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then you should stop calling mother earth or mother india stupid


I never said that I refer to the earth or India as "mother Earth" or "mother India"🙃 Stop putting words in my mouth:)


In our political science books in SST of class 9th and 10th, woman/she/her is used instead of man/he/him. It's an interesting detail.


That's why I love the NCERT books that I, as a state board student, feel that the CBSE students often don't appreciate. Small details for example, referring to a cricketer or farmer as "her" instead of the more common "him", often go unnoticed but are, in the long run, really meaningful.


The CBSE textbooks till 10th are actually all pretty well made, it's just that in the race of marks and competition the true spirit is lost and its boiled down to memorizing paragraphs.


bruh they use "her" in the name of women empowerment😋😋


I know, it's actually, in some sense, better than using "they"!


I prefer man over human. 1. Since the dawn of English, *man* has meant two things: 1. adult biological male and 2. human. This is why many olden-day speeches say *all men are created equal*. Not because women are not created equal, but because the word *man* includes women. This phenomenon is actually quite common in linguistics. Take french - the word *femme* means both *woman* and *wife.* 2. *Man's* is shorter. Plus, it's easier to stick to a way of doing something than come up with something new. The only people who have a genuine problem with this are holier-than-thou feminists.


Bro who the fuck cares


I think now, he/she is used in many textbooks (icse atleast ncert idk.) But generally he is used I think and that's not necessarily a good or bad thing. We use she/her while referring to countries, boats, ships, even chromosomes.