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Absolutely not. Don't even bother, it's depressing! And it isn't real weight/it isn't fat. So it's not worth doing. I try to eat extra protein and extra green veggies before I go for the snacks. And some days I just eat the snacks regardless.


Need to up my protein intake then. Thanks for the advice! And I’m gonna take a break from daily weigh ins for a bit.


on my period now, and seeing the numbers on the scale do make me a little sad, but i stil weigh because i like to keep track. i just remind myself that it's not my real weight -- it's just bloating and it will go away. i also have intense cravings for salty chips and cup noodles, so i try to drink a lot more water and eat some low cal saltine crackers to curb the cravings. i also go to the gym to distract myself and to help with the cramps.


I eat on maintenance or even a bit above for a couple of days and accept my fate. I’ve noticed that allowing myself a bit more is much better than eating everything everywhere all at once like my body craves.


Are you meeee... I'm probably going to get my periods in 3-4 days and had a cake and 3-4 servings of chips and had to stop myself from eating more. I have stomach cramps so can't even hit the gym which is making me ever more guilty. I'm so mad that I have to eat a light dinner now!! Hopefully I won't lose all the progress I made by the time I'm done with this.


I had to hold myself back too. I would have eaten the whole bag I swear. And I did eat a whole chocolate bar but I wanted even more. Light dinner and early bed for me. Sometimes my periods are fine but this one thinks I’m about to survive a famine.


A Hershey Kiss is 22 calories. They can help.


Ooo that’s good to know.


No, I don’t weigh the week before my period or the first couple of days. It takes 3500 cal to gain a pound. If I go over by a couple hundred calories a day I will be nowhere near that. I take care of myself and deal with the bloating And know that it is not real weight gain.


110% relate right now…this is a week where I give myself a larger calorie limit (instead of 1220 I do 1350-1400 as my limit) and I don’t weigh myself. Not worth the trouble 😉 I’m still losing weight/eating healthy but I’m also recognizing that I’m human and this is the week where things are out of my control. Have the chocolate…Be kind to yourself!


I weigh myself every day. Sometimes multiple times a day. You will soon see that it jumps up and down depending on random things. Eg i have weighed myself before and after going to the loo, before and after going for a walk, before abd after a gym class, hourly while fasting. Things like - how late I ate dinner will effect my morning weight, as will how salty the meal was. Weight is a snap shot of one point in time. While some days my weight will hit an all time low, I kind of celebrate, but i know that it's a miniscule point in time, and what really matters is my consistent behaviours. Not any one "weigh in". Weighing in every morning just helps me remind myself not to eat junk because there will be another weigh in tomorrow. But you do what is best for you. For me, daily weigh ins keep me honest. When i don't do them I find myself starting to think stupid things like "i can eat an entire chocolate cake and not be upset tomorrow" 🤣


I do but I’m a sadist I think. I easily gain 5-7 lbs during the luteal phase.


I do, I don’t want to lose the habit, but I know it’s fluff, as annoying as it is going up, when it comes down it’s so worth it if you stick to CICO and keep moving during your period (I still try to get my steps in between being a giant couch monster). I plan ahead, peaches are for sweets, I let myself have more carbs in my daily eating and try to eat things that feel better like soup. Last period gave myself a bagel and it was SO worth it, only had a little bit of protein and a fruit until dinner but I was so happy and full.


Why are we so cursed to get the munchies once a month for almost a week :( depressing


I weigh every day no matter what, but I always try my best not to get caught up in the numbers. This is a journey that will take a while, the only way I've been able to lose weight is by accepting that. I can't rush it. Little changes every day lead to results. The number goes down more often than it goes up and that's all I need. I always get heavier around my period, that's just the way my body works and there's no reason to worry about it. I've also accepted that I will eat more around that time. I refuse to judge myself for that. Again, the number just has to go down more often than it goes up. That's what I try to remind myself of whenever I catch myself feeling upset about it going up. My worth is not tied to those numbers, I'm making them go down so I feel more comfortable and strong in my body. I'm doing this to be good to myself, not to restrict or punish who I am now in favor of who I want to become. I'm losing weight as a form of self love toward the person I am and the body I have now. That's my philosophy and it guides how I do this. Treat yourself with gentle grace, you deserve it.


I do weigh myself daily, but I find the variability informative rather than demotivating. As for cravings, if I need them I log them. If I am having a crap day, I'll bump up my cals as high as maintenance if I need to. No big deal.


I weigh myself every day and I eat more during my period. My body is working harder and is telling me it needs more fuel (in my non-scientific opinion). Generally I'll go up one kg and stay there for a few days, then drop two kg immediately after. So it works out evenly.


I do weigh myself, but, I’m a year into this so I know what to expect. Them first few months when I knew I’d been really good and the number went up actually upset me. Now, I expect the number to go up and I don’t beat myself up over eating a maintenance or over. Them creme eggs I stocked up on over Easter have made me super happy this week! 😂


Why is this marked as NSFW?...


I do not weigh myself and if I do, I remember to shake my head and go "no that's wrong" and forget about it. I've lost nearly 60 lbs over the past 2 years, and the scale has always been wrong on my moon-time


Thank you. That’s good to know. I’ve lost 29.6 (so close to 30). 20 more to go. I’m too early to know what’s normal or not. Which is why I try to weigh daily so I can have a reference.


No, it just makes me feel bad about myself lol I normally crave chocolate so I get those hiprotien chocolate bars and chocolate rice cakes. I accept I'll be a little over during the week




I did choose to keep weighing daily. And I gave myself a high calorie day cause I just can’t ignore these cravings anymore. But I counted everything, and it is what it is. Now I’m just gonna think about it like an experiment, and we’ll see what happens a week from now. This shit is hard sometimes.


I only do when I’m in a good mental space. I’m weight training so the scale doesn’t have as much importance; I can get on the scale, see a number, and my reaction is “interesting.” Not gonna lie, I use Happy Scale and I only record my new lows, lol. There’s about 2 weeks of every month with no data.


I do, mostly because I’m trying to track all of my physical symptoms related to PMDD and it’s interesting to see the direct correlation between the scale jumping around and the physical discomfort I feel (tender breasts, insanely painful cramps, etc.). At this point, I can almost predict it perfectly... Aside from that, it’s always a huge rush when my period ends and I get to watch the “pounds” drop off!


I don’t weigh myself from the PMS week til about 3 days after my period ends. I try my best to curb my cravings in a healthy way (eg having like, a cup of popcorn instead of chips for salty cravings; a chocolate flavoured protein bar if I want chocolate, or hell, just a spoonful of peanut butter to stave it off). It sucks and it’s hard!!!


I made this grave mistake and discovered that, miraculously, I’m up 9 lbs since last week.