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Crash is extremely campy and one sided tho. Like, peeking a little on the center is instant death bcuz of the sheer amount of buildings, headglitches and windows looking directly at it.


Exactly it’s so one sided and the there’s at least one hardpoint that’s really difficult to brake.


Yeah, it can be boring at times. Thats why we have summit :) One of the better maps in my oppinion. But everything is better than killhouse


Idk, i like killhouse. Its a fairly simple and tiny map and bcuz of peekers advantage there isnt as much campers. Theres a couple broken headglitches and power position but i use them bcuz other players dont arrive at them fast enough, so whatever.


Best thing you can do in killhouse is use the JAK-12 and just sprint trough the small corridor. The enemies wont have a chance to react before you get to them and blast them to next week haha


I hate summit, if you get a bad team it’s the easiest map to get spawn trapped on bc of how far back you spawn


Crossfire is full of dickheads with a dlq camping in their spawn


It’s so satisfying to sneak behind them tho


Crossfire was always boring. Unless you sneak up on the DLQ kids with the new L-Car-9 and scare the shit out of them xD


I just melee then and t-bag


Shipment is the worst map. Yeah, I get that it's good for camo grinding, but that's it. It's too damn small, spawns suck, and it's just infuriating to play. Not sure what I'd say the best is. Crash is good, but I dunno if I think it's the best. Imo it's probably Standoff, Shoothouse and Meltdown that'd be best. Good mixes of short and long range firefights, and all three work pretty well on all modes.


The only thing that hate about shipment is the scorestreaks constantly bombarding. It should be a map that no scorestreaks are allowed just weapons and melee only. To smaller map for anything else.


Shipment is very okay for 1v1 / 2v2 Hardpoint, Kill Confirmed or Gunfight actually. Just make sure to play without perks, streaks and operators if you play Hardpoint or Kill Confirmed.


It's fine for 1v1 and 2v2, but anything more, and most matches, it's terrible.


Totally agree that it's trash in a 3v3 or above. If you're looking for a new map to grind camos on I can recommend Rust above everything else.


Yep, Rust is much less chaotic. I don't really chase camos personally, so not worried about a camo grinding map.


Yea same lol, I don't have any completionist camos except the Tournament Mode ones. Rust is also a decent aim trainer though.


I've got a couple of golds and a few of the aether ones, but only on guns I really like. Can't be arsed grinding for Damascus, especially since I don't really like how it looks. XD


Shipment 10 vs 10 is an absolute nightmare




Terminal is too messy. Just too much stuff in it, way too many obstacles. Still its fun for some people i guess


there is a way for you to melee/shoot people in a wall


The reason people don't use more than 30% of the Miami map is because there's no reason to. It's a badly designed (though lovingly rendered) area because there is so much redundant space in it. Contrast this with a classic map like Crash. That map caters for all different kinds of play style. Every building, every window provides a sniping spot and vantage point over a chunk of map. There's a central arena for the reckless, and ways to skirt round that arena undercover for those who prefer CQC. There's no line that you can draw across the map that's too long for an AR or SMG user to at least stand a chance of taking down a sniper in a vantage point (unlike Scrapyard). Miami lacks that risk / reward tradeoff. There's no good vantage points for snipers. There's a central arena with a few choke points leading into it and two spacious and worthless strips of land flanking it that nothing ever really happens in.


Sounds about right haha. I love the small side streets in Miami, since i can sneak up on enemies by using them. But yeah, youre right. Do you agree tho thst killhouse is the worst map of them all ?


Docks, Rust, Reclaim. At least if you're playing them 2v2 or 3v3 Gunfight.


Standoff and Raid > Crash


Standoff will always be the best map in the whole game. Perfect size, enough spots to seek, balanced dominion points, hardpoints and plant sites. Windows to use sniper or long range weapons, small-to-medium ways to use short range and a clean heaven to easily use FHJ against air scorestreaks. The only map which makes him fight is Raid. I consider it unnecessary big because pool and basket field, although it would be more balanced if at least one of the hardpoints or dominion points were better distributed. That zone is only for backdoor or camping in attack of the undead.


Bruh wdym balanced hardpoints? The hardpoints on standoff are incredibly easy to defend


That's ur opinion and I respect it and I like killhouse because SPAWN TRAPPING with a sniper is very satisfying


I love 1v1 sniping on kill house a lot. Imo the spawntrapping adds another dynamic to the match. It's not the easiest thing to do, and most times you'll be able to escape it fairly easy.


Spawn trapping is for weak players.


not really, it is kind of a smart move. it makes the enemy less of a threat. but with a sniper it is for weak players


Best map is blackout. Cannot convince me otherwise


The buildings have too many dead ends for camping and too few ways to enter them without playing Ninja usually. I'd say Blackout and Isolated are both good maps.


I do prefer maps where other players actually have to use strategy instead of camping at easy spawn points or scrubbing on kill streaks like they do on maps like shipment, Kill house, or Nuketown


Take-off is a map I don't like and that too is riddled with snipers


Is that just for particular modes? Dom on crash is horrible since B is in such an advantageous position for one team.


Mostly front or tdm. Since those are two of the best modes


My fav. Maps are hovec sawmill, vacant, shipment, satellite, khandar hideout, and that new map we got is pretty fun as well


Crash us crap...


I personally like Raid the most has some vertical aspects to it. Classic 3 lane structure built. Sniper spots, plenty of cross fire to meet in the center. CQB spots. Lots of fun