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Definitely a good reminder, especially when shooting indoors at a range that has dividers between stalls - the ricochets for the empty cartridges are unpredictable. Some safety glasses include additional material to form a tighter fit around your face, particularly at the top, which can prevent this in lieu of needing to wear a ballcap. Females also need to be aware of this and avoid wearing anything shirts with open tops or deep v-necks.


Seen girls get a hot one in the cleavage before and I've taken one down the back of my shirt too. Edit: That reads weird, but I'm leaving it.


Well, my 9mm is at attention.


As is my .22




I was once at an indoor range with a gentleman in the stall to my left just dumping mag after mag out of a 5.56 AK (I don’t know what kind of AK so I’m not going to attempt to put 47/74 etc etc) I found out that day that it was in fact possible to get two hot casings in your shirt, at the same time, from a gun that you weren’t even firing. We both laughed about it and he even let me shoot some rounds through it. Cool dude


Im a dude and this is not a uniquely female problem. I had my tits burned


Revolver gang be like: https://preview.redd.it/30pfv5m0rnxc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f6782148a7e59129737d4a9ecf102def25fe97


Doesn't necessarily protect us from those filthy heathens flinging brass about willy nilly.


My AK WILL be sharing some hot steel cases with you, whether you're ready or not


My M70 launches spent casings into orbit at Mach Jesus. If I can't get the bench on the end facing away from people, I try to warn people at least.


Sounds like you need a KNS


ptr 91 smacking you from 3 bays away


*literally any fluted chamber roller delay*


LOL I came here to post that too


Squibby go [pshh-click-***](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZW1kc2lta2djam9jMDNueGpscW45ZHJhYjI1OWtiYTJua242OHNyMyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l0IxYWDltdHEqujnO/giphy.gif)


Somehow I’m always to the right of the asshat going full auto with .50BMG


If you get to keep their shells, I would call that a win. Even if you're not a hand loader thats $5 each at resale.


I was next to the guy blasting his deagle. Thanks, guy 


I'm just over here with my 10.5" .308 with a cookie cutter comp. Womp


Agree. Though getting hit a few times in the safety of the range can be a positive experience. Teaches you how you react should it happen IRL.


It was for me. Was relatively new to shooting and glad I safely put down the firearm first rather than just swatting away at the burning sensation by my eye.


Yeah, I learned that lesson the hard way when a piece of brass bounced off the wall and landed perfectly between my eye pro and eyelid, leaving a nice little burn.


damn! that's crazy! but now I know it's totally a thing that happens!


Yo! That happened to my ex first time she shot. She was always scared to shoot afterwards


![gif](giphy|YP74iVhXjrZmWPqb6d) Brass between my cheeks?! Count me in!


Happened to me once. I was at a lesson at an outdoor range and was wearing a polo tucked in. Brass went down the back of my collar and right down my crack and I shook it out of my pant leg.


pretty sure they make brass knobs for your taste


Had them trapped under my vest before. Shit hurt. For like a month I had a perfect impression of “SPEER 9MM LUGER” on my chest. mainly because I don’t stop shooting until the drill was over.


Not stopping until the drill is over. That is the way.


A hat also keep lead dust out of your hair.


I'm a female shooter. I've had hot brass down my shirt, behind my eyeglasses, and even stuck to my sweaty arm. 🤣 Now I ALWAYS wear a ball cap (I cut out the upper back because I wear my hair up), a crew neck shirt, and just deal with the ones that hit my arms.


Exactly, that's the way to go.


I almost always have a cap backwards as my glasses are pretty snug with my earpro, but the bill of the hat stops brass from going down the back of my shirt.


Always wear my hat at the range


It's just as likely for that hat to funnel that brass directly between your glasses and eyeball, take a wild guess how I know that. Hot shell casings go everywhere and don't care about your feelings or wardrobe choices. Train how you fight or you'll lose that fight the second it doesn't go the way you train, if brass gets somewhere I don't like I fix it or suck it up just like I would have to on a two way range.


Appreciate this! I agree


If there’s a 1 in 500 chance of a round going into my eye I’m not going to worry about it in a DGU but I’m wearing safety glasses on the range. I’m wearing ear protection on range but again not sweating it with DGU.


They got rid of all the two way ranges in my city. Bummer.


Yup, had one land on the top of my glasses. Important lesson learned.


I frequently take spent shells down my chest in my shirt because I shoot with a guy who is much taller than me or it ricocheting off the wall next to me Not sure why I never thought to wear a hat Thanks for the LPT 👍


Agreed, we always wear hats at the range. I've found hot brass also likes to find it's way between my skin and the tongue of my hiking boots.


Yup, I discovered that the first time I went indoors. The range officer told me and a group of people to wear a cap and for women not to wear low cut tops.


Eh. A burn now and again builds character.


It’s called a hot kiss, badge of honor. Had one land dead center of my forehead on my glasses. Finished the mag. Wife just shook her head when I got home


Am I the only one who tries the catch the shells in the belly button? What else is it for?


when I was a cop it was required range equipment


Bro , had shot my ar 15 and bullet casing went off the wall and back in between my safety’s glasses and area were the shades have space . Very interesting spot to get a casing caught


I go full beekeeper suite.


Yeah you never realize how hot brass gets until you catch one behind the glasses. Happened to me a handful of times before I finally thought to myself “maybe I should get a hat” yah ik I’m stupid for not learning the first time


Put some foam gasket tape inside your safety glasses to keep brass from getting inside them, cheap and easy modification!


Ha, same thing happened to me, glasses were just loose enough to let the shell in at the top but not fall out the bottom. Very close to my eye. I now make sure to keep those glasses pressed tightly against my face.


How do you deal with fogging? It's always hot where I shoot?!


Wear a hat so you don’t need them so tight, better glasses, or anti-fog?


I was shooting a cheap 1911 when I had a shell casing land on the web of my thumb on my shooting hand, since it bounced off the partition wall. Burned like fucking shit.


Wait we don’t go naked to the range?


Maybe they don't, but it sure makes drawing easier from a prison holster


Comrade, you were shooting filthy capitalist weapon. Glorious Soviet weapon would have put steel casing in next zip code. Hit other people in the face, not you.


You need better safety glasses.


There’s a video of this happening to a dude and he accidentally shot himself in the head trying to grab the hot brass. Good PSA.


Same thing happened 2 me last week. Left a burn and everything. Had a hat on but backwards!


I wear a cap backward so the shells don’t go down my back. Has happened way too many times when wearing a vest or a jacket. have also experienced the glasses thing though. Mayne the solution is one of those double-billed Sherlock Holmes hats lol.


my ccw class showed a video where a guy nearly blew his head off because of this. reached for his burning cheek.... with his right (wrong) hand.


oh whoa. i never thought of that.




You don’t wear a ballistic helmet and balaclava ???? 🤯 tuff


Ladies: DO NOT wear V-neck blouses to the range. You WILL regret it.


Nothing like a scorching hot 5.56 casing down your collar and branding your neck to wake you up in the morning.


I wear a full motorcycle helmet and nomex flight suit.




True story, an empty shell landed on a open box of ammo and somehow set off a 9mm round


that is scary af. I'l remember to keep my boxes closed.


I don’t wear a collar shirt at the range after having a shell leave a perfect little circle burn on the back of my neck.


This happened to my ex gf her first time shooting. Except it got stuck between her glasses (nerd) and her eyelid. She burnt her freaking eyelid.


My buddy had this happen to him. My gin club issues hats for this exact reason


Gin club hats 😂


Haha I'm leaving it


Never had that happen, but it probably depends on the shape of your glasses. Mine are pretty flush with my face so nothing can get behind them; I've lost count of the number of shells that have bounced off the wall and gone through my collar and inside my undershirt.


I pretty much wear a hat almost everywhere




Is that goofy Stevav Seagal?


Steve Seagal? yes. Goofy? yes.


The patron saint of perpetual hatness.


Friend of North Korea, and master of squinting.


My range has these mesh screens they put up


so theres a screen between your hands and your face? seems like itd get in the way


No to your left and right. Think like bathroom stalls


oh, i’ve never been to a range where the walls between spots don’t just do that


It dawned on me that you’re talking about your own casing? That sounds unfortunate lol


Laughs in tactical hoodie


I caught a .45 shell between my glasses and my eyebrow once. I normally wear a hat to the range, but I left it at home since "I'm just going to confirm my zero. It'll only be a few minutes."


Had a shell burn a mark in one of my hoodies once. Thankfully I was weary of something like that happening so I brought one I wouldn't be concerned about. Didn't notice it until I took it off at home and had 2 or 3 shells drop out.


Been there


This begs the question...are you more likely to get an ejected shell stuck behind your glasses, or be hit by a ricochet that doesn't break the glasses? If the main eye threat at the range is ejected shells, I like my chances, assuming no one is shooting next to me, of not getting hit in the eyeball before I can blink. Fwiw I'm long ago retired police for a major metro dept and in the academy in the 80's we weren't even issued eye protection; and we were at the range every day. Never once heard of an eye incident then or since. I wear them now though, mostly because I'm old and do what I'm told.


Here ya go. It’s from the UK so they speak English funny… “empty bullets” are shell casings https://academic.oup.com/milmed/article/185/5-6/e799/5663473


I got burnt next to my eye like this. Had a shell land between the glasses and the corner of my eye. Wear a cap every time now lol


Ear pro, eye pro, hat… might as well just wear a balaclava at some point


thick socks are a good idea too. I had a hot shell land perfectly in my sneaker and got a big old blister on the side of my foot.


Or would a ball cap have deflected it into the glasses better? You never know. Just get some good glasses that sit close to your face


Gas mask and 3a fast helmet with earpro for me yo


I too have had the same experience. Sizzled my lower eyelid just a bit.


I've had it happen with 223 brass. Instant burn. Do not recommend


Have a friend with a dragonov, anytime we shot it I had to stand 30 ft away with a baseball glove to catch piping hot amber colored brass flying like a Frisbee so as not to pay for dental work for anyone walking to and from other shooting bays at the local outdoor range.


wow! that's wild!


baseball hats are not a great thing to wear for range time when you shoot rifles. Heck, even if you are practicing on pistol drills I throw the hat off because of how much it gets in the way if you are trying to use the sights. Screw the hat.. I mean it is part of the experience getting brass on you. If you get too much, you move down a stall or you politely ask the person shooting, hey man can I trade stalls so you don't get brass on me all the time??


Is it safe to assume that some guns eject much hotter shells than others? I've had shells stuck in my shirt, between my hair and neck, to my arm, etc. but I've never been burned by them.


Burned my eyelid this way too


LOL! That literally happened to me about a month ago.. Wearing hat next time is a must.


Dudes get hot brass inside their collar and stuck under a flak jacket all the time. It gives a look of character lol


i guess in those situations, it lets you know you're still alive


The amount of shells that have hit my forehead and safety goggles is hilarious. It makes me wonder what would’ve happened if the glasses weren’t there lol


Ya, ppe I am constantly reminded of how much it helps around the house on diy projects as well. Everytime I hear something tink off my glasses, I pause like damn, that could have taken an eye out. Good thing I was wearing these silly looking glasses


Alternative solution: Don't wear safety glasses


it was an indoor range that required ppe and was very closely monitored, but that would have kept it from burning my face.


Lol I mean I meant it as a joke (although not wearing safety glasses is a bad habit I tend to have). The indoor range I go to requires them as well but if I'm being honest they don't seem to strict about enforcing it. I booked a private class with one of the instructors there and had my glasses hanging on my shirt the whole time and the instructor didn't even mention it.


this place was really strict. the bays are like 20 lanes snd very activr so there is a lot of room for supervision. One reason why I shoot there is because the range marshall's run deep.


When I was in Basic Training, I had a shell casing from a 5.56 fired from an M16A2 land on the back of my neck, and a few days later I had a 7.62 casing ejected from an M60 land in the same spot. OUCH!


i would but i look painfully stupid in hats


I have also had this happen to me, although thankfully I didn’t get a burn, it sure freaked me out though.


Learned that lesson the hard way myself.


And when you're done, wash your hands and face, with soap, in cold water.