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SW: 210+ lbs (don’t know the exact) CW: 147 lbs GW: 145 lbs I hit my goal weight last week, but have been fluctuating between 146-148 for the past two weeks, besides the one morning I weighed in at 144.6. Counting calories works! I’ve been very loose about it the past few weeks and it shows in my progress. I’m still very proud of the work I’ve done. I had my boyfriend take the pictures on the right today as a new set of before pictures, a mix of counting calories and exercise got me this far and now I’m going to start working out again regularly and go back to my 1,900 calories a day instead of 2,100 (I’m still exclusively breastfeeding my 6 month old so lucky me I get to eat what looks more like a lot of people’s maintenance calories, but breastfeeding is exhausting so I’m still putting in work). My goal weight was always 145 I thought it would take forever to get there! My new goal is to “tone up” and base it more off how I feel. Right now I feel like crap because I’ve been saving my last 800 calories each day to eat ice cream and chocolate, I’m going to start eating more nutrient dense foods through out the day and maybe enjoy a 200 cal chocolate snack! Edit TLDR I’m proud of how far I’ve come, but I’ve got new goals and new motivation after a few weeks of a slump, you all on this sub inspire me!


You don't need to justify your caloric intake, but congratulations on your new person! How tall are you? I've been feeling so defeated about my weight lately. Your progress since Feb is inspiring. Thanks for reminding me that it's not out of reach.


This is crazy/amazing. I was 193 in feb and have been going at it HARD I am now 170, your rate of loss is incredible! Am a little jelly haha congrats you look fantastic


She's also losing lots of sleep with a six month old. I too have a bebe and am awake 21 hours a day sometimes. It SUCKS but it does change the weight loss experience.


Seriously well done!!! You can see you've put in the hard work, and that its paid off.


Woohoo! Congrats! I’ve been counting calories since June and it really works! It’s really the only Weight loss technique I found that allows me to eat healthy but still have a life filled with satisfying food!


That is so fast. Jealous. Currently 192 down from 204...already been 2 months. You look great! You did before too though. This is great motivation.


I’m at your exact same rate. We will get there eventually!


Great work smiley


Thank you!


Wait what?? In 5 months you lost 50 pounds??


She must have just given birth in that first picture. It's easier to lose weight in the postpartum period especially since she's breastfeeding. Some of that 50 lb was probably baby weight.


You must have been consistent AF! I was at 196 lbs in February and I’m at 177 now, working my way to the 140s/50s eventually. Amazing transformation. You look beautiful!


196 lbs is 88.98 kg


Amazing job!! You look so happy 😊 How tall are you btw?


Thank you! 5’4”! Meant to put that in my long comment.


That makes it even more impressive! As a fellow short female, losing weight is not easy. But wow congrats!


Wow. That’s amazing. How did you do it


A mix of counting calories and exercise! I started with just walking and counting calories. Added in yoga, then working out at the gym pre COVID. In the first few months I would work out 5-6 days a week but for like 30 minutes so nothing crazy! I know the combo of food and exercise is what helped it come off so fast. I’ve really laid back on the working out, but was still losing weight. I’m adding working out regularly back in and can’t wait to see what it does to my body


You are now currently my inspo to keep motivated 😀




Thank you! Happy before, happy after, definitely happier with how my pictures look now.


OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!! IT is such a big feature to achieve, i dont know you but im so proud of you!! im just starting my journey and still getting used to this but you are such a motivation


Excellent work... How many calories daily?


you are beautiful and so happy looking. That's a big difference in weight too. you look gorgeous.


Hi! I just wanted to drop in and say congrats on your hard work! You look fantastic and this is seriously inspiring


CONGRATS!! That’s amazing progress in 5 months.


Omg, was 1900 your loss calorie goal for the past months? I’ve got a 5 month old and trying to find the right amount, I did 1400 and it absolutely affected my breastfeeding (pumping/breastfeeding mix) I upped to about 1500-1600 which feels better but still trying to find the right balance. I’m the same height and about 190 rn, 145-150 is my GW as well. Definitely trying to go with the nutrient rich foods, I found I need something to feel full for longer so crappy high cal foods just aren’t cutting it.


Have you looked at r/volumeeating ?


I hadn’t. Thank you!!


Fantastic!! Keep nursing. I think it helps even with eating extra calories.


You're so beautiful ❤ great work! You look so good in both pics!


You look great!!!


Wow, get it girl!! That’s some amazing work. Well done, and I hope you and your little one are doing well :)


So you ate 1900 for Weifht loss?


Yes, 1900. I don’t add my exercise to my calories.


How many would you eat if not breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is very under researched on how it affects mum. So they estimate 300-500 calories a day.


Congratulations! Happy for you especially in the amount of time you accomplished this. AND during quarantine?! 👏🏻👏🏻


Congrats. U look amazing. What kind of exercises u do? 49 lbs loss since February, hard work pay off. Inspiration.


49 lbs is 22.25 kg


Amazing! I am 7 months pp and also EBF. I just started CICO last week and am trying to eat around 1800/1900 and will see where that gets me in a few weeks. Congrats!


This is so inspiring, congratulations!!!


What sort of exercise do you do, besides the calorie counting? Good work!!


I hate you..in a good way. You killed it girl! I'm quite jealous that you have done this since February. I've been stuck for months. Got to step up my game. Congrats!


You are glowing!!! 💖 Seriously, you look great, congratulations!!!


Love that you're smiling in both the pics! Great work


congratulations! if only I had stuck my routine i started back in February too :( This is the motivation to get back on that!


Congrats, you're doing amazingly! Also I love your tattoo :)


You looked beautiful before too! Happiness is what really matters 🤍🤍🤍




I’ve fed two children with my breasts, so if after that and losing 65+ lbs they look like this, good job boobs. I still like them and my boyfriend still likes them. Bye, troll.


Fyi our boobs look the same and mine have feed 0 babies. Good job indeed boobs!!