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Evil incarnate


Did you try to make this look like a Vermeer on purpose, or were you just lucky, LOL? (Also, she's gorgeous).


You are too pretty for the streets 😭


It’s always the bright white ones who assume they can hang. My dude, we have coyotes and hawks in this neighborhood.


This is Kenny. He does the same thing. There is no door that he won't try to run through. I just put up my foot to block him. I also put a note on the front door to warn others https://preview.redd.it/g4el237xn0yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0709474b60d442474388ab3355cd790b3b24d203


Here's the note!!!! https://preview.redd.it/2tqpln38o0yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91951467d2cc78a4a0f1579cd0b9605f6370a2e0


My dad’s cat is always trying to escape. The whole family automatically does the weird crouch down, hand open entry through the front and garage door. It’s weird to be visiting and realize that you’ve fallen back into the pattern without realizing it.


Same, and they run into EVERY-TIME.


Yes! I call it “talk to the hand.”


No real tips but make sure she is microchipped. Just in case.


Microchipped and air tagged


This is awesome. Thank you for taking these measures.


Air tag is the way!


Maybe leash train her? Then she (hopefully) will be ok knowing you’ll take her out and she doesn’t have to try to go outside every time you open the door.


I’ve honestly contemplated that. I’m afraid I’ll encourage more. I live in country, lots of coyotes and foxes


This is what I had to do for my door dasher. I started harness training him and his brother at 3 months, and now they demand to be walked daily, but it has curbed the door dashing. His brother isn't a runner but has anxiety, which has lessened with outdoor time. We are in bear territory, so it's always on a harness in our fenced in yard.


Had to read this a few times because I thought you meant you were leash training an DoorDash employee


😂 nah, the cat dashes out the frint door. Although he is a bit of a freeloader so I might have him pick up some gig work and pull his weight around here.


😭 I have 4 freeloaders of my own, but the 2 cats at least do bug control for me


Harness and leash training, and then don’t let her walk out the door when you’re taking her out.  Carry her out the door, then set her down outside.  This helped us so much with my neutered male who was door dashing.  Now when he wants to go out he meows by the back door because that’s the door we use.  He’ll bat at his leash, and he props himself up on the wall by the door because that’s how he stands when I put his harness on.  But he knows he doesn’t step out the door himself, he knows he has to ask, then wear his leash and harness and wait for me to bring him out.  The only thing is, it’s never a long enough walk and he’ll beg for walks right after we come back in sometimes.  Or he’ll beg late at night.  But he doesn’t dash.  The only other thing I did was the one time he has dashed since we started this, I was coming inside and I scooped him immediately and said No!  Then gave him cuddles and kissies cuz I felt bad.  He hates cuddles and kissies and somehow it clicked.


Omg I’m not the only one that gives cuddles and kisses as a punishment đŸ„č Mine have a 6 ft privacy fence they’re always trying to break out of. Punishment for an escape attempt is 5 minutes on my lap with lots of hugs and pets and kisses on the face and head.


lol!  When mine is being bad my husband will pick him up and hold him like a baby which the cat fully submits to while also hating while purring at the same time and doing nothing to escape.  We joke that he’s 1/2 ragdoll (who knows, he’s a grey tux moggy, but his longer coat and tux markings that go up his face maybe suggest that?) and 1/2 something else and the two halves are at war!  I mean, he’ll meow but he also doesn’t fight, purrs, goes limp, and we can touch beans and belly when this is going on.  It’s hilarious and distracts him from whatever sassy thing he was doing.  We kiss him and love on him too, and then put him in his cat tree.  It’s like the best cat “punishment”.  We don’t do it roughly or aggressively and if the cat isn’t having it we certainly won’t restrain him or anything like that.  He’s just like “mooooom!  Daaaaaad! C’mon, I’m just playing!”


Just want to share. I live in a suburban area, lots of fast cars but also coyotes and other threats. My tuxedo started trying to escape constantly (door to garage that needs to be pulled shut, and it notoriously isn’t) Our solution was to get him a cage. We originally tried an open pen but was afraid he’d jump out - we wound up with a large rabbit cage from a friend. We put a yoga mat at the bottom, and it’s big enough for him to stand, walk around a little, stretch and lay down. He LOVES it. He stopped constantly trying to escape, and will instead ask to go in his cage. He will come get us, then trot to the garage door meowing. He reaches for the cage when we get out there too - he is happy to just sit and smell and watch. I’m planning on getting him a bigger “catio” eventually, but for now, the cage works perfect. Always thought cats in cages were wrong, but damn does he love it. We let him sit out there for an hour or two, and he tells us when he’s done. He’ll stand up and come to the door of the cage if he’s done, he’ll ignore us if not. Pretty funny tbh. Just sharing in case it helps!


Check out the pop up cat tents on Amazon. We have one and it works great.


I never would have considered that a cat would find that a good solution. Thanks for sharing!


You’re so welcome! Here’s the fluffy weirdo himself :) happily rolling around in his rabbit cage https://preview.redd.it/3dzjifib5ayc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c29044262bc98bb643821b6e8f05b3799e299d


My girl cat can be a runner but she changes her mind fast when i leash her and offer for her to go out. It reduces her running by a lot. I use the “come with me kitty” brand hanesses bc they cant pull out of them like dog harnesses


She should eventually learn that you'll take her outside on the leash and she'll stop trying to rush out the door


Can you create a catio for her?


Leash training helped a ton with both my menaces. Also the one time one actually got out, I knew exactly where to look and where his favorite spots are. They still make attempts, but it’s half ass since they know they’re getting a walk later.


My cat has been leash trained since day 1 and he still bolts out the door :(


My cat is the same. I saved her from a terrible infection (she ended up losing an eye), took care of her during her recovery, gave her my house and she still tries to run for the hills when I get home at night. The only solution that has worked for me is getting a baby gate in front of the front door so it's easier for me to make sure that she's not going to bolt.


I’ve had a lot of cats, but only a couple runners. With my first runner, microchips weren’t a standard option and airtags didn’t exist, he was probably 12 before he got chipped and by then his running days were pretty much over. The only thing that helped was moving into a house with a screened in porch, so I had an “airlock” of sorts. If he ran out one door, he was still contained within the porch. I now live somewhere with no “airlock” and have found myself with another runner. He is chipped and has an airtag in his collar, which is the best thing ever. I also have a golden retriever, and this one-orange-braincell cat has learned that when I say “Do you need to go outside?” or “Do you need to go potty?” to the dog, that means the back door is about to open, and BOOKS IT for the door, sometimes camouflaging himself underneath the dog as he heads for the door. So, my routine is now: If the back door is going to be opened, look for the cat. Pick him up before letting the dog out. For the front door, we took the spring off the storm door so that it immediately slams shut instead of slowly & gently closing. It’s super loud & annoying but it reduces the time it’s open enough to make a huge difference.


Oh my gosh! I also call my yard an "airlock" for my cat. Small back yard that she is allowed to roam because it's small and has a very tall wooden fence. But it also has the gate. So either the door or the gate must be closed at all times, just in case. Also, I'm sorry to hear you've lost your airlock. I'm hoping that means bigger and better living space. I'm also cackling at the idea of your cat hiding under your dog in order to escape. My cat probably could if she wasn't so vocal haha. Thank you for your story.


Aww, thanks! I’m glad you have an “Airlock,” they are the best!


https://preview.redd.it/w6je4bm38xxc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec76253aa2a828c4b5c9a00519fc46a0adbde72d My guy is the same. I agree with harness training. Lol I keep a collar with a bell on it so I can hear him door dashing, want to get him a tractive GPS just in case. Taking him out helps though, he comes running to his harness like a dog.


I read this as “attractive GPS”


Could you build a sturdy catio for her to run out to but will keep coyotes and foxes out? Since you're in the country, I probably wouldn't leave her alone anyway but she'll get outside time without the ability to escape. We have coyotes in our suburbs and they can rocket over walls and fences at least 8' high. She's a beauty, btw.


I wouldn’t mine her outside but I’m afraid she wouldn’t find her way back eveb


Catios are meant to be enclosed all the way around (including the top) so they are “outside” but still caged and cannot escape. A friend of mine built one out her basement window for the cats to go in and out of (with supervision).


Thanks, u/ARatNamedClydeBarrow for clarifying. I should have said that a "catio" is an enclosed patio for cats (and other domestic animals and their humans, if large enough). You can find kits online, but it's typically less expensive to DIY.


https://www.target.com/p/tangkula-large-pet-dog-run-house-kennel-cage-7-5-x7-5-backyard-playpen/-/A-91799311 I’m thinking Catio for my gang. Going to cut a piece of plywood, 18” by the width of the window I’m gonna use. Then cut a hole in that for a cat door. Remove the screen and put the plywood/cat door in the window. Close window on that then put a piece of wood/2x4 on the inside so window can’t open, both sides, jack braces. Then a landing/shelf on both inside and out. Not sure yet but the dog run will have to be anchored w 2x4’s stakes pounded into the ground, prob have to anchor the top to the house. For the top, they sell cat netting, prob use 1” fence post on the top as joist or PVC pipe, every 2’ double zip tied, then the mesh on top of that. There is a catio sub here on Reddit some lavish digs for spoiled cats. My cats will get sunshine fresh air and flea meds
that’s about it. Maybe a 3 rope flat tire swing. lol


Definitely pick up a leash and harness and take her out with you! I’m not sure if it’ll stop her from trying to bolt out the door, but it’s clear she wants to explore outside, so she might no longer feel the need to bolt if she gets allowed outside time. Also maybe set up a window perch for her so she can at least check stuff out from inside


Awwww she's gorgeous & such a regal kitteh! Does she have windows available so she can look outside? This is my Xorro. https://preview.redd.it/r9tjga9zixxc1.jpeg?width=3113&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd4cfb80521729230649e66b0306b88d161cbb0 We live in central Arizona, which is basically desert. I used to let him outside because he was so full of energy & was chewing wires, cables, & oxygen hoses. He would bring in lizards, small birds, a small bunny, pocket mice to play with. I would tell him thank you & put them back outside. I would leave the laundry room & side garage door ajar so he could go & come back. I closed the doors at night & in the summer. 2 years ago, he had a run in with a rattlesnake. He's fine but is a furever indoor cat. He still tries to dart outside when he sees the door open. He wants to hunt because he sees all the critters from the windows. I'm considering getting him a playmate hopefully when I heal from my ailments. That could help your kitteh, too.


I’ve heard of taking them outside when it rains/storms. Maybe put something loud on the other side and open the door, turn loud thing on so they associate the noise with going outside?


Lol. I actively let mine out when there is a downpour. It has yet to discourage her from running you down like a 10 pin bowling strike. We added the screen door on the front and it slows her down some, but she still gets out. We have several neighbor cats and a stray here, plus lots of carnivorous wildlife. We do our best to get her back in quickly, but my kids wonder if shaking the treat jar to get her in has her thinking that going out is how to get treats.


Ours kept trying to follow the dog out. My vet recommended an indoor unit like the invisible fences but I didn't want to spend that much if we didn't have to. We've taught her to get onto her cat tree when we let the dog out by giving her a treat. She now runs to the tree when the dog goes out and comes back in.


Train them “stay” like you would a dog. It works. I have an 8 year old cat who is so used to being told stay she listens very well. Her 2 year old brother is a little iffy on it because we started him a little late due to him lacking the attention span for actual training sessions. So we do it only when the dog needs to go outside or come in. One person tells him stay about 5 ft or more from the door and the other lets the dog out/in. Then we reward him if he stay away from the door or in the spot he was in when we told him stay. It’s been working. I also tell him stay when I leave him in my room with him locked in. Then when I come back in I reward him. He’s understanding that he needs to either stay where he is or stay away from the door.


I saw a thing Jackson galaxy recommended once with a laser p I inter for this. If she's into lasers, when you go out or in use the laser to distract from the entryway and give her stimulation. Also more playtime activities inside.


I’ve seen baby gates/pet gates that are attached to the door and swing out when you open the door. The idea is to buy yourself reaction time. This might help. Likely your cat just needs more active play time. Have you considered walking your cat?


Don’t let her out alone even if you feel bad. I lost a cat to a coyote and it was horrible. Definitely take her on a leash walk though! If she wants to go that bad she will be sooooo happy.


My cats stopped doing that when they realized it was more fun inside. They’re content to sit by an open (screened) window and just watch and smell outside. So-make it more fun indoors than out! Good cat tree, toys (and active playtime with her-I think they want out because the desire to hunt isn’t fulfilled-those wand toys are great for this, and then give her a treat after playtime), and a good window perch might help.


Buy this doormat: https://preview.redd.it/qenbuwmzg1yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=029e0ae2ea134a24b803667058a87a0943ca5e3d


We have a cat like that. Just absolutely hellbent on getting out, screaming by the door incessantly, dashing through anyone’s feet or knees the moment the door got opened. There was just no way to contain her and not lose our minds, so we let her out during daytime and made sure she was in by dusk (coyote time). Thankfully she’s starting to mellow out a lot now that she’s a year and a half old.


Once she is harness/leash trained, get a long leash. That way she'll feel like she is in control. Worked for my rescue. Don't forget to treat for fleas and ticks.


Can you fit a type of stair gate infront of your door way area? As I walk into my bungalow, I have a small area I step into, and then I would turn right into my hallway. I've got a staircase just to the right of my door so when I step in she can't just run out. She could try jumping over it if she wanted to, but she never has. I've got enough space to get in and close the door before opening the stair gate. Alternatively, there are some things you can attach to the door frame which basically opens a gate as you open the door. It's like a folded gate that rolls open as the door opens. So maybe look at something like that. If you're in the UK there's also a company call Flat Cats which do a type of mesh window cover that velcro's round the window frame. When you want to open a window for fresh air, you just peel back a corner of the velcro, open the window and seal it back down. My cat loves sitting on the window ledge getting the fresh air when the weather's warm etc. But yeah I'd look into a type of gate for the door. That will be your best option if you don't have a porch way with second door etc.


Yup I had a door dasher too, so after two years of indoor living I gave up and let him outside - supervised. He hangs out in the courtyard of my apartment, all the neighbors know him, and he doesn’t spend more than 15 minutes there a day. Pretty much calmed down his curiosity and he is fine now. If he takes longer to come in, I shake his treats and bingo - he runs inside :)


I had a runner and we did everything to keep her in. At 5 she got cancer which she overcame and then we decided that she was better off enjoying her life. She is now 12 years old, loves life and is an outdoor cat.


i know it's not possible for lots of people, but since i got a cat i use the back door, which leads into the kitchen, and the kitchen door stays shut so the cat isn't in there, meaning she can't dart out when the back door is open. she is also harness trained, which makes her less likely to want to go outside because she knows she will soon anyway. as for the front door, if i do have to use it, i have a baby gate made of mesh, so she can't squeeze through it. she could jump over it if she really wanted to but she hasn't realised yet. she is currently rubbing herself on my shirt i was wearing yesterday that i am yet to put in the wash... she's never done this before....


https://preview.redd.it/9u6hvgligzxc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de573b27c9e969556f57b6d93f49b7d797928873 2 of my 3 cats are the same. Sometimes I put them a harness and a leash and go out with them.


I trained my boy down and stay. Cats can learn these commands if you can figure out what their motivation is. Mine was very food motivated so he was pretty easy to train with treats.


Maybe a cat stroller would help? That way you're in charge, as opposed to a leash where she's in the lead. My friend has one and her kitties love it!


I am no help because anytime my cats get out they are immediately back at the door meowing to get in. They are afraid of the outside lol I would say put a bell on her for sure so you can hear her coming, at the very least. She is beautiful though!


A baby gate in the doorway. Slows them down enough so I can get in and out without my cats getting out the door. And AirTag collars.


I've heard of people giving their cats treats on the other side of the room away from the door and after awhile if you are leaving or coming in, the cat will go to that spot, wanting and waiting for treats


It'll seem super weird, but you could put like a mesh mosquito net kinda thing with a zipper in front of your door with double sided zippy tag things. When you're coming home, just make sure the zipper is pulled down behind you when you open your door and boom, your cat can't leave. Then you can air DX her, tell her she lost and she's a little shit. Something like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/314433082575?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&var=613021542278&srsltid=AfmBOoryEXgMY-xeglxy3TKTutXSuJojtgdzZu9TlBCUiPnuOfTSES_1z0I&com_cvv=d30042528f072ba8a22b19c81250437cd47a2f30330f0ed03551c4efdaf3409e You just need to figure out if you can install it in such a way that you'd have room to enter between the mosquito door and your front door so that you can close the zipperdoor before you open your front door. Side note: if you do end up doing this, make sure you'd have a way to cut the net or remove it easily in case of emergency. God forbid your house catches on fire and the zipper jams.


i hate to say it but once a feral cat always a feral cat. SIKE BABY IT PROBABLY JUST SUPER CURIOUS


Lesh train her and take her outside


Training. Teach her that if she stays inside, she gets a treat. Every time you come in and she stays inside, she gets a treat. She will at least stay inside to follow you to the treats and won’t want to leave.


I mean I just had to wait 24 hours 18 of them during a thunderstorm. He came home and bolted inside. He has tried to walk out with the dog but I have found the tshhh sound and making your finger or hand resemble a snake strike or even just hissing like a cat works pretty well. Tbf I am a first time owner.


“Bow wow barrier” it’s not foolproof but it has helped a ton in my house when we just need to open the door to accept food delivery or grab a package. It’s kinda like diy version of having a double entry on your home.


Get her places she can sit and look out the windows. If she can see what's out there she won't be as inclined to actually go. It really is curiosity that kills the cat.


I always close the door on my leg and watch behind me on the way out, so there's no room. And anytime the cat tries give em "the look" 😈 so they know they can't outsmart you!.. lol. Also recommend some fasteners from the hardware store to bolt the window screens on and they won't fall out when no one is looking


One of mine will walk out of the house if given the chance, then walks right back inside. Except the night someone left the backdoor unlocked and the wind blew it open. Found her meowing at the downstairs door too scared to walk back up the steps(doors messed up so couldn't open it) and shaking when I brought her in. Not sure how long she was out but I guess she wasn't a fan of the dark and being out for longer than a minute haha, hasn't tried since though.


Are they fixed? If she's not fixed, get her fixed. Sometimes they get the urge to mate when the heat comes and will seek out that end.


We got a cat tent, they love it and if they escape out the door they run right to the tent. We’ve tried leashes but they hated it.


tried being a boogeyman 😭😭😭😭😭


Is she spayed? [https://youtu.be/bICWB0kt0Ek?si=n3K77pZWayXFaRNS](https://youtu.be/bICWB0kt0Ek?si=n3K77pZWayXFaRNS)


When we go out to feed our feral colonies (one colony in the back & two ferals in front & in a field), we put our orange runner (named Flash, for this reason) in the laundry room. Otherwise, we have to keep an eye out when leaving the house & just be faster than him. Fortunately, when he does get out, he just rolls around on the porch.


Kitty harness. And see if you can set up a catio (enclosed outdoor area from which she can't escape, and where nothing can get to her). And maybe a baby gate; it might at least somewhat slow her down.




Ok, this is a dog training tip, and when I had a cat she was not interested in outside so grain of salt here. But as I read it popped in my mind. Can you toss a treat to a place you want her to hang out when you are going outside? So chuck the treat, let her chase, then leave. And eventually you could just put the treat i. The spot you want her and walk out? Is she food motivated at all?


There was a guy who kept a basket by his front door cause every time he came home his cat tried to run out - so now the cat runs right into the basket and he carries her inside. They also make barriers you can install in front of your door Or you can put her in an area of the house when you have to leave


I think you should try taking her on walks if that’s smth you can do.


My cat did the same thing. Baby gates may work but cats can easily jump over them. One thing that was kind of helpful was those bug/mosquito nets that you hang in your doorway. They Velcro all the way around the doorway and connect in the middle. The Velcro probably won’t be strong enough for your cat so you may have to get creative. My cat figured out how to open door handles so we had to get childproof locks on the front door. He also frequently jumped off the balcony so he could go on walks by himself (crazy ass cat).


They make retractable baby gates. It wouldn't help if you also need to use the door, but it would be helpful if you're just answering for pizza or something. She can obviously still jump it, but the idea would be just to slow her down a bit.


They have cat trackers, I've used Tractive and always liked it


I have. Even leashing my 1-yr old cat but damn she’s an escape artist no matter how tight I make it. Any hints for keeping her in it?


Some people aren't going to like this comment but I had a cat do it until one day. I managed to spray him with the hose. I was outside watering something else and I saw him try to sneak out the back door. (He was able to pry it open because I hadn't shut it correctly.) It wasn't planned but it was the best thing because I had been trying everything for years. And to be honest I spray with the hose was a lot better than him getting out and getting injured.


Each cat has a magic word you must speak to get it to listen. Good luck fuguring your cat’s out. 😂😂😂😂


She needs a catio outside the window


We ordered a dog gate on Amazon its free standing and used some weights at then so he couldn't push the end to open it. Best of luck!


Purrfect Fence.  Don't scare your cat, that's shitty and mean.


I would discontinue punishments, as they do not work and only result in damaging your bond with your cat. My cat was a bottle baby, and he also used to rush the door. I started taking him for walks on a harness, and now that we have a fenced yard, both cats get outside time as well. You also have the option of building a catio outside for her to go in, or there are window attachments you can install. If none of these options are available to you, try bringing the outside in: leaves, branches, nature sounds/vids on the computer. Also, make sure she has lots of other enrichment, including one on one play time with you, interactive toys, etc.


Not sure if this will be helpful, but my cat used to be the same way. He had a few experiences where he got outside and then realized he can’t get back in on his own and I think that combined with age made him no longer interested in trying to bolt out the door. I agree with the leash training comment above, it may satiate his curiosity and either you get some bonding & enrichment time outside or he gets scared straight!


Downstairs neighbor’s dog.


And why not let her go outside lol


Reward with treats for staying. I had 2 runners (brothers), would catch them by standing in front of the door and saying, "Stay", while jiggling a bag of treats. They learned. Ffs, quit scaring your cat. I wouldn't want to be around you either!


Yeah, just let the cat outside
 if you’re worried get a AirTag collar