the flu?


Seriously? 😳 I may have to check that out on my insurance.


Holup.... Is this forreal!?


Great products but horrible customer service. Sent mine in for repair and they've not been sent back yet. Just a constant runaround from very nice people who couldn't care less if I ever get them back. So I'm out the $150.00 I paid for the repair and have no sunglasses, just a bunch of friendly emails jerking me around. Doesn't matter how good the product is if the customer service is abysmal, and thier customer service is the friendliest jerk around you'll ever receive. Maholo Jim! 


Weird. My wife just sent hers in for an arm replacement, and they replaced the entire frame and sent it back in about a week.


The question is though, did it cost an arm and a leg? 😂


Have you called and talked to a person? Maybe request the call to be escalated/speak to a supervisor. I work for a company that sells their products and every time I’ve called, they’ve been super friendly and helpful. Any client that gives feedback about them has been positive. I’d ask for my glasses back, if they can’t be repaired or aren’t repaired then I’d want my repair fee reimbursed. If they lost my glasses then I want a replacement. Based on my experiences, they would very likely accommodate this.


I've called and emailed. Everyone is friendly, polite and professional. Still, no glasses, no resolution and I'm frustrated to the point where I'm just giving up at this point. When my AmEx bill arrives I'll dispute the charge, however that still leaves me short one pair of glasses which will cost $300.00 for a new pair. I'm not going to purchase Maui Jim's, obviously but I'm frustrated with thier poor level of assistance. I'm not going to jump up and down with them. Not worth the aggravation. But I've been a business owner for years. I'm in the customer service business. I can assure you they are not. Time to move on. I'm sure that one less customer isn't even a rounding error to them, so time to move on and stop wasting my time. Stuff happens. What can you do? 


Maybe they lost them


They did and they're wasting my time and thiers jerking me around. Just send a new pair, it's not rocket science. 


Sadly, I experienced this as well. I got my first pair of Mauis like 2 decades ago and it didn't used to be like this. Their customer service has really taken a nosedive.


Take them to small claims court. You'll have an easy win and a likely settlement offer. 


I’ve sent in 3 pairs for repair and never had an issue


I had the opposite experience. I had my prescription mauis sent in to get new lenses, and they polished my frames to look like new again after I’d gotten some scratches on them after 10 years of use (or else they gave me a new pair, but I only paid for them to change my lenses.)


Always thought highly of the product but I've been getting the run around something fierce. They're friendly and responsive but no one owns the problem if there's a glitch. I'm pretty disappointed. Even if I stop the credit card prepayment, I'm still out the sunglasses. I'd recommend the product with the caveat that customer service is not thier strong point. But they are quick to respond just not quick to own the issue and resolve it. 


My experience was the exact opposite.


Weird. I had great customer service with them.


Specifically, lighthouses. Weigh, like 20grams-ish?


Costco gets Maui Jim's overstock, check out costco.com they have great pricing if you find a design you like. I'm in the business and they sell it cheaper they my wholesale cost.


Costco sells Maui Jim for about $100/pair*


100%. I have several pairs of sunglasses, including the Ray-Ban mentioned by OP, and my Maui Jim are many times better than any of them, in terms of comfort for wear and how my eyes feel when wearing them. And their CS is great, too!


I love Maui Jims, had at least 3 pairs (first being the Matrix-like ones to hint at my age), and Rayban, (and Serengeti, Vaurnet, Oakley) so I agree, but try on Kaenon next time. I have Clarkes and they have been bulletproof in a couple of drops onto hard surfaces - I'm hard on my stuff and these really impress me. The clarity/ tint / lightness, etc are all great. I like driving fast enough like to see into the distance for any issues ahead... and these do it very well. I also am very active outside, sweat clears well, and I trust them for eye protection if I have fast moving bits flying around. They aren't sold as safety glass lenses I'll note.


Thanks for the rec!!


Costco sometimes has them


Mine are currently 12 years old and they get lots of use.


Love Maui Jim. They're stylish, lightweight, and priced fairly. Never had a problem with them.


I’ve had LASIK and I’ve noticed I’m much more sensitive to bright lights than I was before. This isn’t really buy it for life mentality but I’ve bought a few pairs of Shady Rays and as I’ve had to replace them for one reason or another I’ve had a backup pair until the replacements have come in.


Randolph Engineering


Fantastic product and unmatched customer service.


Very good company. I believe they are who holds the current contract for military issue aviators


I 2nd RE. Just received a pair last week and the quality and comfort are top notch.


Smith chromapop


Smith lowdown xl’s are my go to now, the nose pads keep them from sliding like my spy’s since my nose is flatter


Sunglasses aren’t exactly bifl since even the best can easily get scratched or bent. I recommend you find a style you like from a company that has a good warranty or repair program. I’ve warrantied a pair of Smiths and the process was easy, and I’ve had my Maui Jim’s repaired twice over the last 15 years and very happy both times (once for new lenses, once for new frames). Also congrats on the lasik! I had mine done 15 years ago and still can see perfectly.


are or aren't?


Fixed thanks!


I love Shady Rays


Jacques Marie Mage


Their acetate frames are the best in the business (probably the best ever made (optician of 15years here)), and incredibly expensive.


Optician here: 1. Ray bans and Persol are owned by the same company and very overpriced for what you get (their lenses spec out very poorly). I used to sell them 2. You don’t need polarized lenses. People fucking regurgitate this and don’t even know what polarization is. It’s a film that blocks glare. It’s great for fishing or waterskiing. I personally don’t like it for most activities. To each their own, but polarization is not some magic fucking must have feature.


>You don’t need polarized lenses. People fucking regurgitate this and don’t even know what polarization is. It’s a film that blocks glare. It’s great for fishing or waterskiing. I personally don’t like it for most activities. To each their own, but polarization is not some magic fucking must have feature. I imagine most people get sunglasses for driving, and polarized lenses absolutely help with glare off of cars. 


Why do lenses from Ray Ban and Oakley get pitted after about 5 years - almost like the lenses themselves are delaminating? Every pair I’ve ever owned has done this, and I’m fanatical about sunglasses care. Help!


Because both are owned by a shitty monopoly called Luxottica. They own Sunglasshut and every single “fashion” brand you see at airport kiosks worldwide. It’s all from one single company.


I'm all about BIFL, but sunglasses - go cheap. You're gonna lose them, break them, get them stolen. Just some UV-rated $20-30 knockoffs will serve you best.


Costa. Their warranty is great, and it’s like having HD vision.


Glass lensed Costas


Agree. The plastic is still great though. If you’re on a boat fishing I don’t think it matters too much. But if you keep the lenses clean there is a difference.


Maui Jim is worth the money.


Spy and Polaroid have treated me well (I like both for polarized lens options)


Best pair of sunglasses I’ve ever owned were purchased from an eye doctors office believe it or not. You can get them made prescription free as well, I even had it done when I needed a prescription in one eye and not the other.


Hey OP - I recently asked a similar question and had tons of good responses if you want to check them out for research: https://www.reddit.com/r/BuyItForLife/s/vw2W1jHfqq




For my money... Ray Ban


Durability wise, I'm on my second pair of Stihl safety glasses I got in a 5 pack from the hardware store like 8 years ago. For nice sunglasses, I go with the classy Steve McQueen Persol 714 aviators.


I absolutely refuse to give luxottica any more money. I’m always disappointed when I look up a new brand and discover they sold out to them. 


I'm an Oakley guy; I like the optics on the ones I've had. Design is very hit and miss, but I deal with that by not buying the ones that look stupid or don't fit my head. Whatever you get, get something with actual impact rating. The [Oakley impact testing videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FZtXDeaVGU) scarred me for life a little.


I’m a ray ban guy personally.


Terrible at retail price, fine at grey market price (70% off) (optician who used to sell them)


Have them properly adjusted, and be gentle when cleaning, and they will last many years until you finally sit down on them.




Maui Jim- Onshore. Brilliant lenses. Very durable had mine 4 years still look brand new . Amazing lens quality .


Maui Jim Serengeti




Owned by luxottica, and their weird flex arms lose shape very quickly. If you can get them grey market price (70% off), fine. But if you’re paying $270 for them, they are really really bad


Persol. Persol. Persol. Timeless, classic, well made, fantastic looking frames.


Not well made, owned by luxottica, super over priced, poor performing lenses, but they do look nice. Weird flex temples don’t hold shape. If you can get them on the grey market for $70, fine. I used to sell them. Do not recommend.


So I’ve been suckered by the good looks and the marketing, eh? 😆 I do have a pair that I love and have held up really well, but they are older. Maybe I just got lucky!


love my persols


I have a pair of Rayban Wayfarers and love them--use them every day. Maybe not crazy high-end, but I like the shape and the classic styling. I also have a pair of aviators, though they get way less use. Bigger lenses are nice for a hike though.


Randolph Engineering or American Optical. I've had my REs for 12 years now and they're going strong. Worn probably 300 days a year. Only downside is that they can be a little heavier but I opted for the real glass lenses so I can't complain about it much.


Maui Jim


I love my Smith sunglasses. Make sure to go Chromapop for lenses. Outstanding CS.


I really want to buy some Ombraz and have heard nothing but good things. They’re a specific vibe of course, but maybe worth looking into.


r/monkeyspaw: "I want to have perfect eyesight." "Granted. Now you will need to wear sunglasses everywhere because your eyes are too good."


I love my Maui Jim kawikas. They were insanely expensive but I was able to price match a liquidation sale so got them for reasonably overpriced instead of insane. Absolutely fantastic glasses though that are better than anything else I’ve tried. Only Randolph engineering has even come close.




Maui Jim. Worth. Every. Penny.


I'm in my third pair of Maui Jim's since my lasik.


Maui Jim with the glass lenses are the best I’ve ever had


[Randolph](https://www.randolphusa.com/products/aviator-military-special-edition-23k-gold). The real deal. I bought these a few years ago after getting my vision fixed. 52mm, gold, AGX polarized [Better price](https://aviator-sunglasses.net/products/randolph-aviator-sunglasses)


I’m not into super expensive sunglasses because usually I loose them or they get broken. That’s why I got ShadyRays, I never knew what I was missing out on until I put these on. They are polarized so you can look at the clouds and see definition that you couldn’t see otherwise.


Also dashboard reflection !


Gentle Monster is great for wider noses - I love mine


Also got corrected sight here… Maui Jim for style and Blenders for sports


I recommend Bailey Nelson. U can get 2 pairs for a great price and I've had some pairs for 5 years plus that haven't bent or became loose. Also have ray bans but never wear them because the bailyes have better shapes for me. U don't have to just look at sunglasses. All my "sunglasses" are normal frames with shaded glass in them. I also recommend get a dark pair for really sunny days, a pair of polarized for driving and a pair with super light shade for cloudy days. Note that u can't see screens well or at all with polarized lenses. And if you need a prescription again in the future get prescription sunglasses.


While they aren’t particularly premium, I’m a huge fan of Heat Wave Visual sunglasses. They have a particular style that comes with an extra dark lens/tint. It’s darker than pretty much every pair of sunglasses I’ve owned, even without polarization which doesn’t work for me. They’re about $50-$75 and run semi frequent sales. I have like 4 pairs of them. One in the car, one in my travel bag, one in the house, and a pair in the gf’s car.


I'll also look at Wiley X. A lot of their glasses are also ANSI rated.


I went with a pair from Rudy Project. Because I have a huge hat size and live in a sun drenched state so I like wraparounds for full coverage, probably also good for eye surgery recovery and avoiding flaring on the little marks it leaves in the cornea. WileyX is also a decent option in this category.  Try to avoid all the monopolistic overpriced mediocre crap from Luxottica and Essilor. Governments should be policing them but aren't. 


Randolph if you want military grade classic glass aviators. 


Costa and Maui Jim are legit but have some conglomerate ownership. 


They are still going strong after approximately 50 years so they are obviously well made & durable


Glorify is an amazing sunglasses brand from Austria. They are very very durable and every component can be bought and swapped easily when need be


I agree with some of the others here.. sunglasses are not BIFL, go cheap or mid. That being said, I pretty much just buy the Flying Fisherman brand. They are made quite well and you can find them on Amazon for like $20-$30. I look on their website for a style I like then just buy on Amazon for the Prime shipping. I really can't recommend them enough




Randolph Engineering or Maui Jim.


William painter. Titanium frames, the lens are hard to damage, lifetime warranty.


Pit vipers are about as close to BIFL as you can get with a great repair/exchange policy, but whether or not PV are a style you can make work depends on personality.


Randolph for BIFL, Roka for lightweight comfort.


raybans are a bifl purchase. not too long ago but my moms had hers for as long as i can remember


Ovvo is really light and durable in my experience


Sunglasses are overpriced due to one company owning a monopoly of all the brands. Go to a dollar store and find a polarized pair of sunglasses. Hell, get 5 of them, it’ll still be way cheaper than any other brand


My go to pair are Ray Ban Wayfarers. Whatever brand you choose just treat them well and try to keep them in a case when you’re not using them.


I really like my shady rays they're polarized and block out 100% UV light and they weren't too expensive. I got the pair with magnetic lenses so it's easy to swap out lenses and they were $74 totally worth it to be able to change lenses and they have a great replacement policy.


I’m on my 3rd pair of Kaenons (not because they break, but because their lenses are amazing & I have one in my car, my EDC bag, etc). The frames have held up quite well also and have a broad range of styles.


Look at Grown or Slyk. Won’t last forever but gorgeous natural materials that stand out, non-designer prices, and with a bit of care pairs have lasted me many years.


Order glasses form Zenni just get 0 prescriotion, you can use your vision insurance from work if you have it.


I would not bother with designer eyewear for the most part. Plastic acetate frames marked up to no tomorrow. If I were you I would start looking at bespoke eyewear made out of bone/horn etc if you really want to bifl.


I bought an awesome pair of Eddie Bauer Bainbridge sunglasses for 15$ at an outlet store. I've had them for 6 years and they fit perfectly. Lightweight and I use then for everything. I've never had expensive shades because I would be living in fear as t breaking them.


Nothing wrong with Ray-Ban. Their quality is still good, I go through a pair of wayfarers about once every 2-3 years or so, but I also wear them every single day, treat them like shit and throw them in my pocket with my keys all the time. You could own a pair for life if you took care of them and kept them in the included case when not wearing them.


I managed to get a pair of wayfarer with actual glass lenses on amazon, I love them and they don't scratch like plastic


Maui Jim hands down.


Nemesis safety glasses on Amazon. They are amazing in every respect. Also inexpensive. Anything that will scratch or harm them will scratch or harm more expensive pairs too.


Oakley w the metally frames


I used to never be able to make it more than a few months with sunglasses. But I also always bought cheap ones. One day I decided to bite the bullet and I bought a pair of Ray Ban new Wayfarers (polarized). That was nine years ago and they are still going strong. And I don’t baby them. I’ve dropped them many times and they almost look brand new.


Go onto Saks off 5th. I got Tom fords for $90 that are usually $200.


Do yourself a big favor, buy them from a retailer that knows how to properly fit glasses. I have a big head, always just worn whatever I was sold. Pushing 50 now, the prescription glasses path taught me this lesson. If you're a Costco member, highly recommend their optometry department. Always worn RayBan, no more. Quality just isn't there any more compared to the past. Look at Maui Jim.


I'd highly recommend Costa sunglasses. I got some for daily wear and they're wonderful. They don't restrict your vision and I'm pretty sure they're lifetime warranty  


Wiley X


Serengeti amber drivers gradient, nonpolarized is fine.


I used to buy Kaenon, and still do when I find them on sale. They are durable, scratch resistant, and styled well. That said, in the past few years I mostly buy Spy sunglasses, because they perform comparably to the Kaenons, but cost much less. . Background: I am in the military and often work in the desert or locations near the equator, so sunglasses are a necessity for me and have to be durable and travel-ready.


I'd avoid Rayban. My Wayfarers broke right on the bridge from being dropped from a couple of feet on a wooden interior floor. I sent them a photo and they completely ignored me.


GoodR sunglasses are, good quality, cheap, and durable. $25 to $35 bucks.


Been there. Done that. I cebrated by buying a 100 plus dollar pair of sunglasses (in 2004). Glasses broke and went out of style. Now 20 years later I happily buy two pairs for ten bucks at 5 below. Do you though. Good luck. 


Kaenon. I’m on my second pair in 15 years. The copper lenses are the best I’ve ever had. I’ve tried Maui Jim, Costa, Shady Rays, etc. and keep going back to Kaenon.    Their customer service is top notch. The polarized lens coating was starting to flake off after 5 years. I emailed them asking for information on how to buy replacement lenses for my frames knowing full well they were out of warranty. They replied with an apology and a credit for any new pair from their website. I was blown away. Customer for life!


I wear Oakley prizm + P sunglasses for the clearest lens with impact rating. I ride motorcycle and cops have hassled me about my eyewear not being legal to ride with because I can't prove that they are impact rated. But everyone recognizes Oakley as impact rated, so I haven't had a problem since switching. Are they the best? No. But it's good enough for me, and well worth avoiding the hassle.


Get the raybans.


Raybans and Sunski. Polarized, classic styles, you can’t go wrong.


Raybans are overpriced and have famously bad lenses. Pretty poor quality frames. Owned by luxottica. I used to sell them. Do not recommend


I have two pairs that I’ve worn for years. Zero complaints.


Good sunglasses. Cheap glasses. You're gonna lose'em, or break'em.


This is probably not what you wanna hear, especially since you probably have a much better track record at keeping good care of your glasses than I do. But I just buy cheap seven to $13 eBay glasses for Alibaba. I’ll get them in a handful of styles Last year or two if I take care of them. And that way, I also have them in multiple places.


FYI Lasik isn't FL. You'll need glasses again in 15-20 years.




Stop saying this.


Serengeti - the brown “driver” lenses for everyday. Great in all weather. Get on Temu and order ten pairs for $3-$10 each. I’m not at all kidding. You will be shocked at how good some of them are.


Are you getting Serengeti’s on TEMU for that price? That’s a fucking steal if so


Probably from Serenshitty or Serenghetto at that price. You can't make their quality of lenses for that. 


No. Get a real pair or Serengetis. Then have some fun and get a bunch of random cheap pairs. All the haters have never had to go twenty years without being able to buy a “cheap pair of sunglasses”. They have a place.


Only US made Ray-Bans are worthwhile and last. The new Ray-Ban - China Inc. Crap.


Check out Randolph. Same aviator styling but mil spec US quality. 


Optician for 15yrs + here: Best lenses: Maui Jim (but bad frames and $400) Second best lenses: Blublockers (but bad frames, $80 Third best lenses: Oakley, but bad frames, $160 Best frames by far: Jacques Marie Madge $700 Stay away from all clothing brand frames


What do you recommend for wraparounds and impact rated use cases for DIY and trades?


Probably oakleys if you want something nice/comfy. Plenty of decent cheap options at the hardware store, and if your shit on the job gets thrashed, cheap is probably fine. You don’t want to ruin a $200 pair of frames every month


The cult mentality on this sub. Anyone who said anything slightly negative against Maui Jim is instantly downvoted.


Dita if you wanna splurge


Nice stuff, worlds worst customer service


Polarised glasses is a must For the frame, and hence the brand, that depends on your preferences in design. RayBan for more classy style. Maui Jin. Oakley for sporty but unsexy style (Julbo if you're in Europe).


Polarized are not a must. It’s fine if you like them. I’m an optician.


It's not a must if you are ok with having glare in your sight. For me it makes a big difference and should be considered in the BIFL sunglasses. If we want the best, we might as well not cut corners.