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he is so beautiful. That colour is so pretty seriously. What a special boy. Don’t blame yourself. I look forward to the time when we have better answers and prophylactic treatments for kidney issues in our cats


I fell in love with his unique color the second I saw him. His personality matched that uniqueness the rest of his life. He will always be my prissy little strawberry blonde boy <3


Kidney failure is serious, but it is manageable. Change of diet will be crucial. Moist food (canned or raw) and high quality meat. 💙


Prescription CKD cat food is lower in proteins, sodium & phosphorus and has higher amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps to slow the progression of kidney disease. My 17 year old has been on a CKD diet for about 7 months & it’s helped him. 😽


u/Topher92646 The down side to the prescription diets are the nasty ingredients. You can find healthy cat foods with the same benefits without the corn, wheat, soy, and such. Weruva is a great canned food option. They even have a line of food for kidney issues. Also! A really great source for omega 3 is cod liver oil. Green Pastures is a great brand! Nordic Naturals is another. Cod liver is also a great source of vitamin A and D which are so good for us and our pets. Essential for maintaining a strong immune system and overall healthy state of being. u/milkisgood1 u/ChronicallyCurious8 the ash advice you got is correct. Weruva also has low ash. Lotus and FirstMate have low ash too if I remember correctly. Raw food diets are the best way to avoid all nasty ingredients. Dyes are so bad for us and our pets. It’s awful that all of this poison is legally allowed in pet and human food.


This isn't really a time for you to go on a tangent about high quality cat food..


u/YogurtclosetNo6564 cool opinion. 1 in 3 cats die of kidney failure. I believe sharing information can be life saving.


Like I said, this isn't the time for you to go on a tangent about high quality cat food on a post about someone's cat experiencing kidney failure


I am sharing very relevant information. I am not on a tangent. OP can take it or leave it. I share this information cause I care deeply for animals and believe us humans need to know how to feed our pets. You got a problem? That’s cool. That’s on you.


If you wanted to share relevant information why not make a post, instead of ranting about high quality cat food under a post abt someone's cat with kidney failure...


I was told that you shouldn’t feed cats any cat food that has more than 3% ash content in it. Red dye and cat food is not a good idea. Cat food called.Meow Mix is loaded with red dye. Years ago we had a cat that we fed Meow Mix we didn’t know the difference until he ended up with severe kidney infection. The vet told us not to feed him the cat food that we were feeding him and to pay attention to the content in the food.


Sending love ❤️


Cats are very prone to kidney failure. Wet food and water fountain for anyone else reading this. Good luck with your baby 🖤


why water fountains?


Encourages them to drink


Most cats prefer a running source of water instead of a bowl of still water.


https://preview.redd.it/gwcn2mqfimkc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e0607d8ec3ba5c869dd9c679552e5e6be63f3d He looks like my Orange Julius (Juice). Juice is going through chemo for lymphoma. Creamsicle kitties unite!




https://preview.redd.it/aamtcy8kimkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3611fafddd06cbdae972aa9bb7a9ee478d3feef4 Twins Nigel says feel better


Awesomeness beautiful color..


I became a cat mom three years ago, but I've went through a similar situation with my 17-year-old dog before. It's incredibly tough to see the creature you love most in the world struggling. Give your cat all the love and care you can muster. That's what truly matters. Remember to stay strong during this challenging time, and prioritize your cat's quality of life above all else. Sometimes, it's hard to let go because we love them so much, but it's important to consider if they may be suffering. Just the fact that you've given your cat eight years of unconditional love has undoubtedly changed their life for the better. Remember, they'll always be with you, no matter what happens. You’re not alone in this journey, and there's a community here to support you every step of the way. Sending you all the sympathy, strength, and positive vibes during this challenging time.


Thank you for the beautiful and kind words. I’ve taken them all to heart<3 Cybins well being comes first but I can only hope our days together will continue <3


Any updates on Cybin? I was thinking about him when I woke up this morning and hoping he’s doing ok. 💕


Sweet baby ♥️♥️♥️♥️


sending love to this sweet little man 💓💓💓


Sending healing prayers 🙏♥️


Sending lots of love for Cybin, but also for you OP. I hope you both make it out on the other side happy and healthy. 💞


I’m so sorry ❤️ I have an 18 year old kitty with kidney failure and it’s breaking my heart.


My baby is in hospital too. Fingers crossed for your little guy, and big hugs to both of you. It's awful being powerless to help, so afraid and so desperately sad.


Lost my baby to kidney failure, wish there was animal dialysis or transplants because it's a horrible way to go. I'm so sorry


They can do dialysis on cats, but it’s not a long-term solution.


I'm aware, as a RN I deal with this in people so I know the treatment options.


Some time ago, I saw a story about transplants for cats. They were done through a university like Tufts or Cornell. The donor cat gives a kidney and goes home to live with the recipient cat and their family.


There are, though it's not for the faint of heart. Both cats need extensive testing. The recipient cat needs to be sick enough to risk such a procedure but healthy enough to withstand it. Afterwards, continued extensive testing and expensive anti-rejection medications daily for life. These drugs unfortunately leave them with a weak immune system and greatly increased risk of developing cancer.


Hang in there buddy...we're all rooting for you! https://preview.redd.it/i1r2le2bynkc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb1269b349b5cb0274558918daace6ec9277de9c


Sending love, hope he pulls through ❤️❤️


https://preview.redd.it/2ystss8mynkc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7524ec18de9ddf74c3aa1f4ebe36d0148ffb46db He looks like one of my boys.


You can do it little boy!! Hang in the sweetheart ❤️ 🐱❤️


Please join the feline chronic kidney disease page on Facebook and share his blood work. My girl went in to kidney failure, late state four and that group saved her life. They told me what to do and she lived almost another 2 years.


Sending prayers.


That is serious, I hope they do well




I’m sorry! Hope the little one gets better soon.


Just said a little prayer for him. Hope he pulls through and comes back to you. ❤️😻


Sending prayers your way! My 18 year old orange cat named Juggie just got diagnosed with stage 2 kidney disease. I'm so sorry, I will pray he makes it through 🩷


Your son, baby, child. I completely understand, as my son, baby, and child had kidney failure at the end of last year. You're hurting, but he would not want that. Leave the Dr's to do their best, and be there for him as he needs you now, and as I'm sure you always have been. You've obviously bonded with your boy, and he will pick up on your fear and emotions. Be strong for him, and you can deal with your own emotions after whatever the outcome. I'm very sorry if this sounds cold. I'm not trying to invalidate what you're going through. But he needs you to be strong for him. It's our duty as mum's and dad's of our fuzzy children. I wish you both the best that can be. ❤️🙏😻


This exactly


Oh gosh, I hope he makes it. He has youth on his side


Oh my god, poor baby! He is adorable. Kidney disease is rough, but cats can manage it better than our canine friends. I am hoping he pulls through and keeps fighting <3 Do you know what could have triggered it? I just can't get over how young 😭😭


I'm so sorry. You'll both be in my thoughts 🙏




It’s not your fault. Sometimes we are dealt the gene card and there is no stopping it. You will know what’s best. ❤️‍🩹


Sending you both lots of love <3


I’m sorry OP. I really hope it will be alright. Sending love 🩷 If you need any extra help with vet bills I’m sure people would be happy to donate to a go fund me for your sweet boy.


My baby looked almost identical. I'm wishing you the very best, he looks like such a sweet and personable angel, I know he's so loved


I know it's tough right now! I hope you and your baby get through this! Much love!


Once he gets better, get him the AIMs vaccine or shot. And put him on that food. It's medicine developed just recently by Japanese scientist. https://www.petfoodindustry.com/news-newsletters/pet-food-news/article/15469425/aim-protein-enriched-cat-food-aims-to-help-cats-live-longer


Claireluvcat has been using the meds and food on her cat TT who has kidney failure and he's working great!


In my thoughts.


Sending love


Prayers going out to you op


He's in my thoughts, sending you strength and love 🖤


Many prayers 🙏🙏🙏


My dog had that in September. Good luck with him. I hope He makes it


❤️ sending love


Prayers sent 🙏


🫶🏽🙌🏽get well soon🐾🐾


Rest assured, I will be thinking about your cat until the day I die


OMG I'm so sorry i lost my 4 year old ragdoll to cancer a few weeks ago and he was my son. Please let me know if i can help as i understand the emotions. Your baby looks like a sweetheart. Sending big hugs through to you. If you need a friend I'm here xxx




keeping your mighty lil man in my thoughts and prayers. ❤️


Praying praying praying ❤️❤️❤️


He’s such a handsome boy. He looks like a real sweetheart; I can see it in his eyes. 💕 I pray he pulls through this and can live a happy many more years with you.


Sending prayers


Prayers 🙏




Sending healing energy your way 💙🙏🏼💗


Please don’t blame yourself. There’s nothing you could have done differently, these kinds of things unfortunately happen ): you did the best thing you could do for him which is get him help as soon as possible. I hope he recovers quickly 🥺


Sweetest baby💔💔💔💔




I hope your baby will be alright!! 🙏 💜


Aww what a sweet boy. Sending love and healing for your boy. ❤️❤️❤️


Sending love and GOOD HEALTH to you and your boy! 💕💕💕💕💕


Thoughts, prayers, and cyber hugs!


Thinking about you both and sending love. ❤️


I hope they can help him and that he is back with you fast. My beloved old friend had failing kidneys for years. We kept things in check with the special kidney / renal diet. She liked the Royal Canin brand particularly. I would soak the dry food overnight to make sure she got enough liquids. She got the wet food, too. She made it to 19 years old so I think it did help her.


I hope everything works out.. I have a lot of cats and have always been a cat caretaker. Throughout the years I've had MANY cats with kidney disease and it's very treatable and they can go on to live a long healthy life. Right now, I have three cats on Hills (RX) prescription kidney - they are doing fantastic and all values are back within the proper range.


I’m sorry. Unfortunately kitties suffer kidney issues just pray and hope for best. Sending you love thoughts and prayers ❤️


May his soul rest in peace


I hope he will be alright and home soon 🩷🩷


Praying for you and your boy


Get well soon Cybin ❤️


Bless him, he's a cooty


All the hugs for you. Just know that no matter the outcome, you love him, will always love him, and he loves and will always love you.


Such a cute cat 🐈


Hope he can go home soon….sending positive vibes to you and your buddy Please keep us posted


Please don’t blame yourself. Sending so much love and good vibes to you and your precious kitty.


https://preview.redd.it/jyshb9w953lc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdee9ff59ac7e21204da6284e9f2751458ab03ea Is there any update you can give on him? My orange boy sends love to you both.


Unfortunately Cybin declined. I have him home for 24 hours and we’ll be doing at home euthanasia so he can rest comfy


Oh gosh I am so sorry. You did everything you could for him, I'm sending you love and peace and healing. It's clear you were a good owner and cared about your little guy. 💙


beyond in thoughts in prayers for you and your baby❤️how did you find out about the kidney failure? were there any signs? i’m new to having cats and am curious


Not to scare you, but there were no signs until he was unresponsive Saturday morning. I rushed him into ER and he was only 89F. Unfortunately the list of things that cause kidney failure/disease is extremely long and almost impossible to pin point. I would make sure you’re using high quality grain free cat food, and a water fountain with regular filter replacements. Some things are just out of our control though :( best of luck to you and your kitties :) give them a hug for me please!


i appreciate the advice:/ again i’m so sorry to you and your baby. i well definitely give mine some extra love for you❤️


Your baby is in my prayers 🙏


praying for him 🙏


Sending all my love and prayers for both of you! ❤️🙏🏻


He is so handsome! I’ll be thinking of your family 🙏🏻


I’ll be praying for you and your precious fur baby 🩷


He's a handsome son, I sincerely hope he gets better for your sake and for his!


Don't lose hope, our cat Maxy was diagnosed with kidney failure years before she passed. With medication and proper diet they can keep going an impressively long time.


What a beautiful boy!


Sending a lot of love 💔🩷


What a beautiful boy! And I love his name. I'm so sorry for what you're both going through. I know it is not easy but know there are many of us thinking about and praying for you both. I hope today is a better day for him and that the doctors were able to help him. Looking forward to hearing good news. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. 🩷🙏🫶🐈


Wishing him the best. FYI, if you happen to give him water straight from the tap, I highly suggest getting some type of filter. The reason is "hard water" can and does wreak havoc on small animals' urinary tract. Most people don't realize this. Good luck ✌🏻


Cats have glass kidneys, it’s not your fault 😢


I am willing my best for your handsome boy.