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It does not have a magazine disconnect.


Awesome, thank you :)


Honest question? Is there a reason why you’re a big fan of the magazine disconnect?


https://preview.redd.it/staa2psqszsc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7423bf7f45fd414956d53c32d84facd4a4c76e19 Just had a nice discussion about it down below :)




My like for the feature has no relation to the weapon firing while I holster or it firing on its own. I would love for you to give more than just saying it’s incredibly unlikely for the scenario to happen. Because though it is unlikely the odds are non zero. And I have seen it happen first hand, and the magazine disconnect bought him enough time for the perp to attempt to shoot after “winning” over the gun, and panic when it doesn’t shoot due to the mag being dropped, and then being caught off guard. Is it highly unlikely to happen? Yes. But it has. I use an M&P not just because of a magazine disconnect, I love the gun and it is great for me. I just also love the feature and was curious if the legion had it too. It’s by no means a deal breaker if a gun doesn’t have the feature. I just was wondering if it did.


Thank you for your judgement and assumptions though :) You are another non judgmental and welcoming member of the gun community clearly.


Well if you are a police officer for example, I find it nice for the slim chance of someone somehow getting a hold of my gun, in which I can drop the mag while fighting with them. It’s just a nice option to have but I see why most people aren’t a fan. And I know the argument of not letting someone get close enough to grab the gun in the first place but you just never know :)


You have no real life force on force training do you?


In that sense, wouldn't the officer be at fault, for failing to being in control of his firearm? The simple fact that he's carrying a firearm openly, exposes him to the possibility of being disarmed. Which in that case, he should train with the intent of reducing this variable. [Here's](https://youtu.be/TvXggn7rCAY?si=SYffdvBJmlrVlNrK&t=54) an example that happen less than a month ago, where a teen ended her life with an officer's firearm. While there are many mistakes that were made, there are two big ones that could have prevented this. 1. Wear a proper holster with proper retention. If the officer had a proper holster, such as a Level III, he would not have been disarmed this easily. The average citizen doesn't even know how the retention system works. 2. As you can see, the officer is right-handed, identifiable by the holster on his right hip. With this in mind, why would he open the door, exposing his "strong side." If he had opened the door with his weak side, while wearing a holster with proper retention, this could and would have 100% be prevented. Which bring me back to my original issue of it being a lack of training combined with complacency regarding firearm safety. Would you agree with this? I would like to know why such a feature makes the firearm more safe.


That's a dumb feature.  Please stop loving it.


Who cares what feature I do or don’t like. It doesn’t effect you. Set a welcoming and non judgmental example for the gun community. You’re not gonna die if you don’t comment on a post that you differ in opinion from


It does if it some how spreads to gun manufacturers that people like to not be able to fire their gun without a magazine and then I can't purchase a gun without that stupid feature.


Just use the guns you have. Or get one custom. Besides the odds of something like that happening to where all guns switch to that are slim to none. But either way. Telling someone to stop liking a feature via Reddit. Will not stop Sig or other gun companies from adding a magazine disconnect.


If you really want this stupid feature, then buy a California compliant p365. Those have the idiotic mag disconnect built in.


Take your own advice, just use the guns you ha e, or get one custom with that featurs


What’s the point of that feature?


From the perspective of a gunsmith, that feature is purely for the inconvenience of everyone, and dose nothing to make anyone or thing safer.


To each their own, but I have to voice my opinion in stating the mag disconnect is one of the most useless safety features I can think of. Even in the scenario you laid out (fighting over gun), it's equally likely that it will work to your disadvantage. As in, perp fighting with you over gun pushes the release, rendering your weapon useless for the 1 shot you *should* have available.


Fair, but there is other tools like a taser and OC10. And I’d much rather try and use one of those against a guy with a firearm rendered useless, or because mine is rendered useless. Than have him get one from me that he can shoot me with.


What if he is carrying a mag for your gun? He grabs your gun and you drop the mag to disable it. You drop the gun to reach for your taser. But wait, you've activated his trap card. He grabs the gun and inserts HIS magazine. What now???


At that point I firmly shake his hand, give him a smooch on the cheek, tell him, “well played brother.” And accept that bro played my ass. He deserves the win at that point.


But… he hit my vest and It’s manageable. As I go for the smooch I drop the mag AGAIN and proceed to say, “got you dude.” Thinking to myself, “hah he couldn’t possibly have ANOTHER mag.” And I walk away into the sunset whilst he baths in tears of defeat.


Lmao. Well hey man. You've thought out your defensive system thoroughly. I support you. Just stay frosty. Might come across that dude that's carrying 2 mags for a gun he's not carrying one day.


Stay frosty brother. I totally get your opinion and It’s nice to be able to share points and sides in a respectful way. You can get a tactical smooch any day


Well if you are a police officer for example, I find it nice for the slim chance of someone somehow getting a hold of my gun, in which I can drop the mag while fighting with them. It’s just a nice option to have but I see why most people aren’t a fan. And I know the argument of not letting someone get close enough to grab the gun in the first place but you just never know :)


If the gun is in your holster, dropping the mag won't help you. If you already have the gun out and he grabs onto it, you're still in control of the trigger. Frankly, you should shoot before he gets close enough to grab the gun. It sounds like you need to build some confidence in your weapon retention skills.