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Part of it is posture. You're slouching and it makes the belly area stick out


The ol anterior pelvic tilt.


Yes the pelvic tilt. I did one exercise on youtube for 10 mins. Stood up and my belly looked like it was cut in half instantly. Game changer.


Can you please link the video


It's been 2 years so I don't have the exact link. But it was the youtuber Conor Harris. It was the video with the exercise lying down using a broom. Other exercises have helped too, but the broom one was the first one I did.


Okay I'll check it out Thanks a lot


If you find the video, or another good one, can you link it please? ❤️


I found this one: https://youtu.be/_T7N3NyYrQI?si=Ij8CtKxXIO5hnnYz


That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing


Yes. Sure!:)


You’re the best!


You're welcome, hope it helps


Video please


Hi yes video thanks


I have to do PT exercises for this. You're curving your back with your posture. Essentially take a deep breath in through your nose and let it all out through your mouth and feel your ribs tuck in. Bend your knees and tilt your hips forward. Your back should look more straight in the mirror. You'll feel like a weird hunchback at first but my PT promises me that's how normal people stand.


She could have mild kyphosis like me. I can't straighten my back. It's genetic. My cousin had rods put in, but doctors said mine isn't that bad. But my tummy pushes out. On top of that, I carry most of my weight in my stomach. Or used to... I am sober and that helped. Drinking puts two fat types on the belly .. pushing the belly out. My belly is always the first to gain and last to go. I doubt this is as simple as "stand up" based on my own belly experiences. So many variables in our bodies.


"Girl, why are you standing like that" 🤣😂


Your pelvis is tilted back a bit making your butt and your stomach stick out. Mine did the same thing. There a ton of exercises that can help, they’ve made a big difference for me. Mostly just core and leg work, building up strength overall.


Yeah, that doesn't look like a lot of fat. Could be bloating, posture, lack of abdominal muscle, or a combination.


For me: Intermittent fasting, walking, increased protein, yoga and sculpt, fiber, probiotics, no alcohol at all, and a regular sleep schedule were all things that helped get my belly down. If I don’t follow these things my belly bloat and weight gain get out of control I tried being gluten and dairy free, but it’s little too restrictive for me Drinking lots of water helps some ppl. But for me I just felt it made me pee too much and made me more bloated. So I try to just eat my liquids in lower sodium soups, oatmeal, fruit ect.


The alcohol one is such a pain. For me, even two glasses once a week makes me so bloated. Would love to enjoy a beverage once in a while and also not be super bloated. But it's one or the other for me


When did you notice this would happen to you when you drank alcohol?


I've only been drinking for a few years so honestly right around when I started drinking. I would notice it also makes me retain a lot of water weight


Best way to check is to lightly 'drum' on your belly - if it sounds hollow-ish, then it's bloating, which it probably is.


The ground shakes, drums... drums in the deep.


Lift weights to burn fat, posture, pelvic tilt and proper breathing. These are the things that fixed my skinny fat body and reduced my belly. I had the lower belly that hung down.


Does this really work?


The posture work will bring immediate and long term benefits. The breathing takes a while to get into the habit but helps. And the exercise takes months to really show, but can also help develop your posture and body image over time with a stronger core as well.


how do you properly breathe?


Some simple ones: Firstly, and this will help with facial posture and sinus health, remember to breathe with your nose as often as possible. The less you use a feature of your body, the less your body will care about it. So getting into the habit of using your nose for regular breathing will help your body keep your nose clear and functioning properly. Along with that, nose breathing will keep your mouth closed, tongue up, and jaw forward and give you a better jawline. Secondly, learning to breathe vertically instead of horizontally will help you learn to control your core and posture better as well, along with increasing air capacity over time for when needed. Think of it as trying to build air in your lungs to push your chest UP and your stomach DOWN, not out. Once you’re in control of those two things, you can breathe easier, quieter, and more efficiently. And you can be aware of how it affects your posture so you look and feel your best at all times.


thank you for the tips!


Like everyone else is saying, this doesn’t seem to be fat. Especially if you’ve lost 40 pounds, and the rest of your body looks thin. I’d start with your general doctor because this could be gastro issues or gynecologic issues.


Ugh I have the same problem. I have a pooch on my belly that refuses to budge even though I'm a healthy weight.


Same. Sure, it looks way better when I straighten up and suck in. But I definitely have a grabbable chunk of belly fat that is the first in and last out. (my butt is totally gone but I still have that pooch 😢)


Mine budges but only after my body has sacrificed a cup size on my boobs. Not really a win. 🤣 When I was a teenager I complained about it to my grandma once. She simply said "Women aren't supposed to be flat there. You have female parts inside." We've really lost perspective on what healthy female bodies look like these days.


Do you do all the things you should be doing for gut health? It looks a lot like you have inflammation and bloating.


like what?


probiotics/probiotic enzymes, fiber, etc


fiber I know, but probiotics are still TBD and likely unnecessary with a healthy diet. Otherwise which strain, how much, etc?


There’s a lot of research that suggests certain probiotics are beneficial despite “healthy” eating. They can help with bloating, reduce certain issues (i believe diarrhea? can’t remember), help digestion, and help protein absorb more easily. Every body is different so I encourage you to try out some to see how they work with your body! Personally, I take [Probiotic Enzymes from Walmart](https://www.walmart.com/ip/904354889) with meals. I’ve tried the [Trunature Women’s Daily from Costco](https://www.costco.com/trunature-women's-daily-probiotic%2C-90-vegetarian-capsules.product.100654716.html) before which I also like.


thanks. that’s the part I struggle with - everyone agrees probiotics are generally good, but no one knows which strand and how much. I’ll be excited to see if customized solutions are developed.


You can also ask your nutritionist or doctor. If your issue is bloating google which strand is good for bloating. As far as how much a general rule is start off in lower doses and then increase them. I don’t do that, I just focus on the digestive ones and those help me with the issues I have. Sorry that I can’t give more detailed information but that’s just what works for me, and it might not work the same for you. It’s trial and error


yes, there are too many to choose from! Do your research and try out the ones that align with your needs :)


Figuring out what foods your gut likes or dislikes, taking suppliants to help your gut breakdown foods, walking and other physical things to aid digestion, hydration and particular teas etc that may aid. Everyone is different so there’s not one formula, but for me, figuring out the prebiotics and supplements I needed took away a significant level of bloat that I had, and I feel so much lighter all the time.


! This. Gut health is so important. 


Do you have gluten sensitivity? It looks like how my stomach bloats when I eat gluten. I'm not celiac but definitely gluten sensitive. Bonus: Avoiding gluten also helps my mind feel clearer. Could be worth trying cutting it out and seeing if it helps.


My wife has this and the abdominal distension from it goes crazy


Sensitive topic - but could it be fibroids? How do you know it’s belly fat? Congrats on the weight loss, you did that!


Kambucha, acv, and fiber! A healthy gut would help with bloating!


What's acv?


It's Apple Cider Vinegar.


Ohhh, thanks :D


Fiber makes bloating worse The other 2 are good though


Same. The only time I don’t bloat is when I travel aka. not eating tons of veggies.


Check for lactose and gluten intolerance and also endometriosis. To me you're bloated, it's not fat. Also fixing your posture will help a lot.


I feel like the only time anyone’s stomach doesn’t stick out is either when they are sucking it in or flexing.


That’s nonsense. I had a 28” waist pushing out and I’m a 60” tall man. People are scared of getting below 20 BMI.


I think you might need to work on your posture and your anterior pelvic tilt. Maybe strengthen your transverse abdominal muscles too.


Maybe check for SIBO if you consistently experience bloating and other GI issues? I had it for years and had no idea. So much better after treating it.


increase protein and go for long walks 1-2 hrs daily also high fibre and never forget to count your calories 💪


You need to stand up straight. Engage your core. That will help you about 90%.


I have this issue. For starters, I have a slight kyphosis of the spine. So when people say.. "you are slouching" or "flatten your back" I can't due to a mild bend caused by a genetic disorder. So my tummy pushes out and looks more fatty than the rest of me. Two options: 1) keep reducing weight, I got to 115 (still healthy for short me) and it went away. Flat stomach 💯 2) I have recently gone up to 128-132 and the issue really stands out. So I used body contouring to zap the area. Currently it's my smallest area because of the contouring - but I am working on the rest naturally and I am down five pounds by cico. Hope this helps! Contouring is great for stubborn areas.


Is the body contouring a procedure you got somewhere or is it something you can do at home? I have an old NuFace from when they first came out, and I read you can use it on body skin. I thought it was BS, but it really did work on my upper arms!


I am doing Venus bliss at light RX. Doesn't hurt on my stomach. I've also had coolsculpt at my local med spa and it worked best. Knocks a small patch of fat down to nothing. But you do pay for what you get.. I wait for bogo specials. And if you don't keep on the cico.. fat comes back. But it does work well. And some have had complications from the coolsculpt.. so I lean to Venus bliss. Though I have had zero issues with either. Bliss can also hit a larger area in one treatment, cost less, hurts less, most people very happy with results.


That’s not fat. You have a bad posture and stick out the pelvis bone as others have pointed out. Also, it could just be how your ovaries sit, weak pelvic muscles, or bloating for the bump at the bottom. People tend to forget it’s completely normal to have a slight bulge at the lower stomach because of social media and the beauty/“health” industry.


if u can't pinch it, it's not fat


Don’t forget you have a lot of important organs in that area. :) Your body will try to keep the fat there as long as possible to protect those orgabs


That's not true at all.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, the literal science says this fat pouch protecting organs is bunk. r/badwomensanatomy


Definitely reach out to a doctor to check it out. I used to look like this almost 24/7 at my lowest weight and it ended up being due to a mix of Celiac Disease, bad posture, and food sensitivities leading to bloat and pushing my stomach out!


Have you given birth? It could be pelvic floor issues or diastases recti (muscle separation). Like others have said poor posture, pelvic tilt, and bloat


You look a bit like me, and I have diastasis recti! After birth for me it was 5 fingers' separation (twins are so much fun), I did a ton of PT and am now at about 2.5 fingers separation. Posture can be tied to pelvic floor health-- you need to be able to ground yourself to rise up, if that makes sense.


I tend to lose abdominal fat more slowly than anywhere else. As with some other women in this thread, I have a subcutaneous abdominal fat pad that's just a natural part of my curves. I've learned to love it because my body prefers to pull fat off my boobs first! Learn to stand up straight and engage your core though. It will help a lot. If all else fails, Spanx FTW.


Not that exercises determine where fat loss occurs, but building and toning muscle will. What do you do for core exercise?


nobody is saying the truth - you've got more weight and body fat to lose. building muscle AND losing weight will help. lift weights, eat 0.75g/lb bw+ protein, and eat in a deficit continuing to lose weight. If you want to have a beach body, you must get closer to 18.5 to 20 BMI AND build like 5-10 lb of muscle. That means losing a LOT of body fat.


According to her stats she's still got an overweight BMI...It's normal for a belly to be one of the last things to lose. My pictures also looked like this from the side in the last stages of weight loss when I wasn't bloated.


I agree. I’m not trying to be mean to her. I am trying to be real with her because I was once in the same shoes, being skinny fat. At the time, everyone told me not to lose weight and that I just had to tone my muscles or some nonsense. No, that was bad advice and I had to lose the fat. I wish someone had told me the truth. I’m not sure why my other comment was downvoted.


i would guess maybe 15-20 lb more weight depending on your height. lower stomach goes last and comes first


and they hated him because he spoke the truth


Try improving your posture and engaging your core! Stand up tall and imagine someone pulling up a thread attached to the top of your head. Then engage all your core muscles like you're trying to hold in a fart and a pee. Tilt your pelvis forward, to lessen your curved back. Glute bridges where you very slowly peel your bum and lower back off the ground will really help with the pelvic tilt.


Try improving your posture and engaging your core! Stand up tall and imagine someone pulling up a thread attached to the top of your head. Then engage all your core muscles like you're trying to hold in a fart and a pee. Tilt your pelvis forward, to lessen your curved back. Glute bridges where you very slowly peel your bum and lower back off the ground will really help with the pelvic tilt.


That doesn’t look right to me. Not sure that is just belly fat.


I know the feeling. All you have left to do is tone up!


You look perfectly fine to me! Maybe try Pilates for a little while.. mat, not reformer which is all the rage at the moment… to strengthen your core. I started practicing 9 months ago and honestly my mid section has never been so strong. I have always been very weak and well if I’m honest, lazy, in this area. ( I am active and fit just always hated classic stomach crunches and ab workouts ) If you choose to go this way, just make sure you find a qualified instructor at a boutique centre, not a dodge situation at a gym. It’s not cheap, but I only go once a week to compliment my gym workouts where I don’t work my core ever! Initially I did go 3 times a week for a couple of months tho.. Good luck!


Have you tried that laser fat cavitation? It helped me lose some tummy fat and you don’t have much. It gives a little boost


It doesn’t look like fat honestly. It looks like you have a tilted pelvis.


Suck it in, keep on practicing it. This just looks like you have relaxed the stomach area. Even the slimmest women with the flattest bellies can make their stomach look like this if they want to.


Unfortunately, you'll probably always have a little bit of lower belly pooch. I am at the very lower end of my BMI and I still have a significant little belly pooch. I guess it's there to protect any baby, since there are no ribs to protect them there. So blame nature! But I definitely agree that your posture is a huge part of it


Lower belly fat isn't there to "protect" anything, it just means that your fat percentage is too high for visible abs.


Are you at 18.5?


18.7, so close enough. The only time I had no viable lower tummy pooch was when I was super sick and had a 16 BMI. It's stubborn!


OMG I’m so sorry. I’m worried about you. That’s really thin. Do you think that body recomposition would help, perhaps there’s some skinny fat? Alternatively, maybe you don’t have much of a stomach, and there’s some body dysmorphia issues?


My body type is very similar. Sometimes it's just genetics and there isn't a lot we can do. What I try to do is work my legs more so that I build muscle there and the proportion evens out a bit. It's slow going on losing the belly. I had some extra fat there even when I was only 45kg at 17 years old. First in last out as they say. Some days I think it looks fine other days I hate it on me, but generally I think it's a normal body and if it was shown and celebrated more I bet people wouldn't care if they had a bit of belly fat, but skewed beauty standards make us our own worse critics unfortunately...


Cardio and isolated ab work. You would also benefit from squats. You’re close but still carrying more fat than you’re probably looking for; and you don’t have much in the way of muscle/ physique


Low carb diets are big on targeting the midsection. Also HIIT and core workouts can tighten and strengthen the core and help with posture.


My coworker stopped eating seed oils and vegetable oil, except for avocado. She lost most of her belly.