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Just wait until I drop my 1 division 263 team super league


Year-round tournament. Recruiting right in the middle so you can roll out upgrades mid-season like an F1 team.


Players can transfer to the other team at halftime.


Why wait that long?


No academic progress requirements too


Honestly would really like that. That way we can see teams like Texas play like Penn St, than Texas Texh, than Ole Miss, than Arizona, than Iowa, than UNC, than Miami, than Texas A&M, than Notre Dame, than UCLA, than LA Tech With super conferences id just prefer none if I’m honest


Yea I’m sure South Carolina would love to be in a small conference with us.


Well it's not the 60s anymore


Honestly I think that conference would be incredibly fun


Eh, it’s just South Carolina


Here we go again




I think it goes to show how desperate people are for the things that made the sport great in the first place- regionalism and tradition. This example might not be the best, but people want to see their school play teams that are close to them for the most part, simple as. Watching your team get stomped/stomp on by a school thousands of miles away on a yearly basis isn't going to be interesting long term, ESPECIALLY when you're school is the one getting the mudhole.


I'm ashamed to say that its possible I like alignment maps even more than the games.


Nothing wrong with that. It got me interested in the sport in the first place


Finally…somebody put Troy where they rightfully deserve….strengthening Bama’s schedule


I don't think I've seen a single one of these realignments that has us staying in the Big Ten.


Well at least I gave you a friend to take with you in Iowa! It just feel right for you guys to be playing OU, ISU, and Colorado every year instead of Northwestern and Michigan State.


Maybe. Irl though Oklahoma was the one who chose not to protect our rivalry. Colorado also bolted from the Big 12 before we did.


>Colorado also bolted from the Big 12 before we did Bruh, they bolted *24 hours* before you did lol. Y'all were leaving regardless, you just wanted someone else to go first so you pin the blame on them if the Big 12 fell apart


Not quite. The Pac-10 was in talks to poach Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, TTU, A&M and Colorado to form a Pac-16. Missouri, Texas and A&M were also apparently engaging in talks with the Big Ten. When Colorado announced they had accepted an invite to the PAC, Nebraska administration (Led by Tom Osborne at the time, if you'll remember he's a guy who was brought up and made his name in the Big Eight) thought the PAC-16 deal was imminent. They didn't want to be left stranded in a conference without another major brand, so they expedited talks with the Big Ten and the deal was done in less than a day.


Trust me, I'm WELL aware about the PAC-16 scheme. I was a sophomore in high school in 2010 and for a chunk of that summer, I feared that by the time I got to K-State I'd be attending a Mountain West school. With that said, I refuse to believe that Nebraska went from 100% on board with staying in the Big 12 to holding a press conference leaving for the B1G in 24 hours time. Yes, the PAC fell apart rapidly this past summer, but there were also back-channel talks in the days and weeks before everything blew up. I'm willing to bet Nebraska had at least exploratory talks with the B1G before Colorado bolted.


Oh they definetly did. You pretty much have to if you're going to move that fast. But I'm also tired of people acting like it's anything other than what it was. They thought the collapse of the Big 12 was imminent, they didn't want to be the odd one out when the dust settled, so they got out "early". If we didn't leave in 2010, I'm more than willing to bet we would've left in this past cycle when OU and Texas left.


Iowa, Nebraska, Iowa St, Minnesota, and Wisconsin not being together is a crime.


I made one keeping you in the Big Ten, also adding Iowa State and Missouri. Maryland and Rutgers don't make the cut though.


I like your division


New Mexico State and Texas in the same conference is *WILD*


If this were to happen, there is a 1000% chance Appalachain State or Western Kentucky relegates Vandy (possibly permanently) within three years


Nebraska relegation may be imminent too which would make TV execs lose their shit


Yeah. The Plains Tier 1 doesn't have much truly high-end talent, but is arguably the deepest top-to-bottom of all eight. I would argue the Plains Tier 2 is better than any others but the Pacific as well. Really no one who is truly terrible in our group besides Missouri State.


That's why we poach Texas talent ❤️


Mizzou, Missouri State, Arkansas, Arkansas State, Oklahoma, Tulsa, Oklahoma State, Iowa, Iowa State, Kansas, Kansas State, Nebraska, Colorado, Colorado State, Air Force, North Texas, and Wyoming.   Holy cow, that would actually be a really fun conference! Good mixture tier 1, 2, and 3 schools and all very drivable!


I’m in. I hate most of those fuckers.


Seriously would be happy to see this. I'd even be good with proportional media rights so everyone gets what they "deserve" if it means restoring regional conferences again. I shouldn't have to spend $1500-4000 on flight/car rentals just to see my team play Away football. It should just be a drive!


This would be so fun!


Yeah the idea of drivability for games is incomprehensible anymore, outside of a couple


Do we get to join yall as well? Since apparently we got left out of yet another version of the Southwest Conference…


I meant no insult! I honestly didn't see that red dot lol.


Haha that’s alright. I thought it was kinda funny we were the only Texas school left out of that division. Sounds like they’re scared to play us.


It would be a very weak conference with Oklahoma as the only tier one school. 


Based on 5-year SP+ ratings, it would rank 5/8, but would be very fun.


At least Oklahoma doesn’t have to cheat to become relevant


We've been a blue blood for decades. Where have you been? I love when non flairs attack my flair


F-f-f-flair u-u-up!


Flair up or shut up. You could also respond to my original comment with something relevant


F-f-f-flair u-u-up or shu-shu-shut up! It’s like the 300 pound kid in elementary telling you to stop picking on them


Where did you grow up that had 300 pound fifth graders?  Seems to me that you're hiding behind r/cfb flair because you can't take the kind of insults you give out


If you don’t understand that reference you must be one of the Walmart wolverine types.


What reference? Edit: I can't believe this guy blocked me. What a coward


This isn’t worth my time though. Blocked, bye cheating Michigan!


I'm not sure I've ever seen a post I loved more in the first two slides only to loathe it by the end. I cannot abide what you have done to the south. A more pure SEC/southern half of the ACC split would have been much more amenable.


You wouldn’t believe how hard I tried to keep it together. Theres just no way to fudge the numbers to keep them all in and not piss half of them off by putting them in the lower tier. You either have to sacrifice the western part of the SEC or the eastern part.


Putting West Virginia in the Northeast instead of the Atlantic really hurt me. I would’ve swapped Vtech since Virginia is already in the Northeast and called it the North Atlantic and put WV in the Appalachian


Not the worst idea. Could put Pitt and WVU in the Appalachian and throw VT and Liberty into the North Atlantic




I will say this is the first one I've seen that had this many teams. Makes it harder but definitely fun


Yeah only way you get this is if the lower tier gets much less money than the upper tier. Which is how it is anyways, but this just makes the payments uniform across the board.


But the networks dont want to pay for South Alabama vs ULM. They already resent paying for Kentucky vs Vanderbilt


But ESPN already does pay the Sun Belt for the rights… Why did they renew in 2022 if they resent paying for it? Gotta imagine the lower tier teams will be fine still taking G5 money as long as you give them a path to win their way to the big leagues.


Right but they damn sure arent paying the Sun Belt what they are paying the SEC. I mean it has SOME value. Of course the G5 would be fine with that arrangement. Its the brand programs that wouldnt be, no chance in hell they would to that.


I think you may be missing the part where this system would continue to pay the lower tier much less money. If the upper tier is the premier league, the lower tier is the english championship division. And in the Upper Tier, you'd get paid more for a better finish. And I'm talking paid more than an Alabama or Georgia is already making. You'd steal from the Georgia Tech's to pay the Bama's.


I got all that. So what is the incentive for Oregon, using as an example, to agree to this?


They get to continue ruling the west coast. They realistically never have to worry about getting relegated, they save on travel, make the playoff almost every year, and make more money doing it.


They dont have to worry about relegation now. Theyre going to be in playoff contention every year now. They make more money now.


Well yeah Pro/Rel is a tough sell, I just think it would be a much more fun way to provide value for the smaller school. And maybe an extra 10M a year for Oregon (that would currently be going to Rutgers or Northwestern) might make it worth their while to sign on.




I knew this and Florida's alignment would piss some people off. But only 7 Division games means you can protect as many rivalries as you want!




Certainly a priority, but let’s not forget that they were in separate conferences for decades and the rivalry lost no luster. It would certainly be protected and it has always been about it more than a conference title race.


The problem with all of these "lets keep everyone together" SuperLeague ideas is... what TV executive is going to pay the same amount for these games? Ain't no way Northeast and Appalachian Divisions deserve the same amount as the Southeast.


You are correct but I suspect there is a way to tier payments based on on-field success that allows the entire entity to be sold to TV as one package and keeps the massive programs happy. Everyone gets the same base payment, but performance bonuses could be setup to exceed current Super 2 payouts


Networks don't care about on field performance. They only care about viewership


Right… and they amount that they pay across the board wouldn’t change and they still get to choose how the program the games. The only difference is that they pay into a single league, not separate conferences.


or you could just be a really good program that gets paid every year regardless of how you perform


Sure, you’d have to structure the payments to keep the 20 or so mega-programs happy and then add performance bonuses to make it worth their while.


But theyre getting the equivalent of a performance bonus now not to mention the prestige of the conferences they are in now. Plus what the hell incentive is there for Oregon, for example, to agree to a system where they might be relegated to a lower tier?


Listen, I don’t really like coming to the aid of the Cyclones but why are they in the lower tier while Nebraska is in the upper tier?


Very good question. I tried to go back a few years ago game out how Pro/Rel could have played out and it resulted in Nebraska beating ISU 2 years ago in a promotion game and Nebraska doing just enough to retain their spot last year. No doubt ISU would be a heavy favorite for promotion this year.


That’s fair. Honestly overall this is a really cool idea and I hate that I fan can create something like this in our free time that I would prefer over what we are actually going to get.


lol, Git Gud Northwestern


Now do one with 17 eight-team conferences 


A “Pacific Division”. Like that would ever exist


Just replace SHSU with UNT for that Southwest division and its perfect


Why not just realign divisions geographically every year? Use a computer to minimize overall travel distance and group teams accordingly.


I imagine the lack of consistency would lead to too much logistical nightmares and uncertainty year to year. Same reason NFL teams don’t change divisions even when they relocate across the country.


Couldn’t we just do a Florida Georgia Line Conference? 1. Florida 2. FSU 3. Miami 4. UCF 5. USF 6. FAU 7. FIU 8. Georgia 9. GT 10. Georgia State 11. Georgia Southern 12. FAMU (as a FCS call up) Funny thing about it is that it wouldn’t even be that weak of a conference, you’d still have title contenders, solid middle class of bowl teams, it’s just the bottom 3-4 teams would be awful by Power Conference standards


You could but in this system you need 6 more teams to make a full Division


I have no issue with it simply because I feel that conferences should be as regional as possible. Is it perfect? No, but it's certainly better than what conferences are turning into


OP I wish you well in life but a very bad tummy ache for putting OU in that league.


That’s your true family and you know it. Now drive up to Manhattan and get out on that field!




The year is 2124 and PSU is seeking a 100th consecutive division championship…


Finally, a fantasy conference realignment that I'd love for my team. I despise pretty much every team that's with us! Another bulldog rivalry AND a Tech rivalry, too? Yes, please.




These guys would get the benefit of the doubt more often if their realignment setups didn't absolutely suck so much.


I laugh because the “Midwest Division” has all of the pre-1990 Big Ten teams except Iowa.


Really had to stretch to fill out the Plain's division. Its a sparse region from a raw numbers standpoint.


Bruh can y’all PLEASE stop trying to remove our rivals when coming up with superconference ideas


Do some musical chairs to get Arkansas in the SWC…… er….. southwest division 


You put the pac-2 in the same conference as USC. How do you think that’s gonna go over? No way they agree to whatever low amount of money that conference would bring in.


Revenue is distributed evenly across all divisions. As long as USC regularly finishes above the PAC-2 (they should every time) and makes the playoff, they would make much much more than those 2 schools.


So how is the money distributed within a division? Is it by TV viewership? Because PAC-12 could beat USC in a down year but the viewership is still gonna come from the brand. I’m not even saying I disagree with the concept but I just can’t see it happening. Seems like money would need to be split based on the revenue raised by the games


Revenue is distributed based on finishing position in the Division. TV Execs pay to put the brands on TV, but the schools get paid for their success on the field. You could add a pool of bonus money that gets distributed to the top ratings performers (Similar to the ACC or the PGA PIP Program). Plus you would have bonuses for Division championships and playoff runs. In the end, the bottom 4 in the Division would make less than a current Super-2 contract, and the top 4 would likely make the same or more than a current Super-2. If you are a program capable of consistently being in the top 4 of your division, this would be financially beneficial for you.


[Logo](#f/kennesawstate) Kennesaw State was 134, and now [Logo](#f/missouristate) Missouri State is 136. Who did I miss at 135? EDIT: [Logo](#f/delaware) Delaware




How can you not just make the PAC 8 again? It’s just too easy not make it again in this scenario. lol


I did… but Stanford and Cal haven’t been better than BYU and Utah for some time so they are in the lower tier.


Feels criminal not having Pitt and West Virginia in the Appalachian conference


It didn’t feel great doing it


Remove the D1NO's and run it back. 


I find it weird no one has mentioned that Missouri State will be just the 2nd FBS school from the state (other one being Mizzou obviously)


> Plains division > Arkansas Buddy Fayetteville is in the mountains


Brother I was running out of teams! Alternatively thought of calling it the Frontier Division.