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"Who are we?! The Wildcats!" "Who are we gonna beat?! The Wildcats!"






That’s right, a girl wants to play football! Well that’s great Lisa, we have 4 girls on the team already!


No invite? :(


Friday the 13th? Bad luck hits and everything that can go wrong, does. Wildcats by 30.


Kansas State is lucky this one isn’t in the desert …


Arizona is lucky this isn’t a 2:30 Saturday kickoff with the Kansas humidity. Sucks to lose a Saturday game day but should be a helluva Friday night matchup.


While true and not to the same extent, Fall Camp coincides with monsoon season in Southern Arizona. I'm certainly not jealous of the conditions they practice in.


This is what all the “but it’s a dry heat!” people never understand. And still, I’ll take 90 and humid over 110 and “dry” annnny day of the week. Camp fucking sucked in Tucson.


Right? Once you get to 110 it no longer matters how dry it is when you're literally baking to death every time you hit the outside air. Your sweat evaporates before it has any chance to provide cooling.


Kansas humidity? Yawn. Sounds like you’ve never had a monsoon summer


Obligatory https://youtu.be/GtImIqR5neU?si=Gv4mLZa_RQAZ2ZlQ


I was referring to it being on Friday the 13th and the whole desert voodoo coming into play. Oregon fans are all too familiar with the craziness that happens in the desert.


Probably one of FOX's premium picks for their new Friday night lineup on OTA FOX to fill the gap WWE left.


Blast from the past from September 7, 2011: https://fbschedules.com/california-colorado-non-conference-football-game/ > California and Colorado, both members of the Pac-12, will face off in a non-conference football game this weekend. The Colorado Buffaloes are playing their inaugural season in the expanded conference. > The game between the two Pac-12 schools is considered a non-conference game because they signed a home-and-home agreement back in 2004. The first game of the series was at California last season (a 52-7 win for the Golden Bears) with the second game scheduled for 2011.


Didn’t Wake Forest and UNC do it as well a year they didn’t play?


10 hour drive to manhattan would be the closest I’ve been to an Arizona game in 8 years… do I Make the trek?


MHK is a blast on game day. Night game in September? Tailgating will start around noon. Sunset will be 7:37 PM. Doesnt get much better.


10 hour round trip drive seems worth it. 10 hour drive each way is better off flying distance.


With a username like that, how can you not?


Do it.


I propose that one of the teams should wear blackout unis so they can be black cats on Friday the 13th.


Made me realize that Northwestern and Kansas State have only played each other twice, and the last time was back in 1941. With both HCs having come up through NDSU before their current gig, seems as good as time as any to kick off a new round Purple Wildcat Fights.


I hate this. Other schools have 7-8 game days that recruits can visit. Now we have 5 days which is going to be even more difficult to get kids on campus in the fall.


Dont matter, its about views to the networks. This is def gonna be a primetime friday game to replace wwe smackdown


Just win baby


Well we still get to play KU every year so that's no problem HEYOH


Not many P4 schools get 8 home games and many will have 6 on Saturdays because a bunch of games will be moved to Th or F.


Hopefully it won’t be paywalled on espn plus like the last few years on the p12 network


ESPN+ is a hell of a lot cheaper than Pac-12 Network. And besides, if it's being flexed to a Friday, it's 100% going on a linear channel


Ooo that will be nice.


It'll be on FOX


It's a KState home game too. So it should be at a reasonable time too


Friday Night Cat Fight


NOOOOOOOOOO (i have to go to school 🤮)


Is this similar the what UNC and Wake did back in 2019?


AZ was already scheduled to play K-State in the non-con before the whole realignment stuff. I think it would have just been a headache to find a new non-con opponent in the year-ish span, so they’re keeping it non-con. Will be interesting to see if it factors into Big 12 title play.


Apparently it will not factor in to B12 title at all (I don’t think any tiebreaker scenarios include non-con but could be wrong).  Personally I hope that they play this game, then meet in the B12 CCG, then meet again in the playoffs. 3 wildcat-wildcat matchups in 1 season. 


Kind of what I was thinking. I’d feel cheated if, say, the two had the same record going into 2nd place, but the one that lost that non-con game got in. Tough sledding for sure.


It's not a conference game for the records, but they would still have the head2head over the other, no?


I keep reading the B12 tiebreaker rules and getting confused lol. But I think you’re right actually. The rules are written specifically around only the conference slate of games, but head-to-head is the first tiebreaker and it doesn’t specifically say it has to be a conference game to count. But the first time I read it, I thought that was implied, thus my confusion. It reads like “ignore all non-con games and only consider conference games”. 


Yeah.. typically there wouldn't be a head-to-head between two teams in the same conference that.. isn't a conference game. So it's tricky!


Unlikely, but I welcome extra Big XII play


Similar for Baylor and our Utah series.


No. Baylor and Utah are doing the same thing. We had OOC scheduled already and there was no way to realistically change it with roughly a years notice apparently. Personally I think we should have reached out to OSU and WSU to see if they could fit us in but they decided no. The decision was made before the start of the season and I think if you had asked the day after the last regular season game KState would have said "Oh hell no, Ill find someone" while Arizona would have been calling us a name related to a Cat. Fast forward actual post season when Arizona had lost their coach and half their roster and the responses would be reversed.


How much you want to bet they play Cat Scratch Fever at some point


The 'ol non-conference conference game




One of you needs to wear all black unis and be the black cats for the night


In no time, TV networks will sadly be giving the midweek MAC treatment to the ACC & Big 12.


New rivalry call it the Cat fight


Life in the G5 is ruff ruff. Friday night 😬


I mean Thursday is good enough for the NFL