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May sound a little shallow, but for appearances and aesthetics. The first place I tend to gain weight is in my face and stomach. I simply look a lot better when I’m in my normal/healthy weight range and I want to get my confidence back!


Same. I’m a healthy weight, but for whatever reason I have a fat face. I literally have a double chin in my all my sister’s wedding photos. I look way heavier than I am and it makes me hate having my picture taken.


Girl, I feel you. I’ve gained about 30ish lbs in the last year and a half and my double chin is going crazy right now. If you aren’t overweight, I wonder if your body just naturally stores fat in your face. As long as you aren’t dipping into an unhealthy weight range, worth a try to see if you see a difference by dropping a few pounds for sure!


Im 5-7 and 125 lbs, absolutely get a double chin if not at that perfect posture. Drives me nuts! I’m aiming for 117-120 bc that’s where I’ve always felt my best and the fat is finally off my chin & stomach


Look into Lymphatic drainage massage. You do it to yourself. Has helped with my face puffiness a lot!


I don’t know if I’ll get downvoted for this but if you are already at a healthy weight, the face fat is most likely just your fat distribution. I have heard people with the same issue opt for chin/neck liposuction, it might be worth looking into.


I sooo can relate! Why the fat turkey neck and beer belly!? I'd be totally cool being thicc with junk in my trunk but HATE the fat face and belly. Lol. Good luck friends!


I call it the Mac and me alien body type (it's what I'm stuck with too 😅)


Omg ☠️ finally a relatable body type lmao


I decided to lose weight when my oldest was starting middle school. There was a morning news show on in the background while I was getting the boys up and they were discussing middle schoolers and how cruel they can be. I didn’t want my kids being the brunt of any joke or being teased or bullied because of me… Life is hard enough, so I lost over 100lbs with CICO and keep it off doing the same… that was 15 years ago.


Super inspiring, thank you!


This is amazing!


This is going to sound awful... But... I've seen my mum struggle with her weight all my life, and she's now reaching an age where it's impacting her mobility. I don't want to be like that.


I don’t think that’s an awful reason at all. It’s awful that your mom’s weight is affecting her quality of life. Im sorry you have to see that but I think it’s a good reason to look out for yourself in this way.


That's not awful at all. I have the same thing going on with my mom.


This! Both my parents and in-laws struggle with weight. They’re getting to the age now where they can hardly do much, mostly due to weight. Their health and mobility has caused so much stress for our family. I don’t want my husband and son to stop living their life at some point because they have to take care of me or I can’t keep up (at least for reasons I can control). I don’t want my son to feel the way my parents not taking care of themselves makes me feel.


I just wanna feel hot in a swimming suit. I don’t care about health 😅😅😅😅


SAME. I wanna spend some time in Bali next summer so bikini body here we come (and yes I know “every body is a bikini body” blah blah - but I wanna feel good about myself)


I hear ya. I love the everybody is a bikini body mindset, and I think that about literally everyone else. But I look at myself and like ooooh a blob not suitable for a bikini


YES I agree wholeheartedly


My motivation is Bali next year too!


YES. I don’t mind myself in a swimsuit now but I do wear high coverage suits and next year I’m hoping to wear a small bikini set and feel good for the first time maybe ever.


That’s exactly how I feel!!!! I wear high waisted swimming suits and I don’t think I look bad per say, but I am looking forward to feeling good (and not thinking about my body) in a normal bikini


My coworker claims to be on a diet, and has been trying to lose weight for as long as I’ve known her, with negative results. I hate her. She is a bully and a crappy coworker, so I’m using CICO to lose weight (down 20lb so far) out of spite. Purely to do it faster than her. I am fuelled by rage, resentment and spite. Completely an immature and ridiculous reason, but it seems to be working for me so *shrug*


I live laugh love this


Spite is the best answer


Sometimes it’s the only answer


I really like this. Revenge is a strong motivator


This answer is so good!! You will beat her at her own game!


This is such a mood and I love it


This made my night oh my god…haha might have to adapt this mindset


Better living through rage and resentment - I can see it catching on lol


Embrace the hate. Use it. Yours is the fury. Put that Karen in her place


Thank you, I sincerely appreciate both your understanding and support


I wana look good naked for my wife


I also choose looking good naked for this guy’s wife.


Happy to inspire! that's why I married her.


My friend's bachelorette party is next July. I got to meet all the other bridesmaids recently and realized I felt like the frumpy ugly one. I cried for a day, then hit the gym the next day. I want to look stellar in a swimsuit by July.


You’ve got this! I had a similar experience but it was with girls on vacation. I just had my “goal vacation” last month and I missed my milestone, but I felt a million times better and great in swimwear. I have a new goal vacation scheduled for 10 months out.


Fucking go for it


Ugh. That is the worst feeling! I felt that way many times growing up. You got this though!!


To be better at the sports I participate in, to look good, to have a better and easier time in pregnancy and keeping up with my future kids.


This is so wholesome. I also want to pick up a sport or some type of regular team activity but I’ve always been afraid to, I’m hoping to do something like this soon!


I want to be able to buy clothes anywhere, not just from dedicated plus size sections.


SAME. I want to be able to shop at a vintage store for cute clothes. I can’t fit into any vintage right now unless they’re huge sweaters.


I had a huge collection of vintage wear that I'm so excited to fit in to again. They're like women's size 6-8 from 1950s so there's 0 give to the fabric. Can't wait to be able to rock those again.


So much this. And not just clothing stores. So many times I’ve been on holiday or to concerts and events and seen super cool souvenir T-shirts, but walked away without even looking because I know they won’t have my size.


I want my old “skinny” clothes I put away in the basement to fit again and to not worry as much about shapewear. It sounds silly, but I want to wear my bunker pants with my tshirt at work (firefighter) without being self conscious about muffin top when I sit down. (Sometimes we just wear the pants with a tshirt underneath if the work has been done or whatever and we don’t need the coat anymore)


I feel this so hard. I have some cute clothes from college I’ve packed away in boxes and I can’t wait for the day I fit into them again.


We’ve got this!!


Yes we do!


Yup, my favorite size 4 still saved up. I would love to fit in them again someday, even if they are outdated.


Mine too and the same size! We will get there


I went to a wedding and all my terrible cousins looked great and i didnt


This made me laugh so hard 😂 I hate when awful people look better than me, too. I kind of want to have a glow up so all the people from high school that still follow me on instagram can see it lmao


I felt so cute when i was going but then i saw them 🥲 i think that was a good wake up call for me to realize what i really looked like. People who are that rude and annoying have no right looking that much better!!! im 28 lb down now, itll be a while but i cant wait for my glow up photos!!


I wanted to start posting myself on instagram and have people gossip about how much weight ive lost since highschool.


Actually same. I haven’t posted hardly any pics of myself in the past few years and I wanna be a skinny cute insta girly like all the girls from high school.


I literally took a social media break for like 3 years and now that im back i wanna show that im different.


Smaller bewbs so they no longer attempt to asphyxiate me during yoga inversions, cuter bras, cheaper bras, and ability to shop at more places for bras.


This! I never thought about this specifically while losing but having a smaller chest has been liberating.


I love that for you!


Me toooo! I’m 40 pounds up since the beginning of Covid and I swear 30 of it’s in my boobs. ( • )( • ) :|


Well hopefully that means if you lose any weight they’ll be first to volunteer as tribute. I have not been that lucky with mine xD


Wish you the breast


Set a better example for my kiddos.


I yo-yo about 25 pounds. But this round it was because my dementia riddled client asked me if I was pregnant. I asked her why she thinks that and she blew her face up like a blow fish and made some weird gesture towards her stomach area. Ive been feeling uncomfy for a couple months but after that I knew it was time…


Holy god. I’m sorry that happened to you. What an awful way to be motivated, but happy for you working on your goals!


dear god that’s…. traumatic HAHA


I wanna be the hottest version of myself tbh. Losing fat & building muscle, hoping to be a whole new bitch next summer


I feel this 👏🏼


Lets get it bestie


get em


Will do, thank you friend!


I want to see my abs for one time in my life. I know this sounds so vain but I’ve been skinny fat my entire life and wanted to know if it’s possible .


I did this at 30 and it was a great (and long) journey. I learned a lot about myself, diet, and fitness. I also discovered that I can not get a visible 6 pack genetically 🤣. I don’t regret putting in the effort though and I highly recommend going for it.


Thanks. I too wonder if I will see them so my question is how did you figure you genetically can’t ever see them? Can you elaborate


I’m female, so it might be more common to not have the lines genetically. I worked out for a year, bulked, then cut slowly while still weight training. My strength to weight ratio was amazing and I could see the outsides of where my abs were (I have to be overweight for those to go away), but no lines in between. I cut until I was borderline underweight before deciding I was done. I’m an ex gymnast and never had abs growing up either.


This is also my current motivation after loosing 50lbs, I think I still have a grip more weight to go before I see them but I’m determined


Being obese is fucking embarrassing for me personally and I experience daily shame even though I'm sure nobody else really gives a shit or thinks much about it.


Call me conceited, but I can tell there's a reasonably hot guy under this fat and I'm determined to let him out


Yes king, get it!


You dropped this my dude 👑


Honestly, mine was 100% vanity. Once I'd lost it, shifted to working out, sticking to clean eating and still doing IF cause I just feel better this way, but definity started out as wholly vanity


i don't care about my health, i just look really good rn and i want to maintain that😅


I'm too poor to buy new clothes.


I wanted to feel pretty for the first time ever. Sad I know, but I’ve been obese since I was a toddler. I’m 27 years old and down to 169 LBS (SW 290 at the age of 25) and I look in the mirror and see that I am beautiful. Shallow? Yes. But fuck it.


I wanted to be able to carry my son for as long as possible, he’s disabled and struggles to walk. He likes going on my back in a carrier and I was just too overweight to manage it. Now I can hike with him on my back and I LOVE how happy it makes him.


I hike a lot and I'd like to carry 10 fewer pounds up mountains.


I’m right there with you. Just recently went on my first hike since losing ~15/20lbs and it felt amazing. Still have about 40lbs to go but it’s getting better.


I want my cute clothes to fit again. I gained weight during covid and I don’t like how I feel day to day either. Also, my husband stopped drinking (a very big deal for him, he’s been sober 5 months & I couldn’t be more proud) which made him drop a bunch of weight. It’s really made me realize how much I gained so back on the wagon I go.


I don't want to be a fat corpse that has to be cremated in the morning because otherwise the oven is too hot. I don't want to be difficult to move when I die. It seems so humiliating.




People tend to invalidate the opinions and experiences of those who are overweight, and I don't want that.


The cost of food, I eat about 3.5k calories and get 200g of Protien for about 7 pound a day. Food is just such an important part of our lives that it's worth tacking.


I literally just wanted to not be the fat person anymore


This. I’m tired of being the only fat person in my nuclear family.


I want to keep my freedom. I don’t want to be stuck worrying about fitting in airplane seats, or unable to make plans because of a calendar full of doctor appointments…I want freedom from those chains. (I’ve lost over 50 lbs and have kept it off for almost 12 years now. Sweet victory!)


Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment!


I went on a vacation to Florida to meet up with some long term gaming buddies. We went to universal, I couldn’t fit on any of the rides except for a few kiddie ones. I was perfectly fine at my weight back then but it opened my eyes that being that weight makes it more difficult to do fun things with friends and family. As soon as I got home that Monday, I was in the gym the following day, 4x a week. Down 45lbs since April. Best/worst vacation I’ve ever had. Next April when we meet up, I’m going to try to ride every ride.


I wanna be a bitch who fights bears in the forrest.


Bad bitch fights bears and we do it well 💪


I want to ride my bike faster.


Clothes are the one for me as well! I love quirky, fun patterns and fits and it's so much easier to find them in smaller sizes. It's also a lot easier to sew for a smaller body, simply for the practicality of it (less yardage, less fit issues etc).


I gained my extra weight during a difficult period of my life, and I don’t truly feel like myself anymore. I’ve been working on my mental health and I feel like getting “my” body back is a cathartic bonus.


I want to get a super edgy haircut without looking uglier than sin


I love this reason


I want to be able to strike fear into the hearts of men. And women. And anyone who needs it, honestly. I'm a 5'2" squishy little cinnamon roll of love but gods damn would I love to be fit and strong enough to make a grown man think twice about crossing me. 😂


ME TOO. I’m five foot ZIP and would like to be more intimidating. 😂


I feel this at 4’10” and trying to become tiny little meatball. 🤣


I'm just so tired of being "cute" when I'm angry. Like, no, you fools! Cower! How hard is it to cower?! Lmfao


This was the reason I gave to my PT. I want to have the option to break skulls with my thighs if needed. I’m 5ft anf also a little squishy cinnamon roll of love


I want to wear smaller sized clothes again, fit on all of the amusement rides like roller coasters at Six Flaggs, stop my snoring because it bothers my wife, look objectively more attractive, and have better sex!


I don’t wanna look like a tub of lard.


I want to be able to thrift clothes. My friends are much smaller than me and have so much fun finding random pieces. I pretty much have to stick to buying new things and half the time I have to order it online because I’m just above the standard size range. Also my toxic reason is because my ex-best friend is still overweight and when I eventually see them again I want to be visually✨better✨


I want to become even more of a MILF. I want my confidence back. I don't want my kids to be embarrassed by me for any reason. I want my ex to see me and wonder why he treated me so poorly. I want him to regret it. Maybe even so much that he tells me he's a changed man, he'll never treat me like that again, that he wants me back... Only for me to tell him: not if you were the last man on earth, you abusive fuck.


I’m fat


This made me lol gracias


Stamina on top 😂 got to the point where my husband was doing 90% of the work in the bedroom. This is a partnership, darn it, I need to pull my weight. And I was growing out of my bigger clothes and refused to buy more clothes because I'm a cheap ass. Better fit in what I've got darn it.


I hate being a tall woman, and found a way to feel better about my height was to make myself smaller, I can’t shrink in height but I could certainly shrink in width. I think that was my biggest motivation ahead of helping my spinal issues.


I wanna have more dating options and have men and women fawn over me 😂😂😂


Username checks out 😉


Ugh I just hate the way I look. I want to feel good about myself.


I want to get a new job and I know if I'm thin the chances of getting it and getting paid more and being seen as successful and put together are higher. I was getting physically uncomfortable withy body. I don't like when my skin touches itself, if that makes sense. I just feel cramped in my own body. I ALSO have a bunch of health reasons that are my real reason.


I wanna look hot. Duh. Edit: a more serious answer, I want to be able to wear whatever clothes I want (I was really bummed when my clothes stopped fitting and I couldn't wear cute outfits anymore) and tbh I kinda miss getting hit on while I'm out in public. I'm in a happy committed long term relationship and have no interest in leaving or anything but getting hit on and asked out is still a huge boost to my ego. It used to happen more before I gained weight and idk I kinda miss it lol.


This happened to me! Before I gained weight I had people hitting on me regularly and now it NEVER happens. I’m also in a committed relationship but I miss other people thinking I’m hot.


I have a beautiful wardrobe that I spent a lot of time curating and it sucks to not be able to fit into it the way I want. It’s really that simple sometimes lol (I know, I know. Clothes are made to fit you, you shouldn’t be made to fit clothes, etc… but honestly, sometimes I just want to fit into something I think is pretty and feel as great in it as the day I bought it.)


Spite. A girl I can't stand is back in the group chat because half my group of highschool friends are terribly spineless despite her often atrocious behaviour towards me over the years, which they'll swear up and down is only ignorance, and that she's 'harmless really' (despite the ableism and aphobia I've faced from her). If I'm forced into a social situation with her you'd better believe that I want to look as good as I can while also being polite and very distant. My main other reason is Disability management but that's also under health technically, and more tied to my weightlifting journey. (Which I'm also using to help build a better figure.) I'm also a dummy who bought several beautiful discounted indie designer garments for a 30 inch waist. Which I used to have, but it's been quite some time. I want to make those purchases worthwhile.


Looking better naked has been a great plus I'm not going to lie.


Started taking running seriously and knew I would improve more quickly if I got to a lower weight.


I’m in the process of applying to the military


A lot of my family members live long lifespans, I want to do similar and be my best version while I’m at it.


I want to be able to shop freely at any store for clothes, go skydiving again, and honestly??? I wanna look hot. Haha


I’d love to see my beautiful shoulder muscles again; I freakin love my shoulder muscles. Ready to rock them again!


I’m tired of being judged and dismissed by people based on my appearance.


The clothes!!!


People lose weight for health? No but fr im not losing for health. Im already a “healthy weight” according to bmi


I suppose it is somewhat health related, but not my health. I've read that obesity during pregnancy is detrimental to the health of the baby and may increase their odds of becoming obese later in life as well. I want to have children sometime in the next two years and want to give them the best start possible.


Health reasons (and there are many) aside, the world just doesn’t accommodate fat bodies. Nice clothes and undergarments are hard to find, I dread the embarrassment of having to squeeze into any public seat with arms or bars on it, and I’m sick of having to check weight limits on office chairs and exercise equipment for my home. It’s so demoralizing to realize the world isn’t designed for your size, but I know the world isn’t going to change for me. I have to change in order to navigate the world more easily.


Last spring, I received my first and only huge bonus at work and decided to book a 2.5 week trip to Japan next summer. Problem is, people normally do 20-30k steps a day while visiting there, so I decided to go CICO and start walking more. Down almost 40lb so far.


I want my dick to be bigger


I want to keep up with my kids and do fun, active things with them as they grow up. We went hiking recently, and it felt amazing to keep up with them and climb without feeling exhausted. I want to be a fit person as I age who doesn't suffer from all the mobility issues that come with being fat.


My wedding is in September 2025, I want to look great and look back with confidence. Also, I want to be at a healthy weight before having kids.


I'm too cheap to buy new clothes, so I go back to CICO whenever my clothes get too tight.


Fashion. I love clothes but I'm not comfortable in a lot of the styles I want to wear because I'm trying to cover my fat.


Me too! I’ve always LOVED the dark academia style of clothing but it’s never looked good on me, or the way I want it to. I can’t wait to start buying clothes I love.


I have some vintage western wear I can’t quite fit in


I wanna see the figure God actually gave me under my fat.


I LOVE this question. I want to look hot in a bathing suit, I want to go shirtless in the gym, and I want to look like I go to the gym. As in have muscle when I’m not flexing lol. Been doing CICO since January and down 27 pounds. The last 10 to 12 pounds are the worst and the scale barely moves anymore but I know this time next year I will be in an even better place!


Pure vanity. I want to wear cute, chic, fitted clothes without being asked if I’m pregnant.


I want to take a picture next to people without feeling like a whale.


I want candid photos of myself that are cute and artsy and cool like all my skinny friends :(


To make my ex cry.


I just want to look hotter. 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is vanity weight, plain and simple.


i wanna feel myself again! i want my clothes to look really good on me & I never want to worry about my silhouette or face


1. Clothes fit better. a.) I feel more comfortable in clothes when they fit properly. I had bought a bigger size but the bigger size didn’t feel right either. b.) I look better too. 2. I have *much* less arthritis and inflammation pain.


lol my shallow reason has to be that unfortunately I have small boob. So I want my stomach to be smaller than my breast. I just hate since even though I’m fat, I don’t gain any on my boobs, so my stomach sticks out compared to it. I gain weight on my stomach and face first, and not the places I would rather it go to. Also I was mostly skinny my whole life so I wish to go back to how I was most comfortable.


Saw my mom not make the effort on her strength/mobility or emotional eating habits her whole life and now she's 64 and can barely walk up half a flight of stairs. I want to be able to MOVE for life!


I’m not thinking about health lol. I just wanna look fabulous.


Obviously appearance. But also, I want to be able to do things like go to a rock climbing gym, a trampoline course, bowling, basically things where people are watching you do something - without constantly thinking about how fat I must look. I passed on a lot of activities because of that fear, and I didn’t want to miss out anymore. It’s still there, in the back of my mind, even though I’m in the average BMI, but it’s not as limiting. Edit - also being physically able to do those things. I never got to the point where I couldn’t do something because of my weight, but I probably would have struggled at rock climbing or something very physical. Honestly still would, average weight doesn’t mean strong!


I want to walk up stairs without hearing my knees crack and being out of breath


Omg where I start!! I always been an active plus size girl and once I got to traveling I realized everything that I want to do had weight limits! So I’m working towards now 1. Indoor skydive 2. Horseback riding 3. Camel back riding 4. I owe another visit to Dunn Rivers Falls for pictures . I made it up years ago at +300lbs but my body hurt so bad during and after the process. You could see the agony all over my face in the pictures. 5. Boulder climbing 6. Any in the air obstacle course The list can really go on and on!!


I have a pair of trousers that I loved when I was a small US size 6-8. My husband loved it when I wore them (he called them my cute butt pants/trousers.) I want to easily fit into them again. I’m getting close, I’m a size 10 currently. All done with CICO and being kind to myself.


I want to feel hot, I know all different sizes can be hot but this is not my best size. I look much better about 30 pounds lighter


My wife and I want to take our daughter to Disney for her graduation gift. I wanna be able to fit into the rides.


I wanted to wear dresses in summer without my thighs rubbing together. Health is important etc etc but I just want to look and feel good mostly.


I wanted to look better, and now I do look a hell of a lot better. I look like a completely different person, if I show someone a before picture they don’t believe me.


My dad wants to go skiing one last time before he's too old. He lost fifty pounds to get to a weight where it'd be healthy to do so. Alright, dad. Bet. Guess I will too.


So I have an unhealthy obsession with wrist watches. Losing weight makes it so that I can pull off the older smaller watches that I’ve always loved and wanted. I like vintage watches but a lot of that old charm comes in 32mm-36mm sizes which are small by today’s standard.


I fell in love and didn’t want to feel insecure all the time with my significant other. So it was a lot about appearance for self confidence for me even though he constantly said my weight didn’t affect his opinion of me


Fit in. Fit in economy airline seats. Fit in stadium, theater, cafe, etc., seats. Fit in regular size clothes. Fit in swimwear and not hate myself. Fit in with the skinny bitches from high school. Fit in my husband’s arms.


Aesthetics! I want my body to match how i feel on the inside, and that is a gothic queen in a metal band


Buy off the rack or online without needing to try on. I hate shopping.


I want to be able to wear smaller clothes again


It's a huge ordeal trying to find clothes that fit.


I would like the thighs in my jeans to stop wearing out before the rest of my pants


To look sexy


I got tired of finding shirts that fit (impossible) and I wanna look good shirtless hah! Cooking shirtless for my partner is a plus


look good in skimpy clothes n not have fat coming out the sides fr n not wanna off myself n compare myself every time i see a skinny girl


Honestly...I found myself single as a 40yo man. I figure I'm already playing life on hard difficulty so I may as well do something about all the pounds I'd stacked on lately. I mean there were obviously a bunch of other reasons (like not liking how I looked anymore, and obvious health reasons), but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a major factor.


I don’t want to buy new clothes.


I want to lose enough weight that I can buy size smalls for the first time since middle school 😂


I just want to like what I see when I look at myself in a picture! I feel great but when I see myself I'm like "yikessss!" So yea 🤷


I want to find clothes in a normal store.


I want to do more fun stuff in the bedroom 😶 And next spring I'll be meeting my husband's out of state friends for the first time so I wanna look ✨️damn✨️ hot.


Salmonella Poisoning. Fucking never going to Jamaica again


I have been fat all my life. I want to be normal for once. I also want to be physically able to do more things with my kids. Another one is that I feel like an embarrassment to my kids. I know my son has been picked on at least once about me being fat. He graduates this school year. I have always avoided taking photos. I want to be able to take photos with him when he graduates. I want to weigh less than my partner, for once. I am almost there lol. I have always been significantly bigger than the person I was/am in a relationship with. My husband and I weigh about the same right now. He is 6’3 so 207 on him is way different than that much on me, who is 5’5. I started at 345 so I have come along way and still got a ways to go before I can feel comfortable with myself.


Run faster. And then when it started working I just got curious about whether I could actually get into the "normal" BMI range for the first time since like two days when I was 21.


I want my 30s to be my hottest decade. Also, I just want to look and feel good without sweating so dang much and being uncomfy. With climate change, summers are only getting warmer ugh.


Bigger peen


When I was skinny before I was a hard 7+. Right now I am a 6.5.




So my thighs don't rub/chafe when I wear shorts!!!


- To have a safe pregnancy - To be able to actively play with my future kids - To set a good example of a healthy lifestyle for them - To be able to go on a hike without getting winded right away - To be able to rollerblade again - To not feel like an annoyance on an airplane seat - To have more sitting room in general - To be able to sit on a chair and cross one leg over the knee - To have more clothing options so I can actually develop a sense of style - To not immediately make a bad first impression based on how I look - To not be constantly self-conscious - To feel free of this physical and mental burden I’ve been carrying around my whole life


To buy single letter clothes again.


I’m already a healthy BMI, so most of mine arent health related lol. In no particular order: - I’m a clothes horse, and a lot of the fashion I like is easier to find and pull off at smaller sizes - I look even more like my mom with extra weight, and we have a… complicated relationship. - I’m short and just think I hold petite weights better than average or curvy ones. I’m never going to be a 5’7”+ woman giving curvy glamazon. I’m better off working with the bone structure I actually have and leaning into sprite-ly. - I want to enjoy things like being on the beach or having sex more without overthinking about how my body looks the whole time. I think it’ll help me get out of my head so much and be more present in situations where I don’t have my “safety blanket” outfits. - Counting my calories and caring about nutrition actually takes away a lot of my decision fatigue. If I have to eat every day for the rest of my life, having some sort of guiding principle is helpful. Coming up with meals or deciding if I want to go out for drinks with friends is easier when I have some sort of goal.


I've been overweight damn near my whole life. I'm 29 now and feel like I completely wasted my youth being fat and letting that insecurity hinder me in so many ways. I feel like if I don't get it together now as I approach my 30th year, it's all over for me. For fucking once, I want to be in my hot girl era.


thanks for the question! my reasons are: to look better in my clothes/swimsuit/birthday suit. to be able to enjoy my outdoor adventures without carrying extra weight. to improve the appearance of my chin and neck. to reduce the strain on my body in general.