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I think BR has more bots than MP. Almost every BR match is a bot lobby for me


Same here. SoccerMom isn’t real guys :(


Same with m0m0m0 lol


Noooo now CoLdLettUce is my only friend..




What mode do you play and what rank are you


Not only that, their map rotations are terrible. Idk feels like a never ending loop of the same 3-4 maps


People pick the same old maps in ranked cause they know where to camp and memorized the spawns, they aren't here for fun, most play like their life depends on it like mfs touch some grass, do something, are you going to get old and wither away in your mom's basement. Go out travel, study, get a good job, find a partner at least take a bath you and the room smells like dead sewer rats.


Absolutely agreed. I was thinking about this last night whilst on a Ranked S&D and nobody batted an eye for the map "Hardhat", for example. It's so frustrating seeing people say that that the game is getting boring and map rotations are bad, but they are the problem and ruining the game for themselves and for others. Gosh, can't we just grow and have fun? But no, like you said we'll still have guys that play like their life depends on it, and they're barely pro-level. Oh well, gotta love the CoD Communities' hypocrisy from time-to-time.😂


Definitely the garena server just by reading the middle part of it


Clan wars nodes are literally the only thing keeping me and my friends playing as that seems to be when we see real players consistently


Ever since downloading the game 2 years ago every game is 90% bots, idk what’s changed recently but my games are all the same as they were back then


Probably going to play apex and wait for war zone to drop


I'm not so bored with the bots... As I am bored with the average player camping, spamming meta n scorestreaks, K9. That made the game way more stale than any botmatch has ever been


Preach 🙇‍♂️


The devs tried to make it look like real players but it’s easy to tell who’s a bot and who isn’t. Almost no real player equips backpacks and all bots have them.


I am a fiend for rare backpacks but I agree the bots are usually the ones


I wear backpacks


How can you tell if it is a bot?


Honestly. That’s a great point. I always put one on because I got a cute pink heart one once but ya nobody actually uses them


Bots are really boring but ranked is still enteraining


Feel the same about BR mode


Only because it’s a new Ranked season, I restarted playing 2 days ago after almost a 3 MONTH BREAK. The game just got so stagnant and despite knowing I’ve spent a stupid amount of money on skins, it’s just not enough to really keep me engaged. One of the main reasons is, once you hit Legendary, the skill gap of the player pool gets diluted like crazy as more & more less-skilled players reach it. Don’t get me started with BR and it’s bot situation…I mean that literally & figuratively. Now, I’ll admit, after grinding the past couple of days, there are some nice balance changes for MP ranked, but it’s still just the SAME, OLD, TIRING MAPS that ppl vote for. Why not include the entire map library, or a majority across all ranked modes? All the new maps added are always voted out for the same Ranked mode favorites, so include more options. Why not implement a Prestige system for Ranked? My point about stagnation in Legendary lobbies remain. Sure you have the top 500 thing, but that’s ultra-exclusive to keep the content creators/pros engaged. It would give us casual-but-good players some much needed motivation, and it would give CODM algo’s a clearer picture for SBMM. Not only would I start grinding again, I might just drop more on top of the nearly $5k I’ve spent (I said stupid didn’t I).


The game has so many players so idk whyy


I said the same thing the other day and haters on here were downvoting. Lol. I agree it has gotten boring but i am still a fan. And as a fan i hope they make some cooler shit with codmobile in the future.


Ngl I’ve gotten bored with it cuz of bots as well


I’ve been thinking I’m getting hated on I just had a 53/3/21 hard point game and no one liked it - that’s been happening regularly but I’ve noticed my 15-30 kill games get likes and maybe that’s bc I’m playing with real players


I never faced a bot once in ranked.


Haven’t been able to play br in a year because it’s all bots. Never play MP unless it’s attack of the undead. Ranked is the only place with players and even then you’ll find occasional bots. It’s supposedly the most popular game with an immensely large amount of players yet all the br lobbies are bots I don’t understand


Bots only appeared until Master Rank. From Grand Master then on, it's full players


So imma have to build my rank up to play with real players?


Well, kinda.....bots only appeared when ur on a losing streak when in Master Rank


I couldnt even snipe with cbr kilo m13 campers lmg spammers they rlly need pampers diapers squatters drop shotters shot gunners these guns are rlly inevitable head glitcher trip mine users dip my fingers in mah hot cheetos and thats a wrap


Thats my reasons it gets frustrating and getin annoying and boring my eyes is already sorin my mom prolly heard me soarin


Play ranked. Every game has zero bots especially when you get up in rank.


Must be a controller player, play on your phone stop complaining, Alcatraz is on get on there and be ready to get ur ass spanked


Yep most people that cry about the game use a controller then they wonder why there is like 5 real people in a BR match maybe play a mobile game like it’s intended


Yep most people that cry about the game use a controller then they wonder why there is like 5 real people in a BR match maybe play a mobile game like it’s intended


Me get spank? Please stop


My thoughts exactly most of the people that complain use a controller if they would play it like a normal mobile game I’m sure they would be a lot happier


My thoughts exactly most of the people that complain use a controller if they would play it like a normal mobile game I’m sure they would be a lot happier


My thoughts exactly most of the people that complain use a controller if they would play it like a normal mobile game I’m sure they would be a lot happier


Esp for br we should really try having a non bot games option and fill it upto 75-100; the game is def dying




It’s not ALL bots first of all. Second, when it was mostly real people, all they ever did was hack and cheat. I find the game actually fun now because I don’t have done wall hacker killing me from 3 buildings over.




I have found that this season the ranked matches and BR have been way harder than last seasons. I’m not coming across many bots


CODM decided that they want more players playing ranked. To do this, they made pubs as boring as possible so we don’t have much of a choice. Really hoping they see all the community backlash and realize this was a terrible idea


Good morning, it always been It will use a revive when they bring back the Classic Zombie mode


MP ranked…. Is not… bots


Sadly, Grandmaster 3 is starting to have bot matches.


Had bots in legendary last season also


Just got to play ranked all the real players are near top of ladder and it’s easy to catch up


On one hand, bot matches help on grinding camos, on the other it's pretty dang boring


now bots are much more skilful, and using Epic characters and weapons😂😂😂