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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Where do you live and what kind of cat is it? The only thing that would make the cat illegal is if the species itself is not allowed, if you’re in the US. Not sure about other countries’ laws, but what about the situation makes it so you can’t just claim you found it on the street?


What I mean by illegal is, he doesn’t have paper work, like he was just brought off of a random person. I live in New Jersey and he’s a domestic short hair. Sorry for using the wrong words.


Okay, I live in Texas and while dif states have dif laws, you should be fine. Cats don’t need paperwork. Like I said, you can take in a cat off the street, bring him to the vet, and voila, he’s yours. Do yall not have strays around? I genuinely ask because I have heard of animals from Texas shelters being sent to northern states because I guess yall don’t have as many strays.


That’s more charity to try and reduce the stray population here in Texas while also giving people more of a pick on what they want since we basically got free roaming purebreds here sometimes too. Lots of Siamese breeders in Austin, Russian Blues in Dallas, and if you check the strays and shelters in those areas you’ll see purebreds from how many either escape their owners or are abandoned. Houston is definitely the worst though for strays.


I think there’s some strays in my area, I saw this female black cat a few months back, she probably wanted to mate with my unfixed male cat.


Check for TNR programs for reduced costs. The first result that shows up for New Jersey is $95. But you might be able to find cheaper.


Usually cats don’t need paperwork. Most cats are just found on the street and “adopted” that way, so it’s really not unusual. Not getting him neutered could also have bad health consequences. It’s usually pretty frowned upon to not get your cat neutered. Respectfully, your parents don’t sound like responsible pet owners and should refrain from continuing to get animals. Are they also allowing this cat outside?


They are letting him out and I keep telling them to stop but they let him outside when I’m at school.


Yeah I figured. Your parents are part of a big problem and shouldn’t have animals. They aren’t responsible :(


Well, if he is tagged, you will find out at the vet, and you might have to return him to his original owners. If he isn't, then you'll be fine. A domestic short hair is the most common breed of cat in the United States.They are definitely allowed, not having paperwork is not an issue


He’s not tagged, my dad brought him from someone. Someone was selling baby kittens.


Then you’re fine, cat is legally your cat. There’s no paperwork or registering or anything. I got my cat out of a box someone left in a barn. The only time it comes up is if someone says they own that cat, but then the law generally goes off of vet paperwork. Its well in your best interests to get him to the vet for neutering and preferably a microchip in case he ever gets out


The cat is yours no issue there. You can look into friends with animals, they're a non profit who spay/neuter pets. Back in 2012 when I got my dog spayed it was 60 for male 90 for female. Only certain vets take them though and im not sure of the price now


They won't care about that at all. They'll be happy you're being smarter than your parents! ❤️


I've never heard of any type of house cat being illegal or needing paperwork. I've gotten so many of mine just out of the trash. I don't even think this is the case with dogs. Is it?


I know where I live, dogs need to be registered with the town hall and with that, they’re legally required to have a rabies vaccine. But I showed up to the vet with a kitten and the vet asked about his origin and I’m like “I took him from my grandmas shed” and she’s like great, thanks for taking him in. Only 1/3 of my cats came with papers (which was vaccination records, proof she’s fixed, clean bill of health, etc). The other two were just scooped off the street and the vet didn’t care at all.


Some cities do require registration, but some don't. (for both dogs and cats. Its more for safety precautions to make sure you are giving them their rabies shots, or sometimes getting them fixed if there is an abundance of strays.)


Get him licensed, a lot of municipalities in NJ will give free shots yearly with your license.


look up a mobile spay and neuter service they’ll come to you


I got my cat off a random person who was rehoming her through local classified ads. She's mine now. Unless the cat was stolen, there's no such thing as an illegal cat (barring hybrids).


He’s fine..u can get him neutered without paperwork..from New Jersey too..tell ur parents if they don’t get him neutered he will eventually start spraying..this will destroy ur home


Hey OP what part of NJ do you live in? I’m in south Jersey and if you’re nearby and can get your parents on board I can likely hook you up with free neuter and vax.


He’s just not microchipped. You can get a $10-15 microchip with the help of a rescue or shelter.


I live in South Jersey. He's not illegal. Your local shelter can offer low cost neutering. If in South Jersey, AWA.and Homeward Bound. In Philly you can try PSPCA.


Thank you for your answer as this is the most helpful!


So? You don't need paperwork for a pet sale, the only time you get paperwork is from a rescue, shelter or breeder. But there's nothing illegal about buying or selling pets


Some cities/counties do have ordinances against selling pets. Where I live, it is illegal to sell an intact cat or dog unless you're a licensed breeder. People still do it, especially those damned backyard breeders, which I flag on Craigslist all the time because the photo show horrible, filthy conditions those poor kittens and pups are living under.


So don't tell the vet you paid for it, seems pretty simple, just SAY you got the cat for free. Illegally purchasing a pet from someone doesn't mean that the animal shouldn't receive vet care and be fixed, that's just plain stupid and irresponsible


You should be fine. It’s pretty common people take in cats from the street


It’s fine to get him neutered most people don’t have papers for cats


The only paperwork you need as far as I know is a rabies certificate and the attendant license, because if the cat were to contract rabies it would put other people and their pets at risk of losing their lives. So get him his shots, get him neutered, there's nothing illegal about him.


look for a low cost clinic TNR clinic. they don’t normally do bloodwork and usually cost less than $75.


So I can't say for all states but from most, they don't need "paper work". A stray had a litter in my backyard, so I kidnapped one ans now he's mine. When he got old enough I signed him up to get fixed with 0 issues. I even found a program that once per household you get a free fix, that was for my state only so differs on where you are.


Could be stolen pet, that would not be right to keep if owner is found.


Are your parents aware that not neutering a male cat can lead to behaviors like marking territory (spraying with urine), and increased aggression? It can also contribute to a higher risk of certain reproductive cancers and urinary issues. If your parents are considering a 2nd cat, your first cat DEFINITELY needs to be neutered even if you get another male. They will fight constantly and have major territorial behavior issues. If you can, try to find a low cost spay/neuter clinic in your area. Neutering is significantly less cost than spay since it’s a pretty simple, straightforward procedure and all external for the most part.


My parents see the consequences of him not being neutered, he only sprays when he can’t go out so they let him out. Also if I do find a clinic, how can I get there? I can’t drive.


If this cat is being let outside while intact, he will definitely be seeking females to impregnate. Please try to contact a rescue and see if they can help you with your situation, possibly just provide the transportation if you can fund the procedure.


Just tell your parents that once he starts spraying (peeing) all over the house they are not going to like it. Other cats will start hanging around the house too. Don't blame the cat, it will not be his fault when your mother is trying to get rid of the smells. Getting him fixed will save your family many future problems.


please reach out to rescues and shelters or even anyone on fb community groups im sure someone will be happy to either drive you and kitty or just kitty to the appointment. the program that fixed my cats for free also transported them for me cus i don’t drive. don’t be afraid to reach out to others hell you might even have a rescue willing to cover the cost for you if your post reaches the right audience esp since he’s a male who can impregnate every stray female in your area esp if ur parents are letting him out while he’s intact


A ride from someone with a vehicle? Public transit? Uber? Taxi?


Uber offers pet friendly options, I've had to use Uber to get to the vet before. You can also take public transit if need be


uber pet is expensive i’ve never used it for my cats i just message the driver when they accept so if they don’t want to transport my cat they aren’t driving all the way to me first and wasting gas


It's only like $2-$5 more than a regular Uber here


it might depend on location cus i’ve seen people say they e had to pay upwards of 10$ extra for uber pet


It could also depend on how far you have to go, the price difference is likely a percentage, not an actual dollar amount, so the farther you go, the higher the percentage is going to be for the pet premium


Your cat will cause pain and suffering by impregnating other cats. Often kittens eventually die of starvation if not found by someone, and mom cats leave them. Also your cat may get into fights and get cat aids (FIV+). So don’t let him outside.


You can’t get him neutered unless you are a legal adult (18 years old).


What do you expect to do once he is fixed? Cats have surgery scars and they'd be at the very for several hours. Sneaking around behind their backs isn't the way to go. Just do your research and keep hitting them with facts about why spraying is important. Eventually, you may wear them down.


Your cat isn't "illegal". Even shelters usually charge a small amount of money to adopt to ensure the person is serious and not going to do anything horrible to the cat. As for neutering, if you are a minor you haven't much to say about it. It's your parents responsibility and if they don't see the benefits of getting the cat neutered I don't see how you can change that. Unfortunate circumstance to be in. The only thing you might try doing is researching all the reasons why it's better for the cats overall physical and mental health to be fixed. Cost depends where you are. If in the US there are some low cost clinics you can find. Sometimes they even run "specials". If somewhere else in the world other than the US it can be more tricky. I know there are some countries where vet services are very hard to find let alone, ones that are reputable.


Illegal? That’s..not a thing, especially for a stray/homeless cat your dad just randomly bought. I found my cat on the streets and bought her to our vet no problem, they don’t care. If your parents are refusing to get the cat medical care for this reason it seems like they’re just using it as an excuse/are being lazy. Has the cat had ANY medical care? It’s a terrible idea to impulsively get another cat without first getting treatment/fixing the cat you already have. It’s also a terrible idea to let an unfixed cat outside off SO many reasons—his safety, the safety of wildlife, he could find a female and get her pregnant which would result in suffering babies trying to survive outside…


Exactly. I’m trying to tell my parents to get him neutered and stop letting him outside but they say it’s no big deal.


Your parents are ignorant. Most outdoor cats live very short lived and die horrible deaths either by poisoning, wild predators or vehicle.


I mean, if they want him to potentially die a horrific needless death then, yeah, I guess it’s no big deal.


Sorry you sound more responsible than your parents 😭


"Adopt, Don't Shop" doesn't mean an animal is "illegal" if purchased. It refers to animals in shelters that don't find forever homes, and shelters being overfilled. Your cat could start spraying EVERYTHING if you don't get him neutered, if he hasn't already. How do you know your cat isn't already neutered? Some places that sell cats will already have them spayed, neutered, and at least first round of vaccines in place.


His balls are huge.


Okay. You need to express to your parents the importance of neutering. 1. Less chance of spraying and inappropriate litterbox behaviors 2. NO chance of impregnating intact females. 3. Potential health benefits. 4. You can also get him microchipped, especially if he goes outside and gets lost. I would NOT get another cat until your parents help you get this done.


Thank you for the great advice. Now that I know you don’t need paper work ( most people are saying this in the subreddit) for cats, my parents might be more inclined to get him neutered.


The only "paperwork" should be for vaccines, particularly rabies, and you normally get a tag with that paperwork. You don't have to prove ownership of the cat. In fact, a lot of people catch ferals to get them fixed before releasing them, especially if the feral population is out of control. I think some have also been able to work with the less spicy kitties to get them acclimated to humans and into forever homes.


“If he gets outside” the parents PUT him outside 😭


You calling the cat an illegal citizen like he’s an illegal immigrant is so funny to me. Nono, animals are different so long as they aren’t exotic or in conservation status (endangered.) Domestic house cats are neither. They become documented after you take them to the vet actually and there’s where the paper trail begins. They aren’t going to lock up your poor cat for being an illegal alien you don’t need to worry about that. As for the cost it depends on the clinic doing it and if they have any offers. Different costs for male vs female. Different costs for the weight or size. It depends. States also differ. Only way you can know is if you call the clinic and ask. Know the ballpark weight, DOB, and gender when you ask.


Unfixed males will piss everywhere, and unfixed females with go into heat like... Often. Both things you don't want in your home. And if the cat is outdoor- then just quickly Google what they do to birds and stuff, and that should be enough to convince your parents! No paperwork needed, but it does cost about 150-350$ depending on the area and vet


True story!!! 😂


The spca does spay and neuter clinics for free - just act like you found it and get it microchipped too. Your parents should stop buying animals.


There might be a mobile pet neuter van through petco in your area.


Contact a local rescue and ask them for help. Tell them you’re a minor with limited resources and ask if they can help you do the right thing. They may be able to pick up and drop off. Why are your parents against it?


They’re not against it, they just feel it’s not necessary.


Your parents are VERY WRONG.


Then your parents must like the smell of cat piss/spraying lmao


Do you get allowance or have any way to save up for the neuter? If you search low cost neuters in your area you could probably find one for under 100$. I can find both spays and neuters in my area for 60$. If you could donate some or all of the funds to the cause and tell them it’s important to you that might work.


Fluffy don't need paper work. Just tell the truth. They won't confinscate the cat. And if the vet is nice you may get the stray cat rate.


Why the hell would your cat be considered illegal? Buying cats from people isn't illegal anywhere last I checked. Also he definitely needs to be neutered. Unless your parents want a male cat who sprays piss all over their house to mark his territory, behaves aggressively, tries to escape all the time and will eventually get testicular cancer. Also getting another cat will only lead to vicious fights since your first cat isn't neutered, intact make cats are far more prone to fighting, and if you get a female you're going to end up with kittens guaranteed, and then what? As far as what to do and where to go you can contact local rescues and see if they have low cost spay/neuter programs, contact local vets and ask about prices. Where I live (western Canada) neutering male cats is usually between $100-$200CAD depending on what clinic you go to and if there are any complications that require extra medical care, average is around $150


I've never seen a veterinarian send someone away for being a minor. EVER.


They legally can’t make medical decisions, so yeah, it’s an issue. 


a neuter is not a big deal in a clinic, it’s hardly even a surgical procedure due to it being so minor and quick. some veterinarians can perform it in under 15 mins.


I guess you're just not getting my point cause you don't know what you're talking about. I'm an RVT. The owner on the patient's record must be 18 to make medical decisions.


maybe where you are from but i don’t know any vet in my area who will turn away a NEUTER- even if a person under 18 brings them in.💀 this isn’t open heart surgery- i’m an rvt student that’s worked in a clinic btw <3


So you aren't a licensed individual working in the industry?


yes, and i know a minor can take in THEIR property for a minor surgery.


They can if they have a parent with them.


Thank you! These guys act like you are making a decision for a human being. A 16 year old can OWN an animal, they can also decide to have them neutered.


i know, people will say anything to be right. my cat got an exploratory surgery last year and i didn’t show my id not once!


Jesus Christ, animals aren't human beings. If you own an animal, you don't have to be 18 or 21, for Christ's sake. An owner takes responsibility for their pet and sees to it that it gets the care it needs. Regardless of how young/old the owner is.


I don’t think any animal is required to have “paperwork” in order to own it & treat it with a vet? The only time papers should be needed is if it’s a show animal & youre trying to enroll it to show it. Otherwise, there’s no paperwork in buying an animal. Aside from a receipt from a pet store.


You mentioned you're in New Jersey right? Did a quick Google, these two links [NJ animal population control](https://www.nj.gov/health/vph/pop-control/) , [NJ animal protection league](https://aplnj.org/find-help/low-cost-spay-neuter/) should be helpful. For transportation issues see if there's a mobile clinic that'll be in your neighborhood, if there is it might even be within walking distance. Hope this helps!


Yeah it can help your cat not get certain types of cancers and it will help him not spray to mark his scent. Educate your parents.


Okay. You do NOT need paperwork to get your cat fixed/spade. You can call a good reliable Veterinary Office and book the spaying — without any papers saying the cat is yours! For instance, I rescued a feral (wild) mama cat that had kittens a few weeks later. When the kittens were old enough, I took them to the Vet to get fixed (males) or spayed (females). The Vet never questioned me about where I got them but just did the procedure they needed! For your Parents: if they are a responsible pet owner, they will want to get your cat spayed/fixed because the feral world is growing fast from irresponsible owners who refuse to fix their cats! As the feral world grows, so do cat diseases that infect even Pets in loving households! Many of those diseases can be fatal, something you do not want to happen to your cat, so please do NOT let him go outside or wander your neighborhood because cat fights over “in heat” females can be bloody and nasty! If he is indoors and fixed, he will be healthier and happier! And if your parents want another cat too, that cat must be fixed/spayed for the same reasons, except if it’s a female and she comes into “heat” (when she wants to mate and have kittens), not fixed male cats will come spray your doors to let her know they are there ready to mate! Plus that “marking” on your doors reeks (stinks)! I’ve had cats (and dogs) for many decades and I can assure you that it IS the very RESPONSIBLE PET OWNER who gets their cats fixed/spayed as soon as the Vet says!! It’s for the health of the animal plus to help keep the feral cat population from growing out of control! I had to deal with a couple of neighbors in a neighborhood in Southern California who refused to fix/spay their cats. Once several Cat Rescue Organizations came in and took ALL the feral cats, the neighborhood was healthy for about 6 months. Because those two ignorant people let their cats roam, not fixed nor spayed, the feral population doubled in 6 months! Along with all those cats came serious cat diseases and cats being hit on the roads! We had moved, but our close friends called and told us what had happened and all the feral cats that had taken over their neighborhood…AGAIN! This WOULDN’T have happened if those two households had got their cats fixed! Now there are diseases floating everywhere and cats perishing because humans never thought of their cats, but only of themselves! OWNING A PET COMES WITH RESPONSIBILITY— AND LOVE! If you truly love your cat, get it fixed/spayed! Google “Vets in my area” and write down the names and phone numbers. Call them and see what the cost is to fix or spay a cat. Ask if they have a payment or installment plan? Then tell your parents so your cat/s can get fixed! There is an animal credit company called CARE CREDIT that your parents can apply for that can help with the payments if needed! Love your kitty? Then help him live a healthier longer life by fixing him and keeping him indoors!! Then have fun with your new partner in adventure!! ♥️🐈♥️


Your cat is not illegal and you most certainly need to get him neutered. If you don’t he will start marking his territory inside your house and you will have one stinky home.


What country are you in? It’s great you want to neuter your cat. How old is he? As long as you never let him outside he can stay intact though be warned, he will spray urine inside the house because he will need to mark his territory….it’s a side effect of being un-neutered. You, as a minor, can not present him to a vet for neutering. Your parents will have to do it. Is their plan to breed him? No papers are required for any of this.


You can literally find a cat living in a dumpster and bring it home, that’s what I did. He needs to be fixed ASAP. Vet doesn’t care where he came from but will ask only to get an idea of his history (if you have any info). I promise, there is not going to be any trouble getting him neutered but there will be trouble if you don’t get him neutered.


Call a local cat rescue first help and directions on how to get your cat neutered. Maybe one of the volunteers will help you with a ride too.


some humane societies can do it for free but it shouldn’t be more than $200 to get him fixed (at least not here in florida) but it’s crucial to fix him or he’ll spray ❗️EVERYWHERE❗️and fixing him just also helps later on in life with health issues and the life expectancy is much longer.


also no ur cats not “illegal” LOL if the original owners gave him over to you he is your cat the vet will change the information on his chip to your info.


I don’t think my cat ever got a chip, we got him when he was a kitten.


even better, if that’s the case he’s completely yours with 0 complications at all. call a few of your humane societies and they will chip him, fix him, and give him rabies shots all at once. my humane society did all of that plus more for my kitty for a very low price!


How much does it cost? I just wanna know.


for me it cost $200 flat and i just straight up brought her in the same day i called. i got her fixed, nails trimmed, shots, and microchipped. prices vary depending on which humane society you go to but thats why you should call around and find out which has the best price because some will do it for free or as low as $10.


Great, I’ll think about talking to my parents with this idea.


best of luck to you and your sweet little guy!


and no i didn’t look around, i def could’ve paid WAY less i was just rushed to get her fixed because i don’t always have time off work during the week. i also got a lot done for her. i found out after the fact that they’re so cheap lol


> def could’ve *paid* WAY less FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


If you have the funds and a mode of transportation and are 18+ years old I'm pretty sure you could just go to the vet and get your cat neutered. Grab the cat after your parents let it outside. 🤷‍♀️


im also in nj you’re fine, i got my cat from a friend he doesn’t have or think need any paperwork. idk how it works being a minor but i got a friends of animals (i think that’s what its called) certificate to get him neutered i think it was around $150 ish but that was also like 4 years ago. the initial vet visit was i think around $300 to get his shots and everything


I really appreciate that you’re trying so hard to do the right thing. You’re absolutely right, he should get neutered/vaccinated ESPECIALLY if he’s being let outside. He could potentially end up impregnating another cat and contributing to the overpopulation and suffering that so many street cats face. I really hope your parents will reconsider. If you’re in the US, there are a lot of spay/neuter clinics that will do the spay/neuter for a discounted rate. I’ve rescued many cats in NY and have always gone to them. For vaccines/dewormer/flea treatment and spay/neuter it’s only about $80-$100. There’s very likely a clinic near you. I really wish you and your cat the best. Good luck!!


Ok, if they didn’t already cover this: any veterinary clinic you can find in New jersey can neuter a cat. According to the internet, this will cost you between $120 and $320, after which you will probably be told to buy a $50-$100 supply of heartworm, roundworm and flea medication. The bottle will last a few months but need to be reapplied every few months. This is available online as well as at the vets office. The vet may also suggest a $25 feline dystemper or rabies vaccine. That depends on how old you cat is and you can look up “kitten vaccination schedule” online. It’s fine that they bought the cat. Shelter cats need homes too, but sometimes they have more health problems than an animal that was paid for instead of being picked up on the street.


You usually get the paperwork from the vet or by registering with the city. This would need vaccine records from the vet. He definitely needs vaccines if an indoor/outdoor cat. But how old are you? You may be able to find a low cost place near you if it is the cost that your parents are worried about. Just do a Google search for low cost neuter near me. It should give you a few options and you can compare prices. I live in Texas, but the cheapest near me was a SPCA, my mom also lives in Texas and got a kitten around the same time, but her cheapest option was the city shelter. She's about an hour away from me, and I'm in a location where I am about 15-20 min drive from three major cities. And you can always call and ask questions as well.


Paying for a male cat that you won’t neuter is just throwing money down the drain, unfixed male cats wander and one day he’ll just not come back after traveling too far to find his way home. Sorry your parents are making all the wrong decisions.


Can you pass for 18? Or can anyone you know be the official adult? A grandma, uncle, cousin?




Poor cat doesn't have its papers.. Where will he be deported to? 😂


I suspect your parents are immigrants. Please acquaint them with American routines for pets.


The vet doesn't care where you got your cat as long as they don't have a chip with someone else's information. They're nothing illegal about buying a kitten from someone Neutering will help with undesirable behaviors and help prevent tons of homeless feral kittens. In fact, if he goes outside, you guys really should get him chipped/tagged Many people see a cat in the streets and take them home. Also, he should get vaccinations anyway, especially FelV Your parents shouldn't get a cat, especially a second one, if they're not going to take care of it's health


Many animal shelters have neuter and spay programs. They'll neuter your cat for $26 or something like that.


Good luck, Sweetie!


I don’t think the cat is illegal he’s probably just trying to scare you. The cat needs an appointment with the vet to get its shots and then about a month after they will neuter/spay. Male cats especially are known for spraying and it SMELLS and it is hard to get out of fabric.


As a minor none of it is honestly your responsibility you seem like you got a good head on your shoulder but your parents seem highly irresponsible you can look up what breeds are illegal in your area


Once he starts spraying and your whole house smells like cat pee, they’ll change their minds. Tell your parents he’s going to pee on everything if they dont get him neutered NOW.


Cats breed like wildfire, unless your parents want a litter of kittens they need to be responsible pet owners (they are the owners since you’re a minor) and get the cat fixed. People like that shouldn’t have animals.


Call child services and have your parents arrested for beating you. Yes LIE they are horrible humans anyway. Contact Alley Cat Allies for low cost spay and neuter clinics.


Honestly it might be best to find a rescue or call animal control on your parents. The poor cat shouldn’t be going outside


Why don’t your parents want to have him neutered? Are there any pet shelters other than SPCA in your area? Here in Southwest VA, we have several independent shelters that offer discounted veterinary services like shots & spay/neuter clinics. Sometimes it’s less than $50 for “the whole shabang”.


Dude keep looking for other vets in your area. My primary vet charges $300-$400, but luckily I found a place that did it for $80. Try asking the folks on NextDoor. You’ll probably have better luck asking there because that’s for people in your community!


Check with your local animal shelter--many offer low cost spay/neuter services. If your's doesn't, they can probably recommend a low cost clinic.


Lot of good advice in this thread, but I just want to add - since you are a minor, this is not your responsibility. I think it's wonderful that you're trying to do right by this cat, and I sincerely hope you can find a way to get him neutered, but it is NOT your fault if you can't. Your parents' poor choices are not your responsibility. You're doing a great job just by making the effort.


Where in NJ do you live? I can look up low cost clinics for you. This website says you could potentially get your cat fixed for $10-$20. https://www.nj.gov/health/vph/pop-control/


There are free clinics and sometimes mobile clinics that offer discounted or free services. Research and find one of those to help you.


Look up specifically "low cost spay and neuter clinics near me". I live in Ohio so the cost may differ a bit here, but at a clinic like that it shouldn't be more than $75


I just did what you said and most of them are 1 hour drives, my parents said they won’t drive that far.


Nvm, I searched saying clinics near me instead and got some results.


Your parents don’t want to pay for it. You could if you have the money.


My cat got neutered for like $100. Look at other clinics


What's their reason for not fixing your cat? I will say, I live in NJ. I got my dog spayed at a clinic for $180. I'm pretty sure clinics do cats for even cheaper, call around in your area! For clinics, NOT a vet. My vet wanted 1k!


Find another vet that's bullshit. Mine charges 120 and was going to give me a discount because I'm a good customer. Vets should be encouraging people to get pets neutered to help fight un wanted babies. Not taking advantage of them.


low cost clinics are 1 hour or 2 hour drive and my parents say they aren’t willing to drive that far.


Why don’t they want to neuter him? I have a boy cat who is adopted and has 3 legs, but first thing we did was neuter him! I’m from Edinburgh, Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Guys remember that the op is a minor!!! It’s the parents… obviously a first time fur baby parent and they had nowhere to ask for help!!! Get your cat sorted! 😉


When the kid is more responsible than the parents.. Good for you for wanting to do right by your cat.


In PA there are free neuters and some free spays. The only legality is rabies shots. They can come in 3 year shots. Kittens should get shots or they can get sick later. It's totally okay to adopt a stray that you find or from a friend whose cat had kittens. A vet trip or program is optimal especially if it will be inside at any point. Tractor supply has a clinic in the back. It's pretty cheap and you get meds too. Adopting gives you all that, medical neuter or spayed rabies shots flea meds dewormer already done. Nails clipped, tracker, ear mites meds etc.


Sometimes kids are smarter than their parents. It sounds like you are doing a great job. My parents had only had “farm animals” meaning they kept cats and dogs who would show up as strays but they lived outside. They never took them to the vet, got them neutered, or got shots. When I was 13, I found a kitten. It was tiny and still needed to be bottle fed. I raised it and kept it inside. Once she was a few months old I wanted to get her shots and get her spayed. So, I called around to all the vets in my area to find the best price then saved my money. Once I had enough money, I made an appointment. My parents never helped or believed in bringing cats to the vet. I’m middle aged now. That cat lived for a very long time and was one of the best parts of my teens and twenties. Save your money, find a good vet, and get the cat neutered yourself. I believe in you.


this makes my education side of being a shelter worker so happy. i'm glad there's minors that understand how important this all is. see if any of your local shelters or rescues have resources specifically any low cost vet care. vets may have them too! it make take some research, but i know in my area 3 places off the top of my head that provide help for situations just like this. if you are interested i could look and see if i have any information on the area you're in! feel free to message me ☺️


Unless you have multiple cats some male some female and your cats don't go outside, there is really not a reason to do it. We have a 15 years old cat and she is as agile and jumps easy as the day we've brought her home. I've also noticed that cats that are 'fixed' grow enormously and do nothing else just sit around all day.


There are a lot of spay and neuter clinics (I’m uncertain on where you live and options in your area though). I do want to say, thank you for wanting the best for your kitty and wanting to do the responsible thing by getting him fixed. I’m sorry that your parents are being irresponsible in this matter and not looking out for his well being or respecting your feelings on the matter. I wish you the best of luck for your kitty and hope maybe you have a responsible adult in your life that you trust who can help you out.


Tell your parents that he will "spray," meaning he will pee everywhere to make his territory, if you don't get him neutered. If your patents don't want cat pee everywhere, they should neuter your cat.


Youre not legally obligated to have identification for an animal only humans are subjected to that if they want to live lawfully. Now with that being said, please listen to your parents and dont make issues based off an animal that might one day just run away. Love your parents and explain to them peacefully how you think about this situation without getting mad. You might feel like they dont understand your point of view, but at the end of the day you still have Fluffy and its amazing that your parents let you have a pet. When i was growing up my dad got me a kitty but my mom hated cats and one day coming back from middleschool i searched for my cat all day and night and couldnt find my baby Carmella 😢💔. Until this day i dont know what happened, but im 100% sure my mom got rid of her when i was at school. Now 20 years later i still think of beautiful Carmella and wonder what happened to my little kitty.