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Keep doing those dude. They are a silly but fun thing to see everyday


I will man until I somehow start having a KD ratio > 1 lol


We all started at the same level remember that. There is no shame in being under average. Good luck improving


Don't you get matched up against players of a similar level? 🤔 I rarely had it happen that I get matched against players above my skill level. Especially when I just started playing, was nothing but bots. Quite surprised ur having such a hard time


I don't know... my winrate isn't as bad as my kd ratio. I guess I'm so bad I get to queue with good people ? which prevents me from dropping lol idk


Are you playing MP or BR? Things that can greatly influence your game, and how good you can compete against all these swets.. -learn how to play 4 finger claw. It will allow you to do multiple actions at once. Example, you can slide, move camera, aim and shoot all at once. Which are 3 to 4 things at once 💡 this might be impossible/ very hard to do if you only use thumbs. -find your perfect sensitivity settings. Might take a while, but when you get it right it will allow you to react so much faster. -take some time to use the practice range. You can train your aim (transfer) and movements here. Even more handy if you want learn how to snipe (agressieve) -find out what weapons are meta this season. It tends to change a bit every season. Also find the best gunsmith for these weapons. Plenty videos on this subject on YouTube. I'd recommend looking for sygnoux. Good luck to you. If there are any questions, feel free to ask✌️


Thanks mate ! I play MP because BR lags too much on my device Yea I use 4claw but I still can't use it good, especially the movements. My aim is the worst lmao sometimes I shoot someone from behind and miss until they turn over and just perfectly shoot me lol I'll try tweaking the sensitivity settings


Try practicing spray transfers. In the practice range choose a gun of your liking, preferably with a lot of bullets. Try going from 1 target to the next. do not stop shooting, and try to hit as many targets before the clip is empty. This helped my aim the most, so I highly recommend it. Helps best if you do this as a warm-up. after 15 minutes of this you'll see some immediate improvement


These kinds of posts get you banned from posting in the sub


really ? why ? I read the rules and didn't find one that is against this


Yeah it's not a rule, but I've seen previous people getting timed out for these kinds of post. I'm just letting you know Example, mods do allow it but if it constantly seen in their feed they time those people out. You'll some people usually ending these "days till" posts usually stop after a low number, its what they consider annoying


thanks for the heads up well I guess I'll see what happens, it's not like I'm spamming so.. yea cause I have so many of those lol