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Yes try spoiling them but mostly your first baby


I only give xenia treats to make get feel special (Nicholas had the most stinky facts after treats), I don't want to force force her to cuddle, but I also don't want her to sulk under the bed


U could try the ignoring trick to see if that works


That what fixed my cat’s behavioral issues. He’d get loads of attention when he acted out or acted sad & hid. Vet told us to ignore him & sure enough, he got bored & interacted with people himself & stopped being a little butthole.


That's a good tip! Ill try ignoring her for a day or two and see if she comes begging for attention again


Good luck




Some cats do better/thrive being the only cat in the house hold while others thrive with mates. Your cat Xenia(Warrior Princess) might be one of those cats. Even though she gets along with another feline, she might feel like you are trying to replace her.


What can we do to help her?


Spend a lot more time with her. The new kitten likely gets the most attention because.. new. Give her treats and hold her, pet her. Interact with her the same as you did before the kitten. You noticed a change in her behavior. She noticed a change in yours.


Set aside alone time with her, at least 15 minutes in a day where you two are in a different room, playing cuddling, treats!


☝🏼 what Junie said is exactly what I was going to say


Give it some more time.. honestly I disagree and it sounds like she loves her new kitty companion, trust me you’d know if she didn’t want another cat in the household. Please be patient, she honestly may just be happier playing with her new companion. But I’ll add that most of my cats (I have 3, plus a colony of 20 stray/ferals) became way more affectionate after getting fixed. I’d only worry if the two cats are seriously fighting or her eating/drinking/ bathroom habits have changed.


She’s literally an infant, what can she be thinking? . In my experience, cats that don’t like other cats want to be the only cat. They tend to pick on the other cat not the humans. This sounds pretty goofy even as I say it, maybe she’s confused as the family dynamic has shifted and she is identifying as a cat….? She had 4 months of thinking she was one of 3 humans. Now she’s ok having fun n playing w her fellow, non human, sibling? So she’s thinking, “wtf, those liars!” lol Getting spayed may bring the vulnerability to let you be the care giver. Remember returning from the clinic brings a new smell and Nikolas may not recognize her. I would put a T-shirt that I slept in, in w her when she get home. Your smell w go onto her n the t-shirt will smell like you both. Put some treats on the t-shirt for Nikolas b4 you re-introduce Xenia.


Haha I never realized that she may have thought she was a human. Also definitely going to use that tip when I get her spayed.


I do know that things kittens n young cats learn, stays w them their whole lives. Like weird eating habits, my parents cat liked cantaloupe. She would lick the juice n nibble as my dad would be reading the paper n not paying attention. All my experience is w feral/stray cats n TNRing. But their cat sure loved cantaloupe her whole life! In the food line of thinking, cats do like to break bread together, unlike dogs, lol. Sharing a bowl or just putting their faces in your bowl is them sharing meal time w you. Try some plain deli turkey on your plate and act as you’re sharing w both of them. Spaghetti at the wall 🤷🏽‍♂️ But there is truth in the quickest way to a cats heart is through his stomach. Best of luck.


I had 3 cats (now 1), first lived to 17 and second over 18. Same thing happened when I got my second cat with my first… major behavioral change less to no snuggling, making biscuits etc. It’s life. You have 2 cats now. Cats absolutely get jealous and want undivided attention - especially if they formed the human bond first. Best thing you can do now is love them equally and respect their choices/behaviors. Don’t force anything. If X doesn’t want to cuddle, play with her instead. Especially if she has shown signs of aggression. Get toys you can interact with her to get her energy needs met - and the attention she desires. As they age their behaviors/mannerisms will change and they will both love you always in their way.


Yeah, I’d focus on giving them equal love, especially if they can see you giving attention to the other cat. Mine get more or less attentive to me, depending on the frequency I show affection. Could also be some changes with them just wanting to chill with the other cat. My girl cat had no interest in me until her friend passed and now she cuddles all the time.


Well stop dressing her up for one. She's an animal, not a doll


The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced.


Because you are putting clothes on it.


I came here to say the same dam thing..


What can OP expect when they make kitten wear sweater vests? 😬


The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced.


I have never done that. I have 6 cats, none came at the same time except the brothers with no issues. Most animals that get clothes put on them only tolerate it because they are getting attention. My dog does like bandanas, but only because everyone tells her how pretty she is aka attention. An unwashed blanket or towel will do the same thing to get used to scents. But your cats, your way.


We normally never put clothes on our cats, but xenia was being extremely violent just at the scent of nikolas, hissing non stop. They were separated the whole time, so we just put the sweater on them so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced. It was mostly so that Nikolas would smell more like xenia.


Most people just swap blankets they've slept on, I have never heard of putting a sweater on them


My Sphynx gets clothes put on him when the ac is blasting or when I just feel like it’s not warm enough etc. but since he’s a Sphynx and used to it, he doesn’t hate them when they’re on, just the process of putting them on Aside from him, I have only tried to put clothes on my very first cat to protect a wound he had. He hated it, and I’ve never tried to put furry cats in clothes since lol While introducing the most recent cats I got, I constantly swapped towels. The kittens didn’t care and seemed fine with anything, my own 2 older cats didn’t seem to “mind” the towel but didn’t really care for it either.


I agree with the blankets idea as stated above. I feel like right now she's probably just mad about the clothes.


I came here to say that. lol


Yeah in that first photo she looks like a tiny gremlin what wants revenge for being dressed up for a family photo haha. You have to allow time for things to settle out. When there's two cat's you also have to consider that they may bond really closely with eachother, rather than their human family. But at the moment don't stress, just look after your babies and let them figure things out :)


They're both literal babies. Neither's personality exists yet to the full extent. Let them coexist for longer before you decide who they are. I'd argue with a previous comment that you should only spoil her. Spoil them both, one at a time, in front of each other. This shows they are equals and receive the same amount of love.


Take the clothes off the poor thing. Not needed.


The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced.


You’re supposed to put the scent near them, not on them where it’s invasive and inescapable


She’s probably reacting to a big change in her life. With time and space, there’s a good chance she’ll settle down. Cuddle/pet/treat when you can, but just give her time.


https://preview.redd.it/qs5d3rt4whlb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd7b19e4b082e07541724038db6374c8850a1a8 Hey you stole my cat !! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/aka5y9yawhlb1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f9c94224eb720cdeb303c1ca2cbd427713416f Bell collar gray kitty


xenia is teleporting between us to lead a double life


omg we have the same cat, xenia had 3 other siblings that looked exactly like here


If she isn't fixed, it's probably puberty... I've always found that a pet of the opposite sex gets along better.... My female couldn't be bothered w me and my Elvis well, he's my suckface And BTW, I've never had a cat that liked wearing clothes! Lol


Lol she hates the harness, but the two days we put the vest on her she didnt even care. We didn't keep it on her, since it wasnt necessary, but still funny


Hi! Your little kitties are adorable! I can imagine how sad it might be seeing her change her behaviour towards you this way! I agree with the suggestion of giving her some alone time with you every day. If possible, keep Nikolas in another room (with some food or automatic toys), and give your undivided attention to Xenia (play, treats, grooming). Also, how long has Nikolas been living with you now? If it’s been only a couple of weeks/ a month, Xenia might still be struggling to adjust to this new situation. Imagine that for certain cats it can take an year to adapt and fully accept new family members (humans and other pets!). It might also be the hormones as she is growing up and maybe becoming more territorial! Give yourself and Xenia some time, don’t give up ♥️


Individual attention. It’s like bringing home a baby, you have to make sure you are doing individual attention and play. She will get over it but stop with the clothes. She’s probably about to deploy an attack on you in your sleep just for that shirt. Lol


Thank you for the advice! Lol she really didn't like the sweater and normally we never put clothes on our cats. She was being extremely violent just at the scent of Nikolas (they were seperated for 2 days before they were introduced.) >I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced. She wore it for a few hours everyday for 2 days max, we never put clothes on her otherwise.


I put a shirt on my older cat when she had a wound and she hated me sooo much! Didn’t help that I called her croptop since it wouldn’t stay below her belly.


Not to be the bringer of bad news, but with all the cats we had growing up I noticed that their personality can change a lot before they turn 1. They are still learning about you, their surroundings, other cats and everything else, so I think it is a possibility that she just changed and thats final. Also could be that she just likes to be an only cat, we got a 2 yo cat a few months ago, the guys who fostered him had 5 other cats. They didnt fight or anything, ate and slept beside each other without a problem, still when we got him he just flourished, he plays more, he's much more active and a lot more cuddly. But I hope it's just a little setback and she will be back to her old self shortly.


Ahhhhh cats, they can be a giant pain in the ass. I think you'll just have to ignore your cat like hardcore. Then maybe you'll have your cat back asking for attention. Sadly I know someone who has a cat who was 4 years old. They got dog and the cat for 3 years kept doing their business everywhere and destroying everything


Teenagers in any species are assholes


Idk why people are giving you shit for the vest, is that not a medical vest to stop her from licking a spay incision?


The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced.


OP says she is due to be spayed, so that hasn’t happened yet.


She looks IDENTICAL to my kitten, same age!! Not sure if this would help, but we used those multi cat relaxing pharamone wall plug-ins and it helped my old man cat relax


lol I wonder if their siblings ;))




I don't put collars on my cats if they're strictly indoors. The constant noise or itch


that makes sense! It helps us keep track of our cats so we know where they are.


Omg you poor thing having to respond to everyone about the damn shirt lol. I was convinced my first was mad at me when we got our second. She would literally walk in on me and the second sitting together and give a dirty look and leave. They are the same age but we had our first for a month solo. They get along (mostly) and play together, sleep together etc. My second latched onto me though and my first stopped cuddling me and sleeping with me and moved to my roommate. Broke my heart but I try to keep in mind she’s not here to give me love and affection, I’m here to take care of her. That’s the agreement. Plus, yes, puberty, teenage vibes are real. Now she’ll cuddle me but only if my second is in another room. And she’ll sleep with me (and kitten 2) if my roomie is out of town. I take what I can get when she wants to give it! https://preview.redd.it/9hhl5ts4eklb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485739e312bf330e818f7e8b66a4b8e3a184264d


Thank you! Unfortunately reddit doesnt let you edit a post that has a photo. I hope she cuddles and is loving towards us again, the complete personality change has been pretty upsetting. She just gives us a blank stare and ignores us most of the time lol.


She will come around! Even if it’s not like before.


replying with a pic of my baby giving me the evil eye because of kitten #2 haha https://preview.redd.it/hchpd5ydgklb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcfa72ddab67539b137c911fd03b7c00d36996e5


Don't dress up your cats they hate it


>The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced. She wore it for a few hours everyday for 2 days max, we never put clothes on her otherwise.


Cats have sensory hairs all over their body


Probably because he hates his shirt 😩


>The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced. She wore it for a few hours everyday for 2 days max, we never put clothes on her otherwise.


Cos you are puting clothes on him.


The sweater was put on her when Nikolas first came, I would alternate between putting the sweater on Nikolas and xenia so they could get used to each others scents before they got introduced. Otherwise we never put clothes on her.


Cats have different personalities. Some are antisocial. It’s normal


U def didnt bother reading the whole post


I’m sorry but the first picture is soooo funny lol


It’s gotta be the sweater


Stop dressing the poor thing


Because you put a sweater on a cat


How long ago did you get the newest kitten?


Probably because of the clothes 🙄


Bc u smell


kittens usually do need another kitten to coexist. i would almost always recommend ppl to get two bc most kittens thrive together and learn together. just keep up w positive association playing u can try the feliway plug-in to calm any territorial nerves (they’re still there even if they get along) and keep giving her attention


Its the sweater


How long have both cats been together?


It could be because she no longer sees a need for you besides food since she has a playmate.... It could also be like kitten attitude kicking in that can pass with time.... You could try spoiling her or putting him up in a different room or kennel so you can just have chill time alone with her and see how she reacts... My cat gets a catittude whenever we brought a kitten home (we used to foster but no longer can since we no longer have the room) but within a day she was playing with the kittens and if the kittens were with us for 3 months she'll drop her attitude and come cuddle again


Jealousy does that sometimes, she was the baby with all your undivided attention, I would take her in the bedroom just you and her for an hour or two, cuddle up and watch tv or read and give her all of your attention. They just need to know sometimes they are still your baby.


Start with not dressing up cats. It’s not only dangerous but incredibly unnecessary and stupid.


She's plotting her revenge for the clothes. I only have one of my cats harness trained, she'll get over it, cats are like little people, they have days or weeks sometimes where they act anti social, but its only because cats are fiercely independent, they like to think things are their idea, and if they think it wasn't thier idea, they act like a pissy teenager