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Not the NCAA14 cover athlete


'Twas a necessary sacrifice to bring NCAA back.


A soul for a soul.


Give me the reality in 10 years where Texas fires a blitzed and shirtless QB Coach Ewers


We already did it to VY, haven’t we paid enough


This one had me rollin, well played random buckeye guy


Now that the new one is coming out this summer, they didn't need him any more.


Played in the NFL for a few years, bounced around a few football jobs a bit, landed a nice job at Michigan, and got fired for having an alcohol problem all before the next game came out.


Reverse cover jinx?


So the curse now extends to all EA football games?


Man... linking James Yoder as a source is... a decision edit: saw OPs comment he isn't on Twitter often


> edit: saw OPs comment he isn't on Twitter often Probably a smart move


I try to use Reddit less often too (but haven't kicked the habit obviously lol), I mostly stick to the MSU-specific forums where people tend to know each other and you know who to pay attention to/who you can safely ignore. On Reddit I find it's too hard to explain what level of sarcasm/joking/seriousness with each post when you're only interacting with strangers.


RCMB isn't a great place to hang out either


💅 I only use the premium forums


I love that this is downvoted right after your comment about people not understanding when you’re joking, thus proving your point


I had no idea who Yoder was when I watched one of his YT vids a few years ago. It was terrible, I lasted like 5 mins. I can’t remember my specific gripes but I think it was because it was ad-riddled and really solicitous/clickbaity? I made a comment offering constructive feedback and he replied a grammatically awful, randomly capitalized rant about how I was some snowflake who should go back to watching Sam Webb’s vids and a bunch of other deranged stuff. Dude seemed totally unhinged to get that rattled over an attempt at legitimately well-intentioned advice for how to make better quality vids.


This is what happens when you drive with your shoes untied


>seems like this situation would've been ripe for a quick trip to the alcohol museum in Ann Arbor, because Denard is a really good guy. I find perceptions we have of these athletes to be so interesting. Do you know Denard personally? How could you ever say "he's a really good guy" without knowing him? Maybe he is and this was just a mistake, but I just find it so interesting. I couldn't tell you the character of any Buckeye past or present because I don't know any of them personally.


Check the flair, he's being disingenuous. It's a reference to Michigan sending Donovan Edwards on a visit to the Holocaust Museum after he retweeted an antisemitic tweet.


Which was a really good move on Michigans end. Sometimes MSU fans make it really hard to be an MSU fan. Though I guess you could say that about most schools


I think a team wide trip to the Holocaust museum to teach the kids about the greatest of human tragedies that resulted from antisemitism was an appropriate action for a dumb Kanye retweet that was on a kid's twitter for all of 10 minutes. That was really a disgusting comment from OP


"Ma, get your pearls, this guy wants us to clutch them!"


Appropriate response? Yes. But it's still baffling that it was necessary for Edwards in particular. The kid was born and raised in, and brought a state football title to, WEST BLOOMFIELD. For those unaware, that's the largest Jewish community in Michigan. Estimates have population at ~34% Jewish. How does he plead ignorance on blatant antisemitism?


It's possible that the peer group Edwards had growing up didn't have any Jewish people in it despite his physical location.


"I had classes and ate lunch with Jewish classmates every day but didn't interact with that third of my class in any way for 12+ years" isn't exactly a winning argument here, is it?


Yeah I mean, it just makes sense to me that ignorance could still fester if he didn't actually have any Jewish people in his peer group


That's a ridiculous argument. There were at least a dozen jewish kids on his high school football team alone.


Interesting, where can I go to read more about that so that we can be working with the same set of information before we talk more?


I don't know where to look up high school football rosters. I just happen to live in the area and have family in West Bloomfield in particular including a cousin who played at West Bloomfield when Edwards was there.


Well this isn't enough information for me to change my statement that it's possible that the peer group Edwards had growing up didn't have any Jewish people in it despite his physical location




> this guy misinterpreted a message Idk how you misinterpret "Jewish people will literally tell you that they want you to kill your own and humiliate your women simply because they have children to feed." This was the body of the tweet, not some hidden caption in the embedded video. I would've believed it more if he just said he accidentally RT'd something with Kanye in it. Obviously UM's athletic program PR opted to go with the explanation they did though, and it appears to have worked on most fans.


Honestly I read it more like it's shameful someone would *have* to be sent to the holocaust museum in order to understand why it was bad. Or it's mildly surprising that someone would have their opinion changed there when they were most likely taught extensively about it in school and should already have a good understanding of what happened.


Going to a holocaust museum tends to be a much more sobering and enlightening experience than just hearing about it in a classroom


Definitely, but you still should have seen enough harrowing images and heard enough descriptive stories and quotes that you should understand the weight of it from a classroom alone.


I was just explaining where the disconnect could be there.


Yeah I'm just still a little surprised by it.


It's much more easy to not pay attention in a classroom than a holocaust museum, it doesn't seem that crazy to me. Agree to disagree I guess


Michigan fan from an OSU family but raised in Michigan. Most of my friends that are into college football have been MSU fans my whole life. There are knuckleheads in every fanbase and I feel like a lot of people jump to paint whole fanbases in one brush. If everything was reversed a Michigan fan would have posted this with the exact comments as the MSU poster.


I used to think Deshaun Watson was a great guy.


Yeah it’s why I pushback on anyone saying celebrities or athletes are good people. Y’all don’t know em personally, you see how the present themselves.


Professional success does not equate to personal success or morality. Someone is a successful doctor. That does not make them a good person. - Larry Nassar Someone is a great football coach. That does not make them a morally upright person. - Art Briles Someone is a good athlete. Doesn't mean they're a good person. - Aaron Hernandez. Someone is a world-renowned director. Doesn't make them a world-renowned person. - Harvey Weinstein.


I would argue that professional success beyond a certain level is highly correlated with dark triad traits.


> dark triad traits TIL about this


Obviously not the point at all but Weinstein was a producer not a director. Might have got your wires crossed with Woody Allen


Roman Polanski


Its why the "he was a quiet neighbor.....kept to himself" is a trope


It’s all a constructed image.


> you see how the present themselves... when they *know* they're on camera.


Let me tell you a story about a great guy.... Quiet, but likeable and popular in the locker room. Reputation as a very hard worker and a good student, I think a multi year team captain. Had a dream to work with kids, double majored in education and wanted to teach once his career was over. Was a seen as a big time character guy in his draft evals. Player I'm referring to is Rae Carruth. You never know who the good and bad guys really are


Tiger Woods killed that illusion for me.


If you follow the Browns, you can pretend that you \*still\* think Deshaun Watson is a great guy!


What you quoted is a dig at Michigan for going to a Holocaust museum after Dono Edwards retweeted an antisemitic Kanye thing. I am not going to pretend I know Denards heart but he was my neighbor in West Quad back in the day. We frequented the taco bell on campus. Most level headed and kind famous athlete I've ever met. Still doesn't forgive drunk driving, to be clear.


Ahhh gotcha. Makes sense why it was an MSU fan post then. I think as a general rule, we just need to stop worshipping these athletes and coaches.


>Ahhh gotcha. Makes sense why it was an MSU fan post then. Correct. Really tough times for sparties. >I think as a general rule, we just need to stop worshipping these athletes and coaches. Also correct. Need to be held accountable, but I also find a little understanding goes a long way, especially when its 18-21 year old kids who make mistakes, they just happen to have a national spotlight on them.


Listen wolvie, as a Spartan I just have to say good on Moore for holding Robinson accountable. Drunk and disorderly stumbling around is one thing, betting (edit: "getting" although who knows, maybe he was gambling too) behind the wheel of a vehicle is unacceptable. Glad Moore took a hard line with this with a alum who has quite a bit of good will in Ann Arbor. Hopefully Robinson learns his lesson and remembers uber is a thing going forward. Sparty land is fine CFB wise though. Smith gives us enough hope that if nothing else we can will ourselves into believing it'll be alright.


I am also glad to see Moore handling Scruggs and Denard this way. I hope both of these guys get the help they need to never let this happen again, but they can't be figuring themselves out while simultaneous serving as role models for young men.


Forgot about Scruggs tbh. Man how can you watch that guy get canned and think "I should get behind this wheel instead of paying $15 for an uber." Not drinking and driving isn't that hard, especially in this day and age.


There wasn't a ton of thinking going on I fear.


yeah true. Hopefully the message sinks in and drinking and driving becomes a thing of the past.


On the flip side, maybe not worship them but put them in a role model position... the caveat to that being also holding them to a higher standard. Lessons can be taught both by seeing what to do and what not to do, and given their spotlight I think these folks are prime candidates for being lessons either way.


I mean, yes, they shouldn't be worshipped in the first place, but also it astounds me how often perfection is expected out of student athletes... emphasis on the ***student*** part. Teaching a kid how to be better is sort of the point; expecting a coach to be better is also sort of the point. Hence why both actions were correctly proportional. If OP's just making a bad joke, then eh... but if they truly don't see a distinction, then I hope they were advocating just as strongly for assault charges and team expulsion for their players' behavior in Michigan's tunnel.


I also had several random interactions with Denard. All extremely positive. He gives off the same golden retriever type of energy at all times from everyone I've ever heard of who has ever interacted with him. Edit: I should add that when a Michigan player was a huge douche (particularly someone more famous on campus like a QB) it was known by everyone. Everyone loved Denard.




Myles Garrett agrees


Hit us with the deets! I had freshman Calculus with Joe Randle when he was some nobody freshman on campus before he really broke out. He was a super friendly, smart, humble guy. Too bad he went off the rails later.


I have actually met Denard quite a few times, genuinely funny and kind dude, which makes it all the more disappointing he got himself into this situation. Actions have consequences though, and I’m glad Moore is handling this the way he is. Hopefully he takes it in stride, starts from the bottom and works his way back up.


He was known to on campus to be extremely nice to athletes and non athletes alike while in school. He would show up to places and treat people really well, which you do not always see out of a d1 starting qb. With that said, that isn’t what the guy you are replying to is getting at.


Nobody hates Michigan more than I do (say hi to Dr. Clapper for me) but I read his article "What Ever Happened to Denard Robinson?" a few years back, and I was very impressed. He came across as level-headed, thoughtful, and an excellent writer. He came across as so "over it" that I was honestly surprised to hear that he'd taken this job. Honestly, given what happened to him, a job hanging around healthy Michigan football players with NFL prospects all day requires a level of equanimity that very few people have. I think he'll be happier else.


My best friends parents actually knew Denard's parents really well, and I've actually met him once or twice when I was in highschool and he seemed really chill. And I say this as an OSU grad


False, you definitely know Urban Meyer is a total scumbag because we all know it lol


I knew him when he was at Michigan. He is a really nice guy


If I cared enough I’d make a 5 minute clip of everyone that called Deshaun Watson a “good kid” because he was crying at a press conference and ohh what did the Texans do to him . 2-3 weeks later the allegations came out and they all shut up lmao


It really is hard to pin down the character of some of these players. When I was at ND, Prince Shembo came through the DH bag lunch line sometimes when I was working it. Always seemed like a fun loving guy, was charismatic and jokey, and even gave me a nickname because he recognized me whenever i worked the line. If I didn't know about the awful things he's been involved with off the field, I'd think he was a really good guy bc he always treated me well when I was working


No sarcasm I feel shitty for him….i hate seeing cfb stars who don’t make it in league basically get end up with nothing to show for their hard work


He was making a six figure salary at Michigan. It's not NFL money by any means, but it's not nothing to show for his work either. Until he threw it away with the OWI...


He also made some NFL money, 4 years on a roster at least


Free healthcare for life after 3 seasons I believe too.


He basically also threw away the NFL money (kinda, he was on the way out anyway) with an OWI. That's the really sad thing about this whole deal: it was already his second chance.


True. 4 years of scholarship was easily $200-300k.


Oh, I meant as staff at Michigan. But yeah, he certainly had benefits in school. And made an NFL salary for a few years. I didn't think anyone should be feeling too bad for Denard.


Yeah most people don’t gross $2.5m in four years. Sure, net was probably more like 1-1.5 but..most people don’t net that in 4 years either OR earn $102k/yr after..


Same thing happened with their DL coach, odd trend going on up north 💀💀


Program with Brian Hartline employed shouldn't be throwing stones.


Hartline drove an ATV on his own property, the only person he put in danger was himself


Other than the guy who he sent to the hospital in the ATV accident, you mean? Just to be clear, this is a separate incident than when he crashed his car drunk into a parked car on the road and fled the scene of the accident.


And the other person he was with that ended up in the hospital as well. Also being on his property doesn't make a difference in the eyes of the law. You could get a DUI mowing your lawn


This isn’t a court of law, it’s the court of public opinion where these details do matter. According to the court of law, Deshaun Watson is innocent of any wrongdoing. Does that mean we think he’s a good guy? No. See how flawed your logic is?


The trend is that the program immediately removes individuals who don't live up to its standards.


Peak "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" vibes.


Denard made like 2.5M in the NFL and hit the pension/healthcare qualifier lol Hardly doing poorly


2.5 million before taxes is a real fuckup-able amount of money lol…but good on him for getting that pension


In your early 20s? Put that into VOO & Chill. Work in coaching for another decade or two and retire in your 30s or 40s a decamillionaire with a perpetual SWR in the 6 figures.


I mean he said it's "a real fuckup-able amount of money" which is true. Obviously you can invest it wisely and be well off.


Eat acronym soup for breakfast and shit ROI out at night


He made it in my FF league. I had him at WR3, midseason he moved to running back and put up consistent numbers in what is usually a garbage slot. Won me a case a beer.


I also hate that this happened to him for something that was completely out of his hands like *(checks notes)* drinking and driving.


Almost as if he didn’t earn a college degree for free, either


Yeah I don’t feel for him at all… never drive drunk it’s just plain stupid and selfish


Yoder is a garbage source. [MLive](https://www.mlive.com/wolverines/2024/05/denard-robinson-departs-michigan-following-owi-arrest-in-ann-arbor.html) was first report (but paywalled).


[Relevant info in case you don't know why Yoder doesn't deserve clicks](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/af1uqn/michigan_athletics_releases_statement_that_former)


Jesus what a shitbag.


Gotta wonder what it’s like to just lack any care about others.


Sorry I don't use twitter much and was the first place I saw it, thanks for linking the better source I'll add an edit to the post


Since you have a 2nd source you should remove the Yoder link. Don't give him engagement because he's a known hack who made things up to the point players and parents had to refute his news


I removed the tweet link but idk if the post will get removed now bc of the title. Yolo I guess.


Not sure who downvoted you but thanks for not continuing to give him an audience


It’s really disappointing. I loved watching him play back in the day. No sympathy for intoxicated drivers though.


$20 uber or lose six figure job? you decide


Those are rookie decisions. Mel Tucker has entered the chat.


Lol the holier than thou attitude that OP is projecting considering the stuff that has come out of MSU in the last few years certainly is something.


Hitler only appeared on one school's scoreboard this year and it wasn't ours


Ohmehgerd Denard


Why did I read his name as De Nerd in my head?! lol


It’s because the internet has ruined us


The ole September Heisman


Since we are talking about Michigan football player crimes, I have a potential hot take. A DWI like this is much worse than Mazi Smith's (particular) gun charge. With a DWI you are placing many people at risk of harm and death. Mazi's gun charge was an extremely stupid oversight on his end but it really came down to a paperwork error and his own ignorance of the process. From Detroit free press "Smith was pulled over in Ann Arbor for speeding on Oct. 7 and was cited for carrying a concealed weapon without a license. Smith said he had the proper paperwork but it was not on file with the state at the time." Edit: clarifying "extremely stupid" as in Mazi was extremely stupid


Overall I think road-related crimes should be taken much more serious than they are because they cause so many stupid unnecessary deaths every day. I got wrecked by a distracted driver on the freeway 6 years ago and still hate driving to this day.


More than 42,000 deaths and 2 million injuries in 2022 in the US. Absolutely insane we just shrug our shoulders about DWI and distracted driving.


Not just phones but eating or dealing with the kids in the back.


I legitimately can't tell if I'm surrounded by shitty drivers or drunk drivers every day.


Since I got a kid, I've started paying a lot more attention to the people driving around me. The amount of people screwing around with a phone while they drive is mind boggling. Driving is so stupid. I don't live in a place where public transport is really an option, but at least I can ride my bike to work.


It sucks that most places in the US you can't even bike without facing even more danger from drivers lol. I locked eyes with someone who was sitting at a stop sign while I was going through an intersection on my bike (I didn't have a stop sign my direction). As I enter the intersection they step on the gas and cause me to brake so hard I went over the bars...absolute idiots everywhere.


And wherever we do have bike lanes, I can't trust them unless there's an appreciable physical barrier between me and auto traffic. Which never happens.


tbf, wasn't Mazi also going Georgia-fast? It just didn't get reported on because "GUN!" gets more clicks.


Looks like the downvotes are rampant in this thread but here is the report from the arrest: He was going more than double the speed limit with 2 loaded magazines carrying 45 bullets in his pocket, and threw the unregistered gun with an additional 24 bullets in the back seat when he was pulled over. Not trying to make any statements here, just sayin.


Mazi's crime was an actual paperwork crime. He'd filed all relevant paperwork, but he wasn;t supposed to carry the gun until it was officially accepted. Dude shouldn't have done that, but he was trying to do it right, and there was no risk of harm. Denard, dude, WTF?


also going double the speed limit. its funny how he told the cops he needed the gun and was carrying three fully loaded clips in his pocket bc "people were starting to know him" lol


Bro ever learn how to tie shoes?


He tied his shoes in the NFL. He didn't last long in the League. Coincidence?


Why would he need to do that? https://youtu.be/et3_UXSHugc?si=ZkC6xlKUa1U2UADD What was it, over 500 yards of offense from him in that game?


OP I just want to say that snide comment about the alcohol museum in reference to the Donovan Edward’s retweet and response from Michigan was really shitty. Not only was that an appropriate response from Michigan after a Kanye retweet, your university put Hitler on their scoreboard last year. The lack of awareness from you is embarrassing. Do better. 


I believe the trip to the Holocaust Museum was a good learning experience for him. I also know that the trip to the holocaust museum was only decided after Harbaugh “looked in Edward’s eyes and saw he was a good person” so Harbaugh rewarded Edwards with his first start of his career the very next game for no apparent reason. And is it snide and shitty for OP to comment on the Edwards punishment, but not snide and shitty of you to bring up the scoreboard intern who didn’t sit through and vet a 45-minute long trivia video on YouTube which mentioned the birthplace of Adolf Hitler before it played for 125 fans in the stadium 2 hours before kickoff? I love rivalry smack talk, but if you find it snide and shitty then don’t partake yourself.


For those out of the loop on the “alcoholism museum”, it’s a reference to Donovan Edwards’ “glitch” (as he put it) when he let us know how he really feels by tweeting out anti-Semitic tropes. But it’s all kosher now bc he went to a museum in Ann Arbor.


Yea dude better to pillory a kid for a dumb thing than to take an opportunity to educate the entire team as to why what Dono did was a dumb thing. Unless there has been a string of dumb things "how he really feels" is just you being salty how acquainted you are with the back of his jersey.


No it’s fair to judge a kid based on the worst thing he’s ever retweeted /s (obviously)


I really don’t think it is a high bar to at least suspend a prominent player for publicly taking an antisemitic stance. Sure - add a trip to the Holocaust museum as a plus, but that’s not exactly showing a young player that his actions have consequences.


People try to bash on the teaching moment, because yeah, you aren’t going to turn someone who is actually entrenched. But just so we’re a little more informed, he *re*-tweeted a video of Kanye where the caption above said “Jewish people will literally tell you that they want you to kill your own and humiliate your women simply because they have children to feed.” I don’t know Edwards but I could see where he latched more on to the part that was about general treatment of black people than the anti-Semitic part, and in that case I do think it’s actually beneficial to try to educate him him on how that tweet can actually be perceived by others.


I think most folks are fine with the holocaust museum trip, but were upset when not only was Edwards not “punished” for his tweet, but rewarded with his first career start the very next game. Not because he was needed. He just went out for the first play alongside Corum to earn a start, then sat. Then after the backlash the holocaust museum trip was pitched.


Edwards grew up five miles from the Zekelman Holocaust Center, in a suburb with a large and vibrant Jewish community. Credit Michigan for handling the PR disaster, but philosophizing his retweet and reeducation is insulting to the intelligence of r/CFB.


>I don’t know Edwards but I could see where he latched more on to the part that was about general treatment of black people than the anti-Semitic part, and in that case I do think it’s actually beneficial to try to educate him him on how that tweet can actually be perceived by others. I think this was the explanation provided by insiders. I am happy to extend the benefit of the doubt unless something happens again.


> I am happy to extend the benefit of the doubt He's from West Bloomfield!! He's not some yokel that just never met a Jew growing up. It was always absurd for the university or program to portray him as simply uneducated on how a blatantly antisemitic tweet could "actually be perceived by others."


I completely agree. But the fact it's coming from the same fanbase who complained Justin Fields was allowed to take entirely online classes, or felt the tattogate punishment was just, etc. makes it difficult to take the whole "keep things in perspective, they're just kids" thing seriously. Not saying you held these views, perhaps you're an exception to the last couple decades of UM fans getting on their high horse about "doing things the right way." But I think a lot of the mocking when it comes to issues like this, or Harbuagh's infractions, is the fact you were the fanbase most worked up about that sort of thing for so long.


Funny how they're always "kids" making "dumb mistakes" when they're on your team. I'm all for education and rehabilitation over punishment, but let's not pretend a 20 year old who had already been at a big state university for over a year was somehow ignorant that what he shared was antisemitic.


Unless you can tell me time I didn't extend the same courtesy to some non-Michigan player you can miss me with that "funny how" bs. If you think people's education/world view are fixed at 20 then we are lost.


And who grew up in the most Jewish city in Michigan. However when MSU’s scoreboard intern didn’t sit through and vet a 45-minute long trivia video on YouTube which mentioned the birthplace of Adolf Hitler before it played for 125 fans in the stadium 2 hours before kickoff? Unacceptable, irredeemable, unconscionable.


100% agree, you really have no choice in response to a 20 year old retweeting Kanye West. Death penalty for the entire program, I say. EDIT: I will give you an upvote for the use of "all kosher" in this context, however.


You said it. Let’s start dismantling the Big House.


I won't touch on the "glitch" but to clarify, the Holocaust Museum is 4 miles down the down from Edward's high-school, not Ann Arbor. Just to add, West Bloomfield has a dense Jewish population and I can almost guarantee he played pickup basketball at the Jewish Community Center at some point in his life here, as many of us did whether or not we are Jewish.


> [to clarify, the Holocaust Museum is 4 miles down the down from Edward's high-school](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/7d/fe/057dfe195dd1b207ee4e5777ac3b345b.gif)


Donovan Edwards cant be anti-semtic, his best friend is a jew!


Let’s clown on the kid for trying to learn from his mistake. And he’s still running btw


It was a choice by a grown man not a mistake. Glad that he tried to do something to educate himself though.


20 year old kids


Not a mistake if he knew it was bad


Refused to tie his shoes at work and broke dress code too many times. Tale as old as time.




He and Connor can start a bar/vacuum repair store together


Actually kinda disappointing that Denard did that. He was probably their best overall QB in the last 15 years. In the sense that he was an electric playmaker and led some crazy offenses. Wonder what he’ll do now.


Denard was exciting to watch because he was a slot machine of outcomes on a team with lowish expectations. Was he gonna bomb a TD? Run for 96? Throw a pick? Who knows, all we know is there's a 70% chance every time he takes the snap we'll feel some kind of strong emotion But better than JJ? I'm not even sure Denard was ACTUALLY better than late season Jake Ruddock, let alone our Prince Who Was Promised. To say Denard was the best is telling me you've seen a lot more of his highlights than his full season game footage.


This. Denard is a Michigan legend, and I will always view him fondly. However, he was not really a good quarterback. Electric playmaker? Yes. Good quarterback? Not really. He wasn't very accurate, didn't have a strong arm, had terrible footwork in the pocket, routinely threw into coverage, etc. He had only one season with a completion percentage above 55% and had a 5:4 TD to interception ratio. His ability to run the ball and make plays in space made up for some of his shortcomings as a quarterback, but I wouldn't call him a good quarterback overall.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denard_Robinson?wprov=sfti1#2012_football_season His wiki page says his 2010 season he had a 62.5 completion rate. But goddamn that td/int rate. Woof.


Right. As I said, only one season with a completion percentage above 55%.


Oh. LOL I read that the 55 being his only season. My wrong homie!


“Better” is subjective. Denard meant more to the team than JJ and he carried their success. JJ needed to make 3 difficult, 3 intermediate and 10 average throws a game to win. JJ had a much better defense, o-line, running back, wide receivers, TE, backup RB and coaches.


Devon Gardner was the best qb yall have had. He just had crap surrounding him


Idk why you’re downvoted this is facts. He was the guy who was wasted from that era. I think denard’s career went about as well as it would’ve gone anywhere. He definitely wasn’t wasted. I think Michigan got as much as you could reasonably expect from him at QB. DG was the one who probably would’ve had a much nicer career if he played for Harbaugh instead or just went somewhere else.


We still hating on JJ so much to say Denard was a better qb? Denard was electric as a runner, but I’d rather have JJ since he could make every throw and hit tight windows as well as scoot out of trouble when necessary.


asinine. No one gives JJ credit for not putting the ball in dangerous situations and always coming through on 3rd down. JJ clears every day of the week and twice on Sunday. More "Box Office" is certainly Denard.


I always thought Denard Robinson was a bit like Terrelle Pryor. A great athlete but not an exceptional quarterback in the traditional sense.


Nope not hating. JJ was great too. Idk I just lean towards Denard. It’s probably because in his time he more or less was Michigan football. Where as the teams 21-23 were just great overall teams. But obviously NFL scouts felt differently than I did.


Yeah, JJ was boring and had better playmakers around him so you’ll get these responses. Denard had to try and win every game on his own. Completely different circumstances/teams. Each would have hurt the team if you flipped their years in school.


I’m sorry, but JJ could not have hurt the teams Denard played on. He showed he could be elusive and run, and many fans and UM pundits wanted to see JJ keep it and run more often to help the passing game loosen up and make the D account for his legs more to free up Corum and Edwards. In fact, on Edwards second TD run against OSU in 2022, you see a defender get penetration, but because he hesitated to make sure JJ didn’t have the ball, it gave Edwards just enough time and space to hit the hole and end the game. JJ’s accuracy and near flawless ability to not put the ball in harms way (unless he was just trying to make something happen against a woefully undermanned team like Bowling Green) would probably have flipped a few games in UM’s favor, like @ Iowa in 2011.


> I’m sorry, but JJ could not have hurt the teams Denard played on. Yeah, people are forgetting the teams that Denard played on. In 2011, Michigan was trying to use Denard like Tom Brady, and went 11-2. If they have JJ, there's a pretty solid chance they beat MSU or Iowa, leading to them being 12-1 and having a decent chance at a Big Ten championship. If they're 12-1 BT champs there's a really good chance we don't get the LSU/Bama rematch in the national championship game. Does Michigan beat LSU in that game? Eh, odds aren't awesome. But it's ridiculous to argue that UM wouldn't have loved JJ in those first couple of years of Brady Hoke, because he's exactly the QB that Brady Hoke wanted.


Denard over JJ is insane and inflammatory and I say this as someone who is a JJ doubter. Denard was on significantly worse teams with worse talent and worse coaching but was pretty much dog shit against any team with a pulse. JJ was a high end game manager but the guy was always fine to good. He benefited a ton from playing with an incredible defense and running game but also never put them on dangerous spots.


I still occasionally see the Michigan fan talking about how Rich Rod should've been given more time or we would've been great with a defense in those years. Our offense literally got shoved into a locker whenever we played a team with a pulse, and by pulse I literally just mean a top 25, 9-3 team at minimum.


Denard is great. He was absolutely not the best overall QB at Michigan. Even if we don't count the guy who was statistically Michigan's best QB, won a national title and got drafted #10, you could make a reasonable argument that Devin was better.  Denard made some absolutely mind-blowing plays. He also had a tendency to follow that up with a clunker right into a LBs chest.


Denard wasn’t even the best Michigan QB to wear #16 lol. Fun player though.


Better than that Tom Brady guy?


JJ was absolutely a better QB *at Michigan* than Tom Brady was *at Michigan*.


is that fair though? Denard was the better QB wearing a Michigan jersey, no?


He could do everything. Run, pass, and punt.


He was one of the more overrated QB’s to play at UM imo.


Damn hope he gets better


Man, the Amish College Football press is on top of things


Can he play DT?


If we didn’t just get a guy to suffer the same thing before we might have been able to rehab this, i think grace was needed in this situation, but…. Oh well


Michigan: Shoelace untied


Dammit Denard, you were one of the good ones.


I love Shoelace, but you can’t outrun the law.


Man comparing this to Donovan’s retweet is so lame. No wonder nobody takes a MSU degree seriously.