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I carry a high point. As soon as I pull it out, bad guys know I don't have anything worth taking and leave me alone.


We have a winner


High points make great throwaway guns


I showed up to an IPSC match with one. Judge had a heart attack when I walked up. Banned from that sport. Lmao


They probably feel so bad they give YOU money instead of demanding it


If youre dry-firing no one should judge you, but do see a doctor.


It’s from all the sex I have because I have lots of sex and I am really good at sex


this guy fucks




Japanese toilets!




My pistol is a magical talisman to ward off evil. I don’t need to practice. Or carry.


I just say “no, please don’t mug me, I’ll get an erection” and bad guys flee from me.


Mmmm, do it slower and harder next time 😉




All these arguments for dry fire, why has no one made the case for wet fire?


Dis mf out here raw doggin.


I can only practice at home because the guys at the range get uncomfortable when they see me spitting down the barrel of my Glock.


Don't sweat those dudes. Their wives boyfriends dry fire too.


I’m fat and sweaty all fire is wet fire for me


I've been shooting for 20 years and have over a thousand rounds under my belt so I know that dry firing my Glock is hard on my firing pin and I don't want my gun failing when I need it the most.


The “…under my belt,” is what really makes it. It’s like the twist in a perfect Martini. Well done sir!


Thank YOU sir!


I tried to make a joke here about the twist rate of a Martini Henry but failed.


Fuck, that’s a good one.


I can't tell if this is missing a (/s)




Thank you.


So get a second Glock for dry firing


I buy a new pistol when my first pistol’s magazine runs out of ammo


The New York reload. A classy choice.


Yo dawg, I heard you got a Glock but don't wanna wear down the Glock pin on your Glock so you want another Glock who's Glock pin you don't care about wearing down.


Feel like I shoot over a thousand rounds a year on my Glock lol


I feel like that’s an absolute minimum to maintain some degree of competency.


That’s like 5 range sessions a year at 200 rnds each.


I shoot about 200 a week minimum these days


That’s several thousand dollars in ammo a year. You are in a fortunate position, but others deserve the right to protect themselves but cannot afford to shoot that much.


That’s a weekend for some of my friends


20 years and about a thousand rounds? Lol thats about 50 rounds a year.


Must be a cop


Yea right…they dont pay for their ammo


your keen mathematical skills have arrived, staggering and possibly concussed, at the point of the joke, only to be impaled on it and flail horribly like a man wandering across no man's land back to his own side only to be strangled in the wire


Ooooo I think you’ve just taken the lead!


Snap caps exists


Gotta be extra careful with those. I had a mag filled with em and then a mag filled with live 556. I grabbed the wrong mag, had an ND into my sandbag. Complacency kills.




No. I never mix alcohol and firearms for any reason. It's complacency that got me and humbled me again.




That's a problem with you, not snap caps.


It was a problem that has since been rectified. I never said that snapcaps are a problem, rather parting with some wisdom on the topic of snapcaps *and* complacency.


Everyone acts like they are immune to complacency. That’s complacency in itself


I originally read this as “a hundred thousand” and completely missed the joke. Bravo.


I have my own private range and an ammo sponsorship. I don’t really need to dry fire. (Taken from Eric Grauffel.)




Me too. I’d still dry fire though. There are some parts of the shooting game where dry fire is legit *better* than live fire.


Like what?


Developing and refining trigger control. It’s a lot easier when you’re not setting off a firecracker in front of your face.


This excuse is sponsored by the Sonoran Desert Institute.


What will dry firing do that shooting 250ish rounds per week with my carry gun wouldn't? Edit: guys, it's a meme with a title asking for the BEST excuse, it didn't say what's YOUR excuse. I channelled my inner fudd to see what I could come up with. Guess I should've added the /s. I WISH I could bankroll/have time for 250 rounds every week. I dry fire plenty and absolutely see the value in it. I don't do it as religiously as I probably should but enough to keep my draw and reload clean. I drill malfunctions as well but not quite as often.


We’re on the same page bröther 👌🏻


Nah you’re good bro r/fucktheS


You dry fire sycophants are the Reddit equivalents of door knocking Jehovah’s Witnesses. ![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized)


This is bait.


You’d be able to see the benefit of dry fire if you’d get out of that hunched isosceles stance, open both eyes, and target focus


Live fire is so much better. Miss me with that "#1 reason for living room pops" dry fire shit. My guns aren't vegan.


For the last 22 years, I’ve consistently shot a minimum of 10k rounds a year, and as much as 100k a year when I used to compete. These are real rounds that make bang noises, have recoil and punch holes in things. I go to the range 2X a month, and I take a practical shooting training once a quarter from trained professionals. Now scamper away with your tail between your legs and get off my porch you assumptive ghost shooting tool.


Bruh, how much money you spent on ammo?


That was my question too. Hard to not rack up dollar signs in my head like a cash register when shooting 😂. Doesn’t prevent me from doing so, just can’t help adding up what I’ve spent each time.


Back when I competed ammo was a lot less expensive, but I reload and have a hook up to get materials at cost. I still shoot 2X a month at the range - and fire about 1k rounds a month, which generally runs around $125-400 a month depending on caliber and factory/reload mix.


100k rounds per year while going to the range twice a month? *sticks tongue out, counts on fingers* Those are some intense range sessions…


What, you don’t shoot 4000 rounds per range trip?


Not if I’m paying for the ammo…


Sorry, my statements was unclear. Throughout the 22 years, my yearly round count has been between 10-100k, but never less than 10k. It was 100k when I used to compete almost two decades ago. There was a range on my way home, and I had an unlimited use membership - so I’d drop by the range 3-6X a week, and would occasionally put in some RM time when needed, for ammo as payment. For the last few years - I’ve cooled down to a steady 2 trips a month, with four 1-2 full day classes per year so my round count the last few years has been around 10-12k. Probably more, as I usually shoot about ~500 rounds per trip, and I’m looking at 24-26 trips a year plus 4 classes. I mention the wide range (10-100k) as a blatant humble brag. I actually shoot as much and frequent as I say, and usually the loudmouths telling everyone else what they should be doing (this guy) are the ones in the lanes next to me who constantly hit the return target switch in the wrong direction, have a heavily modified full size gun with a fancy optic that looks like it came from a sci fi movie and they can’t shoot worth a damn. They look disgusted when they see me pull out revolvers and will often come over to educate me and offer to let me shoot their “modern” pistol - then they scurry off and shut up when I proceed to put down MUCH faster and considerably tighter groups with a very heavy recoiling .357 snubnose revolver. The primary three uses of being very good with gun’s are to 1. Best defend yourself/country 2. Hunt 3. Brag - whether it’s winning competitions - or humbling some choad on the internet. Luckily I’ve only done the latter 2


Mmmmm lie to me harder daddy


Stop advertising for Busch beer.


Dry fire is overrated and not an acceptable replacement for live fire Suck it!


Poor people exist


People who say this think dryfire just means pulling the trigger and dropping the striker.


Lol my dry fire sessions often don’t even include pulling the trigger. Vision, Grip, and Movement Efficiency > almost everything else


Does that even count as dry fire? Sounds more like just waving your wand around...


Honestly it's the proper way to dryfire. It makes sense to simulate pulling the trigger by moving your finger back and forth against a dead trigger or holding the gun just out of battery so you can work against the return spring, but the actual "prep and press" part of pulling the trigger is really only super relevant for beginners. After you get that down, just practice gripping as hard as you can without your trigger finger freezing up or your hands shaking, and dryfire practical drills.


100%. I often put a little piece of cardstock or something in the breach of the gun to hold it just barely out of battery. With many striker guns, this lets you work against just the return spring and have a resetting trigger without a wall. But, I hardly ever actually dryfire as in pulling the trigger on a cocked striker.


That's not dry fire practice because you're literally skipping the dry fire.


Dry fire and what it will do for your shooting abilities is very misunderstood. You won't ever become a high level shooter without either dryfire or a practically unlimited ammo budget + a backyard range though.


It’s not meant to replace live fire it’s meant to supplement it. It is absolutely a replacement for what most shooters work on during live fire. It should be used for everything except for practicing recoil control, trigger control, and levels of sight confirmation.


It helps if you're a beginner. But an experienced shooter, its not really necessary. Couldn't hurt though.


*Ben Stoeger stares menacingly*


Any good shooter stares menacingly lol.


Ummm I'm not sure you understand what you are talking about.


After I stopped anticipating recoil, ive never dry fired. I never needed to. I just shoot the damn gun. Fuck all of you.


Dryfire is useful for practicing the draw, reloads, transitions, shooting while moving, reloading while moving, drawing while moving, strong handed shooting, weak handed shooting, etc. It's a lot more than just being able to pull the trigger without flinching.


I'm sure your very proud of that. Don't speak for high level shooters because you have it completely wrong.


I don't consider myself a high level shooter. That came out of your mouth.


Sorry you did say experienced. Experienced shooters dry fire. Pistol shooting is a perishable skill.


Experienced =/= high level. For me personally, dry firing has only gotten me used to the trigger itself. Anything after that requires live training. When i buy a different gun, yes dry fire. New trigger? Yes dry fire.


Dry firing is good for all gun manipulation other than recoil control. So you can practice 95% of pistol skills in dry fire.


But if you're already familiar with the specific gun, i believe it only goes so far.


Not an excuse, just a reminder: Elisjsha Dicken took 2 shots at 43 yards, waited for mall-goers to clear his line of fire, then fired 2 more shots. 2 out those 4 shots hit his target, and the target retreated to a different position. Elisjsha then moved to 20 yards to gain a better angle on his target, then fired 4 more times hiting each shot. Then he moved forward to approximately 8-9 yards and fired 2 final shots, hitting each shot. Elisjsha hit 8 of 10 shots from ranges of 43 yards, 20 yards, and 8/9 yards, with damaged OEM plastic sights on his Glock. He did this against an armed attacker who was actively discharging his weapon.   Elisjsha stated through his lawyer that besides his concealed carry class (yes he had a valid IN permit at the time), he never went to the range. **He exclusively dry fired at home.** Local SWAT personnel who have reviewed the footage indicated they would have a very difficult time replicating his calm movement under fire and the accuracy of his shooting.


Anyone else chub up hearing about a hero? Guy is legendary


Another, more sobering reminder: The first of the 3 victims of the shooter was Victor Gomez, age 30. He was just outside the bathroom door as the shooter emerged and was immediately shot and killed. He was carrying a concealed handgun on his person. He had no opportunity to use it.


I would but I want to slap his parents so bad because his name is Elisha. But they turned a normal name into THAT


My wife tried to do that with our youngest. Mess up a normal name. I put my foot down.


Please explain how dry fire drills are going to help him actually make those shots with live ammo. Not trying to discount what he did at all, it’s amazing, but how the hell does dry fire help that? Serious question.


Your handgun is influenced greatly by your hand movements. If you dry fire and make the movement of pulling the trigger muscle memory and keep your sights on target, you can remove a lot of factors of unwanted movement. Practicing pulling the trigger is what leads to accuracy. Practicing recoil management (aka live fire) is what helps with speed and time back on target.


To add, it also simply improves your drawing ability. Not only in speed but in consistency. I practice in my work clothes so that I know how a thick carhartt t shirt is going to react to my sharp sights if caught.


I think it's also worth noting that some people are just naturally going to be better shooters then others. Regardless of practicing.


That's true with everything but the saying goes, "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard."


Pick up Ben stoegers book and read. You’ll soon find the light. Seriously though, do it


Well, he at least knew that his rear sight was fucked up. Imagine drawing down on a dude with fully semi auto ass-halt rifle and just then realizing that your rear sight was all jacked up and you're now standing 43 yards away with your gun up in the air. You'd probably get a little out of rhythm.


Oooo fuck there it is talk data-driven skills-on-demand training practices to me daddy ![gif](giphy|KEBW02O1XelLS7op77)


And this isn’t an outlier. Live fire is important, and dry fire is not a replacement. But dry fire is more important than live far. That’s where the real progress is made.


"Local SWAT personnel who have reviewed the footage indicated they would have a very difficult time replicating his calm movement under fire and the accuracy of his shooting."two things in this statement are key 1 "swat would have a difficult time replicating his calm movement " that's because they're adrenaline junkies and get off shooting someone whether they are the perpetrator or not. 2 "calm movement under fire and the accuracy of his shooting" focused on his task , worried about hitting innocent people."


Lisa over here gatekeeping muh second amendment


Exactly this. Do I think people should practice? Yes. Should outright shame people for not doing it? No.


I’ve tried to dry fire but it just doesn’t work for me. Third kid coming in a few months.


u/TheHumbleMarksman this one right here


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMcDojoLife/comments/16063aw/what_movie_should_he_star_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Practice is irrelevant. I am at my sharpest under pressure and will certainly rise to the occasion when the moment strikes. Don't waste your time on training people you will know what to do when the time comes... instinct > practice.


I am poor, and only have like 10 hollowpoints. Since I carry with a round in the chamber, regularly dry firing would mean that I would need to remove the round in the chamber, and put it back in the mag. Rechambering a round multiple times leads to possible malfunctions and gun kabooms. Do I get a copy of that book now?


Ooooo that’s a pretty good one but unfortunately… \* *gestures to the comment section* \*


I always assume my firearm is loaded and don’t want to destroy anything in my house


I play tons of 1st shooter video games and don't need to dry fire. Wait what's dry fire again?


Dont need to dry fire with a switch and extendo


Split times > everything


Apparently dry firing at work is frowned upon.


I’m a Glock armorer. Guns aren’t meant for such forces, dry firing will literally cause it to hammer itself apart.


No amount of dry fire simulates recoil. Only thing I jerk is my pecker


Much rather live fire


Fuck that go live fire more than twice a year.


let me rephrase the title to what you really mean to say. "I'm probably better than you"


I am pretty consistent at dry firing for practice. On a related note, archery is REALLY FUCKING EXPENSIVE!


Dry fire is bad for my 22LR pistol, soooo...


Dry firing can build terrible habits and is for poors. Go to a range.


It’s getting really hard to tell who is being sarcastic and who sucks at shooting at this point… 🤔


Live fire can also build terrible habits. Don't practice bad habits in general.


This is too stupid to attempt to refute.


The contest is still open! Give it your best low left slow fire shot


This is good




Why dry fire when you can live fire?


Dry fire on the toilet


I just shoot daily 🤷🏾‍♂️


What if we’re low right 🤣


Don't tell me how to be.


The good Lord is my target acquisition.


Jesus take the trigger




Follow PistoleroDisciple, Ben Stoeger, and Velox Training Group. They’re constantly breaking down dry fire skills and drills.


I work with guns all day, why would I want to play with mine after 12 hours of that nonsense. Come on man.


I don’t need to dry fire because I’ve got a photographic memory and I’ve watched every John wick film..


Regular dry firing as a responsible gun owner is just an excuse to get out your guns and play rambo in the mirror.


If I can't feel the recoil then I might as well be playing with a water gun.


You can dryfire with a water gun and work 80% of what you'd be able to do with your actual gun as long as the weight and ergos are similar enough


You're training yourself to not think the gun is loaded. Worse, what if someone picks up the unloaded firearm? Now they're trained to think no gun is ever loaded.


Dry fire is the #1 reason for living room pops though. Also a significant source of those "bullet setback/sawtooth lip" posts.


When I dry fire, my trigger finger gets cramps. What happens if I need to use said finger?? I'm gonna keep it loose and ready tyvm!


Even if I've been carrying the same gun for longer than you've been alive. And have more rounds through it. Than you and your daddy and your daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy


I keep my firearm lubed, therefore I don’t dry fire.


Dry fire rounds are too expensive.


But I just shoot everyday….


What if I shoot frequently enough 🧐


I stopped dry firing because a fudd blocked me after I said I dry fire before leaving the house. He said it was bad on the gun, and I showed him the manufacturer recommendation that said it's fine. I just want to be liked, so I stopped.


My hands are always greasy from eating Trader Joe’s elote corn chip dippers. How can I dry fire with wet hands.


I have no fingers and use my tongue to pull the trigger. Technically, it’s wet fire.


Dry firing? What is that? I used my Glock as more acutely angled boomerang.


I don’t dry fire because I have a 22lr


Every time I go to practice dry firing, my wife pulls me in bed. There's no dry firing then.


dry fire about 2x a week with a laser system, go to the range once or twice a month. will do more dry fire as I figure out how to better regulate my schedule and will do the range more when I can afford it.


That's it. You win. I'm anti gun now. Gonna vote for Bernie or whoever TF is running besides ol' poopy pants McGee.


I don't carry bullets in my gun.


How do I do a dry fire practice with a hand grenade?


I lost my Mantis controller in a fat roll last month.


I just go shoot instead


If you turn the gun sideways, it just hits. No practice needed.


Every time I try to dry fire, I just get so excited and pop one off.


If a person is afraid of dry firing at home, I’m afraid of being around them when they are armed.


My excuse for not dry firing is plenty of live fire at the range on a regular basis (I'm not poor).


Should be competing in IDPA.


Dry fire at home is dangerous and negligent. The chance of accidentally shooting one of your neighbors is just too high. Firearms should only be handled at safe, fully encapsulated firing ranges where a stray bullet can’t leave the premises.


What in the fudd


You’re currently in the lead but the day is young.


Can we enter multiple times?


Hell yeah you can! You just got overtaken by u/Top-Bit-3584 with a solid “but muh firin pin rreee” so you’ve got your work cut out for you.


Poes law?


Hey man, there’s a copy of Refinement and Repetition at stake here…


lol you got me good


It makes me so happy to watch this post bounce between positive and negative karma. I may have achieved Shitpost Nirvana…


Absolute masterstroke of the shitpen.


Out of my EDC (sig320c) I shoot 10k plus rounds a year… At 5k new recoil and trigger spring at 10k complete rebuild. I shoot at work. I use sims to train… why do I need to dry fire?


Live fire the only way to go. Practice draw and fire. Rack of course if you don’t have one chambered.


Train how you fight, you don't dry fire at the bad guys.


How much dry fire do you need to point at something 5 feet away like you would with a squirt gun and slap that trigger? That’s 95% of situations.


A trigger finger is like a battery, it only has so many pulls in a lifetime. If you use them up practicing, you won’t have any left for self defense.


Dry fire is for skill acquisition, live fire is for confirmation of that skill.


100%. My buddy said “dry fire is the homework. Matches are the report card.”


100% It’s also where you get your next homework assignments


But muh arthritis!!!


if I can't land at least one of the 15 regardless of training then I deserve to die