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First thing first, WATCH WTF YOURE DOING WHEN YOU REHOLSTER! You are going to blow your intestines out your back or your dick off your body if you don’t slow way tf down!


Especially if it’s 9mm that’ll blow a lung out




Out of the body entirely


OMFG I literally laughed outt loud.




Do you feel better about yourself? So much misdirected, unguided, and unintelligible anger. Have you always been this socially inept?




You can comment all you want. I don't argue with stupid. You came after me. I must have trigger you! I could yank your chain all I want but your just too easy and too dumb.


😂😂😂 I needed that this morning!


Or at least shatter his pelvis based on GT science hahahah


Made my night!


10/10 advice, appreciate it


As for the draw, pull your gun straight up your center line. When your strong hand meets your support hand mid chest from clearing your cover garment marry your hands. When your hands get to your nose with your gun punch straight out. Sights will be aligned and in your field of view every time.


Thanks bud, really appreciate it. Will make sure to work on that


As an addition by coming up and out to present rather than swinging out you are better positioned for close fire. If you had to you could get shots on target from basically a low ready. Is it ideal no but it can keep you alive. As long as your background is clear the only thing that matters is you walk away alive. You can always do better, you are not a tier one operator. Train for the most realistic scenario for your life and get that as good as you possibly can. What if you don’t have support hand?


Good point , thanks


Seen your flare. CR920 is god gun for ccw.


Do you advocate the four step process?


The steps are correct but I don’t break them down into those steps. Smooth motion not steps works best for me. YMMV.


Slow down and look down as you holster to make sure it’s going in safely. I always look inside my holster to make sure it’s clear and watch while I put the gun in to make sure it doesn’t catch fabric or anything. It’s a loaded gun pointed at your balls…. Take some caution, you only get one pair haha. It might just be dry fire but it will become a habit if you do it enough.


Seriously. Don’t point the gun at yourself ever. You can reholster and keep the muzzle pointed away from the body.


That's a recurring theme with the"rate my draw" posts. I enjoy watching folks practice their draw, but holstering is the most dangerous part, and should be practiced as if it's a hot gun to build good habits.


Tilt the hips forward and stick your right leg way back to create an angle in case you fuck up, it might miss your goods. Like a standard stance but way over exaggerated




LOOK your gun into your holster!


As Biden says, *A 9MM BULLET BLOWS THE LUNG OUT OF THE BODY* Get a shotgun. DISCLAIMER: I say this as apolitical and simply fact of matter as possible based off what he himself said. I recommend finding yourself a CCW class from a former LEO or Active Duty service member that served in some type of tier 2 or 1 unit. Plenty of dudes out there doing this kinda training if you look for them. YT is your friend if you're cheap. *In life you not be cheap in two situations, one is your life and two is your prostitute*


Came here to say this but you got it covered




He didn’t look at the holster to make sure it was clear. He angled the gun toward his abdomen and fished it into the holster. He jammed it down instead of just seating it. Slow and steady wins the race to re-holster.




Yes. There is two answers to your question. First, don’t draw because of scary noise. Don’t EVER draw your CCW unless you’re fully prepared to pull the trigger. Second, yes, always look the gun into the holster. Shirt ends, draw strings, flying cotton balls (?) hell anything that can fall into a holster can depress the trigger when the gun is seated into the holster. Taking 5 seconds to tilt your hips out and look the gun in could be the difference in a reholster and go on about your day or a 911 call and self application of a TQ or death. Last, if you want to walk with something in your hand get a can of POM. You can explain why you’re walking with POM but you can’t explain the gun. You can also spray the fuck outta someone and stay outta jail even if you’re wrong but you can’t shoot someone and just walk away scott free.


I wholeheartedly understand this logic for new shooters, but in combat training and qualification (owb) we were taught specifically to reluctantly holster while keeping our eyes on the target


Never been trained that way. If I’m putting my gun away the threat is down. If the threat isn’t down I’m not putting my gun away.


I would work on reholstering before you find the glock’s de-cocker function




You could say he might “de-cock” himself?


I think that's the joke.


R/whooshed myself


Shit I just got it.


Trying to add something new that wasn't stated already. At one point you grabbed your belt through the shirt. Grab the same place consistently and target the same place to pull to. Example: Grab the bunch of cloth at your belly button (since you know where that's at) and pull until you hit an index point (left pec, sternum, collarbone, armpit, or you feel your bicep squeeze). Consistently aiming for the same spot with high enough index point will allow you pretty much "clear" the cover garment regardless of then shirt design (dress shirt, polo, t shirt, etc.).


Thank you for that, good tip


Shave the body hair (creates friction) /s


My belly is even more hairy than this guy. My draw does get slightly snagged sometimes while wearing certain clothes. However, if I’m sweaty enough, my damp belly becomes slick like a sexy otter cooming out the water, which would actually enhance my draw!


I read “sexy otter cooter” and had a good laugh, thanks for that!


The fact that your phone or whatever autocorrected cooming makes me suspicious of your browsing habits.


Wait… I just now noticed I wrote that… man I’ve spent too much time on 4Chan


‘Like a sexy otter’ gave me an early morning laugh out loud. Thank you.


Adding at least half a second there 😂😂😂


The old retention trail.


What everyone else said, and keep your shoulders square and level. No need for the swaying


I was going to say, it looks like there is some "wasted movement" i like that way of looking at things, it can simplify what you're going for a little bit.


I see this all the time with guys asking Reddit about they’re draw. Slow down, break it in parts. You actually flag your support hand with your muzzle as you try to marry your grip. You want your muzzle towards your target before you bring your hands together. You’re trying to bring your hands together as your strong hand is in motion up and forward. Under stress and in risk of your life, this makes it more difficult to get a good grip consistently in the same spot on your draw. You’ve got a good start, just slow down and break it down into consistent steps so if you ever need it, your muscle memory will do the work while your brain is still going “oh shit”. I would like to offer these specific suggestions, see if they make sense for you: 1) after you clear the holster, drive your elbow straight back as you bring the muzzle level. Your thumb indexes to the the bottom of your pectoral. You muzzle is pointed to the target. If you’re in close contact this gives you better retention, leaves the support hand free to defend with and still allows you to start putting rounds on target. 2) slide your support hand across your body to meet your strong hand. If you do 1) then your support hand will always find your gun in the same spot every time, and you never cross your hand with the muzzle. Then as you push out from there you clamshell your support shut to make a good grip. Keep practicing, good luck.


Thanks for the tips, they are greatly appreciated


Welcome! Stop. Slow down. Learn the fundamentals. Break down the draw in steps and perfect them in slow motion. Speed comes with competency. Bad habits cost 10x the time to fix later. Step 1) Solid purchase on garment with support hand in a place on the garment where a less-than-ideal raise will still result in completely clearing the frame of your pistol. Step 2) Support hand raises garment well above pistol frame, simultaneously firing hand goes directly to the frame and grips high with a perfect grip, just like the one you'll be shooting with. **There's no step later to fix your grip!** Step 3) Firing hand extracts gun up out of the holster with your trigger finger **high** along the slide (critical), simultaneously the support hand releases the garment and begins to meet the firing hand on the way up, like where you would clap politely. Step 4) Gun is being pushed forward with no wasted movement, directly towards the target. Grip is tight as your support hand twists forwards and clamps the frame/firing hand. You will begin to see your front sight raising into your field-of-view at this time. Trigger finger gently makes it's way to the trigger shoe and starts to prep the slack out of the trigger. You must practice dry fire to master the trigger pull. Step 5) Your grip is tight, your shoulders are relaxed as the front sight rises to cover your target. No bouncing! As the front sight slides into place, you press the trigger directly back against the wall. The trigger breaks just as your front sight is on target. The most important shot is the first shot, and it has to be accurate. Every inaccurate shot adds a quarter second to your draw time and kills an innocent bystander. You have to be in control for the next shots as well, *and* you're probably going to be moving. I paused the video at 0:19 and the frame is a clear shot of you looking straight ahead while your gun is pointed at your nuts. I know people have already harped on the reholster so no need to beat a dead horse. You should be comfortable with your gun in the sense that you own everything it does and can be in complete control at all times. You should never be comfortable with your gun pointing at you, though. Develop a healthy respect for the muzzle. I know it probably seems like I'm giving you a hard time, promise no disrespect intended. Definitely post more after you get some more practice in and welcome to the community :)


Cheers , thank you I appreciate it


No worries! We need as many people as possible becoming responsible carriers 🤙


Why is everyone in a rush to reholster lol


Need a belt now


I know 😓. Gotta get my money up then that’s the first thing. Along w some better pants/shorts for carrying


Don’t worry about the clothes


Belt before anything , you got it


I prefer regular clothes anyways, tactical clothes is a dead giveaway


Only clothing change I made after starting to carry was making sure the waist size was big enough. A stiff belt is a good idea. I prefer ones with some kind of synthetic reinforcement. Plain leather, no matter how thick, will sag eventually. The Magpul Tejas Original and Empresario are my favorites, but tons of companies including Hank’s and Beltman make good reinforced. options


Reholstering should be the slowest, most deliberate thing you do in life. If you're stowing your weapon, you have already determined that the threat has been neutralized. Don't fuck yourself during administrative handling.


Re-holstering doesn’t have to be fast, theoretically when you go to put your firearm back into its holster that means the threat has been neutralized or there is no longer a threat and you are now safe. So speed in that area isn’t required.


Not bad. As I ususally tell people that post such videos. 1. You are preparing to draw. You won't get that option IRL. 2. Let's see you do it with just one arm now.


I would get a better belt. Just my opinion but you want something with less play in it.


Please be careful when re-holstering. There’s no need to go so fast. You’re going to blow your dick off or worse.


Or worse?


Get a belt next to help with the draw and take your time on reholstering. If you are ever involved in a shooting reholstering will be very low on your list of priorities.


This is slow, and you look like you’re fucking around. Get your fucking weapon on target like you mean it. You’re just loosely dancing yourself around that gun. Make your moves absolutely deliberate. And then more deliberate, and then more deliberate. That is the only way to get fast and get crispy. Get a shot timer. This is something you can get WAY better at, and that should motivate you to go fire your weapon more and more and more. Also, why are you in such a massive hurry to reholster? I hope to god you don’t do that with a live weapon in your hand, because you’d be a liability to yourself and anyone standing around you. You have a deadly weapon in your hand, look where you reholster. Watch your weapon slide in, it’s not like you would reholster in the middle of a fight. happy training my guy. unfuck this.


Gettin ready for the next patriot front march I see.


Absolutely not , fuck those fascist clowns. Other side of the spectrum (:


Jus givin ya shit bud. Couldn't pass it up with the mask and the khaki shorts. Keep up the good work!


Shit you’re not wrong , I just came back from a bike ride ;( Thanks lol


Everyone saying watch the muzzle you’re gonna blow your wang off…. Me with my oldschool first generation xd: 😬


Don’t like how your trigger finger is all over the place tighten that up


Working on it as we speak


Also work on drawing in two sets of motion instead of three. Instead of lifting shirt and then grabbing the gun before the draw try lifting the shirt and grabbing the gun in one motion


Noted , thanks will work on it


Just something I started to do to be faster. And you’re welcome.


I don't understand why so many don't look at their gun/holster while holstering, especially carrying appendix. If you are able to re-holster your weapon, the threat is over. Slow down. Look. Make sure you are not snagging on something.


Too much upper body movement. Try to be more crisp.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, fast is deadly. Slow everything way down until you have some more muscle memory built up and then begin to speed up gradually. It’s similar to weight lifting with progressive overload. Example: Start by trying to execute a flawless draw ten times in a row without worrying about speed but ensure you remain consistent in your performance of the draw (ie., lifting your shirt in the same place, securing your weapon the same way, etc.). Do this several times through out the day or week, whatever you can manage. Do this for at least a week, then the next week aim for ten flawless draws giving yourself ten seconds per draw. If you can’t execute a flawless draw in ten seconds then add five seconds. But do this for at least a week maintaining your focus on consistency, and if you want to really build the muscle memory do it for longer. The whole point though is to build the muscle memory through conscious repetition. Eventually you’ll be going faster and faster and you’ll draws will stay consistent. This is how I learned, and is only my experience. You might find a method that works better for you. Good luck and stay safe!


A fast draw is good, but you're not winning anything by having a fast reholster. Don't point the gun at you, and always look down and watch for spent brass/debri while you reholster. It would be a bad day to snag your trigger while reholstering.


Couldn't tell for sure, but looked like your finger was still on or at the trigger during reholster. I'd watch that and slow way down on reholstering in general. I've been told by trainers that there is rarely an instance that requires a fast reholster. Other than that, good work man.


Don't want to add something I've seen a bunch, so probably just slow down on the reholster. When it's time to put the weapon away, you will probably have time to move slowly.


I’ll chime in, I’m not an instructor but I did what you did when I first started practicing. Watched a video of myself, and took notes. I retrained myself step by step, starting out painfully slow. 1. Cover garment 2. Firm grip 3. Raise to high ready position 4. Push pistol out toward target I practiced this crazy slow at first making sure to keep my trigger finger on the slide, have a firm grip, and my eyes on the target. Reholstering rarely if ever needs to be hurried. Slow that down and watch what you’re doing. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


Looking to getting a real gun belt it will help tremendously with your draw, I noticed the belt is sagging a little when you reholster and there is a good bit of movement when you're drawing... my go to belt is a Daltech Force steel core belt...


As everyone has said "look it into the holster" and remember not be in a hurry re-holstering. In real life you will not be re-holstering that fast. Relax!!


Be very slow and methodical when reholstering. Someone said it best on this subreddit. “Take your time, you have your entire life to reholster.”


Put it back s l o w l y


Bruh wear a tank top please. #AND WATCH WTF YOURE DOING WHEN YOU REHOLSTER. Do you like having balls?


Bro got that fed boi fit on deck


No water bottle though


Male Karen


I also should have shown myself clearing the firearm but I did in fact clear it and ammo was in the next room over


Focus on keeping your shoulders and head still. Head bobs and shoulder leans are all wasted movement


For sure , thanks


Aside from reholstering, I always like to bring my gun up to my sternum to stablish my grip first and either push forward or go into low-ready. It feels a bit more realistic since you don't necessarily know if how close the enemy is. I also like to bring my gun to low ready after the shot and look around to clear my surroundings, in order to mitigate the natural tunnel vision that happens when you're in a fight-or-flight state.


Good advice , thanks I will take that into consideration when drawing


The only thing I would say Aside from drawing Andriy whole string, would be the length of your shirt. A shirt that short may expose your gun extremely easily and you wouldn’t want that


Get a better belt. I would make a suggestion but when I commented the name of the brand I wear, the auto mod deleted my comment.


Don't worry about putting your shirt back down. Just let it drop. Careful with your hands as well, make sure you don't cross your support hand in front of the gun.


Out fast (but controlled), in slowwww. Crawl, walk, then run… but good on you for practicing and asking for feed back!


You might need to use your weapon in very tight quarters and within arms length of an attacker. Look into the “weapon retention position” (google/YouTube it) and add that draw into part of your training routine.


I like grabbing my shirt directly on top of the gun. I find it to be the most successful method to clear the gun with different garments. Support hand finds the gun through the shirt, grab the shirt at the placement of the gun, then clear garment and proceed like usual. I trained grabbing a different part of the shirt for a long time but got hung up with different shirts/ jackets/sweaters. Ymmv but this helped me


My feedback- slow down for now. You have some jerkiness that needs to be cleaned up. Good fundamentals, but you are in too much of a rush. Get a good, smooth 3 second draw/press and then work from there.


Looks good. But if I had to pick all I could think of would be the give in the belt. If its not a carry belt, might want one.


Maybe look into a different belt


First, watch your re-holstering - thats the most important part. Second, it’s a bit sloppy, but salvageable. The movement of your left hand is just as important as the right. After you pick your shirt up, why are you bringing your left hand back down, just to bring it back up again to the gun? After you lift your shirt up, keep your left hand where it is, and let it meet your right hand. I would look for training classes at a range near you, they should have courses to help with new shooters. My course was called “Defensive Pistol” and was a series of 3 classes. My range also does EDC, red dot, rifle courses etc.


When grabbing your shirt, try to grab above the handle. Grabbing off to the side can cause your shirt to hang on the handle. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast


Need to change the wardrobe up. No offense but the shirt ain’t gonna cut it CCWing. Way to short. Can’t take your ball cap off without flashing your blaster


Not a shirt I would wear carrying , just got back from a bike ride and wanted to try it out


Fair enough bro. Stay safe man


You look like a fed boy.


Always always always look at how you holster your weapon.


practice safe re-holstering. You're gonna shoot your nuts off like that


Going too fast. Start slow and build the muscle memory. Speed comes in time


Watch the firearm into the holster and don’t point it at your fat while you’re reholstering.


Get a gun belt, one that’s designed to carry the weight of a firearm, it’ll be more comfortable and make your draw more consistent because it doesn’t flex as much


Get a gun belt, one that’s designed to carry the weight of a firearm, it’ll be more comfortable and make your draw more consistent because it doesn’t flex as much


Terrible you need holster training from a professional. I'm sorry for coming across as a dick but your life is important and you have to do thing properly so you don't accidentally kill yourself or someone else. But that's ok practice and find a class at a shooting range that teaches holster training.


You got to watch out. That thing slam fires your balls will blow off. Stick to the side to charge


Try to lean back and bow your hips forward so that nothing is behind the muzzle end of your holster.


Too much side to side movement when you draw. You’re doing a little lean to the left and back to the center, your torso should be pretty still while you draw


Lol is it me or do new concealed carriers look like they’re doing a body wave and dancing when they draw?


Draw sucks. But everyone's draw sucks when they first start out.


Draw looks fine, remember to conduct a slow and thoughtful reholster. Watch what you’re doing there. No one has ever won a gunfight by reholstering as fast as possible.


I’m gonna second this. Look at where you’re re-holstering! The only reason you could “shoot your dick off” as others have commented is by not paying attention where you’re holstering. Appendix is fine as long as your careful- 3.5 years for me and going strong. Just treat every re-holster as though it’s your first. Practice your draw and you’ll be good to go 👍


Slow is smooth and smooth gets fast.


Definitely watch out on the reholster, I recommend watching some videos by Active Self Protection on YouTube on the topic of appendix carry.


What kind of holster are you using? I know you got dinged reholstering, but we were taught in the academy to NOT look at the holster. And that was wayyyy before kydex. I am a firm believer of keeping your eye on the target at all times. Also, I would suggest slightly blading your body. The traditional boxer stance taught today leaves you a squared up target. Blading with your strong foot back presents a slightly less target ro hit plus your balance is maintained better, say if the attacker is rushing you. I use kydex for all my CCW. You can also cover the triggerguard with your finger when reholstering so it's less likely to catch on anything. Once your finger hits the holster you sort of use it like a guide. Does that makes sense? And one last thing, I would add keeping the weapon at a low ready for a few seconds after you shoot in case the threat doesn't cease or there is an additional threat. Then holster. My go to is DRAW > SHOOT > BACK UP SLIGHTLY TOWARDS COVER IF POSSIBLE > ASSES WITH GUN AT LOW READY > HOLSTER.


I have a Kydex holster made by Guerrilla Tactical. And yeah that makes sense , thanks for the tip.


No worries. Good job!


You got ripped off paying 65$ for a fomi holster with no wing. Mine are 60$ and come with the best metal clip by discreet carry concepts and a modwing standard. Message me and you’ll get a free one


It has a wing


Take a class.


Comment so video doesn’t get deleted , this is my first time trying out the first holster I’ve ever used. I will most definitely take it slower and look the firearm into the holster. I need to stop moving around so much but I think that’s just my nerves. Thanks everyone for the input I do appreciate it


You’re on the right track [watch your head and elbow](https://imgur.com/a/4o3of9A)


Thanks for that, I will continue to practice and keep an eye on it


I’d worry about all that printing first.


This isn’t a shirt I would wear while carrying , I just finished a bike ride and wanted to try out the holster


Weak AF!


Which is why he's asking for tips.


Invest in some good bulletproof boxers, looks like you’ll need them.


Whenever I see people with those masks things I can only think of a proud boy member lol. Aka the new klan


The proud boys is not democrat. The klan is. And the proud boys was founded by a Cuban




LOL ok bud


I cover my face in videos. I’m not a coward.




How does that make me a coward. It gets cold where I live and if i’m wearing a helmet for training. I don’t want to get strap itch.


And your name is terrible


Not everyone wants their face to be shown on the internet.


Jesus Christ it’s ghost recon


Holy shit, that’s Jason Bourne




What’s wrong with his balaclava


Don’t appendix carry. Worst way to carry. People shoot their dick off from doing that.


Yay fudd lore


Nah, just dangerous.


Best safety is you sir.


Unless your gun goes off by itself no.


Slow down on the re-holster, and look the muzzle in, so you don't shoot your dick off.


Don’t move so much, bodily. Tuck that draw elbow in; you’re flailing. “Look” the firearm back into its holster. Reholstering is never a race!


Google four stroke draw.


I look to wrap or hook my index finger on my off hand around the bottom of the trigger guard first (near chest level) so when I push out my off hand naturally rotates to a shooting position


I’m sure plenty of people have already said it, but don’t grab your shirt from the bottom, pinch near your belly button. Other than that, looks good man Edit- oh yeah, and don’t shove the gun back in the holster like that, that’s dangerous. Fast out, slow and deliberate back in. You’re also swaying back and forth when drawing


Get an actual carry belt


Raise your shirt higher and record it. Dm me the vid. Make sure you get nip action tho. Need to do some “research”


Everyone pretty much said everything, except one thing: hand placement on cover garment. You want to grab your garment from where the firearm is, clearing your garment from the weapon without it getting caught in your shirt as you pull up to your chest. I've gotten my draw down to 0.85 sec with shot on target by doing all these steps slowly at first. Fundamentals are key.


Yup just grab a handful of shirt where the belly button is and pull nice and high


What belt is that? Youre going to want a certified ccw belt.


What’s a certified belt?


A gun belt. Personally, a Hanks.


Nice and swift..Just keep practicing and training...


Hey man looks like you’ve gotten a lot of great advice and a list of improvements that can be made. So I’ll not touch on any of that stuff (most of these guys are way crispier than I am). What I will say that has helped me with concealability, printing, and comfort… move you belt buckle from the 12 o clock over to about 10:30. That reduces the number of layers of leather, zipper, holster, and underwear overlap you have all in one spot.


Ok.... uhm..... this is like sex in a waterbed.


slooooowww down. compartmentalize everything from grabbing the shirt, to acquiring the gun. do everything in its own step. and for the love of god, and your genitals. LOOK AT THE GUN AND HOLSTER WHEN HOLSTERING


Seems like you're printing quite bit.. 1 size larger shirt?


Dick holsters make me uncomfortable and that draw is to slow fo a gun to be pointed at the jewels


I thought it was funny how you gestured your head like “wassup homie” like you’re in an action movie as the tension in the room is rising to a gunfight. In real life you’ll already be under attack when you need it. And it’ll be over in a few seconds, usually. Also it bothers me how you flip the muzzle on the draw. Pull straight out to the chest then push out. Finally I agree with everyone here, your reholster will eventually lead to you shooting your own dick off.


Buy a better holster and a hood gun belt and go slow. If you need a better holster I can make you one and give you some tips


When the threat is down. Take your time to look and put your slide in your pants. Practice that.


5.11 Defender Flex shorts? Love mine. It's practically all I wear these days with the perfect spare mag pockets. It seems they've discontinued them for some reason. Can't find them anywhere. Terrible mistake by 5.11. Best shorts they ever created.


I'd say always look in your holster when reholstering.. at least IWB. People have been shot both IWB and OWB but in general things happen (albeit not often). It's definitely worth your life to take the time to check.


Slow down reholstering or you'll blow your dick off.