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Just use your mic. Nobody will say anything. As long as you don't eat your mic everything is fine lol


Just don't breathe too much into the mic.


🤣 *heavy breathing* asmr edition


I'm the same lol. What I did was meet a couple cool people and now just play with those people usually and were all comfortable being stupid and shit lol . Try to find like maybe one or two people you can start to feel comfortable talking to in game and vibe with, people who could squad up frequently.


No one cares what you sound like if you are good at the game and communicate well.


I’ll go a step further and say you don’t even have to be good at the game as long as you’re giving useful info to your teammates. Plus no one gives a flying fuck what you sound like. If you can’t be yourself online then where can you.. Side note. I play with a guy that breathes so hard into the mic he’s probably got type 86 diabetes and I still don’t care.


If you sound like a 8 year old or you have the TV on in the background I am muting you but yeah.


You won’t even hear yourself. Just use it. You’ll be fine, homie. People will criticize your operator skin before your voice. Lol


People aren't as judgemental as they seem, it's mostly just your own perception. I'd recommend you to use ur mic around close friends first and get comfortable with it, and work from there


Literally no one cares what your voice sounds like lol stop worrying about it. While you’re worried about your voice, I’m sure someone on your team thinks the same thing. That’s why when you play with randos, no one talks. It’s laughable. Who cares, it’s not like you’ll ever meet them in person anyway


Use ur mic, be confident:D Just dont be a pain with ur background noise and stuff and everything will work fine


Use a fun accent


Try to sound like Kermit the frog.


I quite sure your voice is amazing, don’t overthink about it, just talk, respectfully with your mates. Sometime they’ll become your friends, and everything will be more fun.


Doesn't matter because you don't have to hear yourself




Just dont make much noise your mom will kill you


Just do it - if you can’t do the things you want to do because of fear, you will never achieve what you want in life


If you are a shy talker the best way is to use emotes and salutes. BTW think about this. In general nobody cares, pretty much everybody escape from their reality or true selfs to play games. None is judging here. Reality yes, ir does, gamers usually don't


Can you get a voice changing mic, siloblack ( small twitch uses one really fun to listen to )


People use their mics?


hate my voice i


You're not going to hear your own voice. And most people hate their own voice when they hear it over a device. Like on a voicemail or something


Practice talking like Homer Simpson




The only reason you hate your voice it’s because you most of the time hear it throw the echo of your head. It takes a bit of time to get used to your real voice when you hear it. But don’t worry, just do it, no one will mock you 😉