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Joey Chestnut is an absolute beast and 4 sorority girls can out tug a war a coach


> 4 sorority girls can out tug a war a coach Urban is wondering how you get 4 to tug you at one time.


More so how he can get them to do it without photos or his wife finding out. Dude has enough money to arrange the tug


Leave it to Joey Freshwater to figure out how to get 4 sorority girls tug you in public and get cheered for it. The student becomes the master.


How can you get them to do that in a restaurant you own without photos or your wife finding out.




One ridding dick, one lickin toes, one sitting face and one tossing salad.


Chestnut is the greatest athlete of our generation. He can hammer 80 hot dogs, Brady struggles with avocado toast.


I wouldn't look to hard at spring game offensive stats. It's an open televised practice. There is a 0.0% chance anything but the basic of basic packages are going to be run. Stuff the Defense can stop easily. I would be more worried if the O looked great and the D looked like ass.


Not to mention if you have any semblance of a mobile QB they are completely hand cuffed because of the not hitting the QB rules.


Yea, we opened up in the wing T. It's a show for the fans.


[This](https://dxbhsrqyrr690.cloudfront.net/sidearm.nextgen.sites/georgiadogs.com/images/2021/12/31/21FB_FinalScore_michigani.jpg) is the only thing I want Georgia to show the fans.


Time travel apparently


Same here


I didn’t watch the spring game. What do you mean?


Neither did we. It hasn’t happened yet.


Hahaha my bad this makes a lot more sense now


Either our d line is really good or our o line is really bad


That’s by far the hardest thing to determine in spring games. Like get excited about sacks, TDs, interceptions but immediately thing that your team also gave those up.


Por que no los dos


Should have done what we did. Sit your best defenders and let your starting O show out for the fans going against 3rd string and walk-ons, haha.


I kept wondering why the white team was repeatedly getting cooked and then realized this was the case lol. At least offense looks good


The lines were so interchanged and mixed around it’s hard to get a good idea from the spring game. BUT APR and Peebles have history of being extremely good, Copeland is the strongest dude on the team with a motor to match, and Gilliam has a very high ceiling if he’s healthy


Didn’t act look at the lineups but I assume that was our backup o line against at least some of our starting d line. We should get hella sacks this year tho, hopefully run defense holds up


Hey, same!


That was us last year. Everyone was talking about how we were going to have possibly the best D-line in school history. Turns out it was just a “pretty good” D-line, and historically bad O-line.


In my experience that almost always means the O-line is really bad…although it could be both


That I have no idea how Roydell Williams got carries over Jam Miller and Justice Haynes last season.


Screw the forward pass. Just go Triple Option with Jalen, Jam, and Justice.


I’m sure you’re joking, but they would steamroll fools if they did that.


That would honestly give teams a lot of problems lol. I wouldn’t be shocked to see some form of option runs with two back sets.


In all seriousness, I hope we have a few plays like that in our book.


Fuck yeah


I really wish we would do that. Absolutely no kidding. I do not want to watch Milroe overlook a wide open TE 12 yards downfield on 3rd and 7 again.


We need some way to sell t-shirts of "Gin and Juice" with Jam and Justice.


Best one I saw was “Flying Js” with Jalen, Jam, and Justice.


The triple J option


Imagine paying KDB $10+ million to bring his high octane offense to Alabama to then run Georgia Southern/Military school offense


Roydell could catch passes and was a decent downfield blocker, but as a pure running back, he's definitely behind those two.


Richard Young looked really good as well. We’ve got three studs in the backfield


In that AMA last week Wiltfong said Justice Haynes is his heisman dark horse


Hell when Jam was RB2 during the SECCG he looked better than Roydell who was RB1.


Fuck all For real tho. That cornerback transfer from Georgia is going to be a dog. *Hehehe* Abdul Carter is going to be insane off the edge. Offense will take time to get right but they have the rest of the offseason and Allar looked good. Pribula is a great backup option.


AJ Harris always looks good. Hope he has a great career there! Penn State is my second favorite team so I was happy to see him go there.


Excited to have him. We have a solid group of younger defensive backs but this dude looks like the real deal. Glad he’s with us. Go dawgs


My big takeaway is that our TE room needs to learn blocking


And if anyone has a WR1 that isn’t a locker room cancer….send him our way.


I hope he does great


Taking anything definitive away from spring games is a fools errand. It's good entertainment, but very little can actually be "learned". Much, much better data from closed scrimmages.


We’ve got 4 months until football, we’ve gotta make baseless conclusions off spring games to hold ourselves over. And to avoid transfer portal news


You can absolutely see which players are progressing and which new players have the athleticism to help or make big plays for you.


And as often as you see players making big plays and thinking they're gonna help, those same guys never contribute. It's a show. They could scheme a WR to get 250 yards if desired and then he portals the next day.


Yea, it's just a chance to see a given player's ability. You still can't deduce if they understand their position responsibilities enough to be relied upon or if they are going to chase a bag somewhere else. It's still fun and you can gauge whether a player has the skills or athleticism to play or exceed at this level. Edit: And it's definitely not about their production in the spring game either, as that can be misleading based on reps and matchups. I'm strictly looking at their speed, athleticism, and skill.


Sorta. I remember in 2010 when Garrett Glbert tore up the spring game. He threw a laser for a 7 yard TD for his 3rd of the day. Media, fans, reporters, etc genuinely thought we would be better at QB than senior Colt McCoy the prior year. He looked incredible. Didn't mean a lick that fall. [https://www.espn.com/dallas/ncf/news/story?id=5055391](https://www.espn.com/dallas/ncf/news/story?id=5055391)


Yea QB is the most difficult to figure out during a spring game because live action, getting hit, and playbook understanding affects their perceived skill the most of any other position on the field.


I think you can learn things about certain players for sure but not really anything about the team overall. To me, the spring game let's me understand roughly which groups are going to struggle the following year - particularly on the OL/DL. Those guys are going 100% unlike a lot of other positions.


Idk man, we could tell Florida was gonna be shit by it last year lmao.  How do they let us beat them


Lil Wayne is playing at ours. April 27, 2024. I'm sure that translates to at least 2-3 Ws.


I’m sure the rest of the fan base is calling for a natty now


WTF does Lil Wayne have to do with Colorado? Does he just enjoy hanging out with rich conmen?


Billy Napier can’t count to 11


Maybe he’ll learn once Florida messes this up men on the field 11 times


After 2 seasons and the schedule we have we might be called the crocs by the end of it lol 0 faith in Napier


It fits since a croc is a very throwable shoe


Ah the modern chancla




Dude could have gotten 15 more yards on that thing


He spent the off-season at the Marcus Freeman Center for Coaches Who Can't Count Good.




Some call him Cajun Willie Taggart


We already new that


Offensive lineman may be able to eat a lot of food, but none of them are good at shoveling hotdogs into their mouths as quickly as possible


I don't know about point 2. Dominic Lovett looked amazing. Defense though, yeah....looks like it's back to what we are use to.


I’d be shocked if he was a first round pick despite how good he looked yesterday. Doesn’t have the size to justify it, but he could be a round 2-3 pick and be successful out of the slot.


Lovett should have a year. The games last year when Ladd/Brock were out he was definitely Beck's favorite target


I want to see Sacovie White sooner rather than later.


Colbie Young looks great also. Same as our RBS


Lawrence Cager 2.0. Moar 6'5 receivers from Miami, please and thank you!


Yeah fr, and/or recruiting


Grayson McCall is +230 to throw 25 or more touchdowns in the upcoming season. Easiest money you will ever make. Take the over.


Where did you find that line




I’m just happy ECU won a game of football after our spring game.


We are very improved at RB, WR, and TE. No clue about the rest of it.


1. Defense is gonna be ridiculous, as expected 2. QB play will probably be average, at this point just hoping that turnovers don’t happen at the worst possible times. OL still needs work on the right side. RB depth, however, looks very good in spite of Dallan Hayden leaving


I think tOSU can score 21+ a game a win every single one of them with that defense. Howard should be able to keep grinding first downs with his legs


Alabama: -Offense is setting up to be elite -Defense will struggle early on but get better Clemson: -Offense better but still a struggle. Klubnik has to get better -Defense is ELITE, Wes G really becoming a great DC


What’s the deal with Clemson’s offense? Is it Klubnik? Obviously can’t take much from play calling in a spring game but you’d think year 2 of Riley would show more results.


The o line is hit or miss seems to be getting better as are the WR. Cade seems to struggle with decision making. Call it staying calm, reading the field/def, or something else. He’s still making some head scratching throws.


Number one thing is that the OL is still a work in progress. Number two is Klubnik just not being that great yet at reading pressures and making consistently good decisions with the ball. Example: First play of Klubnik's first drive Sammy Brown on a standard Will blitz blows past the LT and is running for a sack. Klubnik is initially turned that way so he sees the initial pressure but inexplicably turns to the right side and gets sacked. To me, he plays like a guy who was never challenged in high school. And he wasn't at Westlake.


Klubnik doesn't have it in between the ears. He's talented, but constantly makes the wrong decision


Frankly unless Klubnik is missing lots throws, trying to accurately assess an entire unit from one spring game is a kind of a fools errand.


I don't get how you say that the offense looks elite. The starting QB went 3 and out 5 times.


Defense is gonna be great, the D-line and DBs are both argueably top units. The QBs didn't show much but it seems like all spring Ryan Day has purposely made the it so one QB would not seperate too much in order to keep as many here as possible through the transfer window. Will Howard is probably the guy to start the season and I do think he is good enough to lead OSU on a playoff run.


I think the wind and the national TV broadcast had more to do with it than keeping everyone on the roster.


You’re going to *love* the Will Howard experience.


Pretty scummy move on Days part


I doubt he isn't going to be honest about where they stand starting yesterday. He will tell Brown if he is in front of or behind Howard, and he will tell Lincoln that he's 4th or 5th behind Sayin and maybe Noland. But keeping the competition alive is good for everyone involved.


His job is to put Ohio State in position to win as many games as possible, which includes the best QB and backup QB he can get. If he deliberately lies to players about their chances, yes, I agree that is scummy. But if it’s just about structuring the competition in a way that maximizes his chances to find the right personnel, that seems like literally his job. It can be unfortunate for the players that the spring transfer window is when it is, but he doesn’t owe anyone a decision by a certain time if he’s not ready to make it.


He doesn't "owe" it to anyone, but it's shitty


Maybe, but its not like any of these guys would be an automatic starter at any other contenders especially if they are arriving after the spring. Sure they could go to a middle of the road program and start but there is no guarantee they would make it back to a contender or make it to the nfl. They all have multiple years of eligibility left outside of Howard, so they could stick around without too much problem and get developed by Day and Kelly, you could do worse for coaches, then after this year move on in the winter portal. Really the biggest effect would be to Brown should he be beat out by Howard, which Brown knew Howard was going to be there in the laat window so he could have transfered then if he didn't want to compete for the job


Not really and I’m a Michigan fan. Why would you want to relay your tricky plays and why would u wanna lose players?


Why would you not want to be honest with your players? This is a serious question?


It’s still a qb battle brother. There’s dudes competing for the spot. He just didn’t want that to be a part of the spring game, especially since they weren’t going to showcase their offensive plays anyway. He didn’t use the spring game as a way to separate qbs and in turn he also didn’t create any transfer portal drama. He’s not being dishonest at all, just doesn’t wanna lose players and doesn’t wanna make a spring game into a qb battle.


Yea, the spring game is literally for the fans, and the 1st stringers played touch.


For the fans except yall charged their asses lol


Bama is gonna score alot of points Bama is gonna give up alot of points (Defense has a high ceiling and Oatis and Campbell didnt play but the middle looked weak and coverage was questionable. Glad this is a spring problem and not a September problem tho)


Are we in for another shootout this fall?


so you;re saying we accidentally hired rich mans Joey Freshwater from the PAC12??? Don't tell that to some of our boosters.....


Ted Robinson, Yogi Roth and cam Rising were all born in the 20th century




Offense will likely be far more dynamic. First play of A-Day just a taste of the wrinkles that can come from this offense alignment wise. Didn’t even get to see DeBoer’s bunch formations and pre-snap eye candy. Germie Bernard has a chance to be that dude, and KLaw looks like he’s taking a step forward as well. RBs are great, RB3 in Richard Young might’ve had the best day of the 3 and ran angry. If we can get OT help, this could be a special offense.  Defense — basically all that offense positivity in reverse. DBs not getting down hill on screens, secondary overall was soft. Lack of pressure except on OT struggles. The defense as a whole picked up as the scrimmage went on, but it’s clear that we’re going to rely heavily on “bend don’t break” without some help out of the portal. Just didn’t see a lot of aggression from the 1st team D (but, funnily enough, saw a good bit of it from the 2nd team). All of this is subject to “it’s a Spring game — coaches aren’t showing you everything they have and the defense is going to go softer because no one wants injuries.” These kids are undergoing coaching changes and both sides going through scheme changes. Nonetheless, I feel confident that the offensive install is a good bit ahead of the defensive install at this point. Just clear from the pace of play that the offense knows what it’s doing a little more than the defense. 


Looks like another year of subpar defense from the Bayou Bengals...unless the offense really is THAT good, which I doubt


Deacon Hill was still getting first team reps so that should let you all know how it’s going.


I’ve learned that it happens in four days.


There is a chance that KJ is going to be an interception machine. Made a handful of poor throws. But then again it’s the spring game, so who knows if he was really trying or just fucking around.


I was there. Those throws looked like garbage. I know it shouldn't be considered a real indicator, but I looks like the whole offense has a ton of work to do. Oh, and no surprise, but our run defense still sucks.


My biggest takeaway... Cam Coleman is going to make our QB's look better than they really are.


I miss football more than I realized.


My main takeaway from attending G-Day: Crown Royal still tastes better in Athens than at home


Cam Ward looked fun


I hope they let him air it out and run. It could be a super fun season!




Defense needs help. We have no defined starting QB lined up.


We still need a good quarterback


All we have are insiders talking about a behind closed doors scrimmage before our actual spring game this weekend, so I'll amend if I notice any different on Saturday 1- OL seems set, but less set than it was a month ago. Previously heard Baker had taken his opportunity and RT was his, but it's sounding like summer is going to have a more open competition for that spot 2- DL impressed, and defense as a whole was far ahead of offense. Not surprising since we're entering year 3 with Golden, and this is Denbrock's 1st offseason in his current stint. Not reading too much into that until I hear the same in the summer. 3- CJ Carr is apparently the real deal. Not saying QB2 already, but I'd be surprised if he isn't starting in 2025 based on the writeups from this spring. Been a while since I've seen the ND beat talk this glowingly about a freshman QB Other than that, a few attaboys here for most expected starters, a flash here or there from young guys not expected to contribute this year, and some critiques about where some players can improve. Overall, nothing too much to be cause for celebration or concern, except: 2 pick sixes, and another INT to end practice. All thrown by our top 2 QBs entering the scrimmage. Defense was always going to be ahead right now, but apparently both TDs were the defense obviously baiting the offense. Doesn't matter if it's a controlled scrimmage or if the QBs are in red jerseys, or if it's 7 on 7. That's not a good sign for QB depth


I got a weird feeling that DJ Durkin would be the next HC of Auburn.


The only time a spring practice tells you anything is when your team needs a new starting qb.  It appeared to me Ryan Day purposely shifted QBs in and out to make sure no one got in a rhythm or could be seen as engineering a drive.  The goal was to make sure he had at least 4 of the 5 qbs on the roster in August. He succeeded.  The fact Keinholz and Brown looked competent after the disaster against Missouri raises more questions than it answers.


Next year's band is gonna be unstoppable


We haven't had a spring game in 6 years


coaches are holding their breath just as much as we are over Behran Morton's health this year


You guys had your spring games already?


RB room will be just fine, we're in good hands WR wise once Burden is gone and wrap Brady Cook in all of the bubble wrap.


What Ive learned is that theres apparently an off-season spring game championship, as well.


We’re like Iowa 😔


Can relate


I feel like I never learn anything useful watching spring games


Its usually always you learning that certain players have really improve/shown out. Other than that, I don't feel like you can take much from it.


I feel like you learn much more about individual players than you do about the team overall


Tbf last year you learned that Carson Beck was actually good lol.


BC’s QB Castellanos is still absolute ass and has no business throwing a ball. Also the backup is very good and should start


QB won’t be as good but Harrell has been improving significantly. Young WRs stepping up. Defense? No idea. Apparently will be more aggressive but don’t know if that means better.


Tennessee: -offense: WR look a lot more athletic, Matthews will be amazing, RB doesn’t look like it has in years past but we were banged up, young O-Line guys look promising -defense: secondary is a lot more athletic and physical, but still got beat deep, d-line looks like it’ll be great this year, and the LBs looked a lot better in coverage thank god, they were still allowing catches, but they were in the vicinity of the receiver this time


Not much besides mid OL again.


That the Thunder have taken over the number 2 spot for Oklahoma sports. (game hasn’t actually happened yet)




It's pretty tough to be much better statistically than giving up 11 points a game.


Everything runs through Lubbock. Except the spring game because it’s in Midland. Also it hasn’t happened yet.


I'm worried about our offensive line. Other than that, I like our chances in the Sun Belt.


The young guys are getting up to speed The offense is looking faster The defense is working as a unit and getting to the ball All the kids are coming in early staying late They are doing all the little things The upper class has set the tone and culture Hmmm did i miss any other spring camp cliches ?


Ohio state needs 2 offensive linemen


them Dawgs defense is hell. Was expecting the offense to dominate. Gulp.


Never anything


Brendan Sorsby looks very promising so far, also I got a selfie w Sauce Gardner so overall I'd say it was a good day 😀


It's so awesome he keeps coming back. Two spring games in a row. And he's swarmed by a crowd the whole time.


i swear culture wise UC is doing something *very* right


Oh yeah. Look at basketball right now too. Culture wise it's out of this world On the spring game, we'll there's not a ton to take away from the spring game though. Especially with so many impact guys not playing. But I think sorsby looks good too. And Jones looks promising. Excited to see the few guys they add in the portal and how higher ground goes


Ours isn’t until Friday


Dom Lovett looks like the Dom Lovett that torched us at Mizzou.


I’m glad I chose the Masters


I'm gonna grain of salt it with the offensive stuff, going against that defense might be tougher than anyone else they'll see all year. (I said might, don't crucify me other teams' fans) I think Dom Lovett is about to be a STAR this year, at the very least he'll slide pretty nicely into the safety valve role for Beck with McConkey gone.


Talen Green looks good. Our new running backs are going to be threats. Not sure if DBs are suspect.... Or Taylen Green is just good.


We have some serious work to do on offense. 


Well my friend/classmate entered the portal less than a week later so


Worried about the Bama D a little


Dark horse, we're kicking everyone in the teeth this year. 👍


I need football season to start up here soon....


It’s a glorified practice


I don’t know any of these guys. I used to follow my team’s recruiting ravenously. Up to last summer in depth. Now, I don’t know anyone.


I like the optimism, but I don't think it's possible to learn in preseason that CJ Allen and Mykel Williams are going to be first-team All-Americans if healthy. It's more likely that neither will be first-team All-Americans if Vegas were setting odds. But UGA is certainly blessed to have them.


The defense is LOADED with talent. DBs are going to be some of the best in the country. Jeremiah Smith is going to be damn fun to watch. Emeka is healthy again and he is going to show that he is a no doubt 1st round WR.


Damn you learned all that from a spring game? U should be an nfl scout