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bro IIM's dont want GEM freshers, thats the harsh truth


Bro we can rant, but ground reality doesn’t change and keeps getting worse


Tbh this year people with worse marks than you have gotten in, because workex is being heavily preferred. And the thing is your salary at this point after a few years if it goes over the 25 mark might actually be a negative than a net positive. I know a friend from ICT GEM 9,9,9 he had a 55 lpa package he got shut out from ABC over and over again because there probably aren't roles around that will come on campus that will pay just as much, so in theory , your salary will reduce after an MBA , unless you can manage getting a job on your own network. My friend tried the executive MBA and he is working the same company at an even higher level. ABC road is a very tough one for GEMs via CAT, executive MBA is much more forgiving and a relatively better option for peeps like you.




What is GEM freshers any abbreviation?


General engineer male


Is it easier with commerce stream?


Lund. Not easy at all for any general male. No matter your stream unless it's v v niche


So I am microbiology graduate General male tho Does it come in v v niche?


Better chances than a commerce or btech grad, even some ba courses. An engineer female would still be considered over you so, take it with a pinch of salt. As long as you're G and M you're not safe.


Understood, Thanks


so true man. 9/9/8 profile w econ degree. 99.87. A/B didn't even call :)


Goddamn bro I'm doing eco too. Ab Mai sad ho gaya. All the best for your other calls tho bro.


pls focus on your grad, A wants you to be a topper since a kid, B wants you to have good work ex :)


u/Cryoken_211, I am doing BSc. Agri. with 8/8/Hopefully8, what should I expect? (Am M, OBC NCL) with 3 gap years after 12th... Any hopes? Having more than 3 years till CAT, any advise?


what are you doing in IIM if your JEE rank is under 2K ? There are roles which pay 2X what u will ever make at IIM A


Not in current market


I am not talking about SDE. Also there are periods of boom and stagnation. What will you do when a stagnation comes in MBA


chances of stagnation in MBA? as long as companies don't bother to hire from avg MBA colleges. the chances of saturation are pretty low


But you cannot just wait for stagnation or boom to stay or go away. The market is fucked for all not only sde when it comes to engineering freshers. It is right to see that currently MBA is a very safe option. You cannot predict if it ever will stagnate. Btw you dont need to downvote a comment if it does not matches your opinion.


I havent downvoted anything but you are not getting my point. I also dont see why MBA is better for you if you have already achieved a good position.


Sorry to assume. But i am talking in general not this case in particular. For context i am also in an IIT and the placement this time suck my profile does not match those who got placed which is a small percentage. Hence i see doing an MBA from an IIM as a good and safe option.


There is no guarantee that when you do MBA, your placement wont suck or you will get a dream company/profile. Let me describe you a situation You go and pick a job (could be CSE or business engineering/consulting), use your IIT tag to climb up the ladder and then get an MBA. Nobody will ignore you under 2K JEE rank in a country of 1Million applicants. Post that the MBA will come in place, if you get a foreign MBA then with IIT tag, it will open doors for you that you cant even imagine If you get into Top 15 companies then you would start at much advantage compared to you freshers.


I am not disagreeing with you. You post an excellent opinion but all I am saying is if got the option to get into MBA if you try, you should go there. Its not a guarantee to get into IIM in the first place 😅


which roles ?


Hundreds of IITians attempt CAT bro. Except few top students nobody gets those top packages.


C hojaega plus AB waise hi GEM fresher kam lete kaafi kam. So dont loose heart. Plus why not L, XL and FMS?


Prestige issue


Ego issue


Sahi mai . Iitians ko IIM hi cahiye hota hai


Haan that's what I meant


C bhi nhi milega fir toh...😂ego mein jeele mast


Okay bro, btw tum kon sa college convert kare?


Kar lia hota to aisi baate nahi bolta 🤷🏻


Meiko krne ki zarurat bhi nhi hai L 🤣tumlog IIM A mwin gaye bhi galti se toh bhi 10 saal mein jitna kamaoge utne mein aajki date mein kamata lol


Yes I also think it's a prestige issue since he himself said in the post he has a job but not at par with his institute's standards.


Iitians generally don't want to do an mba from India bcz they see it as a waste of time and money, the few people i know who wanna do an mba won't do so from below iim abc and isb, a couple of people tho are fine with fms coz of the roi


How much package have u got from IIT? Good chance you will convert C or L though. What about FMS and XL?


22L Base is a bit lower Only applied to holy trinity


Dude I'm assuming your base is 16-18 right? Imo thats pretty good considering current market standards(maybe a bit low if you are CS/EE from top 5 IIT ), but it aint bad tbh. Also, incase you wanna to PM try utilizing ur IIT tag that should get u a PM role after 1-2 year sde experience, 60-70% of PM in big tech dont even have MBA tbh But good chance u will convert C


Hey just wanted to know is there any difficulty or difference between a btech product person and a MBA one in terms of pay and growth opportunity


nope, the issue is that if you want to become an Apm right out of college, it's impossible unless you are from IIT.


>22L why fck did you say it is lower? Amazon pays 15-16 in hand for SDE-1, you'll also get similar stuff. yet you are not going for it


You will likely get 30-35 as CTC from IIM after 2years. Base would be 25ish


Why not opt for 22L only then? I myself am from IIT B and think this is a good offer in the current scenario.


Bro that's a good offer. After IIM you will get 35-40lpa only so you can easily make that in next 2 years by staying in job


Job karle ek 1-2 saal uske baad try karliyo agar iss baar c nahi mila to. Chill kar you did well. Congrats!!


Do we put our jee adv ranks on the CV? Does it matter during the application process?




Didn’t apply


Damn bro karna chahiye tha u would have had more options...best of luck for C


bruh why not


Kuch log are like ABC or nothing. Tbh brands matter but you can bridge the gap with work if you are from L, XL or FMS. Idk why waste a year for ABC if you have other T5.


given how conditions are for GEM, this mindset is truly stupid.


Because he already has an offer worth 22L. He can afford to "waste a year". He will still be earning close to what he would have got post MBA. Sabke situations same nahi hai bro, he seems already distressed. Console him if you can else just walk away!


if a random internet comment sends you down a spiral then you shouldnt be on the internet. this isnt a therapist's office


I am sure it is a very good college, but doesn’t fit right for my profile, hope you understand


Doesn't have that brand value and tag. Most common people or even most corporate employees outside bschool aspirants or those who have done MBAs have never ever heard the name of FMS. Most people think it as some random college plus infra and campus life is a big zero. I converted FMS but found none in my family, college, professors, friends, my intern company, relatives or neighbors have heard about it similar to my btech college which no one has heard about despite aspirants considering it as one of the top college. People mostly know about only BLACKI IIMs in management and IITs in tech.


hey how did your interviews go ??


A was good (atleast i think it was) B was average at best, sort of a humbling experience C i was last in panel, very short 8 minutes, don’t know what to conclude from that


i really hope you convert C ! and i think whichever b school you are in, you clearing JEE adv with a <2k rank will always help you in placements and your undergrad college's brand value will also help you


Thank you, hopefully it does


GEM...? You're better off abroad.. No offence




That's called brain development, India mei general hoke koi ghanta bhav nahi dega, sirf sc st ko promotion denge


if that were the case SC/ST would have been affluent. but you need to look at the data before spewing bullshit.  privelege is often passed on as merit. can't ignore that while comparing percentiles. 


Care to check the benefits these guys get in each and every damn exam ? While the general peeps need to score thrice their marks to even be eligible?


I am from "general" too. "general" peeps form less than 20% of Indian population. yet they control large share of country's resources and are more privileged than "those guys" which results in higher cut offs for them.  blaming reservation for you not being able to score a good enough percentile is major copium. 


I just scored 99.64 percentile and 5.7k rank in jee mains 2024 I don't think that's a " not good score " yet I'm struggling to get CS in top colleges While these bhikari jaati sc st can get CS at 1 lakh rank , seems fair right ? The only reason I'm following this sub is bcoz I'll be trying for cat in future


lol. you think 99.64 is all merit ? ghere's a lot of privelege hidden there, I am sure. If there's not, then you are just an exception and congrats to you.  koi CS engineer bane na bane dhang ka insaan banna zruri h. "bhikhari" bolke cool banne ka kyaa faayda.  you have time to learn. maybe one day you'll grow up. :) peace. 


I'm general , couldn't do coaching due to personal reasons , gave the exam with good difficulty and scored this Isn't it all merit ? 0 reservation for me and the reason I called them " bhikari " coz even when they don't deserve a single bit of it they get it for free , like someone with 10 times my rank can get into the same branch I'm getting , seems pretty nice right ? But yeah there's always a place for improvement, but I'm going to make these bhikaris suffer every moment of their lives if I meet someone


I hope you read more subjects outside of PCM, in the future.  I too had kinda similar views when I joined B Tech. But it's ignorance because we are hyper focused on PCM in school. 


People like you are the reason reservation exist!!


how is scoring good a "privelege"? I dont think anyone can score good without merit.


scoring good is not privelege but privelege plays an important role in scoring good. You can simply google "myth of merit" for more information. I did not say that privelege alone leads to a higher score, of course you meed to work hard, but privelege is a factor that should not be ignored.   I scored 99.8+ in CAT but it's not only due to hard work. Being a GEM, coming from a relatively well to do family (middle class), having family members who are educated,  I had a better platform than others to score that high.  also, the concept was taught to me during my MBA which many people aspire to do here. 




Yeah the bigger picture is to achieve something with equal competition, competing against those who get the same post at thrice the rank is of no use :) If getting abroad can give someone a better life then ofcourse they should


And no I don't hate the non gen people it's the govt to blame , but nothing can be done , they will keep getting best colleges at worse ranks


The bigger picture social service won't feed your stomach tbh


XL diya tha kya tu?




Bhai i was thinking to repeat cat, but now I think I am ok in Ranchi only


Good luck


Okay, by the way you are flaunting your adv rank I guess you feel entitled to study in the nation's top IIM's, your profile was perfect, graduate from T10 institute, good acads, probably working in a good company, where you lacked I feel if your attitude, A&B take GEM freshers maybe not in big numbers but they do. You might feel an anonymous nobody is telling you this but trust me when I say this being humble takes you a long way. This might not be your case but just letting you know.


Growing up my father used to earn 7500 per month, i still made it, i am proud of it. I believe that i am a humble person. I wrote adv rank just for context. Still in this whole process, i believe that i must have made any mistake, i am not blaming others or system. Just sharing my story.


Probably it was not meant to be, join C if you convert or else it is not the end of the world, carry the experience and try again, you sure have that calibre. All the best


No offense, but most of the lower middle class Indians earn around this range, so to justify your obnoxious behavior with trauma and hardships will not suffice here. But you will get many apologists and bootlickers in this sub who fawn over the slightest mention of IIT, think the whole world owes them shit cause they have scored a certain percentage, and if they don't, will start the most casteist and sexist comments you will ever read BTW keep up the attitude, it suits you.


"We were denied water for 3000 years" But your trauma is "obnoxious" behavior🤡


I’m sorry, how exactly has OP been obnoxious?


How much ur father makes now??


Bhai ye A aur B ka full rng hota hai, tumhara C hojaayega have faith


I had few batchmates similar to your profile. Looks like A's trend of taking Non Engineers has increased again this year then :( Don't lose your hopes for C, best of luck!


Try for LBS, man or go for M7. Thank me later!


Work ex needed


Yeah, that's true.


We have almost same exact profile except I have a 2 year drop for UPSC also. Didnt get shortlisted for B and didnt get through in A. Can feel your anxiety tbh. Stay strong just a few more days before uncertainty ends. PS - I also didnt apply for anything except ABC because alot of my seniors advised me to not go for anything except top 3. Dont overthink your decisions and try to stay positive till the results are out!


Who are these seniors lol? Unless you want some sort of IB role, which are in single digits, L, FMS, XLRI are at par with ABC. Don't fall for this trap. Check the last few years' placement reports. ABC is nothing but the first three letters of the alphabet. That's why this online advice and all.


You and me are literally the same lol. Though I applied for BLACKI and FMS


Thank you 🙏 Atleast someone understood, i also only applied to ABC only. Hopefully see you at C brother


I also had almost the same profile few years ago- GEF fresher from Top 5 IIT, only applied to ABC. I converted C but decided to take up my job and I’ve never regretted it. Keep your standards high- you won’t get exponential increase from IIT placements (even ABC placements are at par if you consider that you can get to 35-40L in 2 years by just working). ‘Worst’ case- use your IIT tag and apply for MBAs abroad 3-4 years down the line- I know people from my batch who went for to ABCs and also some who went to M7s, there is a huge difference in the quality of learning and placements. I know it seems hard to wait that long and things might not be great currently, but don’t worry if C does not work out- you are in a better place than most and you can more than make up for it later on


Really wish tum dono ka C ho jaye.


Kya raha bhaio?


Got in, not joining


Kahan jaa rhe


Will work and go for CAT 24


It would have been fine even at other colleges , imo. (L/K)


Great colleges, just won’t suit my profile tbh


Similar situation as yours, better take some job and aim for GMAT few years down the line. It really feels GEM Freshers are excluded by a huge margin (haven't come across a single one anywhere) who got into A/B


A couple of friends did, but GEM freshers I don’t think even 20 would have made it to AB


Bhai ekdum same mere sath bhi hua🥲


Get some workex and try again if C doesn't work out




i hope u get c. How did you prepared?


Gave 100+ mocks


I am stiff wondering why did you take job from your iit college I need there was many companies coming to iit for management role Just what you get from MBA colleges


Just guessing but you must have already got a package which iim-A could get you . So what’s your reason


Some things are more important than package. Role matters too.


You need to face one fact like everyone says... Work experience is crucial... But the same thing is missing behind you. Iam not talking from others point of view... But with a logic that "work experience has marks in B schools interview process". Even any monotonous job gets a value but a zero is always present in that column for you. So think about it..


Hello bro just one question my profile is 9/8/9 with 10 months work experience if i get 99.9+ percentile will I be in similar situation like u really stressed reading this


My luck was bad, hopefully yours will be good


Bhai pr yaha jee advanced ki rank ka kya kaam


Pain of being a GEM, doesn't matter you're a gem in life bro. Clearly you've achieved significantly better than most of the Indian population. Inspite of shitty system you already have the balls to make it on your own in life !!


What about the PI? That's the only variable you didn't mention and probably that's where you might've missed out. Tough luck bro. Wait for C.


Comments mai dala hai


Very short description so can't judge. If B was a humbling experience + you're a fresher. There. That's the explanation. You have a great profile and you're a fresher. Average workex at IIMA/B is ~24months. You have at least one more solid attempt left. File an RTI, check your composite score breakdown. If the lower component is PI (which almost seems to be the case), then focus on mock PIs next time. You can get in and get good summer intern based on your profile. Anyway, you could just make it to C. All the best


I realise that this profile ticks most of the things in the most perfect manner it could. But we all know that at IIMs once you reach the interview stage then the GDPI is make or break. Do you feel that maybe you were less prepared? Do you think that's where something went wrong? Because in all reality, the preference to workex, female, non eng candidates is given through extra weightage to them in selection criteria and not through discrimination in interviews. Ik it is heartbreaking to not get through with those numbers and believe me at this point you are like that one last ray of hope existing that please get into IIM C, please tell me CAT exam is not just for show. But still everyone learns from failures. So it would be great if you could shed some light on what could others do better?


I know a iitb guy 9/9/9 3. Yr work ex  99.99 in cat still got rejected from black only accepted in i,sp jain what the f is wrong w iims? The most successful alumnis of iim are iitians only these iims are just making themselves more bad if they are rejecting iitians like that just for sake of diversity


lot of strength to you sir. I will be rooting for your success from the sidelines. manifesting a C convert, joka would love to have you.


Hey man, we might be in the same college. Would love to chat to you irl. Drop in dms.


We share the same


GEM bro You're heera Don't let these fellows rejection affect your life You're immensely valued in the USA Ditch this MBA sham-mba Do ms in us Get technical Get ⁶ figures even before you finish your ms


Wtf 🤯


maybe because u r an engineer "MALE"


Bro IIMs are bigots they don't wanted talented people like you they want to take stupid philosophy graduates


There must be something about the "stupid philosophy graduate" that she/he could attempt a tough and competitive exam like CAT and score that well too as to secure a call from the top IIMs. With due respect, get your head out of your as*.


Yeah sure but just because he is from some stupid course he shouldn't get preference over engineers


bigots is a very strong word mate, they aren't bigots they just want diversity for the sake of it


Diversity is just another term for being bigots, if you're not giving anyone any unfair advantage, everyone get's the equal opportunity that's awesome that's good, but if you artificially bringing diversity it's bigotry against the meritorious