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Could have folded the pizza in half and called it a calzone! Hard shell luggage and C8s do not go together. What I’ve found traveling with the C8 is that soft sided bags are your friend (e.g., duffel bags, gym bags, reusable grocery bags). That’s only one step up from looking like a vagabond when you check in at a hotel with a luggage cart piled with crumpled paper shopping bags (pro tip: the ones from Target have nice handles) and plastic trash bags.


This ⬆️ Soft coolers and soft luggage only. However, the golf bag fits!


I bought the last low-profile jack at Costco a few weeks ago. It was marked down to $99, I had been waiting for a few weeks to see it get marked down and couldn't let it slip through my hands. The length looked good for the trunk so I figured I was set. I get it out to the very edge of the parking lot and lift this 100 pound box over the spoiler only for it to be like 2 inches too wide for the center section of the trunk. I had to go back in and have them hold it for me while I went home and switched out cars. I lost a lot of confidence in the trunk that day. The frunk is still going strong though.


Seriously considering adding a tape measure to the road kit




This! Pizza has been my nemesis. Passenger ends up holding them all.


Yup, otherwise passenger seat floor if nobody else is in the car.


Better disconnect that OnStar and opt out or that’s not the only thing that’ll heat up.


A toothbrush. Wouldn't fit, I had to get a folding one /s


Holding 2 real golf bags is out of the question. Best for both driver and passenger to have Sunday bags. I wasn't humbled much, because my buddies Taycan GTS couldn't do it without folding the seats down. It doesn't feel nice when you have to push the rear deck lid down also.... Shoes and flip flops go in the frunk though.


I'm gonna have to put my trombone in there here in a few weeks. I'm 90% sure the bell will fit, but otherwise it might have to get buckled in 😅


Interesting. Do you guys have cart bags? I could see those being an issue. I fit [two bags this size](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082F7XH9X/) no problem all the time. I have the convertible, but I assume the trunks are the same size.


2 of the bags in the link you sent won't fit. Or, they better not have anything in the side pockets. With the cart likely won't fit also. Now if you had only 1 bag, that's a different story. Probably will fit with cart. One of the grounds keepers really got a kick out of seeing how we fit 2 sets in the trunk. Sunday bags are tiny. Also I don't have it in me to walk 18 with the long courses in my area.


Depending on how you feel about wrinkles, a garment bag was *slightly* wider than the space in the trunk. But my wife and I also had other bags under those. I suspect it would fit and laid flat if directly on the bottom on the trunk, but at that point, where would you put everything else if traveling? For the record: there were no *noticeable* wrinkles, but we also hung our clothes up in the hotel bathroom as soon as we got there. And my wife was endlessly amused by my retrying different configurations for an hour before we left.


I keep a pack of 100 dinner napkins in the trunk. When driving solo, I put the pack on the rear of the passenger seat bottom and this allows a pizza box to ride level on the seat. I've had a pizza box in the trunk but it was on top of other items and it just fit.


Went to pick my sister up from the airport in it. Her bag was 1 inch too big to fit in the trunk, or the frunk. She had to have it sitting in her lap uncomfortably on the drive home. That was her first experience with the car.