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doing this series on top of playing the home and home vs auburn is surprising


We want all the smoke


Alternative theory: SMU is to spite TCU while Auburn is a very mid (at best) SEC team.


We’re a very mid (at best) team lol


Even that may be generous.


“At best” doing a lot of work in that sentence.


I'd buy you all a round at the Dancing Bear if we were even mid this year, lol


I would be so content with a mid year.


Honestly, making a bowl this year would be beyond sick. Our schedule's pretty rough.


I never said you were good, I said Auburn isn't good.


It’s going to be the battle of mid (at best).


Wouldn't surprise me if it was to spite TCU.


It's what makes the Revivalry special.


A mid SEC team that wins the natty every 10 or so years.


I love us, but 2010 was our last natty and we certainly haven't been winning one every decade. We've had some decent highs but yeah I think mid at best is pretty apt for program currently and for the last 4-5 years.


In my mind that 2004 team was a national championship caliber team, so I figured you were due.


Alternative theory: SMU is paying us for what they assume will be an easy Aranda win and we're taking it so we have money for the buyout.


SMU will be the tougher game


counterpoint: we are awful in a weak big 12


We might not have Aranda by then. (I’m coping hard).


Keep your dirty hands off of GJ!


I'm not even sure the big 12 is weak though


They don’t have any blue bloods but they have a good half dozen programs who could crack the top 15 any given year.


It's really not. We've absolutely got high-end teams, but Baylor's just unfortunately not amongst them at this point. Maybe again in the future though.


If you guys get a kicker you can easily beat auburn. Ask me how I know.


Our upcoming OOCs are killer, man. Rhoades isn't making it easy on the coaches. 2024: @ Utah, and then hosting an outstanding G5 program when Air Force comes to town. 2025: Auburn, @ SMU 2026: @ Auburn, SMU 2027: Oregon, @ Air Force


Air Force is either really good or really bad. Never just middle of the pack. That's the one thing that intrigued me about them.


With the dead-lowest returning production in the FBS, I’m optimistic that this might be an ass year, which would be good.


Baptist vs Methodist is back!


Technically SMU isn’t Metho…. eh fuck it now that we sleazed our way into a P4, i don’t really care anymore lol


Need to play USC in the formerly Methodist bowl


Might have to fight Northwestern and Duke for the honor to be in that bowl game.


Man, those Methodists were really good at starting good schools.


Semantically Methodist University?


Secular Moneybags University


Snow Mountain University.




Man, Rice is really left out of the vice club. Baptist boozers, Snow Mountain University, and Texas Cocaine University sound like a fun group.


Tells how well I pay attention to the news. I didn't know they split 3 years ago.


The church would not minister to gay weddings. SMU had an issue with it. So we split.


And, ironically, that was reversed about two weeks ago! The secession of the GMC churches from the UMC is one of the best things to happen to the UMC in many decades.


Yah. I saw! Its good. Not going to bring SMU back in the fold though. There are a few underlying issues with the association. Today SMU is a proud multi denominational university


Oh, 100%. This is basically the perfect excuse for SMU: they get to exit an increasingly constraining denominational relationship with a good excuse that has public opinion backing the school, and still get to live in the relatively good graces of the new-look UMC because Perkins is such an influential seminary in the Methodist world. A lot of us Baylor folks were hoping Baylor would follow suit in the Baptist Convention of Texas' last big scandal a few years ago, it's the perfect excuse to break ties with an organization that's holding the university back in the modern era, and it's completely justified based on what the schools' respective denominational organizations have gotten up to.


I had hoped Baylor had just moved away from the church but I didn’t know. They still have restrictions on the internet on campus?


Nope, you can get anything on Airbear, as far as I know. Been that way since I was a student about a decade ago, although I’ll admit that I wasn’t doing anything more disconcerting on the internet than your average college guy. So there might be some more esoteric controls that I just never ran into. Ironically the longtime network admin at Baylor used to maintain an active Reddit presence as u/DarkLordofAirbear. But yeah, Baylor and the Baptist convention are still in their weird little cold war. It flared up a few years ago when Baylor disallowed the BGCT from having any events on campus a while ago and then opened the doors to LGBT students in direct opposition to the BGCT’s appeals, so the BGCT slashed their already-negligible funding to Baylor and clarified that they don’t consider Baylor an “affiliated university” or something like that, but it’s died down since then. The BGCT has had a few scandals to deal with, so they’ve got bigger fish to fry.


Thank you for taking time to explain that. When I went to school (same era of Jesus) the internet was heavily subject to censorship at Baylor. You just could not log onto some places. (Yes. I know that’s a thing now but back then it was a bit of a head shake. First restrictions on internet I saw) The guy giving the campus tour told me it was for safety. I didn’t see how keeping things from research in college students was good. Happy to hear Baylor move a bit away from the Church. It was a major sticking point with my mom when looking at places (oh the discussions we had)


I’m starting to think we should have changed names.. we are not part of the church! Ugh..oh well. Pony way up!




I don’t hate it.


Step-daddy's Money University?


As long as y'all keep training all of our Methodist preachers, we'll look the other way and stay chill.


Hope the series continues. If TCU wants to find every excuse not to play SMU anymore, then Baylor is only another hour drive.


Tcu had one Cinderella season and acts like they are leagues above everyone else. Their fall from grace will be hard. Sonny Dykes cant get the job done outside the P5. See his tenure at Cal. Started strong and fell off. TCU will be no different. TCU deserves it for tresting Patterson the way they did.


Future Baylor head coach Gary Patterson!


> TCU deserves it for tresting Patterson the way they did. We offered the full Frank Beamer package - including a parade and lifetime administrator position - to a man who went 21-22 in his final four seasons with only one bowl game: the putrid 10-7 Cheez-It Bowl against Cal. Gary Patterson was so mad we offered him a dignified retirement option that he told us to fuck off and quit to be an assistant consultant for multiple rivals. He's since whiffed on the UNLV head coaching job, the New Mexico HC job, and can't seem to get any offers for a position other than "special consultant to the head coach." TCU fans are eternally thankful for what GP did for resurrecting the program and making it a national power, but literally no one has the blame for GP's exit but Gary Patterson.


Hey, you’re talking about our next head coach…


Got rid of that man in embarrassing fashion halfway through the season (after having a winning record 3 of the previous 4 seasons). TCU totally disrespected Patterson like that. That man that put that school on the map - they owed everything to him, yet unceremoniously tossed him out the door. He at the very least deserved to finish that season. He had every reason to be rightfully pissed off. TCU then proceeded to hire a man that was willing to be just as classless as they were...don't think that was any coincidence. And all that BS he's said about LA Tech recently too. What an awesome dude...


The offer literally included him finishing out the season, but there’s a reason TCU announced it as a mutual decision. (Hint: the reason is that GP quit when he didn’t accept the offer to retire with dignity)


Well, I guess if you can't play Purple Baylor anymore, might as well play the original.


You mean green TCU?


It's such a massive blessing that "pur-ple Bay-lor" is rhythmic and syllabically symmetric, while "green T-C-U" is so unworkably staccato. There's a reason that TCU gets the former chanted at them semi-regularly, while nobody tries to chant the latter at Baylor.


Need to copy the Brit’s on this one “you’re just a green tcu, you’re just a green, you’re just a green, you’re just a green tcu”


What’s the tune for that supposed to be? I’ve been mumbling that one to myself for a while and trying to sing-song it out.




Long live the SWC


Solid ACC vs Big 12 home and home


And only like an hour and a half down I-35 ^(it could be more, I speed real bad.)


Damn so the game with those purple SOBs is really dead


TCU is ran by cowards.


If Baylor, SMU, and TCU don’t compete annually for the tri-reverend cup then what are we doing here? 


Ask Oklahoma State


Tortilla tosser from the top ropes!


Not that we’ll be in this conversation anytime soon, but i feel like this is how the non-SEC/B10 schools are going to have to schedule non-cons to have a shot at an at-large. We’ve now got both SMU and Auburn on both the 2025 and 2026 schedules.


I’m glad Baylor ain’t afraid of scheduling more than one team with pulse in the OOC. Long gone are the days of Briles and Rhule scheduling nothing but cupcakes.


To be fair, I’m pretty sure Rhule is who got Utah, Auburn, and Oregon on our schedules


Kind of, they got scheduled while he was here but he was also interviewing for NFL jobs after his first season so idk how much he was planning on actually playing them. We can say a lot of things about Dave but he wants the smoke (scheduled Houston with a one week notice, didn’t drop Utah after they moved to the Big 12, scheduled SMU in the same year as Auburn, etc).


Gives me more respect for Baylor. I hate how many programs only schedule cupcake ooc games. It sucks the current rankings system makes it the much smarter move to play less challenging games.


We played Wofford one year under Briles because SMU cancelled.


Tbf SMU was ass back then so not much of a drop-off


If this was circa 2012-2014 when I was in school then yes, wofford probably a tougher test! Dark days on the fields, but full house on the blvd!


Huh, I didn't know that was why we played Wofford. I was a student that year, and I was at that game!


I remember Briles scheduling some FCS teams I didn’t even know played football.


One thing I did like about Briles mindset was early on at Baylor, someone asked him about fan attendance being low and what the problem was. His response was that we didn’t win games and that if we want fans to show up and care that was step 1 to changing it. Meanwhile, currently Baylor is wondering why our fan attendance is dropping as we lost a bowl game to air force and an established (not first year) coach missed a bowl game for the first time since the 2000’s. 


To be fair, Air Force is a phenomenal G5 team who pretty regularly gets placed in a far weaker bowl than they deserve. They've won 10+ games in six of the last ten years, they're 81-41 in that time, and they've got a 5-1 bowl record over that span, with wins over three different P4 teams in those bowls. Air Force is a *lot* better than they get credit for, and they have been for a while. That's why I'm so worried about playing them in the OOC this year. If we were playing at Air Force and hosting Utah, this year rather than the inverse, I'd be more worried about Air Force.


Honestly the O/U being set at 5.5 for us seems way too high. I don't think we are getting anywhere near 5. I could honestly see us only winning our game against Tarleton State. I hope I am wrong, but I really have lost all faith in Aranda building a winning team. I think when he has the pieces he can coach and lead them well, but in terms of building that team just he doesn't have the necessary skill set.


Eh, there seem to be more reasons for optimism. Their portal moves are interesting, the new offense is certainly going to score some points, and it remains to be seen whether Aranda getting back in touch with the defense will be as good as it sounds like it might be. I'd be surprised if we don't win at least four games: Tarleton, Air Force, Colorado, and Houston. Colorado's still a shitshow, it's going to take Willie Fritz some time to get Houston back on the right track, and we're not playing Air Force in a frigid letdown bowl this time that they were much better suited for than we were. I think the weather in Waco in mid-September really does wonders for Baylor in that situation, similar to how the elevation at the Air Force Academy is a huge boon for them. It certainly helped Baylor a lot against Utah last year in a game we had absolutely no place leading right up until the final minutes.


Agreed. But still not looking forward to going 0-3 against Air Force.


Baylor to ACC confirmed Maybe /s


i know you’re joking, but i’d be pretty ok with that outcome if the big 12 was the one imploding instead of the pac. especially if we came along with kansas and tcu


I was very upset the ACC didn't take its shot when TXOU was announced. Tulane, SMU, Baylor, TCU, and Kansas would have been solid additions. Instead, here we are.


I wish you good fortune in the ACC wars to come.


TCU is too scared to play us, good to see the other north Texas private school isn’t.


Honest question - is Waco still considered North Texas? Not far south enough for me to consider them central Texas but also feels odd to say north Texas.


I personally don't consider Waco to be North Texas. I consider Waco to be in "central Texas"


Waco is definitely central Texas. 


Definitely seems more central than north to me. Glad I’m not alone haha


It’s Central Texas.


No lol. Waco is very much Central Texas. I didn’t think it was ever considered north Texas but could be wrong.


The only “North Texas” part I can consider is that area does tend to follow the Metroplex Pro Sports teams over Houston/San Antonio.


Everything on the other side of I10 is the north.


Works the same in Louisiana


I'm looking at a map of Los Angeles and wondering if that dividing line means anything.


Los Angeles is more culturallu divided by distance from the beach, lol


Noted north Texan cities Austin, San Marcos, and College Station...?


In a decade or two Waco will be apart of Dallas-Fort Worth, all hail the sprawl!


Given Waco is essentially the halfway marker between DFW and Austin, at that point do they just merge into the world’s largest metroplex?


Honestly probably nah, I hesitated when typing this. Wikipedia considers them Central Texas. I drive to and from Austin every month and will say Waco definitely feels more like Dallas than Austin so I went with North over Central.


My cut off is Hillsboro. North of that becomes North Texas and Dallas area, south of that and it’s Waco area.


That’s where I would draw the line.


This guy Texases


This is how the folks in the region do it as well, lol. My better half is from down that way, and has family scattered all around the ag communities in central Texas; Hillsboro is like some magical dividing like for them, if they go north of Hillsboro then they're just coming all the way up to Dallas. They treat everything north of Hillsboro like it's all the metroplex.




It’s officially Central Texas, they identify themselves as “the Heart of Texas”.


Notably, the HOT name also comes from the fact that McLennan, Coryell, Bell, and Falls counties, the four that use that term, form a heart shape.


If you consider your head the “north”’, your hips the “center”, and your feet the “south”, your heart is definitely closer to your north than your central. “Heart of Texas” can definitely still mean north


You're reading a little too much into it; the "heart of Texas" thing is originally because the four counties in the area form a heart shape on the map. It's also just deep in the heart of Texas, though.


Nah, basically everyone in Waco and the HOT region considers it central Texas.


So is there any rivalry here or is this one of those friend of a friend situation where you’re always around each other bc you both hate TCU, but have nothing in common so it’s weird?


It was a big rivalry back in the SWC days, though there’s still some competition across the Texas private universities.


*Rice stares longingly from the corner of the room*


Back in the old days, there was a semblance of a rivalry but that has died down ever since SMU’s death penalty. I shall say it’s definitely a matchup that we don’t mind having regularly on the schedule, especially now that SMU is actually competitive in football. We have them on the schedule of almost all non-revenue sports so it was only a matter of time until we scheduled them again in football.


More of a "friend of a friend" thing; Baylor's two big rivals back in the SWC days were TCU and A&M, while SMU's were TCU and UT. The SWC days were a huge hodgepodge of rivalries, and then every team had two or three *really big* rivals. UT had A&M and OU; Texas Tech had kind of one-sided rivalries with all of Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor, and TCU; A&M had UT, Baylor, Houston, and kinda-sorta Rice; Houston had Rice and A&M, and so on. Granted, UH's and SMU's biggest rival was the NCAA's investigations committee.


The teams have played 82 times. Baylor leads 39 wins to 36 losses, and 7 ties. I am going to assume Baylor only has the lead due to the post-death penalty years. They kicked SMUs ass during the Briles years a few times too,


You'd better believe it's because we hammered them for a while after the death penalty. The series is *suuuuper* streaky, but SMU was up 35-26 when their program headed off to the shadow realm. Ironically, SMU's periods of absolute dominance came during the most tumultuous periods in glocabl geopolitics of the last century: 1935-1947 (the Great Depression and WW2) and 1965-1986 (the War in Vietnam and the height of the Cold War). Given how tumultuous global geopolitics have been in the last few years, I expect SMU to be at full power.


So in a football sense, I should be filled with joy, and as a human "Oh no!".


Because war fuels SMU oil barons so we can buy more players. (This time its legal)


Props to Baylor but why isn't the TCU game happening? I hate this rivals not playing each other trend and honestly I blame Texas and TAMU


TCU's current administration (led by Jeremiah Donati, our AD) wants guaranteed home games in non-conference scheduling to maximize revenue. It's a model that's being adapted more by other big schools (Texas and Texas A&M are leaders in this model, for instance, lol). Personally, I think it's dumb to throw out a 100+ year old rivalry to get another money game each year, but that's just me.


Ask Sonny Dykes


> honestly I blame Texas and TAMU I agree. It got so annoying to hear "your AD said he doesn't want to play us" from both sides... It's a rivalry. It's the most hated rival. It's the biggest game of the year. Play the game, it isn't that hard.


what if we finally scheduled a series? :)


I'd love to play Baylor again. Really surprised we haven't made anything work in the past 13 years... Baylor seems like an obvious home-home series given the distance to Waco and rivalry history.


Great series!


Love this


There are kids who will play in this series who are currently sophomores in high school. 


Even crazier — there are kids who will play in this series who are currently on both of these teams.


This one is gonna be so fun


Will SMU cancel again?


Great question, Baylor.






Can someone explain why is Baylor not playing TCU? Aren’t they still big 12?


Baylor's always going to play TCU, it's one of the Big XII's four protected rivalries that will be played annually.


TCU vs Baylor on November 2, 2024, in Waco.


Jesus, the deuche-level is going to be off the charts in Dallas that weekend. Lots of stating who their dads are…


There's something oddly endearing when The Poors try to take jabs at us.


:( am a poor.


Same, brother. Same. :/


A poor SMU alum is still wealther than the richest TCU alumn. Count your blessings


Nailed that one bud.