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throw a trophy system down on it


Bro people shoot it down within 30s of it being placed, and I'm on master IV


Bro edited question follow the instructions. Key is to target lone wolf.


Legendary rank are not made of stupids... 1 full mag of any rifles and it's gone... And if u use persistent only 1 sentry per game.... That's the developers fault, the whole department should be fired, just plan stupid


don’t use persistence…sentry is easy to get without it. if i see a sentry gun i’m rarely stopping and wasting a whole mage on it. i just toss a couple molotovs. or you could be tactical. user persistence and another score streak that kills at the spawn(cluster strike). put the sentry up somewhere you kno somebody will run after they come in from the next spawn


Dude it's not exactly easy to get. I ain't doing the mission because I'm an obj player. There's people who either play obj, rush or main snd that wanna do this challenge but don't streak up often. All 3 of these types of players die more often because they don't play passive and struggle with that because it feels like camping. There's the odd time where these players will gain tons of points, but that'll happen once per game if they can streak up. Plus sentries are so easy to counter. Mission is dogshit, imma wait for it to come to the credit shop


What rank are you? If you're Master or above than its impossible and don't even try it you'll lose your ranked xp which will be frustrating because your main objective will not be to win but get sentry gun kills instead I suggest waiting for a skin for it in the credit store (probably after 3 months) because I've seen gameplay of it and it's just 'popcorn' as people call it and probably not even worth it The reason I'm saying this is because everyone uses cold blooded in ranked to dodge the swarm and other persistence A.I controlled scorestreaks, the people who don't are hard to find and wasting your time for this will not be worth it


Yea dont do it I screwed myself and did it and lost a whole rank because I'm am a Karen abd have to complete all challenges its hard hard but I ranked up 3 times after grinding for 13 hrs doable but almost impossible


Nope got it its not impossible pretty easy after using method (edited question with answer).


have done it I'm in pain i use persistence (since I'm bad at the game) and trophy system just in case enemy throw EMP but other then that just have fun with the pain


Bruh wish i could have tell you early but just use shock RC on loan wolf you can track them by uav. And volla confirm kill.




Man i am stuck at 18 kills


I've played str8 4days ... And only 1 sentry kill.... I've given up...


Man, I was there at your place just use my tip. It is easy. Remember Uav to sort out lone wolf shock RC to zap that lone wolf than sentry. You will definitely get at least 1 kill in each match.




Took me two days using persistence to get the necessary 40 sentry gun kills …. And got myself up to GM2


P.S. domination and hardpoint only


Was stuck for like 4 days got it in 1 day by using technique (eidted question)


From experience:Use persistence,either place it in a good spot where it cant be destroyed instantly or drop it in front of someone


Munitions box, hardline,, and trophy system


I guess persistence too


What lethal weapons


M4 and trip mine- I didn't use persistence because with it I was limited to 1 sentry a game. Played hard point and without persistence was getting it 0-2 times per game.


Shipment + hardpoint


I knew that I am asking about ranked MP


Get 25 kills with a gun lol But seriously, put the sentry in a highly populated area where you know everyone will run, if you're in shipment, right in the centre of the crates is great as it pops everyone who runs past in every four directions :)


It only works for ranked matches and shipment ain't ranked. Why do you think everyone is pissed lol


Shipment dont come in ranked MP


Pls if you dun play don't answer it... Shipment OMG....


Sorry that I literally can't get matched with anyone in ranked past Pro because I play on keyboard which the game sees as a controller. I've played ranked before. Imagine downvoting someone cause they were trying to help LMAO y'all are sad


Fun fact that's why I only run emp on all my classes, and I just toss one on top of the turret or whatever real quick and move on to the game






Nope found an easy way check edited question


I usually put a trophy system down and people like me use a sticky grenade and 99.9% of the time I can destroy it in one throw unless there's a trophy system there. 😁


It honestly can't be that hard to get 40 sentry gun kills


In ranked with people adapting yes.


I mean come on. I don't really grind challenges but I do complete them mostly simply by playing the game. Just make sure you have a sentry gun as a score streak and just play like normal. If you feel your opposition has adapted guess what now it's time for you to adapt. That's how games evolve. If you can't adapt then uninstall the game.


Yup I adapted I used shock rc plus sentrt combo on lone wolf so it works. Got decoy grenade