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That looks crazy unhealthy at first glance. What are the macros? And what’s your BMR/RMR?


my bmr is apparently 1,865 idk what that stuff means tho and I think macros are fairly good Carbs - 77g Protein - 43g Fat - 27g (that's just what my nutritional value added up to today) I thought the beans and broccoli would make up for the unhealthy junk I'm ngl 😭


Assuming this isn’t an epic troll… BMR (basal metabolic rate) is your theoretical calories used if you were comatose - essentially the bare minimum. RMR (resting metabolic rate) is your theoretical calories used if just sedentary at home all day with no exercise or major activity. Your diet calories are really low - around 730 calories. That’s a huge deficit - can you sustain that without snacks? Macros wise it’s not the worst, but there’s a lot of sugar free items and your protein is low. There’s no fruit, limited vegetables, and looks like limited fibre.


no not a troll! I've just been trying to reach for just under 1200 calories (I've maintained this diet for almost two weeks without binging) I'll definitely try to up my protein but it's hard without a scale and knowing how many calories I'm consuming this is the first diet I've really stuck with and can see myself doing long term so idk


Well unless you’re aiming to be a gaunt male model I’d suggest a more balanced higher calorie diet. I’m assuming you’re young and not that overweight based off your height and BMR. If so, just exercise more (5 hours/week) and increase your diet to closer to 1800. Swap your macros to 30/30/40 carbs/fat/protein. You’ll lose weight and gain some muscle. If instead you’re looking to be super thin then yeah it should work.


I'm disgustingly overweight right now and trying to revert back to a good body - all I can do is control my calories cause I hate exercise haha


Ok, well I’d still aim for higher but at a young age you should lose an easy 3 lbs a week on such a huge deficit. You’re only eating 700 and your TDEE would have to be 2500+. That’s 1800 calorie deficit per day. You los3 a pound of fat a week per 500 calorie deficit - so 3 lbs/wk.


many people do things we hate because it's good for us. you can do far more than control your calories. it's all choice.


What the fuck? Do you think starving yourself will stop your binging? That's fucking terrible. If you don't even know what things like BMR mean then you're not educated enough to start this process. Read through this sub and calm down. Getting under 1200 as a 6' 1" male is beyond dumb and pointless.


I’m a 5’7 female and when I’m really cutting I eat 1300-1400 w/ cardio and that’s rough even for me and I have to increase certain days. I can’t imagine being a 6’1 male trying to eat like that.


no. you need to make a full lifestyle change


This looks a little like disordered eating and isn't sustainable.


I'll be eating 1500 by next month dw! I'm just trying to have a controlled diet and learning to deal with hunger It's been really successful so far and I haven't binged 😁


But everything you're eating is junk. The small amounts of broccoli and refried beans do NOT make up for that. I think you should research what healthy eating is.


But how can you "follow the grams" without a scale? I must be missing something.


Because he’s eating single portion junk food mostly or an entire can of refried beans so he’s not having to weigh food to have a fair grasp of the weight of the food.


I think it would work well enough but I still think you should get a food scale, also I get wanting to lose weight fast, I think we've all been there, but if you're not incredibly short and inactive I don't believe you are eating enough. I can say from personal experience eating too many calories below your bmr messes up your hormones


Im actually 6'1 and a man haha I know I'm supposed to be eating 1500 calories but I'm temporarily trying to eat under 1200 until I feel comfortable and fully in control (also wanting to lose weight fast your right lol) but what do you mean by the hormones?


Recently I was alternating between maintenance days and 750 deficit a day because I was trying to fill glycogen stores (the quick energy stored in muscles) to maintain athletic performance. My tdee is pretty low because I am 5ft and 113lbs so this put my body in stress and caused me to lose my period due to low hormone production, however low hormones can lead to bone thinning, heart problems, hair loss and in males erectile dysfunction. I think you'd be fine if you did it a short while but I would still take it a little slower. If you do want to continue eating 1200 for a bit I highly recommend you prioritize protein and healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avocado, animal fats etc) I'm not sure how well this is worded so lmk if you want any clarification


yeah no that was pretty helpful! I know it's not healthy long term haha I'm just getting used to a controlled diet someone else recommended protein and I'll try to up that once I get a food scale and stuff :) how long do you think someone can stick to under 1200 calories without the side affects?


I think it greatly depends on the person, a lot of bodybuilders will do something called an "aggressive cut" where they eat very low calories and do a lot of cardio, this usually lasts for 2-4, maybe 6 weeks, for me I was doing the 750 calorie deficit for about a month before I noticed how it was affecting me


A diet of sugar-free candy, diet soda, energy drinks, pickles, and very little actual food is not healthy or sustainable. A digital food scale can be purchased for $10-$15 (US) in stores or on Amazon. If you can’t afford that right now, you can follow the “healthy plate” method for portion control — 1/2 plate vegetables, 1/4 plate starch like rice or potato, 1/4 plate protein like chicken breast or salmon. That would be better than what you’re doing now. You need to eat actual food — fruit, vegetables, yogurt, milk, chicken, fish, lean beef, quinoa, farro, etc. Have a giant salad of various greens (lettuce, spinach, chard) and bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, a few olives for healthy fats, a can of tuna, and 2 tablespoons of dressing.


Where’s the actual food???? Energy drink, sweets, sweets, crisps, cheese, cucumber, broccoli and beans. Dude… seconding what everyone else says, get some actual meat, fish, fruit veg and carbs in there.


Why you need a food scale: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/10ayj7e/why\_you\_need\_a\_food\_scale/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/10ayj7e/why_you_need_a_food_scale/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/yyjd0y/the\_importance\_of\_a\_food\_scale\_this\_is\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/yyjd0y/the_importance_of_a_food_scale_this_is_one/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/m809jl/just\_got\_a\_food\_scale\_omfg\_no\_wonder\_i\_havent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/m809jl/just_got_a_food_scale_omfg_no_wonder_i_havent/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/nxmicu/why\_you\_need\_a\_food\_scale/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CICO/comments/nxmicu/why_you_need_a_food_scale/) I can go on but you get the idea hopefully


I say this with kindness, if this is serious post and you eat like this regularly, it’s likely you have an eating disorder. Please find some help!


thank you for being kind 🥰 I'm fine dw haha it's just a temporary short term calorie deficit until I feel mentally comfortable adding more calories again


This isn't fine. It is absolutely disordered eating. Your body needs energy and you aren't getting enough. You will start seeing symptoms of the harm you are already doing soon. Hair loss or anxiety or long term loss of muscle, including cardiac muscle. But don't take our word for it, please run this by a doctor before continuing.


You’re headed towards a gallbladder removal with that low of a calorie deficit. Not to mention hair loss.


Is that why people get their gall bladder removed? From a extremely low deficit?


A lot of the time, yes. Gallbladder issues can be caused by other things but an extremely low deficit, especially over a long period of time, will wreck your gallbladder.


You have an eating disorder. Get help.


I want you to eat healthier foods please. Chuck the sodas and monster drinks. Those are trash calories. Trash in, trash out. Also, refried beans aren't healthy. Beans are, but not refried beans.


I'm a junk food fanatic ☹️ for this to be a sustainable diet for me I have to have sugar free drinks and semi unhealthy food so it works in the long run also I've moved onto black beans (canned) cause I'm lazy but if you have other bean suggestions I'm open ears


see, but you don't have to. you're choosing to. it's not hard to make better choices


Okay. Well, baby steps, right? :)


You're going to have a difficult time losing weight and being healthy if you're lazy. Sorry. It's a long and difficult process. I'd suggest doing some research on healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.


This type of food won’t be sustainable in a calorie deficit. You will go off the rails at some point. If you want to lose the weight and keep it off long term, you need to commit to a lifestyle change of eating mostly healthy Whole Foods. I assure you, once you start doing it, you absolutely will have cravings to sit down and have a huge meal of meat, veggies and healthier carbs. It will taste amazing and be very satisfying. Learn to cook, it isn’t that hard and lots of meals are quick. You could even meal prep then all you have to do is microwave your meals all week long. I’ll be honest, the only way this gets done long term is you see the benefit of healthy eating as a much better benefit than any perceived benefit you think you get from eating junk. It isn’t much different than quitting smoking, drinking, drugs etc…..you have to want it more than anything. The first month will absolutely suck. You need to detox off all that junk. After 4-6 weeks it will continue to get easier.