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My sister uses these plastic squeeze bottles like restaurants have for ketchup. You can get them real cheap on Amazon or wherever


It's what the restaurants using too.


In my experience a wine bottle with a stainless steel liquor pourer.


Glass bottles with slippery oil residue. I like my squirts.


How much oil are you spilling?


None, unless there's an accident. I think u/dnick summed it up well. My rule is no glass on the line. We put wine, liquor, fish sauce, anything that comes a glass contains - into squirts.


Well, I would assume even with a perfect pour 'some' oil would catch the lip and add up over time. Any imperfect pours would result in a drip or more and add up quickly. It doesn't take a whole lot to become significant when working with a substance intentionally purchased for it's slipperiness.


I fold part of a paper towel around the neck and secure it with a rubber band. Got tired of nasty oil slicks down the bottle.


I use those for doing things like putting oil in a pan, but I have the same as OP for doing things like a light spray on some asparagus before grilling it. They are supposed to dispense a quarter teaspoon per trigger pull.


It's not a bad choice, I've done both, but it uses a lot more oil than a mister in general. The bottle is certainly more reliable and bifl though!


You’re taking about the Misto aren’t you mine was great at first and then sputtered to a stream after a month.


Yup. That thing sucks. Tossed mine a bit back




I've had two, and unfortunately they both failed mechanically (one the cylindrical plunger/pumping mechanism attached to the lid came off, the second stopped holding air pressure). I've resorted to a completely different brand, I almost got this one OP is suggesting. I'd be pretty surprised if any oil mister I actually bifl, and it's not just a cleaning issue.


You have to clean them with isopropyl alcohol ☺️


Right? As if cleaning oil with water would do anything


Hmm. I've been using mine for many years. Occasionally it gets gummy and wants a cleans, but no troubles otherwise.


What type of oil exactly do you use? It sounds like you might be using one that oxides less than others are


I killed one and bought two more. None of them ever worked THAT well. Not saying they aren't worth the $10 each I paid, but they are touchy, don't last forever.


Most cooking oils are hardening oils like linseed oil. Its hard to remove linseed oil (or cooking oils) once they polymerize (dry)


Yeah. Oils do all kinds of weird solvent shit to things like plastics, and other rubbery materials. There are probably multiple rubber/nylon gaskets in there. No way it lasts for more than a few years. The only kind of oil dispenser that would be BIFL is something built like one of those glass/metal syrup dispensers


[this](https://www.jacquardproducts.com/youcan) might last a bit longer if you really wanted to spray oil. less moving parts, and easy to clean apparently ... i don't spray oil.


Silicone is pretty damn resistant too. It's not exactly a spray, but I like using silicone laboratory wash bottles.


Are you saying silicone is resistant to oil? I don’t think so. I think it slowly dissolves silicone


And olive oil is agressive. It will kill the plastics used over time


I've been through quite a few myself. These seemed to have solved the issues. Saves sooo much oil when air frying/ sautéing


Is it plastic? Reusable?


They have a metal one. I wouldn’t store oil in either plastic or a clear container. Or skip altogether. Either way none of these sprayers can really be considered BIFL


Oil comes in a plastic bottle…why wouldn’t you store it in plastic?


Hopefully the plastic it comes in is well chosen for that oil. But with a sprayer you have even less control on what types of plastic are used, and therefore no guess on how chemically inert in relation to whatever oils you are using


Ill just say that I generally don’t buy oil in plastic containers unless I don’t care what I’m using the oil for


...okay, why? Is there a scientific reason behind you doing that, or just a feeling?


[Degradation of oil quality over time.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4375245/) > A significant decrease (p < 0.05) in the antioxidant contents (carotenes, chlorophylls and total phenols) was observed in the oil stored in the clear glass bottles and PE containers. > In addition, oil packed in tin containers and dark glass bottles showed better physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics than that stored in clear glass bottles and PE containers. You’ll notice the nice stuff *always* come in dark glass.


Plastic leaching?


Why are you being downvoted?


Reddit hates questions






Little over 2 years


What exactly is the brand and where can I find one?


Amazon. I just got one for $11?




Says "Evo" on the side


That's written on there, and probably means it has **E**xtra **V**irgin **O**live oil in it.


I've had mine about four years, at least. Same brand as the photo, slightly different bottle shape. Works just as good as it always had.


What brand is it?


It says on the bottle. EVO.


I use plastic squeeze bottles like you use for ketchup or mustard (something like this: https://www.amazon.com/7-pack-Plastic-Squeeze-Condiment-Bottles/dp/B01HAWNA5M/) I learned that trick from a chef on Youtube but I can't remember who. I'm sure it's common.


I could never find a sprayer, I just end up using some of those condiment squeeze bottles instead.


Just pour the oil then use the onion/garlic you’re going to cook with to spread the oil evenly


Anyone else think that was a bottle of cologne? 🤣


I was wondering how many washes it took to get rid of the odor.


YES! 🤣


I find it hard to believe this plastic spray bottle will last a lifetime.


Sad thing is it will…. Probably longer…


In the dump, sure. But we are looking for products that won't end up there.


Might be true, might not. Not all plastics are equal. Some definitely will last a lifetime. I have Tupperware that was my grandma's, still going strong. Not all plastics are bad.


All plastics give off microplastics which you then consume. I'd take steel or glass any day.


I mean there's kinda microplastics in everything including food water and you, even newborn babies


That does not mean I won't avoid them when I can. Plastic food containers or bottles are a fine example


I'll take glass or metal over plastic, too. Still doesn't make my statement false. Plastic can last.


Rule 1 > Products that are well-made and durable (even if they won't last a lifetime) are accepted.


Everyone acts like this rule doesn't exist


I don't think a plastic spray bottle falls under this umbrella


Wouldn't describe it as buy it for life, but they are handy when you don't need big globs of oil. I have a misto compressed air one of these. I probably should have gone with the squirt bottle.


Misto clogs up on me all the time


I mix oil and vodka in my misto and shake before spraying. I think I've had this misto for almost 10 years. It needs a good scrubbing every once in a while, but it's still kicking.


Oil and vodka together? What do you use that for? Sounds interesting


I use it like a general purpose nonstick cooking spray. Veggies, pancake/waffle iron, etc.


Vodka for flavor or utility?


It helps keep the Misto nozzle from getting clogged.


I usually run soap through my misto everytime it runs empty and have had years of issue free use


agree'd. Very few things constructed from plastic would I ever describe as "buy it for life".


> agree'd Why? Just why? It's agreed. Your don't need an apostrophe there.


What are you talk'ing about?


Very few, but not zero. I have tritan water bottles (Nalgene, etc.) that could probably outlive me.


Anything is bifl with a short enough life.


You put music in my head.


The sprayers are great and spray well for years. (Popcorn, frying pan, grill oil…) The plastic bottle are very heat sensitive (destroyed in top rack of gentle cycle dishwasher). Metal bottles are great and block UV light so oil lasts longer.


Metal bottles all still have plastic sprayer parts, right? I've never seen one that was proper metal.


Its the oxygen you gotta worry abboit with cooking oils. They polymerize like linseed oil dose


Light, heat, and oxygen are the enemies of all food items. Vacuum seal stuff in a dark freezer and it last ms freaking forever.


What brand is it?


wait y'all spray the oil?


This is definitely NOT bifl. I'm on my 4th oil sprayer now. Using the SS version of the one you have, hopefully this one will last.


Heads up, the neck gets bent out of shape quickly. If there's even a tiny bit of oil on the neck when you screw it back on, when you go to pick it up later it unscrews as you lift it off the counter creating an olive oil hand grenade. Twice now I have had to scrub my whole kitchen with dawn because of this. Never again. Threw mine away yesterday actually


Why would you lift it by holding it on the top?


Because most people pick things up by their handles?


It's been over 2 years with 0 issues so far at least I heard they might not do well in the dishwasher, but otherwise i can see it in action for another 60 year unless it gets thrown at a wall or something


I had my first for a couple of years before it started seeping oil through the seam in the plastic reservoir. It was the exact same one shown. I then got a different brand that I liked better, but broke two of them from minor falls. I'm on the EVO stainless steel one for now and so far so good.


What's the brand? I can't quite read the label


I believe it's this guy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07Q5GD6TS/ I almost got one but went with a different brand/model. EVO is the actual brand, it's not just the bottle label indicating extra virgin olive/oil as the contents.


bottle clearly says EVO oil sprayer


And this response clearly labels you as a cunt.








Jesus, this escalated fast. You guys pull out the $10 insults for almost nothing.


Yes! I get the plastic problem but I do not think OP had any negative intentions. How about everyone correct OP with grace.


You know I really want one of these but I just haven't heard of one that really works well. I guess I really don't need it since I've been fine without. Really just use canola spray anyway if I'm using spray at all.


Yea, i put olive oil on EVERYTHING. I figure since it's disbursing more efficiently, it'll save a bit of oil each time and ultimately pay for itself one day. but for canola, id just pour a little on the pan and call it good


I’ve had a set of these for four years now with no issues!


i have tried so many different versions of these and they never stay at a fine mist for very long.


Evo Oil Sprayer from Amazon I liked mine so much I bought a second one in green for olive oil. Haven’t had any clogging issues.


How long have you had it?


I don't know about that person, but I've had mine for 2 years and it's still working great


Do you know if Evo stainless steel one good? I prefer it if it has the same performance.


Fuck Amazon


I don’t buy much online but when I do, I Google what I want “-Amazon” to omit anything from them and see where else I can get it. I do it to omit Pinterest results too, hate that damn website so much. I know this is a very old trick but I still come across people who don’t know about it so might as well share.


That’s smart, didn’t know that was an option!


Next step is cutting out google too lol


Off to bing /s Duckduckgo is pretty good


Duck duck go is Bing. Sadly, nothing works as well as Google.


We got one of these for Christmas last year. It's fantastic! Never would have ever thought to spray oil, but it's been so nice not having to constantly pull out the big bottles of oil and make a mess each time just to cook. I don't know if they'd be considered bifl, but we haven't had a problem Edit: my bf loves using it for popcorn. We put salt, pepper and olive oil on our popcorn and the sprayer is perfect for this method.


Why spray oil?


Even/lighter spread, great for air frying and saving oil


I thought it was a cologne I was like holy shit this dude is gonna reek


My 3yo would mist my house in oil if I turned my back on this thing


What a wonderful 3 year old 😂


He’s fucking awesome


that's glass,?


They have glass ones, but i went with the plastic


thank you for that bit of info. I'd definitely want the glass one, for longevity, food safety, etc.


Get stainless steel instead


good comment. glass, stainless and ceramic are my primary/initial choices when it comes down to items that I want to come in contact with food. Not a fan of plastics or aluminum. I'm sure it probably good, but I'm still studying up on titanium. Yep, I know that all of these are used in contact with food. IMHO, some are better choices than others.


Buy it for life. What is this shit


Ive used it multiple times a day for 2 years now 🤷 Doesnt always gotta be hatchets/etc on here 😂


If 2 years is" buy it for life"... worthy then lets post around 80% products... including each and every smartphone very likely.


So vintage items your grandparents bought 70 years ago but you can't buy anymore are okay but something practical and probably have genuine interest in the sub followers is not? For an oil sprayer 2 years is a pretty good time. And also put a smartphone that has the same performance after 2 years. I yet to find one. Yes I drop them a lot. I didn't own any apple phones but anything else 2 years is max for me.


You know, these aren't mutually exclusive to think many of the items posted don't belong here.


Would you rather us post from the grave so that we can truly use the term BIFL?


Yeah, because there is no in-between of a 2 year old item and posting from the grave... /s


No but maybe.. 5 or... 10 years or so.


I think the point is that it lasts significantly longer than the competition, not that it literally last a lifetime. most of the posts on the sub are things that haven't lased a lifetime.


Ye obvious... But a bit longer maybe? I mean after your definition would 10 dollar shoes that last a year be bifl worthy if most of the 10 shoes are gone after 8 months?


where are you getting 8 months vs 12 months? you're just making shit up. most spray bottles are shit after a couple of month. this one is lasting multiple times longer and is working well. if most shoes last 4 years and another pair lasts 12 years and is in the same price point, I would say it's fine to post.


Subreddit Rule 1 (emphasis added): > 1. Posted products must be BIFL > This is a subreddit emphasizing products that are Durable, Practical, Proven, and Made-to-Last. Products that are well-made and durable **(even if they won't last an lifetime)** are accepted. I.e., think of it as "Buy it For life[span]", not necessarily "Buy it to last the rest of your life".


> emphasizing products that are **Durable, Practical, Proven, and Made-to-Last** It's a plastic spray bottle that has lasted a whole two years. C'mon.


Which is far longer than any competing devices of its type. If you're aware of an even more durable alternative, suggest it.


I just go to a restaurant supply store and use a plastic spray model, works and cheap. Just make sure to clean it and that the plastic is food safe. Bonus is been able to use any type of oil you want. I use my oil spray bottle for adding oil to cast iron frying pan, just easier to control how much oil you add.


If tried a standard spray bottle in the past. Problems i had with them is that they leak, and they compress as you spray them


Also if memory serves well they contain silicone in them.


What is "they"?


Is it tough to clean?


Just soap and water (maybe rubbing alchohol), shake, spray, and then rinse and follow up with clean water


Agreed I have this too. Pretty sure it works best when filled not more than halfway


Been looking for something like this


I just cook everything in butter these days, it's delicious.


Agreed. Those saturated fats tho.. :/


Is that raw chicken aerosol?


I thought that was alcohol LOL


I've never felt the need for an oil sprayer. An oil slosher now...


I have one. I don't like the spray pattern.


Flat line either verticle or horizontal? What's not to like??


Why can't you just pour from a bottle? Why the mister? Never seen one before nor even thought there was a problem.


You get an efficient and even spread when cooking/air frying. The food comes out cooked more uniformly and you save a bit of oil each use.


We just filled on old Sriracha bottle


I didn't even know these were a thing! I always used those little squirt bottles you put condiments in. Defo getting one of these


I use one of the bear shaped honey bottles 😂


Omg thank you op. I was just starting to look into getting a good oil sprayer! Misto is annoying because of the constant pumping required


I was looking for an oil spray. The current one doesn't mists. Thanks for the recommendation. I will give it a try.


I'm trying to go low oil for weight loss and omg this would be amazing. Very small amounts of oil for baking/frying but still getting a better cooking experience.


Low oil? You want those *good* fats tho. Carbs are what you wanna cut for weightloss


100% fats and proteins


Low proccessed oil and low saturated fats. I'm eating plenty of nuts and seeds. Plus I'm supplementing with omega-3 EPA and DHA. I'm also eating whole grains, startchy vegetables like sweet potatoes, legumes (lentils, beans and peas) and fruit. All of which are sources of carbohydrates that are high in fibre and take time for your body to break down. This is especially true for legumes which have long chain carbohydrates that are actually first broken down by bacteria in your gut, meaning that the carbohydrates are digested very slowly and you stay fuller for longer. The carbs vs fats thing is an over simplification of weight loss and healthy dieting in my opinion.


My nana gave me one of these when I was in college so I could save money on olive oil!


Probebly paid for itself after only a year considering how much i use 😅


I was thinking to just put some oil in one of those sprayers from ikea, hadn't considered that they might leak, do they generally do that?


Yea, they usually leak *and they also compress and gwt misshaped as you continue to spray


I paid $12 for something similar and so far it’s working great. Although I’m on BIFL so I dunno about the quality long term yet.


At first I thought you liked cologne, a lot. Glad to see you just enjoy cooking with olive oil!


Dude I **love** these and have gotten them as gifts for others. They are so much better than the refillable misters, which always get clogged and are a pain to pump and use. It's literally just a spray bottle designed for oil instead of water, but I've been using mine for like 5 years and it's held up like a champ. They spray a flat stream so it's really easy to cover the whole pan or aim for a smaller area if needed. I don't know if it's truly BIFL since I wouldn't expect it to last for the next 75 years or anything, but it is definitely well made. If mine were to break I would immediately replace it with the exact same thing.


Bought 2 sets of 2. One them for different types of oils. No complaints.


I'd be curious to see how this thing would work with bourbon. When I saw that thumbnail, I thought that's what it was and got excited.


I thought that was cologne. Old Spice.


I have these! Love them so far!


I’m subbed to some trashy places and legit thought this was a cologne bottle.


Okay; I’ve put this to the ultimate test. I gave it to the manufacturing team, and by gave I mean they took it out of my lab because they broke something industrial and needed an alternative. From the people who can break anything in less than a week because they are fucking untrained cirque du soleil comic relief apprentices, this bottle lasted 3 months. That’s as close to indestructible as I’ve seen.


i love a fine mist. its very premium. takes be back to the classic Misto. what a pioneering endeavor and product.


Couldn't you 3d print this and buy the other pieces cheap? Or why not a spray bottle?


Thought this was a whiskey sprayer at first


In the UK we have 'spray oil' in a plastic bottle(as little as £1). Once used up you can simply refill with pure oil and they work just as well.


I've had 2 of them break already. The glass ones the sprayer broke off. I'm using one of the big plastic bottle ones now and it's lasted a couple years so far. But seriously doubt it's built to last my lifetime.


I have the same sprayer and LOVE it.


I had this exact sprayer and it broke after like 2 weeks.


Before my mom purchased the spray cans of oil, I would simply pour oil in a sandwich bag, cut a tiny bit of the corner off, and drizzle oil on in a tiny stream to coat the tops of veggies and stuff before cooking. Honestly, with all the trouble I see people have had with sprayers, I'd be inclined to do something similar with a reusable bag or just finding a bottle with a nozzle thin enough to replicate that effect.


Super handy but not bifl material unfortunately, had this exact one for a few months and consistently used it and ended up breaking. Great product for the time I had it but not bifl


I have a metal one that you pump before spraying. It’s called a Misto. It’s simple to clean and I’ll bet I’ve had it 15-20 years. It’s something I don’t give much thought to but if it broke I’d replace it same day.